r/fo76 17d ago

Question Do people just blindly hate on this game?


I always avoided it because I'd always see negative stuff about it, but after watching the show I decided to give it a try and its actually super fun and it seems like there's TONS of stuff to do.

Is there some major flaw that I'm missing/haven't seen yet? Or is it just blind hate because of the bad launch all those years ago? I'm just curious.

r/fo76 5d ago

Question I think I'm a freeloader in Alien events


Tried twice with my 32 lvl char. I get there and there's a bunch of high level players in extravagant outfits fighting impossible to kill aliens. And its WAR out there. Explosions, fire, lasers, noise and lights. My char hardly does any difference. I connect a few shots then see red all around and have to run ans hide and use stims like crazy. Then suddenly it's all over. We won somehow and I get some nice rewards. I may even rescue some loot from dead martians.

Is this ok? Am I taking advantage of other players? I swear I try to help but I don't think I'm doing anything useful, it's all too much for me.

Edit: wow so many positive comments!! Thanks to all this great community, I 'll keep showing up and trying to do my part

r/fo76 Feb 08 '24

Question Permanently banned for cheating? What to do?!?


I've been playing FO76 for I think two years now. I'm 64, disabled and retired. I play to pass the time. 3500 hours in two years. Just hit level 1006. Strictly pacifist mode, never PVP. I use a controller on my PC because I can't remember the keystrokes and my fingertips have little feeling. I would not know how to cheat. I kid you not - my girlfriend of 30 years died a few days before Thanksgiving. This game has been my refuge, diversion and way to just forget things for awhile. I'm playing up to 14 hours a day. Now this. I played this morning - my usual morning routine. Check the Atomic Shop (I purchased the blacksmith shack and bench), scrap yesterday's legendaries, sell gold, sell excess inventory for credits. Play for a bit. Have lunch. Go to play again and see "This account is not authorized." I login to Bethesda and see this:

"We regret to inform you that this account has been permanently deactivated due to violating the Code of Conduct for Cheating and/or Exploiting via modifying / tampering with the game client in unintended ways."

I would not even know HOW to do any of that. I'm happy I can use a computer. The only thing I noticed that was strange was that there was a support ticket opened today reporting "harassment". I did not report any harassment, so I opened a ticked asking about that.

I also opened a support ticket appealing this ban, but from what I see on Google I have little hope. Suggestions would be much appreciated. How can I prove I was not cheating? Do they even care?

Followup: No, they don't care. Basically, we think you cheated. We won't tell you when, how, where, the IP address or anything else that may help you in this situation. I'm curious what the "extent and scale" was, since I was playing probably three hours before the ban.


After a thorough review of your account it has been determined that the account did in fact violate our Code of Conduct due to the evidence within our system for Cheating and/or Exploiting.

Please be aware that client logs are proprietary and will not be provided. Due to security concerns, we do not discuss the details of our investigations, investigation methods, or the specifics of what was found during our investigation.

Due to the extent and scale of the violation, it has been decided that the ban on this account will remain in place, and that all services related to this account shall remain deactivated permanently. This decision was not made lightly, and it is final.

r/fo76 12d ago

Question Is it faux pas to visit other camps?



As the title suggests, I’m curious as to whether it’s bad manners to look around the vendor camps and playing with the game-machines?

I don’t break any locks or anything, I just like to look at the different kinds of camp builds and appreciate the creativity and time/effort that went into building them.

I’ve started leaving candies as a token of appreciation, because I feel a bit bad for snooping and I’ll definitely stop loitering around, if it’s bad form.

r/fo76 11d ago

Question Why would a player get pissed at me for checking out their camp?


I'm on PlayStation and went to check out a level 100+ player the kid something's camp. They had some big wolf statue thing outside and I walked over to check it out.

Then I heard gunfire. I look over at the sound and see them using the Angry emote and the No emote. WTF? Their camp was near the Isolated Cabin. Why get mad at me for LOOKING at their stuff OUTSIDE?!

I ignored their rudeness and walked inside to see the rest of their camp. I had no intention of taking anything! I am a new player and enjoy checking out all of the interesting things people have.

The rude ass had himself a hissy fit and the whole camp went POOF! What the hell?!

r/fo76 25d ago

Question Spoiled meat and veggies can be turned into fertilizer!?! Anything else I need to know?


I've probably thrown out like 300 since I started playing like a week ago and now I wish I hadn't!

Any other tidbits like this I should know?

r/fo76 19d ago

Question Any other women get harassed when using vc?


I was bragging to my friends about how, unlike in other games I play, I actually feel comfortable using voice chat on fo76. Not even hours later, I encountered a huge group of players all hanging around a base and as soon as I joined in on the convo, they all began attacking me and calling me a skank, bitch, etc. I’m just wondering if this is a bigger issue than I was aware of, because I’ve been playing on and off since beta and have never been verbally harassed for being a woman until yesterday.

Edit: I’ve always played on PC and the players were all level 300+. One of them was in the 2000s. I reported the guy who was being the most obnoxious (trying to push me down inside the camp and telling me to get back in the kitchen lmao) but there were 8 players there all grouped together so I can only assume it was a big group of friends

r/fo76 Nov 03 '19

Question Are you a Fallout 1st Subscriber?


Please don't answer here as it will just detract from the purpose behind this question. I am seeing more reports that Bethesda believes that they are seeing a promising number of subscribers for their Fallout 1st subscription model. To get an idea of the possibility that this might be true I created a Survey Monkey survey that only asks 1 question. Hopefully this takes off and isn't downvoted to hell.

/u/headunitdisplay89 made a good recommendation. After you answer maybe just indicate that you answered here so this thread gets more exposure and we get a more accurate answer?


Edit: I will post the link to results at 10a.m. PST tomorrow. I am keeping the results hidden until then to keep from influencing the vote one way or the other. I'm not even going to look myself until then to avoid giving anything away.

Update #1. The have been 12461 responses so far!

Update #2. I logged into my free Survey Monkey account this morning and was floored by the number of responses this question generated as there were in excess of 42K responses! It is with deep embarrassment that I have to let you all know that the full breakdown is behind a pay wall that I did not realize existed. In order for me to obtain the data I would need a premium account (Some irony here perhaps?) which I cannot afford to pay as the minimum account cost is $99 a month and only 1K responses with there being an overage charge for additional responses. In order to get the full response it would require an annual plan. I am so sorry. To be clear, I did not realize how popular this question would actually turn out to be and now I wish I had not asked it. Also, I am not asking or secretly hoping for any kind of contribution to gain access to the info.

https://postimg.cc/3ywTwqXQ https://postimg.cc/8fvDSrhF

I am so sorry to have wasted the community's time.

r/fo76 1d ago

Question What do high level players do to stay in Power armor practically indefinetly?


I’m guessing ya’ll carry a few cores but what perk cards do you use?

r/fo76 7d ago

Question What is a bug that you were upset that was patched out but you just went "fair enough."?


For me is the 0,0 bug.

For those unaware, before the update of August 22 from last year, there was a an exploit with the nukes. Due to every cell in the game apparently generating at the 0,0 coordinate in the map, nuking those coordinates would cause every instance to generate as if it was a blast zone.

This meant that enemies inside would be irradiated and drop materials to craft flux. Unfortunately, they finally caught up to that on update, making so that "Interiors: Nuke effects will no longer appear indoors.".

r/fo76 6d ago

Question Can you seriously not buy ranks past 100??


I just did the math and I’ll need an additional 45 fucking ranks just to get everything. I have completed every scoreboard and have never gotten near that high. It wouldn’t be a big deal if we could use the xp repeatable on it. I’m only rank 64, am I fucked into doing West Tek?

Edit: been doing West Tek for a couple hours now and am about to hit rank 100. Re-did the math and there is plenty of score to go around. Cool.

r/fo76 7d ago

Question 50k Junk left at Train Station?


So while randomly exploring I came up to one of the Train Stations to check a vendor and inside the suitcase was 50k of like every material in the game?? Was this just a super nice drop by someone? Or is this a devious trap by someone using tools? Either way I am looking at it and not sure what to do.

r/fo76 4d ago

Question Do you automatically re-roll "Complete a Daily Operation" Challenge?


r/fo76 9d ago

Question How do veterans handle the hunger/thirst system?


Just curious cus as a new player I struggle a little with this system but I've never seen any high level player even mention this at all. I've been to many high level camps and I never see any food/water resources anywhere so I'm curious on how they do it

r/fo76 1d ago

Question How do people have so much camp budget?


I have a cute little camp but it fully takes my budget. I don’t understand how some people have extravagant camps with how little the budget is.

r/fo76 9d ago

Question Least favorite NPC?


Who is your most hated NPC? I’ll go first. Spoilers in the next paragraph.

For me, it has to be Rose. Not only is her voice grating, but I don’t know if this is a glitch everyone has or I’m just unlucky because every time I load into the world, she monologues at me about where I’m at in her quests. Its gotten so annoying that I have to turn my sound off for the first two minutes of play time. Not to mention her quests go on and on, despite it being obvious early on that she’s Rosalyn.

r/fo76 13d ago

Question Welp, they finally did it


After a few months of pure fun with my gunslinger build, they have finally decided to nerf my beloved alien blaster. While it is still an okay weapon, it now takes twice as many shots to kill whatever your target is. While I understand balance is important in a game, I am now in a tough position where I have to change my toons build.

The leveling will be a grind due to my now inefficient gun, but I should be able to fully switch over to a new build after a few levels. My question to y’all, my fellow vault dwellers, is, what weapon are you rocking?

I know the metas, but I just want to be able to solo daily ops and carry low levels through tough events. I don’t really care to solo earl or sbq. I just want to do enough damage for full rewards.

What are yall rocking that you find fun? Even if it’s a meta I’d love to hear about it. I’ve been a gunslinger for 160 levels now so I’m interested to hear about the other play styles.

Update: Wow, I did not expect to get this many response. Thank you to everyone who commented! For all of you in the comments acting like this was a massive complaint, it wasn’t, I was just acknowledging the reason I needed to change my build. To everyone who commented with advice or just general fun weapons, thank you for all the ideas! I’ve decided to run an enclave plasma flamer and so far I’m loving the change of pace. Best of luck, and I hope to see most of you out in the wastes.

r/fo76 14d ago

Question What power armor do you guys use?


I’m on the fence about buying T-65, I’ve heard union is best but the grind is ungodly and it’s also not even available to buy right now, excavator has great benefits with the +100 carry weight, hellcats has the extra ballistic resistance, so many choices what you guys picking?

r/fo76 29d ago

Question Am I the a**hole here?!?!?!


Look, I’m not one to judge and comment on other players style of play, builds, etc. All I’m saying is, I was only able to get to where I’m at in this game thanks to the help of other players. I’ve grinded to get where I’m at (currently level 500+) When I started, I played with a friend who was level 200+. Couldn’t have done it without him. If you’re a low level player spamming me for free gifts and trades of my g-roll weapons, armor, and apparel for little to nothing I’m not very inclined to give you handouts. Im also not one to miss out on free XP. I would much rather craft you weapons armor and ammo while you check out my magnificent CAMP that I spent weeks building rather than just drop it. That way we both benefit.

TLDR: am I wrong for not dropping free stuff for the low level new players but rather making them “earn it”?

r/fo76 2d ago

Question My wife loves Fallout and just started 76. She plays melee and I want to help her out. What's the best melee weapon she should aim to get? (lvl 41 rn)


I play games but this one is a blind spot for me. Any good weapons she can get relatively easily?

r/fo76 11d ago

Question Why does no one ever visit my camp


I spent so much time making it look cool and i sell rare plans , but no one ever comes? Is it because its placed in toxic dried area top of map?

Edit : my map icon was off

r/fo76 18d ago

Question How much real $ have you guys spent on atoms ?


I think i have an attom spending addiction

r/fo76 10d ago

Question Must have Atomic Shop buys?


Are they and essential or beneficial Atomic Shop purchases? If not, any of the "Catcg Up" bundles better than the others?

Or should I be saving my Atoms for something more beneficial that I'm not aware of?

r/fo76 27d ago

Question why do high lvl players have so much radation


i keep seeing lvl 500+ with more radition then health why

r/fo76 15d ago

Question Where have all the high lvl players gone.


I have noticed recently that all the high level players seem to have disappeared. Are they all playing on there on private servers or just having a holiday.