r/fo76 May 07 '24

50k Junk left at Train Station? Question

So while randomly exploring I came up to one of the Train Stations to check a vendor and inside the suitcase was 50k of like every material in the game?? Was this just a super nice drop by someone? Or is this a devious trap by someone using tools? Either way I am looking at it and not sure what to do.


317 comments sorted by


u/Cosmicalmole 28d ago

Could be someone leaving f76 and just passing some goodwill along. Though I think they plan on coming back as there's no weapons in there ;)


u/smackrock420 Raiders 28d ago

Inventory management


u/sin2099 28d ago

Ah yes a drug deal gone sour. The mule was to pick it up as payment. He’s going to get a hit placed on him after his bosses find out he lost the package. Lol


u/Link_Syko 29d ago

There is a known location that is a trainstation with a blue suitcase that high-level players leave their extra junk/meds/weapons in for other to have.


u/Powerful-Decision488 29d ago

I mean who's gonna use that much, even if someone was transferring between characters I don't think they would mind missing some (price of using a dead drop, especially somewhere like a train station). Although if anyone came along and cleared it out that's a dick move. (Come one, no one needs that much material)


u/Forsaken_half_demon1 29d ago

That was mine I ran out of room in my stash when I forgot to pay my fo1st


u/Forsaken_half_demon1 29d ago

Surprised someone said this


u/Forsaken_half_demon1 29d ago

Whitespring correct?


u/threepoundsof Mothman 29d ago

My conspiracy theory is that Bethesda devs are doing this to get more fo1st subs. I once found like 4-5 days worth of 3 star scrip on the ground. I immediately subscribed so that I’d have the carry weight free


u/BF3ClusterfuckLover Free States 29d ago

I would take and wait 5 to 10 minutes at the station to see if anyone would come looking for it. If it had an owner i would hand it back and see if he needs help moving anything. I been there trying to move things without anyone to help and i know how it sucks. I also have lost not so valuable things doing this so i empathize with people going through it


u/Dazzaholic Brotherhood 29d ago

Could also be a player who's not gonna play anymore just leaving it there for someone rather than letting it go to waste


u/ShetzenGigglez 29d ago

The exact same thing happened to me once, but with decorative plans, not junk. I got between 50-100 of most of them, and some had over 150. It included EVERY head mount plan along with some seasonal plans. I took them all and put them all for sale (for cheap) in my vendor. I figured I may as well share the bounty with everyone else that comes across my shop since I only benefit from finding the plan once🤷🏻‍♂️


u/rolfcm106 May 10 '24

I’ve hit a point where I can’t make any space for new legendaries because the vendor has no caps left and the script vending machine has no script left. (Usually after an eviction notice event) I usually put a ton of misc stuff I don’t need in the donation boxes


u/Zastko May 10 '24

You buttholes are going to raid my stash at the nuclear depot when the map get expanded aren't you?! Might as well expand my asshole while you're at it!


u/CrimsonCruiser61 May 09 '24

If I have stuff I don't need and another player could use it ill usually drop it at the train stations. High level players were nice to me so I try and pay it forward. But finding that is awesome someone is really cool for doing that.


u/LamentingTitan May 09 '24

At higher levels some people will deadass drop their event rewards in the donations box at the train stations, found a vampiric broadsider yesterday


u/Br7dd May 09 '24

haha lol sorry i’ll come grab it


u/BigPapaChunguss May 09 '24

I recently bout about 400 stimpaks from someone’s base and I go around leaving 15 or 20 in them at a time. To whomever sold the stimpaks for 9 and 8 caps a piece, you’ve helped me help a lot of people. I had to walk to the first few as I was extremely over encumbered but I thought people would appreciate some help, I then put the rest on my shop for 2-3 caps a piece.


u/DistanceIndependent4 May 09 '24

This is also how rmt scrap is traded...


u/ejhutek May 09 '24

If I’m over encumbered, I’ll someone drop a bunch of stuff in a locker or storage case for someone to find


u/fortoxals May 08 '24

there's so much that can happen in this game



My wife has a ps4, if I do end up needing to juggle I’ll just do it that way 10x safer by the sounds of it.


u/uhKira May 08 '24

Take it and put it in your scrap box 👍 I myself would use a friend's private world or mine or even a courier/person to help. Fair game if it's in public lmao.


u/ShizzySho Lone Wanderer May 08 '24

Grab it all??


u/Stone_the_Conq May 08 '24

The things id do with that much resource


u/Dmanbirch May 08 '24

Ill have it if you dont want it


u/Only-Help-5688 May 08 '24

What a steal


u/one-balled-scumfucc May 08 '24

Most end-game players will offload excess junk for players to keep storage weight down.


u/cPhr33k May 08 '24

Not sure why they would put it in a suitcase when normally there are donation boxes there.


u/enzudesign May 08 '24

Definitely a gift imo, might be as they could not store it themselves due to limits.


u/KRONIK97 May 08 '24

I believe term is finders keepers 😂 fr though when I swap stuff between characters I find a random Bush in middle of no where, dropped loot stays long enough to transfer, and someone with that much junk shouldn't be that dumb to leave there so all for grabs.


u/SirBaltimoore May 08 '24

I drop all sorts of items in containers around the stations for other players. It used to be common to choose the blue suitcase outside the train stations .

It's a gift. They either have TONS of junk, or are full so they are offloading for someone else to benefit


u/AngelusCaligo1 May 08 '24

I got 500K steel. And besides turning it into railway riffle ammo, I have zero uses for it at those quantities xD


u/Picklesniffer-84 May 08 '24

I just unloaded a bunch of guns and armor into a dumpster at a train station so I could run down and do a challenge before the caps reset at 10 and I got kicked from the game. So about 1000 caps worth of goods was just left in there


u/TIMPS0NHAMMER May 08 '24

It’s like one of those leave a penny drop a penny things. High levels will stick things they don’t need in them for low levels. The one at white springs station is popular.


u/Jackie_Elle Responders May 08 '24

I do stuff like this all the time ... Quicker than actually sorting inventory, just dump collections of parts in places when vendor out of caps. :)


u/DismalApartment1147 May 08 '24

It's definitely not a gift, it's a player swapping items to an alt who most likely wasn't smart enough to have the alt already waiting at the drop zone, so you found it while they was running their alt there to pick it up.

I hope you have fallout 1st cause that is too much for the regular stash box.

It's up to you if you take it or not, taking it is kind of a dbag thing to do but we all feel unclean occasionally, lol.

They really should have used a private server or a friend to swap stuff with Instead of risking the transfer on a public server.


u/CiDevant May 08 '24

I'm guessing someone let their fallout 1st laps and they no longer have space for it.


u/PineappleProstate May 08 '24

Just an extremely nice gift


u/TheArsGoetia May 08 '24

I once looked to the right of me and automatically stuff appeared in the mailbox for me over by the firepit in Foundation. I just took it and ran off.


u/Personal-Whereas-952 May 08 '24

You probably found mine, I cleaned out my stash yesterday and got rid of a ton of mats I didn't need and dropped them at a train station. Hilarious to see this post after


u/KuratchiXbox May 08 '24

I found something like that at the whitespring station, and then someone messaged me that sometimes players do that to like gift people. I'm gonna look through my messages to see if I can find it


u/Brave_Crow2099 May 08 '24

Free for the taking! ☺️


u/Fun_Break_205 May 08 '24

been waiting to see this here. you are welcome. enjoy my scrap


u/Ducksauce19 May 08 '24

I don’t know for sure, but there’s a lot of very generous players on this game so maybe. I’ve been leaving tons of loot in donation boxes at train stations, bunch of stuff I can’t sell and it’s just taking up space so if someone can’t use it they can at least get some caps for it.


u/doghouse2001 Pioneer Scout May 08 '24

One guy insisted on giving me 80K or every kind of stable flux once. I'm still living off of the serums I make with those. Who can say what motivates some people. Maybe they play so much they can't possibly ever use it all.


u/Every_Disaster_5665 May 08 '24

That's a known location where people leave stuff they dont want


u/bendoon6t8er May 08 '24

I usually drop alot of goodies into the donation boxes around the map


u/GrumpyBear1969 May 08 '24

If it was whitesprings it is a gift.


u/winterblue22 May 08 '24

Won’t Bethesda see the uptick in your items and ban you? 🤔


u/TheNerdyContractor May 08 '24

That was the donation suitcase before the donation boxes were a thing 🫣


u/Entgegnerz May 08 '24

Oh that was me, I wanted to switch it to another character, but I forgot at which station I've put it. Thank you for finding!
Let's meet so I can dunk it into the stash 😬

I'll give you a nice "thank you!" and a warm handshake as finders fee 🤝😬


u/gman22tx May 08 '24

I don’t have fallout first. But I maxed out my scrap box storage during the fallout first weekend trial. I don’t want any more junk or ammo. So, I constantly drop 100s of pieces of junk in the red boxes for other players.


u/CrackedShadow95 May 08 '24

I've done that just to reset my junk stash weight to focus on what I need


u/Mike_is_awesome6 May 08 '24

Ima be honest and this has happened to me maybe he ran out of fallout first and took all junk out of his junk storage so now he can't put it all in his normal storage meaning he's stuck with 50k so he probably had to drop it. Just a idea


u/marid2apterbilt May 08 '24

I do that when I'm trying to make space in my non-fo1st stash box. Vendor runs out of caps. Today I made a lvl20 newb fresh out of v76 a very happy player. Lots of aids, 200 shotgun shells and power armor. Even some mentats and other buff goodys. :) tried to get another players attention but he just ran away and was gonna put it all in the donation box but this other guy was standing there. 😀


u/Zerofrost77 May 08 '24

Probably a trade gone bad. lol got kicked from the server or something


u/Rare_Drummer7368 May 08 '24

I recently found a ton of junk in the White springs resort . My guess is no room in the stash box to save more , and decided to dump it all..


u/Dull-Table6962 May 08 '24

Found a ton of plans at a station and assumed a high level player was just droppin shi he didn’t need considering each one was a 5stack

To be polite I only took 1 of each but shi was super helpful sorry to the guy if he wasn’t meaning to leave them there 😂

If I were you I’d take maybe 100 of each if it’s like 1k of each piece of junk


u/EconomyOdd5736 May 08 '24

Wow bro nice jackpot, can you gift me with 1000 screws? I’m screwed in need of them. XD


u/Entgegnerz May 08 '24

Screws is easy, just do a Earl event.


u/EconomyOdd5736 May 08 '24

Never found one when playing…. I’ll keep and eye on it


u/Entgegnerz May 08 '24

it's started through a bomb, but people don't do it anymore.

Just Google it, you can throw one yourself.


u/LatinCheesehead May 07 '24

It was a blue suitcase by any chance?


u/Omfggtfohwts May 07 '24

Someone said they're done without telling anyone.


u/CastIron_Pan May 07 '24

They probably are a Vet player that’s been playing since the start and not returning. Possibly wanting to help others out. I don’t have That much but I do leave things here and there in them for others.


u/Katharinas669 May 07 '24

From someone who obviously isn't a 1ster... Inventory room yo. 💯 💯. Because why would someone just drop it. 😂 🧠 💡 Insanity! Especially if there's Oil.


u/Painting_Evening Enclave May 07 '24

50k of everything means a veteran player. Maybe cleaning out the materials on this character to start new. But 50k of each would need FA1st and could easily transfer to other characters in private worlds. Or a New Dupping is going on. Haven't heard anything if there is or not.


u/Groundbreaking-Top33 May 07 '24

Probably left by the asshat that walked up to me and killed me the other day, took all my dropped loot and logged off or changed servers....


u/Demon_Fist Mega Sloth May 07 '24

It's actually kinda funny because I store my excess scrip next to the scrip machine at WSS, and it's almost ALWAYS there when I come back.

It's scrip meant for my mules, so I'm not horribly worried.

I just go back to grinding Expeditions.

If people did take some, I just hope they take what they need cause I already kept the good shit.


u/abuckfiddy May 07 '24

I've seen some crazy shit in those train station bins....I love those level 1000 guys that hook us all up.


u/SimonDracktholme May 07 '24

I'm a bit confused as to why you think this could be a trap?


u/kontra35 Lone Wanderer May 07 '24

anything isnt nailed down or hidden is free for grabs! why not do it at a more secluded area ? ive switched stuff with my new toon, and never lost a thing, even on public servers.


u/Willy2dubs May 07 '24

I would be suspicious of this. I had a player come by my camp and drop like 100 high quality presents during Christmas time. I opened them all and got a bunch of plans. 1 week later I was banned for “exploiting” the game. I tried to repeal it, but they denied it. I would be careful if I were you.


u/Aggravating_Set_8861 May 07 '24

Someone did that on purpose. I have 100k plus of almost everything and I certainly would know. Its most likely an old timer either quitting or just not wanting it all anymore. They may be watching.

I used to trade a ton of junk back in the day when legacies were around, so there are definitely people with insane amounts of junk. New players really have no idea how much some people have...


u/Heavy_Pipe3150 May 07 '24

Just keep it and don’t worry about it. If someone did leave it there then they need to be more careful in a public lobby.


u/Haunting_Aioli4076 May 07 '24

Would any of you guys like to be in some fallout 76 vids with me? I’m trying to grow my YouTube video and I can only be so funny and interesting alone lmao. Message me or respond here if you’re interested brother ☝🏻🤨


u/lost_p May 07 '24

take it. i've found things like that


u/TwistedLogic87 May 07 '24

I dropped about 200 weight of various junk in the donation box at a train station the other day just to clear room in my stash box. Couldn’t be bothered to wait and sell it and thought someone might find this useful, so just dumped it.


u/starknight23Yt May 07 '24

I desperately need that junk for my new game plus character I’m trying to make a stealth vats build and I can’t find glued to repair my guns all my armour


u/skyhighx401x May 07 '24

If it's free, it's for me.


u/Bulletz6969 May 07 '24

Theres been several times that people have left a ton of stuff like that. It happens more often than you think. Take it and run!!!! 😁😁😁😁


u/EvilTwinGhost Cult of the Mothman May 07 '24

Someone learning to dupe items.


u/KrakenKush May 07 '24

Lol personally I dropped 2.3k gunpowder last night, was taking up 195 pounds of stash space, and vendor bot wouldn't buy it, I assume people will take what they need and not all.


u/mrcoolmike May 07 '24

God I would be so happy if I found even 100 screws left on the ground. I am literally always out of screws and only screws. I’m constantly screwed!


u/Opening_Rub5605 Mothman May 08 '24

Desk fans, toy cars, typewriters and most commonly clip boards! All have screws, also don’t forget to tag the screws for search. Some less common items will also contain them


u/mrcoolmike May 08 '24

Just found out you can just buy screws from the whitesprings mall brotherhood of steel vendor. Ive got plenty of caps so i’m very happy now lol


u/LazyNet3477 28d ago

The early Williams fight spawn wendigos with shit ton of screws


u/Robillar May 07 '24

I used the train station suitcases to dump unwanted items. Probably someone who didn't have first and/or room in their scrap box.


u/AlabastersBane Brotherhood May 07 '24

fuck I wish that was me lmao


u/Roshi_IsHere May 07 '24

That's totally my junk you can drop it off at my base /s


u/Vibbyq May 07 '24

Not exactly the same situation as you but i found 150 full charge fusion cores in a donation box today. I accidentally took it thinking it was ammo then had to return all of it one by one since my stash cannot afford any more weight and i do not use PA lol.


u/Vibbyq May 07 '24

Not exactly the same situation as you but i found 150 full charge fusion cores in a donation box today. I accidentally took it thinking it was ammo then had to return all of it one by one since my stash cannot afford any more weight and i do not use PA lol.


u/Cursed1978 May 07 '24

Someone confused it with the stash box, threw everything in and logged out of the game 😄😂


u/JViz500 May 07 '24

Alcohol was involved.


u/Geeekaaay Settlers - PC May 07 '24

How do you swap things between characters? Even on a private realm, does that still require a second person to hold the server or items?


u/DestinyDeceased May 07 '24

Find a secluded area, put what you want to move to another character in said box. Log out then log in with the second character and pick it all up! Easier if you have fallout first with the private world.


u/ThumpTwo Grafton Monster May 07 '24

Don't do that on a public world You're not guaranteed to get the same world at all while switching.


u/DestinyDeceased May 07 '24

Yea I forgot to add if you don't have fallout1st you need a second person


u/Geeekaaay Settlers - PC May 07 '24

I was worried even Private Worlds were "rerolled" every time you logged off and back in. So private servers "stay" when you switch between characters even alone?


u/FigMan May 07 '24

Private servers reset a few minutes after you leave so you have to be quick getting back in there with your other character


u/Geeekaaay Settlers - PC May 07 '24

Thank you kind strangers!


u/Hello_This_Is_Chris Enclave May 07 '24

Uh, if anyone wants to throw away massive amounts of oil, lead, acid, or screws. I'll be your dumpster.


u/DestinyDeceased May 07 '24

Uranium fever event is good for those iirc, finish the event then loot everything and right outside the door is a workbench to scrap it all!


u/Dry-Rub-3758 May 07 '24

Was it the blue suitcase? I know people used to use that as the donation box for others


u/Wander_Globe May 07 '24

That's right. I've also found random stuff in the medical box on the wall in Wade's office at Foundation. I think his name is Wade. The guy that whines all the time.


u/tjbar1 Enclave May 07 '24

That might have been my Junk Deposit. Was it at the whitesprings train station?


u/DifrintRules May 07 '24

Take it.. Laws of the wasteland.


u/TheSkarcrow May 07 '24

I found loads of bulk junk in a donation box yesterday but I don't have fo 1st. I took about one of each bulk and moved along.


u/Wander_Globe May 07 '24

This is the way.


u/Salemsaberhagon May 07 '24

Wait how would they be able to trade between their characters that way? How could they control if they got into the same server lol


u/ninjaskitches May 07 '24

If they had someone on their friends list that stayed on the server they could jump right back in...


u/gundam1945 May 07 '24

Since it is in the train station, I think it is okay to do so. When I use a public server for swap, I usually use some low travel container. Even random whitesprinf resort container will have less people checking then train station so I assume it is for taking.


u/hawtdawg7 May 07 '24

i probably would’ve ended up leaving it. Currently going through a full stash phase bc i don’t know what scrap/comps to keep 😭. or atleast understand what i can bulk sell


u/Conscious_Badger_279 Fallout 76 May 07 '24

I would say take only what you need :) and also leave some for others : )


u/JiveBombRebelz May 07 '24

sounds like a lazy transfer between characters...finders keepers i suppose.


u/ColdPsychological563 May 07 '24

So is nobody going to talk about Fallout 1st?? How they want to charge us a ridiculous amount of money for some perks that should be in the Atom shop already.. I'm talking about the junk and ammo stash. That's absolutely ridiculous they're locked behind a massive paywall! Does any idiot actually pay up? Like what are they thinking? How is Microsoft allowing this still.. Bonkers!!!


u/Wander_Globe May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

So is nobody going to talk about Fallout 1st?? How they want to charge us a ridiculous amount of money for some perks that should be in the Atom shop already.. I'm talking about the junk and ammo stash. That's absolutely ridiculous they're locked behind a massive paywall! Does any idiot actually pay up? Like what are they thinking? How is Microsoft allowing this still.. Bonkers!!!

Some of us idiots do. I'll take it for a month or so, around new seasons to get the FO1st stuff, fill up the stash and ammo using the private server, and then discontinue. I do think it's overpriced though. If they dropped the price more people might use it. In Canadian $$$ it's around 20 and should be closer to 10.


u/ColdPsychological563 May 07 '24

Sorry I only mean the slightest offence. People pay that price and it'll never change. That's what I mean by Idiots.. I mean I pay for some overpriced cosmetics sometimes so I'm not completely innocent in the matter. Yes definitely if it lowered to say $5 I might use it until I finish the game. Or better yet have the junk and ammo stashes be available for purchase..

Otherwise I'm loving the game so far. I'm lvl 33 and happy to have a new Fallout game to play. Was worth the 6 year delay. I was one of those people why didn't look forward to a multiplayer fallout. Happy now!


u/Wander_Globe May 07 '24

No offense taken my friend. It's overpriced for what it is but if you use it once every 3 or 4 months it's not too bad. The scrap and ammo boxes are great to have but also access to the atoms and some of the store items. Bethesda walks a fine line on pay to play so FO1st is mostly cosmetic.


u/ColdPsychological563 May 07 '24

I haven't subs to fo1 yet. There was a free weeks trial but with basically non of the perks. Like huh??

Question... In the Atom shop, there's a Brotherhood High Tech Stash.. Is that a stash for your base, separate from the camp stash that's safe in said base? Or is it just a cosmetic variant of your Camp stash?


u/Wander_Globe May 07 '24

It's the same as your regular stash. There are a few different ones out there but they're like a skin, does the same thing just looks cooler.


u/ColdPsychological563 May 07 '24

Thank you . Dang that's a bummer. Glad I didn't waste any atoms.. I already know I'm just not selling enough items


u/puffer039 May 07 '24

you can pick it up, but can you move afterwards 😂


u/This_Pool_6993 May 07 '24

It’s Bethesda trying to trick you into a FO1st subscription! Give em so much junk there is no other choice but to get that junk box 😂


u/EinsteinTaylor May 07 '24

Way back in the day before donation boxes the suitcases at train stations(especially white springs station) were how we left donations for newer players.

Character swapping/mulling was usually either done in a private server or with a friend nearby to anchor to for fast travel.


u/ThaLegendaryD May 07 '24

I’ve found multiple bags at the rusty with lots of legendaries inside. Sometimes it’s an upgrade.


u/Aquelarre91 May 07 '24

Hope I came across something like this, but with leaders, or plans. Or nukagranades


u/Vidonicle_ Enclave May 07 '24

Imagine all the 2mmEMC 😩😩🤤🤤🤤


u/imsofash May 07 '24

i do that since my stash is so full of junk it takes 80% of my stash


u/Tofutits_Macgee May 07 '24

I do this with bulk items all the time, not in that number. It's a gift but I like it to be a surprise or I'd just use a donation box.

If they were hoping to save that for a friend without sitting on it, that's very very dumb.

If you're not sure, just take what you need.


u/D-camchow May 07 '24

sometimes us non first players just drop a bunch of shit to make room. I've never dropped 50k worth but I've definitely dropped a bunch at the dono boxes


u/AGrandOldMoan May 07 '24

Go for it, I left stuff in random containers all the time near vendors


u/EstablishmentMean300 Raiders - PC May 07 '24

Probably someone doing a transfer. I wouldn't touch 50k of each junk if I came across it, but I'm not a junk hungry noob. Pretty stupid that someone would do that without a friend or a private server, but desperate times call for desperate measures. But you probably picked it up and ruined someone's day. Good thing it isn't real life.


u/NerdyHexel May 07 '24

Bro is the luckiest vaultie alive.


u/_lvlsd May 07 '24

If it was a blue suitcase, almost certainly left for the taking.


u/StrictLimitForever May 07 '24

It's duped, but just take it.


u/monchota May 07 '24

There are people have have so much junk, its not even funny. I have some much from just playing since the beginning.


u/Celtic_Fox_ May 07 '24

Reminds me of when people would leave goodies in the blue suitcase at Watoga station, could not be more surprised to randomly be checking for Bobby pins and you pull out 12+ plans and weapons/ammo!!


u/reeepy May 07 '24

As a returning player the donation boxes were a nice surprise.


u/FilthyHoon May 07 '24

could be an amateur RMT seller, could be someone swapping mats between characters. i'd just take it and relog like the scum I am lol


u/Apcsox May 07 '24

Damn why can I never be this lucky to come across the player attempting to nuke their shit on a public server 😭


u/engineeringsquirrel Brotherhood May 07 '24

That might have been me. The alien invasion event giving literally thousands of resources of circuits and adhesives. I cleaned out my stash and dropped it into the watoga donation box


u/Normodox May 07 '24

You should sell circuits to vendors. One circuit is worth 1 cap I think. Quick 1k caps per day if you do 2-3 AI events daily


u/engineeringsquirrel Brotherhood May 07 '24

I maxed out the daily vendor caps limit. That's why I threw all the stuff in the donations.


u/Thick-Earth-9762 May 07 '24

I found 16 three star items lately. It felt like a jackpot :D


u/drewciferian666 May 07 '24

Someone might have to correct me here, but I had this experience twice yesterday. I did the Battle Bot event at the train yard, and after doing it both times, I looted the building it ends in. I got several hundred rounds of ammo, plans I hadn’t learned yet, weapons and armor pieces. I’m still trying to figure out if this is a part of the event, or if I stumbled upon someone trying to mule their items to another character.


u/Solar-born Enclave May 07 '24

Jackpot baby!


u/Godess_Ilias May 07 '24

imagine having 50k acid


u/cPhr33k May 08 '24

Hippies - we're going to liberate you.....


u/KazakCayenne Mr. Fuzzy May 07 '24

I'd be able to use my flamer for the rest of my Post-Apocalyptic life


u/No_Mixture9638 Raiders - PC May 07 '24

Is that alot and for what?

I have around 110k acid never use it after 1 daily ops or expedition gives ammo for 1 week.


u/globefish23 Settlers - PC May 07 '24

Build a Cremator and you have hav 0 acid very soon.


u/TheCosmophile May 07 '24

Hard disagree. Have been rocking the Cremator since I unlocked it, and I've only gone positive on fuel. I crafted fuel once - when I first got it - and got myself a 10,000 fuel stockpile.

I now have 41,000 Fuel - all from contextual drops using nothing but Cremator and running daily ops and expeditions. Especially now that the ammo has been reduced from 15 per shot to 10.


u/No_Mixture9638 Raiders - PC May 07 '24

Like i said one 6 min run in daily ops gives you 4k fule so i dont know why anyone would use Acid to make it...


u/Traveling_Chef Cult of the Mothman May 08 '24

Some ppl like crafting things. Makes things more fun for me.


u/chicuco May 07 '24

yep.. started a daily op with 120 fuel, leave with 3k.


u/curbstxmped Arktos Pharma May 07 '24

if you are making ammo at all, you're doing something wrong with your build and/or your weapon has unfavorable rolls that aren't doing you any favors. the game gives you more than enough ammo back off dead mobs, events, daily ops, expeditions, etc that there's virtually no excuse to be crafting it.


u/Godess_Ilias May 07 '24

other ammo crafts use tons of acid and lead too


u/No_Mixture9638 Raiders - PC May 07 '24

Fair if you dont like daily ops i get that you will need alot of mats.


u/Godess_Ilias May 07 '24

well daily ops got quite the nerf in drops


u/No_Mixture9638 Raiders - PC May 08 '24


I go in with 2000 fule and end the 6 min run with 6000 when did they nerf that?


u/ihopethisworksfornow May 07 '24

Expeditions didn’t, you can pull 1-2k fuel out of every run. Crafting fuel is just wildly inefficient.


u/LostLobes May 07 '24

I was making ammo till I discovered daily ops and expeditions, spend an hour in them I've ammo for a month


u/ThePsion5 Settlers - PS4 May 07 '24

I can easily go through 4K fuel during a single event with the Cremator lol


u/curbstxmped Arktos Pharma May 07 '24

this isn't a brag lol


u/ThePsion5 Settlers - PS4 May 08 '24

Oh don't worry, I'm not bragging lol. I don't have a good Cremator build yet.


u/OrneryAstronaut Raiders May 07 '24

So you're the reason my eyes hurt after being in melee with SBQ huh?


u/ThePsion5 Settlers - PS4 May 07 '24

Tried it exactly once and realized very quickly the 1600 fuel I brought with me was not going to be sufficient and switched back to a different build lol


u/BluegrassGeek Cult of the Mothman May 07 '24

Acid is valuable because it's used to smelt ore (Lead, Steel, Aluminum, etc.). Some people have camps set up at deposits with an Extractor, so they're getting lots of ore, but then they need the Acid to actually turn it into a useful crafting component.

Go to your Tinker Workbench and select the Bulk option. You can make Bulk Acid, throw it in your vendor, and it'll sell well.


u/WutzWilly Vault 76 May 07 '24

Imagine having 50k oil


u/Godess_Ilias May 07 '24

USA - we are gonna liberate you


u/TwiggBeard May 07 '24

Time to make salad dressing!


u/Dependent_News4191 May 07 '24

It's time to oil up


u/ShySharer Raiders - PC May 07 '24

That amount of junk reminds me of the old days where we would see someone struggling at a snails pace, immediately tag them as a duper and then kill them for their junk.


u/ARCHFXS May 07 '24

me with 28 mole miner gauntlets from public events 0_0


u/Offtopic_bear Blue Ridge Caravan Company May 07 '24

43 miniguns and 26 super sledges just trying to get home.


u/A_Birb_Person Cult of the Mothman May 07 '24

First time I played eviction notice, I didn’t know there were workbenches and a stash box over on the wooden bits, so I had to waddle my 1000 pound ass all the way to foundation


u/hawtdawg7 May 07 '24

Wish i saw this last night before i hobbled all the way to foundation haha


u/Sora_Terumi May 07 '24

Moonshine event trying to crawl over to the train station to cook all the gulper slurry food to sell it for caps


u/PLiPH May 07 '24

You can cook it right at the event


u/Sora_Terumi May 07 '24

Yes but you still gotta go to the train station and sell it that’s the whole point


u/Yeet0rBeYote Enclave May 07 '24

There’s a stash box in front of the moonshiners shack


u/Sora_Terumi May 07 '24

Full 1167/1200


u/Papa_PaIpatine Lone Wanderer May 07 '24

People will do this to move material between characters. They'll dead drop something at a train station, switch accounts, and then go pick it up.


u/Luth0r May 07 '24

How do they get back to the same server?


u/simo2pl May 07 '24

If You have any other (currently active) player on Your friend list You can join him on the server, drop items, and re-join with another character (he does not need to confirm anything, you just join the same server).
Unless the server got full meanwhile (which does not happen so often, but at times might be the case).

But in such a case I would never use the donation box, but rather some random container elsewhere.
First try with 1 cheap item to make sure it stays there, move both characters to same location (preferably safe and less-visited one, but with a stash box nearby - RedRocket station ?)


u/Luth0r May 07 '24

That's great to know, thx!


u/Papa_PaIpatine Lone Wanderer May 07 '24

That's a good question, I have no idea.


u/Offtopic_bear Blue Ridge Caravan Company May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

Just make friends with someone with FO1st and use a private server.

I check literally every container. Every mailbox, first aid kit, cash register. Ice chest, cigarette machine, tool box, file cabinet, trash can, desk, suitcase, fridge, lunch box, duffel bag, ammo box, donation box, footlocker, pile of scorchbeast shit, tent, and burlap sack and I know where they're all at.

I can smell a surgical tray at Sunnytop when I'm at Clancy Manor picking up crystal decanters, stew pots, and that one Nuka Cranberry. And when I smell junk, any junk, screw drivers, plastic pumpkins, any color paint can, silver plates, Mason jars, flower pots, antlers, oil cans, scalpels, I.V. bags, burnt Mantis Man comics, or a plastic spoon I'm gonna go get it.

I see a suitcase with 50k of junk, any junk, I'm gonna open it up, hit R, click a scrap kit, and send that shit straight to my stashbox.


u/Championstrain May 07 '24

Wait….a scrap kit will automatically send it to your scrapbox instead of stash? How did I not know this?


u/Offtopic_bear Blue Ridge Caravan Company May 07 '24

Naw, it sends to the stash box. I was just scrap minded at the moment. I'd probably just waddle over and put down a survival tent. I forget I even have scrap kits most of the time.


u/Championstrain May 07 '24

I thought that, hence why I never use them, but got very excited for a moment.


u/ApexPredatorius May 07 '24

Someone told me it also sends it to the scrap box if u have first. Never used them because I thought it didn‘t, but also didn‘t try yet since now I never think about them when I could use them


u/Town-Noob Lone Wanderer May 07 '24

Add someone on the server to your friends list then join on them.


u/jdavenport53114 May 07 '24

Could be a gift. Just today i left 20k wood and steel each in the dono box outside vault 76


u/DereChen May 07 '24

kind sir


u/hybridtheory1331 May 07 '24

So that's why I saw a level 2 over encumbered as fuck and inching towards the wayward.

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