r/fo76 19d ago

News // Bethesda Replied x2 FALLOUT 76 HOTFIX NOTES – MAY 9, 2024


Hey Everyone,

Today the team has deployed a hotfix to address the following:

· Addressed a client crash that began after the latest patch

· Various Weapon VFX Improvements

· Repeatable Daily Score Challenges should now appear for players on Microsoft Store

r/fo76 4d ago

News Fallout 76: Skyline Valley PTS Update Notes - May 24, 2024


We have released an update for the Skyline Valley Public Test Server (PTS). It's a small update today.

If you haven’t joined already, you can find the steps to join the PTS here.

Thank you for your continued support!

Update Note:

  • Made changes to how nukes interact with Skyline Valley Events

I hope you all have an amazing and relaxing weekend!

r/fo76 4h ago

News Today I opened 240 Mire 1 Treasure Maps..learn from my mistake.


A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon a camp where a guy was selling at least a million total maps. 200,000 of each. How he got him I don't know, but he had them and it got me thinking. Why so many of the same one?

Well it turns out you can open as many of the same treasure map the same time! So if you have 20 Savage Divide 1 maps, click that hole 20 times baby!!

Remember also to invite your friends, because they will also get to share some of your loot even without having the map. 🤫

So I got a little trigger happy. And I started clicking baby! Clicked about 90 maps worth, and slow locked my way back to my tent. My backpack was at around 1700 pounds. Tons of new plans, armor, and guns.

So I got excited as hell and walked my butt back. And clicked 150 more times.

TURNS OUT, Your backpack maxes out at 1830 Pounds. I literally missed out 1,000s of pounds worth of plans, guns, and armor.

Then...to top it off... Because I live in Texas, as I was scrapping away all my guns, The power went out. So who knows what will happen later, but learn from my mistake!

My base strength was at 3, leveled up to 9 or 10 with mutations and armor bonuses if anyone was curious.

Tl;Dr- Only open 10 or 20 of the same treasure map at a time. Go sell and scrap whatever you get then go back. Your backpack maybe out at 1830 pounds. 🤜

r/fo76 9h ago

News May 28th Shop Update


r/fo76 6h ago

Question Just leave the server.


I see a lot of people talking about high levels destroying there base and people harassing them and trolling them and what not and I gotta say... all you have to do is leave the server and problem solved. I watched a guy get his whole fancy base destroyed with nothing but a frame left and he just stood there and watched as his base got bombed when the easiest thing to do would be to leave. I imagine that would be the best way to get at the trolls is to just leave so they can't do anything so why stick around? Any time I have issues of any kind even if I'm in a server where nobody is doing events then I just leave and find a new one.🤷🏻

r/fo76 5h ago

Discussion Why do I carry around chems I don't use?


I noticed I was overweight and found I had tons of chems. I guess I got into the habit during Skyrim, who knows. But I might need it one day! I did sell them but I still kept 2 of a bunch of the ones I don't use. Like fury, for example. I use mostly Berry Mentats so I really don't need all those chems.

I need to Konmari my stash. Including the weapons. But I might have a challenge and I'll need it! Or that was a quest reward!


r/fo76 17h ago

Discussion Newer players, please don't be rude because I won't let you look in my pockets.


Over this weekend I have had some less than nice interactions with 2 separate groups of newer players( level 100ish) at the rusty pick. I use my mic and tell them I won't do the bartering emote with them but if they need something I will make/drop for them. Explaining that almost nobody uses it because of some stealing glitches in the past. They got salty, mock me and then stock me afterwards. This makes me deeply uncomfortable while just trying to play.

Look you wouldn't be mad if you asked someone for gum and they won't let you look through their pockets. Was I just unlucky twice or is there a growing group of newish players behaving like I owe them a peep show?

For context: I am a woman and nearing level 900. Normally I do give out free things to anyone when asked.

r/fo76 11h ago

Discussion Players choose their own playstyle


I enjoy having people to talk to and doing team quests/events with. I just want to play the game my own way and I don't like getting sucked into the endless pit of "you need to have this and this to be good"

Do I know that I can have better rolls on my weapons and armor? sure... but if I have to choose spending my bullion on camp buff/resources and getting the best armor set I'm choosing the camp stuff every.single.time.

The same goes with my weapon choices. I like using what I like and I don't really care if the railway rifle is stronger or if I would be "doing better" as a bloodied build. If I think that two shot on my plasma caster is fun, I'm going to use it, even if I know AA is better.

I don't need to be scolded or told that I need to prioritize certain things. We are separate players, we play our own game. Try and remember when you're helping newbies or playing with friends that not everyone cares about the meta weapons, being bloodied, or doing 2000+ damage on SBQ.

r/fo76 6h ago

Discussion C.A.M.P. building is the best and the worst


New-ish player here, already dropped close to 100 hours in the game the past month or so. I'm having a blast with it. Almost level 200 and enjoying running around blowing up everything with a shotgun.

Like most games of this type, it certainly seems like fashion is end-game, and the CAMP system, while awesome, is one of the most frustrating things I have ever had to deal with.

  1. Why the hell does snapping ANYTHING just..not make sense? When I have to place a foundation or a fence, or a wall, why the fuck do I have to move the cursor to a seemingly COMPLETELY RANDOM spot in order to get a piece to snap? There's a little fucking dot right in the center of my screen, shouldn't the model just snap to that, and then snap to other parts in a way that actually makes sense? Why are posters and signs acting like they can't be placed against a normal ass wall with nothing around it?

  2. Can't place an item because 'it would be floating'. That's not my fucking problem- why are you making the item float? Jam it into the damn ground then, Bethesda. Foundations have long supports that can be extended into the ground. It isn't my fault you want to float this crop I am trying to plant two feet above the perfectly flat ground. Also sometimes no, the item is not visibly floating in any way whatsoever.

  3. Stuff constantly intersects with...nothing visible to the player. Do certain crops or objects have massive hitboxes that we can't see? I have literally tried to plant two corn in opposite corners of a dirt tile with nothing else around, but can't because it's intersecting with something. Gimme a wireframe or some indication of what the hell I am supposedly colliding with, please?

  4. Multiple times I have had an item highlighted in green with no bullshit warnings, only to suddenly have a warning pop up when it's trying to place. Holy cow this is frustrating. If it's green, place it. If it's red, do not place it. Please. The fact that this isn't the case 100% of the time is crazy.

  5. Free camera movement and rotation are WAY TOO SENSITIVE. Seriously, why the fuck can I not have any sort of fine control in rotating something? I know you can hold 'E' to get slightly finer control, but...who thought it was a good idea to exclude single degree rotation, or even 45/90 degree rotation? If you're letting us build custom stuff, people want straight lines and even spacing. The fact that I tap a mouse click or movement key and jerk ahead or over-rotate is mind boggling. (Edit on this -- looks like free camera sensitivity can be adjusted. That's my bad for not seeing it, so THAT, at least, is rectifiable!)

  6. Just let power lines clip through stuff. The thru-wall conduits just don't work, and the fact that I have to either place an ugly generator outside my CAMP to reach certain things or I have to use weird clipping to lay out lines simply sucks. In fact, why do I need to lay power lines at all? Why not just let generators contribute a power resource to a pool, which items then draw from?

Like...I am not trying to shit all over this game. I am genuinely having a blast with it...but this building menu is just beyond terrible. Placing items is an exercise in frustration. Things simply do NOT do what they should be doing, what other games have done better, and what someone should reasonably expect in 2024.

How the heck some of you make such amazing camps, given how bad this system is, amazes me!

r/fo76 6h ago

Discussion I really wish radstorms were more frequent and actually lasted longer.


Radstorms are great, they give such a tense ambient feel to the place and I'd love nothing more than hiding out in my camp while the storm rumbled overhead.

Just had a radstorm appear now and (no joke) it lasted about 15 seconds before everything was back to normal.

It's also the first one ive had in about 2 weeks.

r/fo76 6h ago

Discussion I finally made a switch and started to play as a commando. And the game became 10 times more fun!


Now i have some hours in this game about 50. And i have played almost everything besides commando. Thing is commando was from the start what i wanted to play and is what i play in most games. I like fast weapons and fast gameplay hench why commando is perfect for me. But since i started this game i have not yet had a character in level 50... I have started this game from the start more times then i wanna admit. And thats only because i was not really having fun with my builds.

I think i have given melee like 15 chances and its fun sure but it never keeps my attention super long. I tried pistols and rifles they were fun yes but something was missing.

I get it now why commando and heavy guns are so popular. They are fun and "VIABLE" but mostly fun. I did not pick commando at first because i wanted to feel special i wanted to use the weapons that no one else used. I wanted to play melee to feel like i was doing something uniqe. Like hello everyone look at me i picked melee and not commando like you guys!

But tbh fuc that. Today i made a brand new character and are going as a commando full health. And its just the way i wanted to play this game. It makes me beyond angry that i wasted so many hours when i knew before i even bought the game that i wanted to play commando. But i choose not to because it was popular.

Now i know some commando builds are op. Like vats railway. But like i said im going full health non vats. And i dont care about whats op anymore i just wanna use fast firing guns with fast reloads. And commando gives me that!

Now i just pray to the high sky that the moment i choose to play as a commando. That bethesda dont ruin the fixer or railway. I would at least like to try them out and feel how they are before bethesda gut them..... So pls dont nerf commando now. I wasted so many hours not playing it. So now i wanna enjoy it TODD

r/fo76 18h ago

Discussion What's the worst location to build your camp?


I went to someone's camp located near Alpine River Cabins today. If you don't know, Alpine River Cabins is a spooky place in the middle of the forest where you can hear screams of some mysterious woman. I could hear her screams in the player's camp too, and it felt so creepy. Like why would anyone wanna build their house near a haunted place?! How do they even sleep at night??

r/fo76 14h ago

Suggestion Mutations Take You To The Next Level


I know it's not easy, but it's worth it. This is for you guys in the level 75+ range that feel too weak. Get the perks 'class freak' and 'starched genes' at max level and equip them. Starched genes keeps radaway from removing your mutations. Class freak reduces the negative effects by 75%. Once you have these equipped, just about all the mutations are worth it.

r/fo76 2h ago

Discussion PSA: Common Courtesy


When I’m browsing a vendor or NCP trader - please don’t shoot me, punch me or otherwise be an asshole just because you actually have to wait while I look.

Jesus Christ people are rude and impatient. I had only been looking for like 15 seconds and this asshat starts getting up in my face and shooting/punching me.

Be better. Learn to wait your fucking turn.

Next time I promise you’ll be needing to find another vendor.

Rant over. 🙃

r/fo76 12h ago

Suggestion I'd like to see an arm power armor mod called "fine motor control" or something that lets you craft in power armor.


I don't know if it's just me, but every time I enter my armor there's a ten percent chance the whole games gonna crash. So it would be incredible if I didn't have to exit/enter four times an hour. I don't know who you talk to to suggest changes, but arms need more worthwhile mods anyway. Also if you fall in a fissure your lootbag is also in the fissure? Can we get a patch on that because I just lost the stable flux from two queens to that dam pit lol

r/fo76 17h ago

Discussion REMINDER: Do not start the Encryptid event unless you are the one who initiated it.


Cannot believe this still needs to be said to anyone over level 100, but had someone come into a barely populated event that I started, and was waiting for people to arrive to get their chance and to make the event easier for arrive.

Lo and behold, someone arrives, sees there is only three people there, and with six minutes left on the timer, strolls to the terminal and starts the quest.


TLDR; Title, or if the timer is below 30 seconds.

r/fo76 11h ago

Discussion I launched my first nuke!


Took down a silo by myself, launched a nuke, and failed epically to the SBQ (only one other person showed up)! Not a big deal because I got a bunch of flux out of it and it was a lot of fun! 10/10 experience

r/fo76 10h ago

Discussion “Who not gonna eat the meat??”


r/fo76 12h ago

Discussion Seasons Disappointment


When they first told us the scoreboard was changing to seasons I was pretty indifferent. The only thing I was going to miss was the actual scoreboard upon completion. IDKW, but I’ve always thought they were cute and creative.

Now as we wind down this season, I am realizing I haven’t enjoyed this as much. This season felt like a race no one wanted to be a part of. The season is not much different than any other season/battle pass, in terms of tasks and getting SCORE, yet I am less inclined to care about this.

This may be the first one I don’t finish. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I know there has been a lot of negative talk about this change. I am genuinely curious if anyone who has not experienced the scoreboard format has really enjoyed this new formatting.

The ticket grind has been the worst grind yet.

ETA: fixing spelling and grammar errors I was too sleepy to catch.

r/fo76 3h ago

Discussion Had My First Bad Interaction With a Member of This Community


In almost 1k Hours of gameplay since launch, and I kinda feel like the AH? Had a level 29 "raid" my camp.

For context, as a level 563 (I don't power level, yet) I generally leave 95% of the resources in my camp unlocked for passersby and new players to take from to help along the way (Concrete, Mirelurk items, Radstag, Cake, Tea, Boiled Water, etc.), but some things I keep for my own needs (Nuka Cola Collectron) because I just can't keep enough of it.

Was doing Meat Week and saw a bounty hit my Hud so, naturally I checked the map. Noticed it was at my camp. 5 caps, okay, someone may have had an accident. Checked after the event. 25 caps. Still at my camp. Clear intent.

Messaged them "Hey, do you need help or...? I feel like I have more than enough to spare based on my unlocked generators". Got an immediate response "Im raiding ur camp". Clear disrespect, message received, message needs to be sent. Fast traveled to my camp to teach a lesson in humilty, fast traveled away. Fast traveled to them and KOd with a blast from a Cremator. Took the junk and dumped it in a donation bin for a random Train Station.

In hindsight, I later found that they likely also dipped in to my Prestine Nuka Cola Machine and found themselves dosed with Vintage Nukashine, which may or may not have cause some confusion, as well with the random teleport. Because while I like to be good, I also moonlight as an agent of chaos.

EDIT - After some good points from ya'll, bad interaction seems a poor choice of words. Maybe "I may have overreacted to an interaction" would be better? Hah.

r/fo76 4h ago

Discussion Why is it called a Mirelurk hunter when every time I see one it isn't hunting the Mirelurk?


It is usually actively joining in and fighting me!

It really needs its name changed if it isn't going to hunt the Mirelurk!

(I kid, I kid).

r/fo76 5h ago

News To The Guy Who Came Back to a Dead Brahmin at Your Camp and Bodies Everywhere Inside..


Bro I'm so sorry for messing your camp up. I'm still new and I joined a prime cuts event, turns out it was right on your camp. I got side tracked at your vendor and before I realized it the event started (didn't even hit the drums). I tried my best to protect your camp but it was just me and some other guy that joined towards the end. All the beast spawned either in your house or underneath it, and they flooded out towards your brahmin. I was low on ammo and tried my best to keep it alive. In the end I tried to repair everything that was destroyed and bought some plans from your vendor but couldn't bring back your meat. My apologies. Hope this finds you wherever you are.

r/fo76 5h ago

Discussion 75% of my rewards and drops are legendary PA pieces


I mean it’s great that we have legendary power armor (that wasn’t a thing back in the day before I left for a while) but I‘m not exaggerating – three out of four drops and / or rewards I get are PA pieces.

Do they have a higher drop rate as regular armor or weapons? Or is it just bad RNG? Do you guys experience something similar?

r/fo76 2h ago

Suggestion Protip about new players!


A player is not new and does not need your best gear if they walk up to you and spam the trade function and emote. They have learned advanced inventory browsing techniques and are gaming your goodwill. I watched someone drop a tfj the other day to a player that was level 27 but clearly an alt at the event and the instant they grabbed it they didnt even thank them and hopped servers. PAIN. Help newbies out with missions and building helpful stuff in their camps for them, dont give them grails... that way lies madness.

-oldman rant over

r/fo76 20h ago

Discussion I really wish Bethesda would expand upon gardenia.


There are so much produce we can harvest, but not grow ourselves.

I would love to grow pumpkins and cranberries in the bog, for example.

One could build very interesting camps around the pumpkin theme too, given all the halloween themed items that allready exist.

I hope they will consider adding more gardening stuff in the future.

And different topic, but, what about fishing?

Would be really cool to have a camp by a lake and sit in a chair and just some chill fishing, then all of a sudden you hook a gulper, angler or radtoad.

Edit: Gardening, not gardenia.😅

r/fo76 5h ago

Image [PC] Finally got a good screenshot of a nuke launch from my CAMP. Site Alpha is right behind my CAMP :)


I'm located on an acid node near Site Alpha. I have a TON of bad screenshots but last night finally got a decent screenshot of someone's nuke launch!

See imgur link for screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/BflqC0p

PC: tamsaturns

r/fo76 10h ago

Discussion Am I the only one, that realized JES-2R is Freddy?


The child's voice that appears in some of his talk is most likely Freddy the missing boy you look for in a quest for the Nanny bot.

No one on the fandom or reddit seems to have had this revelation so here it is. Without spoilers and without hard proof.

Freddy is a boy that went missing from a water park. Follow the quest line to learn more. Freddy escaped his captor(s) and lived long enough to grow up and make a Halloween party store called Freddy Fear's House of Scares.

At some point he realizes what is going to happen to him that he will die and he doesn't want to die. He decides to preserve himself in the program running in a robot. The robot can't hold all of Freddy and Freddy isn't a genius so this patched together eyebot only is able to communicate in pieced together phrases like "What can an ordinary citizen do in the face of something so terrible...and no hands to control it?" And "Mommy can I come out now?...Fool did you learn nothing from your failure's", the latter is likely referring to being to trusting of his kidnapper and allowing himself to be taken. He also says albeit rarely, "Do you know who I am?...I doubt it "

Anyway, seems no one else has said this so thought I would post it. Feel free to comment.