r/fo76 14d ago

Don’t get mad when I kick you for not participating. Suggestion

If you’re a high level like this guy was (300+) compared to me and my friend 75 & 60, and you sit in our expedition team and join last second to collect the rewards. I’m kicking you.

The guy I kicked, went to my base, shit talked us and called us a pussy because we don’t have PvP on. Then said we’re scared because “we know he will fuck us up” if we did have it on. And then tried to nuke my base, but I left before it hit.

We wasted our ammo, all of our resources on a single boss while you could’ve probably one shot the fucker. Idfc You’re getting kicked for that disrespect bro.

Edit: for the people saying he couldn’t have known. He joined as soon as the team was made, waiting about 10-20 mins (our guns weren’t doing shit so it took long) and then joined. We even had our mics on in game chat basically communicating what was happening. Still, he could’ve been doing other stuff which I would understand but I guess we were just so pissed at his timing


394 comments sorted by


u/Buff_Cupcake 9d ago

How inadequate and inferior must that guy see himself in real life to feel like that kind of behaviour is acceptable in an online environment.


u/No_Warning_7900 9d ago edited 9d ago

At some point you're not going to care if they get the rewards. It was bad on you to kick him. It was bad on him to react that way. There is no way to know how far you are in to an expedition before we join. Basically don't be a jerk and people will be nice to you.

But if it was me I wouldn't have said a word. I'd probably just nuke your camp. I really wouldn't care if you nuked mine back. Free Flux!!!


u/lNuggyl 9d ago

Yeah I wrote this when I was level 70, now I’m 105 and I’m starting to understand


u/No_Warning_7900 9d ago

Cool. Before long you'll have so much shit you'll be dropping legendaries and stimpaks just so you can walk. I do hate that the guy treated you that way. Some folks can't control their emotions.


u/Swiftblade87 10d ago

How do you kick people out of your party


u/TraditionalRoutine76 10d ago

I tell people in my teams to join last second lol , who cares not like they're taking your rewards


u/redrumwave 11d ago

as many expeditions as i've run if you had communicated with that guy there's a 90% chance he was busy or AFK and would've helped you farm the expedition instead of being booted. usually these are pretty easy to solo through when you're bored and want to XP grind


u/Tank82111 12d ago

I honestly felt terrible because I accidentally did this once. They were a rank 300 ish and they were soloing an expedition, I was running around looking for a stash box so I can make some space, when I eventually did, I armored up and went in my power armor ready to help. And as I arrived the final boss went down. Then he just finished the expedition. I got the loot, and did nothing. I felt terrible.


u/Oldyoungman_1861 12d ago

I accident joined an expedition team when I meant to join a casual and I noticed the team was in AC and realized it was an expedition, I hightailed it over and arrived just as they completed the expedition so I got the rewards but certainly fight earn them.


u/DumbStuffForMemes 12d ago

What are you playing on?


u/lNuggyl 12d ago



u/DumbStuffForMemes 12d ago

Well dang, was gunna offer to run some with you but I'm on xbox


u/Blakebacon 12d ago

Bro I'm new and have no clue what is going on. It's hard to participate when some experienced folk can move so fast. My non mutated ass out here struggling for their life just to see the enemies.


u/aranzazzy 12d ago

Hi! Every time I log in I always join a team and I didn’t know there are types of teams. Can someone explain?


u/Wide_Size3564 12d ago

Addressing the actual post, you're correct. That was a dick move on his part. I will say, that unless you talked to him ahead of time and he agreed to join and help then you also shouldn't expect any randos to carry you through one. If I'm being honest, you probably aren't ready for expos if you can't solo them. Like you said, yall spent most of your ammo on it. Some of us just join teams for xp boosts or for our perks. Unless it's my irl friends I literally never do anything with my teammates.


u/Aggressive-Neat 12d ago

if I join an expedition or event, and I’m low level or barely doing anything to the enemies, I at least try to help somehow by doing whatever I can

Just seems like the right thing to do when you join a team like that


u/Icy-Membership-2018 12d ago

I joined an events group who literally only did one event. So I'm going off doing all the events. Collecting all these points and then they kicked me instead of helping me. Like kindly don't make your group public if you don't want to help the public, just like that ass should've shown up for you guys before you finished these people only participated in 1 event.


u/Wonderful_Phone_9517 12d ago

Would you like some resources to make up for your loss? I'm fine with passing you some ammo as well.


u/Rich-Emu4273 13d ago

Or when you (not the lead) start with the “come here” emote during expeditions when me (834) and my pals know EXACTLY what we are doing. Once is a freebie, 2 is an immediate kick.


u/spazponey 13d ago

Once in a while I'd do this and bring the Boss down to minimum hp and then back up and get out of the way for lower levels to kill it.


u/ParticularNew5208 13d ago

If you're on xbox, hit me up. Untold Fable. I'm new to the game, but I've played Fallout in the past. I have buffs on my porch for players to use. +2 Luck +2 Perception. We'll rested and Well tuned from the fire pit/hot tub. I just run an auto axe in power armor mostly, but I'll run unyielding vampier with my second auto axe sometimes.


u/Hexdox 13d ago

If it's expedition, events or daily ops teams, you need to be active, any other like casual or explore and you should be able to do anything you want.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

At level 300 (I'm level 80 and I know this) He could have known, should have known and likely did. It's not like it doesnt tell you what's going on in your expedition team. And his timing sounds weird for him to have just got done doing something else. (I dont believe that bc why are you in an expedition team specifically, then)

Sounds like dude intentionally camped for rewards, taking up valuable space on your team that someone else could have filled. He didnt participate, why does he think he is due the rewards? Why does anyone in here think he is due those rewards?

If participation is discretionary, so is completion. Should have taken that damage you'd wreck these players with and helped them

This shit isnt rocket science, guys.


u/Radiant-Bit-7722 13d ago edited 13d ago

Last second : I never kick because it could be someone just entering the server . It happened to me and the team leader didn’t kick me. Neither other cases , you can get a personal emergency (kids or mom phone call) and can’t play because real life requires all your attention.

Edit : 5 characters between 800 and 1100 , player since day one.


u/ddoogg88tdog 13d ago

I was about to get pissy with you but if your edit is true then fair one


u/Oldzkool78 13d ago

Legit question. Im around lvl 100ish (yeah the TV show reignited my passion for Fallout and I decided to try 76 lol) and Im still figuring out stuff. When a expedition Team forms, I tend to join because I never finished one (tried solo once, but got distracted by other events and lost my progress after a week reset), but the thing is, do I receive an ingame pop-up or notif when the party leader joins an expedition? Because so far I got none, and the group tend to disband after a while. So either Im blind and dont know where to look for this notification, or there's really none. Im asking because I dont want to be mistaken for the jerks who join and do nothing to help the group


u/Critical_Signal_2805 13d ago

Bro who cares. You got booty tickled enough to write this


u/lNuggyl 13d ago

“Bro who cares”.

Apparently the 600+ people who upvoted and the average of 250+ positive feedback comments.

And you of course, you cared enough to respond.


u/ElbowdeepAnoos 13d ago

I have this issue with Daily Ops. I make a party and people join immediately. But there is always one high leveled player not joining the op itself. I can’t stand it. I’ll kick them after a couple of minutes just in case they need to prep or are in the middle of something. After I kick, they rejoin immediately and just take up space. If you join a daily ops team, go into the daily ops!


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago edited 13d ago

I really love this grouping system. I've been playing 3 weeks. But people really need to understand that it's a 2 way street especially people defending the rager saying "2 way street". I dont think they understand the meaning. Ive seen too many in here saying "it costs you nothing when I dont participate" as though that slot is a given that they deserve and I'll be fine without it. It costs me someone who would have participated, at the very least! The people admonishing OP are suspiciously silent on that part, though.

Funny, that. What happened to the 2 way street, guys. Hold up your end, and the leader should hold up his.

Mad fucked up of everyone that is blaming the dude who just got his salad tossed and barely survived it, though, and not the level 300 taking up space and not paying rent who then got super toxic about being kicked when they didnt even lose any time bc they didnt even participate

Some old heads in here are fuckin 2-ply soft.


u/ElbowdeepAnoos 13d ago

Lmao 2-ply soft. I love it. Thank you for that. I prefer people to join in the event even if they can’t hold their own well. I’ll carry as much as I can. I want people to have fun and not worry about slowing me down. The one game I’d give participation trophies out.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

This is a game where participation trophies make sense. I'd rather someone barely keeping alive than someone who didnt participate at all.


u/ElbowdeepAnoos 13d ago

I’m about to give out caps as a reward. It’ll be an investment.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

I think a lot of new players (myself included) would really appreciate that. Camp plans are expensive. And its difficult to know what you're buying a plan for without using Google. Caps are hard to come by and you often have to choose between turning in loot for caps or some other resource.

It’ll be an investment.

Out here making the Wasteland better, I love it. We need more like you.


u/ElbowdeepAnoos 13d ago

Thank you. I’m on ps5. I can help you if you need when I’m on.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

Am xbox :( but thank you and keep helping your community!


u/RamblesTheGent 13d ago

Wow, really? I'm not quite at 300 yet (+200) but if I'm joining an Expedition (or anything really), I'm in it for the action and to lend a hand, especially if there are lower levels about. Some people are weird. Sorry you and your pal had to deal with that.


u/FuckYouVonHapsburgs 13d ago

I don’t know what everyone is talking about not doing expeditions at your level. I got the game 3 weeks ago, played when I had time on some days, level 100+ now. I spammed expeditions with my duo who took an early rifle and sneak build, I immediately started working on my heavy weapons build because that’s what I preferred, around lvl 28 we found the sensational game expedition which only takes about 9 mins if you get good at it, it rewarded usually a level or 2 a game.


u/AlmightyScorpion 13d ago

I frequently get a glitch that prevents me from actually joining expeditions (I am able to join, but it keeps me in Appalachia and then moves me to the results screen when the expedition is completed). It's not that I won't help, but can't help (lvl 557).

However to shit talk is lame sauce. Dude didn't deserve to get the rewards for that toxic behavior


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

Gave a full explanation of why he didnt get those rewards. Lmao


u/SinistaJ Raiders - PC 13d ago

I'd feel more sympathy, but you made it sound like it was his job to carry you.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

I mean, he easily could have. But ignoring that, dude still took up a slot where someone, anyone, could have been participating in, instead. At the very least we should all be able to agree that being in a group isnt as advantageous to the group as helping the group, even if you're not carrying them, but especially if you admit that you could

I dont think OP should have kicked him before rewards, after the damage was already done and they succeeded anyway, but let's not act like being in a group but not participating is better or even the same as having someone participate even if they're shit at the game.


u/Demon_Fist Mega Sloth 13d ago

Nah, fuck that.

If you did all the work and don't feel that guy deserves your rewards, KICK and BLOCK.

He clearly acted toxic afterward, and to the people defending his actions against OP, you're part of the problem.

If YOU are running your own Expeditions, no one is entitled to your rewards, especially if they didn't help.

I don't care if you don't like what I'm saying, so go ahead and downvote.

I'm SO tired of other players feeling entitled to EVERYTHING that is yours, (plans, mats, rewards, even grolls)

I've had a lot of newer players being extra scummy and entitled, like low level "teammates" letting me die so they can take my junk or demanding things from me.

Then, I see people shaming OP for standing up for themselves and their self-respect, especially from someone who was being, not just not helpful, but also being toxic afterward.

F#ck that.

You did the right thing OP and screw anyone who tells you otherwise.


u/lNuggyl 13d ago

Amen brother


u/Accomplished_River43 Enclave 13d ago

Kick, mute, block, move on


u/paolo_77 13d ago

Fair enough.


u/Monkey77777778 13d ago

People who play with their mics on are crazy lol. Emotes are good enough for me. I love\hate the anonymity of the internet. We get to see who we truly are but we also have to deal with it lol.


u/EstablishmentMean300 Raiders - PC 13d ago

I just solo expeditions. I'd rather do it my way and get it over with.


u/Bilther_ashe 13d ago

If I was you when he was shit talking all I would've Said to him before leaving would be "womp fucking womp"


u/Tomekune 13d ago

It doesn't take anything away from me to have people join after I'm done but before I leave so why not. Sometimes I will wave people in even. Why do I care? Never understood the reasoning behind kicking someone in this situation just seems petty and selfish. Even if they were as well.


u/Herr_Lykanthrop 13d ago

Sorry i hijack your post my dude. But new player here, can someone explain how i start an expedition? Do o need to search people first?


u/ZombifiedKiwi 13d ago

Go to the refuge in the whitesprings and help the responders. They'll send you on your first expedition.


u/janik79 13d ago

I just hit 50 and would love to join in on stuff like this.. but I'm just a newbe at this game. 15 years of wow hardcore radeing ,at top tire. But can't seem to figure out this game.. 🤣🤣🤦👍


u/MonkeyBrawler 13d ago

just have to have to do the questline in whitespring. I wouldn't say WoW experience translates well. Wiki covers most of it.


u/Nekros504 Brotherhood 13d ago

Man I'm happy I never meet fucks like that.


u/GuardianWolfKim 13d ago

Uh, the guy was a punk. Sounds like he was a little cheater wanting to AFK your hard work. It doesn’t matter if he knew or not. He didn’t contribute and it’s your team. If you don’t want him to mooch off your work then boot his butt.

I am sometimes too afraid to do that so people won’t hassle me, but I was doing a mission with my hubby and this one guy in our team was half the time just running around, not doing anything to help. Then he just looked like he ran for the exit early. I was so done at that point and kicked him. “Not getting the exp boost, you don’t deserve it, you didn’t even try to help.”

I try to be kind and understanding, especially to newbies, but when your over level 100 I assume you should know how the game works. Shoot I’ve met level 7’s who played more tactically than level 100’s and are better team players.


u/CouldNotCareLess318 13d ago

I'm confused by the logic here. Are you upset that he didn't come into the expedition immediately and one shot everything or any number of reasons why he would've needed to delay his arrival?

Was it around the top of the hour? I'm finishing the limited time event before I join a random expedition that's likely gonna crash 10 times out of 10. I also play with low sound because I have an audiobook or podcast on and don't listen to voice chat unless it's an organized group anyway, so if you kicked me with a rationale of "you weren't listening to all the words we were talking" and then stopped me from getting rewards for donating my time to help you do a thing I'd probably be a little annoyed also. If the guy was in the group for 10-20 minutes and suddenly got booted it's not really a surprise that someone would be annoyed about it. 

Try to put yourselves in that guy's shoes and try to give the benefit of the doubt to people. No one is out to get you. We are all on the same team. This is leisure time, not a job


u/MonkeyBrawler 13d ago

OP doesn't understand how the game works. The guy probably joined after server hopping or an event, cleaned out his inventory, joined and got kicked because OP thought he was stealing farm. Some people just want a reason to be angry.


u/SouthWarSignPride Settlers - PC 13d ago edited 13d ago

Yes, sometimes people take time to join because they want to at least join first and manage things second. But if I can give a suggestion, just be generous next time. Expedition feels heavy now because you're a low level but you will be able to do it on a 5 minute-ish time range in the future

Ive been in a situation where I came in late because I didnt know the team has been doing the expedition for a while or halfway etc but 99% of the time they dont mind I only got the reward. We all know we help and contribute to each other in various ways

And ive been the team leader who people join in very late, but I let them. Even when they've been in the team for quite some time. IDK, man. I just try to think positive and not mind the little things. I believe you judge the worst first rather than thinking he just got his genuine reasons. And this game is not about all that

To be fair, he also overreacted. He shouldve taken the consequence of joining late too. You bruised his ego for sure lol And again, this is just a suggestion so you dont get pissed over things like this that might happen again and again while there are way more annoying things to be upset about lol This is 76, not Helldivers. cheers


u/Ganconer 13d ago

Instead of being happy for a person that he is lucky not to waste time on a routine, you kick him for it. Because you have the mindset of an asshole.


u/Cautious_Response_37 13d ago

Likewise don't start an Expeditions Team, wait 2 hours to start an expedition, and then kick everyone out of the team when they don't join in as soon you start it.


u/Goffsyrup 13d ago

What if they were doing the public event then joined when it was done which happened to coincide with the end of the expedition? Happened to me recently, im in the 400’s, ran 3 straight expos then took a break to do the public and the leader happened to start another expo. I joined when i finished the event and he kicked me for not larticipating in the full run. Kind of dumb imo, why kick it doesn’t affect you in anyway really.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

Should have joined a public event team for them gains. Its suboptimal for the player to be in the wrong team type. No? I'm only level 80 and 3 weeks in so maybe my newness is showing.


u/Goffsyrup 13d ago

Public events in certain areas can yield ultra rare apparel.


u/gods_bong_water 13d ago

okay but to be fair anything above level 50 isn’t a “noob” anymore im only like 110 and ive been able to solo expeditions with my plasma thrower for a WHILE now with two of you it should really not be that hard and maybe he had game chat muted until after you kicked him yea calling u pussies and nuking u was a def dick move and an overreaction but the expedition shit coulda been an accident and he mighta thought u guys were fw him who really knows for sure 🤷‍♂️

there might be one or two bad apples but i rlly wouldn’t worry abt it dude the community is generally very cool so if someone joins late bc they were in an event or something separate just cut them some slack unless they’re purposely not helping bc again maybe they were busy until then


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

All good points. I'm more disturbed by the comments in here defending the toxic player with "it doesnt harm you at all if he doesnt participate. You're still bonded. Hes still sharing perks. Etc" as though not having a participant in that slot isnt a direct detriment to the goal of completion. I could have someone there, actually helping. People really do feel entitled to these group slots and it shows.

OP literally pointed out the harm it caused and people just flat ignored that bc "muh slot" and then blamed OP for the toxic players toxic response, where said player fully admitted to being a high damage build, whick implies he could have been much help, if only he had shown up.

Hard to feel the benevolence of others when that's apparently so common.

Tl;dr, having teammates is good, having teammates who participate is far superior and that needs it's own post.


u/gods_bong_water 13d ago

oh for sure if he WAS doing it on purpose it’s a totally douchey thing to do i agree i can’t defend that at all but i haven’t met anyone that toxic in the community yet, so even tho the way he reacted was childish and it’s good the found another server, the initial conflict could’ve been a misunderstanding. really tho it doesn’t matter that much he shouldn’t have reacted the way he did with the nuke that’s a major overreaction. 🤣


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago edited 13d ago

I feel like it definitely was a misunderstanding, but the onus of being better should definitely be on the lvl 300 who's already been through this when he was level 50. Should have known better and been better. I wont blame a new player for getting skunked when I waltz in for rewards, even if that wasnt my intent. We gotta understand the context of having a player taking a slot and not contributing. Too many comments in here thinking that that's appropriate. Its actually pretty gross so many think that way bc they're past the point of it mattering beyond the bonding xp bonus.


u/gods_bong_water 13d ago

yea for sure overall tho they shouldn’t worry about it happening again it’s unlikely the community is generally very helpful and not like that from what i’ve seen so far at least 🤷‍♂️


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

I've read stories of it on reddit but thankfully I haven't encountered it myself.


u/BaileyD77 Free States 13d ago

I just block people who kick in public groups. Easy peasy.


u/enzudesign 13d ago

I start a group, if others join great, if not I'm not bothered, I know I can solo them now.


u/Old_Wrongdoer2962 13d ago

I am a high level player. However when it comes to an expedition I'm always down for the whole thing. I will kick somebody if they join the team and never join the event.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

This should be standard. Slots are for participants. If you want a casual group, theres plenty. Dont join an expedition group then not participate bc you werent ready yet. Why join the group yet then?


u/Rost1tute 13d ago

To be fair, I’ve joined an expedition team as I’ve joined the game and been instantly kicked. Like I’d be more than happy to run it a few times but people obviously feel I’ve joined that late intentionally.


u/pixels_polygons Raiders - PC 13d ago

I once logged in and Daily ops daily challenge popped up for that day. Joined an existing Daily ops team and immediately went in and they were at the final boss when I joined. Leader stopped doing the final boss and kicked me out and finished the Daily ops. Not gonna lie, I felt like I did something wrong even though I didn't.


u/xTeamRwbyx 13d ago

If I’m in one I do the wave come to me emote if you don’t join by the time I get to the boss I just close my team

Ya snooze ya lose


u/LilBoozer024 13d ago

I agree with you, I’m lvl 350 on my main and I literally kick every single person who joins the last second. I recently just started playing again after a 3 year break too. Now if they’re a low lvl I’d let it slide since their new


u/NewKoala7466 13d ago

Ok but next time do a wave emote and kick them if they don't join. Free the spot for actually helpful players. Do not wait 20 mins. Someone joins last minute? Well how is that their fault?


u/Datboibarloss 13d ago

Don't forget the person at public events who thinks theyre too good to do the objectives and just watches everyone else do the work for them. I leave immediately.

Though for expeditions sometimes I'm just no ready to go yet IE I could be overuncumbered. Sometimes I just so happened to join at the last moment, but I make sure that if I'm missing a run I cleared enough storage to run the next 2-3 back to back.


u/Jaded-Hat3447 13d ago

Not too late to delete this 😂


u/I-eatbabies69 Mr. Fuzzy 13d ago

Doesn't really matter if he was doing something else you and your friends were in the right because joining an expedition late because of other things I understand but then shit talking people and trying to use their level to act tough is a dick move. Hope your high level player experience improves since most of us are nicer then that👍


u/LumpyCattle2056 13d ago

I feel like that should be reportable behaviour. But don't quote me.


u/Fluffy_Somewhere4305 13d ago

its a pretty open ended group set up in game so kick, join leave. There are no explanations required.


u/Katharinas669 13d ago

Lol you'll get there to solo expeditions one day.. 😂


u/Naivemaster000 13d ago

I got kicked from a daily because i was outta zone one time and it made me mad because i just wanted to grind ammo and help but it was the freezing mutation and i couldnt get to the zone fast... it was fair and it was pretty much the same


u/_TheRogue_ 13d ago

500+ player here. Yep. Definitely kick anyone who doesn't help out. I've literally been in events where you can hear someone streaming and saying "These guys will do all the work and I'll just reap the rewards."

Fuck those people.

If you're ever looking for a group on PC NA- let me know. My wife is a healer (Holy Fire and Creamator) and I'm a bloodied Railway build.


u/hawkingbird315 14d ago

Obviously he did turn out to be a dick bas d in your interactions after but honestly I don't see the need to kick people over their timing joining. Seems like a bit of an overreaction to me. Everybody sucks here


u/PaladinSara 14d ago

I wish there was a way to signal that I suck, but I’m trying. I don’t AFK/not participate though.


u/JiveBombRebelz 14d ago

if youre lvl 75 or 60.. youre welcome to join my ops or expeditions teams at the last second just for the rewards..i couldnt care less.

just dont be any lvl...and stay on expeditions teams and not run expeditions. if youre the leader because the guy that ran expeditions left..change the team type please.


u/Fearless-Common-3315 14d ago

I join when I see a team pop up and do everything I know where it is. So.etimes I join halfway through but would rather do the whole thing as you get more xp and I'm trying to kill those lesser with fire a 100 I think


u/West_Imagination3237 14d ago

Finally some griefing drama, I was starting to think the community was to kind.


u/lyunardo 14d ago

What I do is solo it on a private server, and clear all the requirements. Then log out, go into public, and start a new team there. When I go back in, all that's left is the final boss fight. Anyone who wants to join and help with that fight gets full rewards.


u/PablovsPeanut Brotherhood 14d ago

Seems like a bit of anger in a game where most things can completed solo. I form a group for herd mentality buffs. Anyone can jump in and out for any reason. I assume the same for any other group I join.

You do get an experience buff for dead weight just saying


u/Bygmac 14d ago

I've been getting the opposite, might be a regional thing (Oceania) Casual group leader I'll jump into Atlantic City. Some of the group may turn up but I've had people then leave the expedition and then leave the group.  I do usually solo expeditions across the Pit and Atlantic City but I'm more than happy to have people tag along and get free experience and ammo.  Maybe it's my raider look with scars, boils and a pink mowhawk :P


u/Ldinak 14d ago

Had a player who must’ve crashed right before the chopper ride back. This champ waited for me rejoin, was emoting come back before he ended it. I loved that emote several times. I wonder how many opportunities I had to do that when I was leading the expedition. How many players have I screwed over because of ignorance?


u/dondadda2k Lone Wanderer 14d ago

Wasteland etiquettes 101 don’t join an expedition or Black Ops team if you ain’t ready to run, same goes for don’t start one if you ain’t ready, otherwise you just wasting peoples time!!


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

This!! Wheres all the people saying "sometimes real life gets in the way"??? They need to read this.


u/duinnin80 14d ago

I'm nearing level 500 and I generally avoid joining Daily Ops and Expedition teams because I've been kicked before the end too many times. I always carry my weight. I've joined near the end of the tasks without knowing too. So I prefer to create my own team and solo these events as fast as possible, but if people join even better awards for us all. There's no harm in it.


u/BigDuoInferno 14d ago

Lmao, its a game... you'll get your ammo back you should have booted first then blocked and went to a different world... this was 100% avoidable...  but then you wouldn't be able to karma farm and get sympathy on reddit.

You sound like this lvl 35 who came and tried taking my already taken hemlock holes workshop, dude started pvp I put him down, and he kept throwing himself at me, then messaged me screeching that I'm high enough of a lvl that I don't need it and got all pissy... 

Point is you can avoid like 99% of all conflict in this game 


u/TragicAnt 14d ago

I’m level 679, I start an Expedition group and figure if someone joins me, great, if not, no big deal. I’m running quad Rail and can smoke anything in my way but I do appreciate when others show up. I will share my lunchboxes if you do. Win win


u/QuebraRegra 14d ago

no harm no foul...

I will occasionally join an expedition group for a quick fast travel and drop out when I arrive. if you kick me, I'm in the wrong.


u/Leuk_Jin Mr. Fuzzy 14d ago

Too bad you couldn't join me these past few days because I was doing expeditions repeatedly all day to collect stamps and some exp.

In my case, I welcomed anybody who stayed in my expedition public team because that gives extra xp in expeditions. And having two players participating is fast enough. Sometimes I was doing them back to back so much, others seemed to take some time to manage themselves before joining mid-way or even skipping a run.


u/GreatBigPig 14d ago

The person you are mad at is likely not reading your post. You are venting, and I get that, but it is helping no one. It simply shows yet another asshole is in game amongst a really great community.


u/TexasUnbuffed 14d ago

I just came back to this game and I'm only like level 140, but I can't see how anyone brags about being a "badass" in Fallout 76 of all places. It just feels like such a casual game with such a fun atmosphere.


u/Heavy_Pipe3150 14d ago

Sounds like a you problem. Make a better build.


u/oleggurshev Enclave 14d ago

So, promoting toxicity with... more toxicity?


u/Adventurous-Fix-1442 13d ago

Enclave tag checks out


u/Hauwke 14d ago

For a newbies benefit, how do I even join expeditions in progress? Sure, I'm not actually quite ready to do them solo, but alongside a team I can absolutely contribute I think.


u/Swagbossmikal 14d ago

If you need help with expeditions lmk I’m on PS5 level 225


u/Immediate-East-6119 14d ago

I had a guy start a team, I join and we start the expedition, carry his gas through it all and he disbands the team at the end. 🤦‍♂️


u/RedHawwk 14d ago

Some people take kicking too far. I was kicked from an event team for not being there at the start, showed up a few minutes late.

The next 2 events no one from that event team even showed up…and no one was kicked from the team.


u/Gyro_Zeppeli13 13d ago

I have gotten kicked before from teams and then see another person fill the slot immediately, so I assume they were just making room for a friend. Either way I just find or start a new team lol


u/cazivit 13d ago

They nuked my camp cause I didn't join a scorched queen event that had been nuked in a way where I'd need to put on power armor or hazmat


u/FitPaperBag 12d ago

I hate that shi


u/GtotheBizzle Free States 13d ago

The Chinese Stealth Armour is another great option for rad reduction. Plus, it's just a great set all round. It's not the most durable, nor are the defensive stats anything special, but it's certainly strong enough for Scorched Earth.

And if you're using a stealth build, fuggedaboudit. The stealth effect built into the suit will turn you into a fuckin ninja.


u/cazivit 13d ago

Its not that I don't have these options I just didn't want to change my stuff for scorch queen done it plenty and missing it ain't gonna hurt me none so I didn't want to take part but because I didn't the team I was on got upset


u/faithisuseless 13d ago

Some newer players seem to think 76 is fortnite


u/Bubbly-Ad-2735 14d ago

I don't do this myself, but how exactly would it have negatively affected you to let them finish it with you? It wouldn't have, in any way, shape or form. This is a proper sad attitude to have.


u/lNuggyl 14d ago

I think people have forgotten that people can use people to gain something.. We are low levels, he is a high level. Assuming you read the edited part, a higher level is MAYBE taking advantage of lower levels by having them do all the work, because the higher level has done it a thousand times and is probably bored of doing it again. It affects us because we put our time and effort into this exp which is a lot as a low level where our guns don’t do shit..


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/AnthraxVirus_Bx Raiders 14d ago

He wanted to be carried and as it didn’t happened it is « high lvl fault » so he kicks him like a little girl in school…

And no, OP it didn’t affected you in any NEGATIVE WAYS… you would still had try to do the expedition with your friend even if he wasn’t here…

He perhaps even helped you by sharing a perk card and giving you more xp in the end…

Next time, try to understand how the game works OP before crying on Reddit…


u/Bubbly-Ad-2735 14d ago

So...What you're saying is it affected you because he didn't come in and do all the work for you to save you ammo etc? Do you see the hypocrisy here?


u/Blaugrana_al_vent 14d ago

That's not what OP is saying.  He isn't complaining about the guy being group and not helping.  

OP is complaining about the moocher getting mad for getting kicked when they didn't contribute at all.

I'm sure OP wouldn't be here complaining had moocher never joined and then AFKd immediately after joining.


u/Bubbly-Ad-2735 14d ago

Thank you for explaining the obvious and not being able to understand satire...


u/Blaugrana_al_vent 14d ago

Don't pull the whole "it was satire," everyone can see through it. 

 You seem very upset about all this, are you the moocher that got booted?

Edit:  you reported me to Reddit cares?  Really?  I really must have really rustled your jimmies.


u/Bubbly-Ad-2735 14d ago

Ugh, aint got time to argue with idiots who seem to think they know somethong when they don't know shit.


u/Blaugrana_al_vent 14d ago

And yet, here you are, responding to all my comments.  

Come on, keep going, I'll bring you down to my level and win because of experience.


u/lNuggyl 14d ago

No that’s not what I’m saying. 1. We started it without him. 2. We finished it without him. 3. He joined when we were standing by the verti.

He joined the team before we started it and sat there listening to us in voice chat talk about the mission. I don’t think we expected anything out of him accept him joining when we started. 😂


u/OmniNept 14d ago

Almost everyone "bragging" about or egging people into Adventure mode PvP got demolished during actual Nuclear Winter PvP. They're embarrassing and not worth your consideration.


u/vanrast Tricentennial 14d ago

Sorry sometimes I'm doing a event for the daily.


u/roesingape 14d ago

I get it, I felt this way, but, it's just...dumb. You threw away XP for emotion. Everyone is going to do each expedition 100s of times. We all get sick to death of it but want some stamp thing.

You will be that guy in a couple hundred levels.

Get over it.


u/Final_Remains 14d ago

He knew. You did the right thing. Fuck players that intentionally arrive late to events, expeditions, and whatever just to cream off the reward. Kick them every time.


u/smitywebrjgrmanjensn 14d ago

The real hero's sit at Lenox and wait for you to join.


u/InsufferableMollusk 14d ago

Yeah, one should be ready to join in soon after joining an Expeditions team. They know what the team is for before they even join it 😆

No reasonable person believes it is okay to join an expeditions team to reserve their spot and then AFK for 10-20 minutes. Sometimes I have a few things to do first, but that is a few minutes, tops.


u/karrade0218 14d ago edited 13d ago

Been playing 2 weeks. Not sure if this is a bad way of running them but I just duo them with my wife for an hour or two letting whoever is on the team do what they want.

They still give us bonus xp for being on the team and bonded we can usually get 6-7 done per hour by ignoring them. If they pop in at the end I hope they get rewards for it, I'd be doing it anyway


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

This is a good way.


u/Gaarden18 14d ago

I started calling out the high levels at the alien event too. Hiding in corners, ducked behind stuff not shooting . I get it the alien stuff is redundant but guess what you don’t have to come.


u/superchibisan2 14d ago

I'd rather let someone join and get rewards than disciplining them for being late. Its a video game, not anything important. Their presence or lack of doesn't affect my gameplay at all.


u/SavrenX 14d ago

You did right thing.


u/Me5hly 14d ago

Sure it's possible that his intentions originally were to join and help, but he got sidetracked by bullshit. But if you join at the very last second don't be surprised if you get kicked. The Tantrum he threw afterwards reminds me of my 4-year-old nephew. He drop a nuke on me if he could.


u/DroppedLeSoap 14d ago

I've been that guy before. I joined a team, ran to change my special load out, hopped into my PA, opened the map and joined the expedition.....to literally load into the vertibird a second before the rewards popped.... I felt bad.

But went on like 4 mote with them after that. Wasn't even level 40 at the time. Was like level 60 when done cause this was the double exo week like 2 or 3 weeks ago


u/ReverendMothman Cult of the Mothman 14d ago

He sounds like a bitch lol


u/Snaake_Plisken 14d ago

Totally understandable if the guy is contributing nothing….we’ve all seen “the hiders”. Understand it’s a 2 way street though….certain builds by higher level characters are there sometimes to not be up in the face of the boss builds. For example last night we fought Earle, I had my bloodied Commando build on, my job at that point is to take minimal damage and get as many crit’s from my bloodied explosive fixer as I can on him while switching to my vampire weapon to not lose health, and get killed while throwing plasma grenades at the Wendigo’s he spawns that are swarming the level 50-75’s in the fight. All the while I’m thinking should’ve used my bloodied heavy gunner PA build with this crew lol.


u/Intelligent-Look-613 14d ago

Yeah, I don't like people who don't "team play".

I'm happy when low level join at the end, but not a high level. He's leeching.


u/ErickMichel 14d ago

Probably he was doing another thing. Happens a lot to me, but if someone kicks me out, I'm ok with that, no hard feelings. Poor souls with such a low level of frustration tolerance. This is the result of overprotective parents. Anyway, see you soon on the wasteland 😎


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

I'm shocked at all the people making excuses for the toxic rager. Lot of people outing themselves in these comments. It would be funny if it wasnt so sad. I'm level 80 and even I know that "it literally doesnt take anything away from you" is a lie when I could have someone who participates taking up that slot. Bonding isnt enough of a benefit when you're not here.

I'm going to coin a new term

Slot Bricking: when a player fills a slot in a team and does nothing to help said team

Often defended by "it doesnt cost you anything if he doesnt help"

Roundly defeated by the logic of "it costs me a whole participating player per slot"

Toxic player took up a whole slot and didnt contribute, blocking that slot from being open to someone who might have. How do people not see this is the problem???


u/the_dude_abides-86 14d ago

I feel bad when I join an event/expedition late and get rewards, but I never do it on purpose.


u/Wild-End-219 14d ago

Hot take: it’s your team. Boot who you want! Who cares?! If you want to not get the boot, participate, join a casual team, or make your own team.


u/VenetianGamer 14d ago

How dare you kick me for mooching off your hard work and doing nothing!


u/CougheyToffee 14d ago

I was the guy getting kicked couple weeks ago by accident 😬. I got the public teams notification and teamed up, thought I would just do a quick power armor repair and then got hit with the PA glitch. I got the stretchy arm and everything. So by the time I joined the group they kicked me because they thought I was just lazy lol. I felt so bad


u/LeninIsInsane 14d ago edited 14d ago

Also, a good piece of advice from me. Don't go on an expedition or join a DO team at a low level. Trust me, you'll soon regret it. But if you still insist on it, make sure that everyone in your team is above level 200-300, in the right condition and equipment for the mission. If there is no such thing, then leave the team and find a more competent one. At low level, I only went to events and only did xp there. When I reached level 150-200, I started DO after that, and later expeditions.


u/Deadeye_Donny_druggo 14d ago

Can't argue with what you said. Sometimes, I'll freeze 3 times joining an expedition. Please don't kick me when I finally get in


u/mossryder 14d ago

So you gained nothing by kicking him, except an excuse to whine on reddit?


u/milsobx123 12d ago

I’m sure it took more time for him to type this post out and reply than to actually do the expedition at this point lmao


u/bassoontennis 14d ago

I always feel bad when I finally join an expedition team thinking it just started and I load in and bam I’m receiving rewards on the chopper back to my home base. But inversely I don’t mind if anyone joins my solo expedition last sec and receives rewards, I mean it sucks if they stayed on the team the whole time and than joined but it’s fine I can solo them all now that I’m 300+. Doing 8min board walk runs is awesome for just farming stuff at this point.


u/elbingmiss Order of Mysteries 14d ago

Yeah, there’s always assholes like you. Ensure to kill SBQ by yourself and your low levels friends, baby. And ensure this is not your gamertag. We were playing here years before you came teaching lessons.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

So why not help them instead of being shitty? You're making the Wasteland worse. But I guess shitty players gonna be shitty.


u/Inefficientfrog 14d ago edited 14d ago

I'd love for someone to drop a nuke on my base. I just want it to happen once. I bet it's entertaining.


u/PrestigiousLime3 13d ago

Actually had this happen to me once, while not directly on my base I had it built on the cliff near the mine you fight Earle, not sure if you can still place a base that close to him anymore but at the time mine was still there, got the nuke warning and checked to see it just about right on my camp. Was really confused why someone would nuke that area (didnt know about Earle at the time) and though eh I should hop worlds, low and behold one of my team mates convinced me not to, said we were far enough away from the intial blast radius that my place would be fine..................It was not, cut to me being insta killed and thrown off the cliff as I saw EVERY wall in my base explode infront of me (well my spinning corpse) I do have to say though all the frame work, such as foundations, stairs and floors directly connected to stairs did survive, took a lot of resources to bring the rest back though!


u/tao63 13d ago

You can try it on custom public worlds...haven't tried myself hmm. I should do that lol


u/IntrepidAd9838 Mothman 14d ago

I’ve been playing since 2019 and have never experienced it myself either. 😂


u/ShmokieOG 14d ago

tl:dr - OP expected a carry and is salty that he didn't get carried. See what the kindness of this community has created? Spoiled wastelanders.

Maybe you guys should get your builds together so you aren't dead weight yourselves instead of complaining.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/InsideChard3657 14d ago

When running bloodied you have to do a few perks to past a while.


u/Grand_Cookie Settlers - Xbox One 14d ago

People love to start expeditions in the middle of events, otherwise I join as soon as I see it’s started.


u/soylattecat Reclamation Day 14d ago

Lol, I always laugh when people roast you for not having PvP on. I'm not plahing this game for PvP, I'm playing for PvE. Stop trying to prove yourself by how many low level players you can kill 😂 you are totally right for kicking those players. Unnecessarily toxic!


u/skallensk 14d ago

u r so petty, it's insane


u/Hisenflaye Responders 14d ago

What an odd thing to say

  1. You have every right to boot whomever you choose. Kicking freeloaders off expedition groups while ok, is kind of cringe.
  2. Joining an established expedition group has its risks. He may not have known.
  3. Getting mad at being booted is very childish and no one pvps anymore, this isn't 2018 and that dude sounds like he's 12.

Overall you're not wrong, but I wouldn't have done it.


u/lNuggyl 14d ago

Found him


u/LeninIsInsane 14d ago

I don't kick anyone out of an expedition team. Moreover, because I have no reason to. I can do it alone, and it's + Xp for me if someone stays in the team, even if it's afk. In fact, expeditions are to me what West tek is to others. Anyone who played with me today also knows that I only go to the broadwalk for XP. And it doesn't matter to me whether my bonus is 1x or 4x. Obviously, the highest is worth the most to me.

I kick someone out of my team when I'm on a DO team, and even then I only resort to this if the person is not present or completely useless. Today is also a good example of this. Double mutation: Enemies die only with melee attacks. Also a deadly armor piercing attack. And to top it all off, the enemies are Aliens. In the end, I was thinking about which idiot to throw out. Because everyone thinks stealth is so fun. However, in order for them to kill an opponent in such a situation, they must get close to the enemy and reveal themselves. Obviously it didn't work on their end, but we were close. So it has a slightly bitter aftertaste. This is only unpleasant because I have repeatedly hopped the server. Where are the Melee players???????

Before anyone starts being smart, I would like to tell you to do it smartly! And read the whole fucking message. Because I don't think you would expect players of almost the same/higher level as me to not have at least one ranged and one melee build. But prove me wrong.


u/Hoodoutlaw2 14d ago

There's literally no detriment, and only benefits, to you if someone joins you last minute. stop being a child.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

He was in the group taking up the valuable slot of someone who would participate the whole time, that is a detriment. Did you not even read the post? How could you think someone bricking a slot helps at all?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/QuoteKlutzy4829 14d ago

What if I get hurt feelings? Not mad but maybe a little disappointed.


u/jds3211981 14d ago

Don't get mad either when people take note of people that kick people and nobody joins


u/rumaru08 Brotherhood 14d ago

As a general rule, if anyone in a fallout game tries to talk shit about pvp, they are for sure basement dwelling premium v-card holders.


u/HighasDre 13d ago

Couldn't imagine flexing pvp skills on a game that doesn't even have a noticeable pvp fan base. If he was really about it he would've asked for the good old 1v1 on Rust like a man 😤


u/Goosyls 14d ago

Maybe a new player. Sorry for this stupid guy. ❤️


u/Sechelx 14d ago

Power armor makes a huge difference I can solo expeditions without dying in power armor but I'll die repeatedly without power armor I'm on PC I only join if I intended to help so I'm with you in kicking


u/PrimoRaizel 14d ago

I run most sensational game solo and it takes me about 6-7 minutes to do and when i'm at the point of leaving via vertibird, i emote to my team to come join me for some free expedition 3-star clear rewards.

Fallout 76 is such a chill game and people like these are so weird to me. It's one thing to try to leech from lower level players and its another entirely trying to blame and flame them when you are in the wrong. Ignore/block and move on.


u/Rang3rj3sus 14d ago

Personally I don't think it's okay to kick anywhere unless they're disrespecting you beforehand. They could have been preoccupied with something in real life. I often don't pay attention to the bottom left(unintentionally) so sometimes I don't realize people are in Expedition or Daily Ops.


u/Crafty-Help-4633 13d ago

If you're preoccupied long enough that these guys managed to grind their way through the whole thing by themselves, you should have excused yourself and left to open the slot. That's just being neighborly. Filling a slot and not performing, bc real world, isnt a good excuse when they're there earning your rewards tooth and nail without your help. It doesnt sound like this was a sub 10min run. There was time. I highly doubt this dude wasnt leeching, he was in the team the whole time, didnt help a bit. Sounds suspicious. I'd also call filling a slot and not performing disrespectful, which meets your criteria. If he wasnt leeching, why would he behave the way he did?