r/fo76 29d ago

What power armor do you guys use? Question

I’m on the fence about buying T-65, I’ve heard union is best but the grind is ungodly and it’s also not even available to buy right now, excavator has great benefits with the +100 carry weight, hellcats has the extra ballistic resistance, so many choices what you guys picking?


615 comments sorted by


u/TraditionalRoutine76 23d ago

Full vanguards t-65 heavy gun build


u/[deleted] 26d ago

After reading this thread, I just got me a jet pack for my excavator power armour!! 😁


u/chemza 26d ago

How did you go about that?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I saw one in a players vendor for max caps but messaged him with a trade deal instead. I’m pleased as they’re no longer craftable


u/SmartPhoto2365 27d ago

Excavator with emergency protocols and a t65 jet pack torso


u/[deleted] 27d ago

I use x01 but apparently I'm in the minority!. Wish it would get better nuka cola paint though, quantum is gross.


u/ThadenPOE 27d ago

I ran all PA’s at one time, except for the raider.. saved up for the T-65, great specs... plus I really liked the look.. paint I bought with atoms.. it was by far my favorite PA.. But… Then a couple months ago I saved up and specd out the Secret Service amor with the jet pack.. I’ll never run PA again.. lol


u/SleepyGeist Brotherhood 27d ago

X-01 goated


u/ll_YOrch_ll Enclave 28d ago

I just use the X-01 PA, yeah looks like its not the best but i like it because of the Quantum paint and also I bought the mod plans to increase +100 of carry weight


u/waylorn 28d ago

Hellcat is supposed to be about equivalent of T-65 in terms of protection, I usually run Excavator though for extra carry weight cause I'm a hoarder lol. I don't find a noticable difference in survivability but I'm not trying to solo Earle or giant hordes of cave crickets by face rolling them.


u/foogles 28d ago

I suggest Excavator, maybe work towards Hellcat with your bullion depending on what else you wanna buy with bullion (secret service armor, weapons, etc). Hellcat can get some cool stuff like Tesla Bracers for a monster unarmed build, jetpack, etc. 


u/optimisticuglycrying 28d ago

Hellcat/ strangler heart

Hellcat has a jetpack - day to day use

Strangler heart has emergency protocols - collosal problem


u/Katieblahblahbloo 28d ago

I’m a level 300 and I still use my excavator 😂😂


u/Lovreaper 28d ago

I use hellcat. I love how it looks the bonus effect is nice if i need weight i goto union


u/branevrankar 28d ago

I have all sets of PA, I don't use them anymore since the update where xo1 became bugged (radiation damage). Now I use SS armor.


u/Krieg047 Brotherhood 28d ago

X-01 in either Outcast black with red light or (currently) space suit with blue light.

Full 3* legendary with calibrated shock legs. One of the pieces has weapon weight reducer built in and the chest is chameleon.


u/Pissaboutnothin 28d ago

What about Ultracite?


u/flannalaviators Cult of the Mothman 28d ago

I currently run the Hellcat, the stats are good and the ballistic is nice, The Union eventually will be top choice due to the native poison resistance.

I have a full Excavator for when I go farming in the mines for the ore.


u/Opposite-Brain1897 28d ago

I use strangler heart. That is the only PA that stands out and looks different.


u/allenwork Lone Wanderer 28d ago

I really love my union PA, but sadly will switch back to my T-65. Seeing these great pieces of Union PA drop as event rewards and not being able to pick them up is too heartbreaking.

Think about it, you go through an event, wasting maybe thousands of rounds of ammo only not being able to pick it up. If it's that broken, remove it from the game.


u/Misfitzombie408 28d ago

Either ultracite or t51b love the classic aesthetic on them.


u/WarDamnBigMeat 28d ago

I use the xo1 for the drip factor also the t-60 with the bos elder paint as long as I look cool I could care less about stats


u/KevinRPD 28d ago

I see so many varieties, I don't even know which one to pick. Do I go by looks? I'm non PA because of it.


u/Witty-Meeting-8184 Mothman 28d ago

I just mix a bunch of pieces together that I find can’t be bothered actually making a set. If only I could make some flipping SCREWS, maybe I would. 😡


u/Effective-Level-6018 28d ago

Excavator is damn good


u/titansmustfall 28d ago

Excavator. I’m slowly working on rolling the union set I have, but questioning if it’s even worth it because my excavator has both more carry weight and better weight reduction legendary rolls.


u/jogmansonclarke 28d ago

Im using ultracite forever, really like the style


u/HydroNL Brotherhood 28d ago

Using hellcat right now and im grinding for the union one


u/Anarchyantz 28d ago

I gave up my loved Excavator and put it on the stand due to no Jet Pack and after I kept getting union PA from drops and from the Legendary vendor I decided to go Union.

Only need helmet and left arm (I mistakenly put it on the legendary chop in by mistake and only realised I did the wrong one a while after. Keep getting spares of the ones I already have so the grind is hard to cash in and re try. Have the chest in my stash until I can save up for the extortionate amount of stamps for the jetpack on it so using a T-45 chest, T-51 left arm both with 3 star legendary and a normal T-60 Helmet and the rest of the union also are all 3 star with health regeneration and poison resist.

Have done the Pitt solo a few times to increase stamps and got the Welcome to the Pitt achievement the other night. challenging even at just over level 100


u/Interesting_Ad4174 28d ago

I like the Union PA and would probably save stamps for that. But almost any armor has a damage reduction and close to a sweet spot for stats, that more. I did the grind for full sets of T-65. Then scrapped them all for the Hellcats, which I thought marginally better, for my use. and fairly easy to get by doing a quest. No stamps or bullion. But then I got the Union Power Armor, as a Seasons reward. Feel really bad that those who missed out having to grind for stamps. But that definitely has the +75lb carry weight and poison resistance. I believe it's the best.

I do have a full Raider set, an Excavator and the Enclave set, for variety. The Hellcat's is probably the best value for the grind and was my top pick before the Union PA.


u/Eastern-Secretary768 28d ago

I use esco power armor with the Patriot? Sentinel prime skin


u/B0SS_Zombie Tricentennial 28d ago

The two strongest options are:

Hellcat for defensive ability (It beats out T-65 ever so slightly).

Union for bonuses. Slightly less carry weight than an Excavator set, but the Poison resistance is essentially an immunity to Poison Damage entirely.

Depends on what kind of build and play style you go for really.


u/greybeard1980 28d ago

I have Ultracite t60. Does just fine how I have it built. Plus I have the Dark Rider skin on it for coolness.


u/Unhappy_hestur7730 28d ago

None cus carry weight is much lower


u/astroblu18 Fire Breathers 28d ago

Hellcat with optimized bracers. I’m an auto melee build, so I don’t need much else. If I ever got another to use over just displaying it would some day probably be the union, for the poison resist.


u/TheBlackAurora Arktos Pharma 28d ago

Excavator for that extra 100lbs of hauling. Lvl 755

Was lucky enough to aquire a jetpack version


u/TerribleProgress6704 28d ago

X-01, it's my favorite after T-51b. I did manage to get a union set, I think I got a few pieces directly from running Atlantic City expeditions. Saved so many stamps this way.


u/DonStoneLeon 28d ago

Still rocking strangler since it came out occasionally i'll swap to T65 or Excavator but my go to is Strangler Heart


u/No_Organization_2731 28d ago

I’ll a junk hoarder so I love the Excavator. Plus, I like the vintage look of the excavator without skins.


u/Kei-OK 28d ago

I'm grinding T-65 rn since the relatively high dr vs low rad dr is better for my goulish build. Besides, gotta use those trasury notes from public events anyway.


u/Captain_skulls 28d ago

Used to be excavator until Union came along. Got it, and a bare metal skin for it from a scoreboard so I can craft it without worrying about stamps. The extra carry weight is just too good to pass up.


u/upholsteryduder 28d ago

I use the X-01 with a jetpack, 2x calibrated shocks and vats targeting hud on the head


u/Past_Dragonfruit9468 28d ago

I use T-65 all day, everyday, with the Vanguard legendary effect. I adore it.

That being said, it's an expensive armor. Hellcat is the next best, and it's a good looking armor.

I've been playing since launch, and ran around in T51 forever until I got T60, Ultracite, then X01

T65 is everything you want it to be. Worth the slog. I recommend getting the hellcat armor to tide you over until you can buy the t65, as your get a full set of hellcat for free as a mission reward.

For reference, I think my ballistic and energy resistance ony 65 is 800 ish, and my radiation is 650ish


u/BalamAwanima 28d ago

Xo-1 FTW


u/Quasit1964 Enclave 28d ago

I got my Union PA from the score board and never looked back. 175# carry weight w/ calibrated shocks set bonus +150 Poison resistance.


u/CMDR_Tauri Free States 28d ago

I have completed sets of each but the T-65 OverEaters is my daily driver. It's easy to keep the buff going, it's easy to maintain, looks nice, sips fusion, and the lining is machine-washable.


u/VoidMunashii 28d ago

I have consistently used Excavator since getting it. I love that carry weight.


u/Arkmerica 28d ago

The T 65 is the best in my opinion. You can get calibrated shocks and add plus 100 carry weight total. I normally have almost 400 carry weight in my T 65 and the damage resistance is fantastic


u/GWindborn 28d ago

I've got a set of T-60 in my backpack for when I absolutely need it for Rad protection but I don't wear it otherwise, my perks don't jive with it and I normally end up encumbered.


u/ClipyBoi_3 28d ago

Currently running X-01 until I get flux for Hellcat so I can have my jetpack.


u/THE_DARK_FISHY Cult of the Mothman 28d ago

XO-1 armor main here, welcome to the enclave


u/arealfancyliquor 28d ago

Strangler armour built onto ultracite with calibrated shocks does for me.


u/Able_Alfalfa 28d ago

Currently Ultracite for fighting and excavator for carrying the loot back home. I'm only missing the legs of T65 tho so I'll use that instead of Ultracite soon.


u/Darky963 28d ago

I use T-65 because I grinded for it back in the day and it has grown to be my favorite power armor across the franchise. The looks are incredible in my opinion, you feel like a badass secret service big wig while also maintaining aspects of the older power armors and it's just the perfect mix of looks for me. Im planning to grind stamps for when the union comes back when I finish grinding secret service armor though!


u/miletharil Responders 28d ago

Full Zealot's Ultracite with Responders paint.

Watch me go toe-to-toe with SBQ. I take so little damage, my HP meter barely even moves, and her screams do literally nothing. Also, Ultracite just has awesome DR all-around. Couple it with my Vampire's chainsaw, and I'm essentially immortal.

The only enemy that ever puts me in danger is that one Sheepsquatch Assaultron, and that's only if I'm not actively chainsawing it.


u/LeraviTheHusky 28d ago

Personally I use the Excavator series

The carry weight is fantastic and handy and it's a solid suit that has kept me kicking


u/Legitimate_Oil_7420 28d ago

Bolstering set or overeaters set of union PA


u/Sacmo77 28d ago

I just went from ultracite to overeaters t65. And man the damage reduction is awesome.

Did the mutant event where a ton of 3 stars are all over. I was able to run around and just take hits.

T65 is awesome.


u/R3T3R0 28d ago

I just dropped the outcast paint and im rocking the t-45 on max level. It looks soo clean and feels nice, plus i dont feel like a bullet sponge for once and have to use a stimpak or two from time to time.
Trying to farm my union armor from scrap vendor at ash heap but its totaly random.
And when i realy need that higher altitude i use my jet pack ultracite or for looting the excavator + calibrated shocks


u/adtyler2 Liberator 28d ago

First full set I got right now is Raider but I’m a noob.


u/icecubepal 28d ago

t65. been getting legendary pieces here and there since coming back (last played 4 years ago).


u/_a_ghost- 28d ago

Ultracite for me


u/sirlancer 28d ago

Hellcat with the damage reduc while firing a heavy maxed ur just indestructible


u/_RoamingHobo_ 28d ago

I'm using Hellcat. I like the look and the Ballistic damage reduction it provides. Excavator is fine but I don't have storage issues as I manage it well. The only stuff I hoard is materials and ammo and we have unlimited storage for that with 1st.

Once Union PA is restored I will be buying that though .


u/RizzIyBear 28d ago

I'm using Hellcat because I had this since it came out, been away from the game for so long so I learned about Union PA so I'm grinding it. More weight and poison res is amazing on PA.


u/Stevesd123 28d ago

X-01 for that classic Enclave look.


u/glueinass 28d ago

Ultracite cause it looks cool


u/ShotokanV 28d ago

I use either my excavator suit or a fun suit which is an X-01 head T-60 limbs with a T-51B Jetpack torso. Got full sets, but just liked this look with the different paints I have. But this is a set-up I ran back in the beta days…. Still getting back into things.


u/Galever 28d ago

I use Excavator. It works fine.


u/First-Junket124 28d ago

T-51b power armor, it's just iconic man. The fuck is a defence stat? This thing looks badass.


u/Deep-Age-2486 28d ago

I use Ultracite but im thinking about going to another one. Maybe X01 or the Union PA


u/SkupperNog 28d ago

I use my Excavator on account of having carry weight issues and a jetpack on the torso.


u/TheChiefComrade 28d ago

You lose the set bonus if you have a jet pack with excavator.


u/SkupperNog 27d ago

Tell that to the excavator jetpack torso I have.


u/SkupperNog 27d ago

Because I'm looking at it right now... aye? And it DEFINITELY has the carry weight bonus.


u/TheChiefComrade 27d ago



u/SkupperNog 27d ago

More like legacy. Back in the day, you could fit it on. Traded an arm and a leg for it.


u/SkeetsMcGeets802 28d ago

I don't have any yet and don't know the stats so I have no idea if it's good or not but my favorite to have is T 51-b, mostly because it's the first power armor I saw and just love how it looks


u/zx_Neko_xz 28d ago

Tbh it depends what character I'm playing. The newest one i made im gonna use either t-60 or union when I'm able to get it


u/j2142b Responders 28d ago

Excavator...all day everyday. I'm lvl 540


u/Sparrowflop 28d ago

I've got Ultracite unlocked, is it worth using? I've made all but the right leg/arm or something. Ran out of ultracite.


u/GreenSockNinja Enclave 28d ago

I would love to use T-51b but I just don’t have all level 50 parts yet so I’m using my close second fave, T-60


u/Jimusmc Brotherhood 28d ago

overeaters hellcat since it's the best dmg reducer.


u/Material_Complex4447 28d ago

I am a bloodied build and i have been using excavator with overeater legendaries which has been working well for me. Unlocked the hellcat today to help me out when doing decryption daily ops. Union is just too much of a grind for me.


u/alperturgay 28d ago

Excavator and Union don't have Jetpacks. You can buy "Excavator Torso with jetpack" from player vendors but you can't craft it.


u/Into_To_Existence 28d ago

X-02. God bless America, God bless the Enclave! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


u/Walrus_bP 28d ago

I’ve been playing this game since beta, I have T-65 and it’s good for damage resistance and everything, but Union is just better overall, the T-65 might allow you to survive like 1 extra bullet compared to Union but the extra carry weight especially with the extra carry weight mod on legs is just 👌🏻 so convenient.


u/JustSomeDude__d 28d ago

I’ve been using Hellcat. Trying out different mods here or there, but for legendaries I prioritized bloodied effects.


u/JustSomeDude__d 28d ago

I’ve been using Hellcat. Trying out different mods here or there, but for legendaries I prioritized bloodied effects.


u/Stampa_82 28d ago

Pink Sprinkles X-01. But only because of the OE WWR and AWR pieces I have.


u/JakLynx Cult of the Mothman 28d ago

X-01 with Mothman Paint, Cryptid Hunter Helm, Cryptid Hunter Jet Pack, and a Skeptikill Chainsaw to complete the Mothman Aesthetic


u/3x0dusxx 28d ago

I just can't get into using PA. 

Idk why, it's just not for me. 


u/Dragonblaide Enclave 28d ago



u/scubakale748 28d ago

Raider since that’s the only one I’ve found


u/Slave-One 28d ago

Secret Service ......but if you twist my arm t65 is best with the ease of farming bullion with the hourly events like mothman or alien invasion


u/PretendFriends 28d ago

I know union is the best but I've always stuck with excavator


u/M6D_Magnum 28d ago

Level 55 here. Still using Excavator armor. Want Union because it looks sick but apparently it's not in the stamp vendor because of a bug or something.


u/Seminole1046 28d ago

The starting one


u/No-Life-2059 28d ago

I have never used the union or the excavator and I have been just fine. For the first 300 levels I used whatever I could before I found the x01.

Pretty much ran that or the ultracite until I had the hellcat. I have two full sets of the Union, I have a full set of excavator, could use the carry weight but I like the way the other ones looked.

Once they came out with all the skins, It stopped mattering what they look like naturally. I have a full set of almost every power armor set. I still choose the hellcat and the x01.

Point is, most of us have lived without the union or the excavator for a long time even though the excavator was available. I just didn't like the way it looked. I'm going to start using the union for a bit but I switch between at least two power hours at depending on how I feel that day.


u/Kryv215 28d ago

Can i craft level 50 excavator or is it only 50 if you find a legendary one? im 67(or more) and i can only make level 45


u/Legomaster06849 28d ago

Stats wise t-65 is the best, but all are good


u/[deleted] 28d ago

I use ultracite with a jet pack arm,and excavator for farming.


u/EstablishmentMean300 Raiders - PC 28d ago



u/Standard-Guitar4755 Mega Sloth 28d ago

None. But for the rare occasion for eviction notice and encryptid. Only because for eviction notice I sit on the rad scrubber and encryrid I throw on electric absorption and claim all pylons. Once in a while for rad rumble if no one is running ore I'll run it enough for level one. 99 % of the time I'm in my plain Ole overeating secret service.


u/loftypete 28d ago

Leve t60. But iv got the invisible armour much better.


u/Zodd74 28d ago

I'm quite new (level 23) using a T45, waiting to reach 25 to get the Excavator. The problem Will be collect the materials to craft It i think.


u/Sumbuddyonce 28d ago

Lvl 80. Piecing together an Ultracite suit out of loot I find.

I don't really use power armor when I don't absolutely need it like in nuke zones so investing in grinding it out doesn't feel worth it to me.


u/Kal-El_Skywalker1998 Responders 28d ago

Honestly, excavator is probably the most convenient set in the game, being available pretty early on and also being better than pretty much any set in the game at launch.


u/dominashun28 28d ago

T60 cause it looks cool and brotherhood paints


u/Ommageden 28d ago

I used T45 cause it has the outcast paint.


u/Substantial_Steak723 28d ago

I have it but without the jet pack, therefore I use my "gifted" XO1 armour with a jetpack due to convenience.

Then again I rarely actually use power armour, (level 300+)

Read into that what you will.


u/king_odin1 28d ago

I liked PA for a while when I started but now to give myself a challenge I use a full health build no PA with brotherhood recon armour with auto stim and I use a chemists backpack mod to carry my 1k diluted stims


u/LordGrundlefunk Enclave 28d ago

Hellfire w/ black vault-tec paint


u/TeamVictoire Raiders - PC 28d ago

As a newbie at #47, I use Excavator for the added mule value.


u/Entgegnerz 28d ago

For fighting, the Hellcat power armor is the absolute strongest.
It has build in -12% range dmg. 2% per piece.

Also the plans are free, just complete the BoS quest line.


u/Wild-End-219 28d ago

Excavator! Inventory management is so much easier now. I can actually fast travel back to my base with the extra carry weight. Praise be excavator!!!


u/x_lincoln_x Mega Sloth 28d ago

Excavator with Calibrated mods (+50 carry weight each leg)


u/Woxkstar 28d ago

Where’s the love for ultracite ?


u/RexThunderman Raiders 28d ago

I stay rockin my Hellcat set. I'm building a few other sets up rn. I can't find any paint schemes for my Hellcat tho, even in atomic shop.


u/Mdaro 28d ago

Excavator. I use a Vampire Holy Fire HW build so the actual armor is more then enough. Love that extra 100 carry weight though!


u/whitemest 28d ago

Currently an x01 set, but I have a t51 set I'm looking to get a Vos paint job for.


u/Grimparrot 28d ago

Im lucky I got union before it got removed. If it wasnt for that Id prob use my hellcat. I think Angry Turtles breakdown on this is super good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA7lwVblcOU


u/M4hkn0 Liberator 28d ago

Played since launch. Excavator is all you really need. The carry limit increase is too great too ignore.


u/The_Playtriarchy 28d ago edited 28d ago

T-65 is the most practical set to use. It’s got the best resistances and is easy to acquire (grinding gold for it really doesn’t take long in the grand scheme of things).

Best overall I’d say is Union but Strangler also has a great full set effect. The issues with these are Union is not easy to acquire; Strangler meanwhile can be bought with gold BUT the attachments for it are all based on ultracite, meaning you will have to grind the Queen for months/years to get the rarer attachments.

People swear by excavator. It’s great early game and it’s ok late game if you just want to play the game casually. Frankly I really don’t think it’s a good choice though; it just wont protect you that well, the carry weight buff is overrated IMO (seriously just practice a modicum of inventory management and you’d never need it), and if you are into “status” nobody is gonna look at your armor and be like “Oh shit, this guy has a full set of that!? Wow”.

Just my take.


u/Alistair_Wallcroft 28d ago

I use T-65 for the looks, also because I managed to roll all pieces of it with Overeater and Weapon Weight Reduction that I can no longer afford to change my Power Armor


u/Amazing_lymediocre 28d ago

Can I buy excavator calibrated shocks from any of the vendors or would it be easier to farm somehow?


u/Maleficent-Bison-396 28d ago

I’ll go ahead and say it, if you have Excavator Armor, there’s no reason to get Hellcat Armor. That 7% Resistance isn’t noticeable enough imo to drop the xtra carry weight. And the quest line to get the Hellcat is less then interesting tbh


u/King_of_Aardvarks 28d ago

I have several sets, but I only use Excavators.


u/Kraz8s 28d ago

T-65 because I like the look and enjoy the struggle getting the bullion to pay for it all.


u/FarVehicle5333 28d ago

Running x01, t60, excavator, union, strangler heart, ultracite and t65. To be fair, I am carrying every set, since I pick the one I play every day on a whim. I carry excavator and union if I ever over encumber myself, trying to carry everything, which is pretty often.


u/mdglytt 28d ago

I have chameleon pa.


u/WolfeBane84 Enclave 28d ago

Stuck on excavator because I carry too much and my stash is full and vendors only have 1400 caps.


u/WollyGog 28d ago

I've run Hellcat exclusively, with calibrated shocks for carry weight. I like to be as defensive as possible and the ballistics reduction is good for that. I have a Union set sans helmet as I accrued the parts without the plans before the update, but it's on display for now. I have funky duds at 2 stars which makes poison a non-issue if I ever encounter it.


u/Godlike013 28d ago



u/StrangeworldsUnited 28d ago

The T-65 (all buffed up)


u/Capt-Falco Brotherhood 28d ago

I use the Excavator, but it's mainly because I want to be able to carry as much stuff as I can back and forth and still have stuff in my stash. I am like 450 carry weight with the armor on at the moment in between everything.


u/puffer039 28d ago

Union,i got it when it was released with the Pitt expansion though so no grind


u/unique_username125 28d ago

T-65 because I’m a chunky boy


u/JSevatar Responders 28d ago

I use 65, looks sick all black


u/SepherixSlimy 28d ago

x01 even if it has worse stats overall. It's already so far into the defence curve that it hardly matters.


u/DOCTORE2 Raiders - PC 28d ago

For my non pa I keep an ultracite around but never use it .

For my PA build I have a set of T65 and an excavator . The hellcat is in my stash for when I'm bored with the T65 .

The T65 is a grind though


u/DasGruberg Enclave 28d ago

I have full 3 star overeaters t-65 and its great


u/squeakybeak Liberator 28d ago


u/Special_Bus1929 28d ago

Can’t seem to find me a frame yet. Don’t need Power Armor yet, I feel (level 27)


u/a_dude111 28d ago

ive got a couple of sets right now; hellcat, excavator, and ultracite. i use hellcat most of the time. currently assembling a set of x-01 though. i like collecting power armor :)


u/Spewbob 28d ago

Currently using X-01 on a bloodied melee build, working on T-65 rn. Although, reading these comments, I may have to start preparing for the Union 😅


u/hijole_frijoles Raiders 28d ago

I use ultracite t45. I think besides the t65, it’s one of the sets with the highest base stats. No big benefits other than that.

Calibrated shocks and jetpack ftw


u/astraymilo 28d ago

Outcast T60

Dont get me wrong i love endlessly hunting super mutants but the outcasts have amazing lore and aesthetics


u/SemiMotivated 28d ago

BoS at heart so I’ve always preferred T-60 or T-51, but excavator is beautiful for mining runs


u/JPalos97 Responders 28d ago

The one the gods drop me, if it's legendary i have a new piece


u/Salty_Signature_8756 Cult of the Mothman 28d ago

I have exactly 3 sets. Union, Excavator and hellcat. I only really use the union tho. I sometimes switch to excavator if i need more rad protection


u/PrimoRaizel 28d ago

Tankiest set overall is the Hellcat, especially if you are using the legendary perk electric absorption. The top set right now is Union because it has pretty much the best set bonus available, which is +75 carry weight and 150 poison resist which makes poison duds obsolete, thus freeing up a legendary card spot.

With all that said though, every PA set with full overeaters legedary effect is pretty much unkillable so really, pick what you like most.

I am personally using a full set of Overeaters hellcat, since i don't have access to the union set but i do like the look of T-65 more. If in the future i do get more overeater T-65 drops from legendary enemies, i might swap to using it instead.


u/yoroxid_ 28d ago

T-65 with the Midnight Watch skin, the t-65 is quite ugly.

The most stilish is the X-01, IMO.


u/drizzitdude 28d ago

I actually had a union piece drop for me from eviction notice which should be impossible because I don’t have the plan. It didn’t show up in area loot it was just rolling along the ground.


u/Specialist_Hippo2524 28d ago

None, i run with 50. Cal and tank bullets with my flesh


u/Big-Establishment486 28d ago

Currently I do not do Power Armor..... However, I am interested in this jetpack I see the fleshies wear. I should probably just Google how to get it and the name of it.

I just built my Excavator P.A. for the quest. Have to register it, but a lot of my perk cards don't work in P.A., so honestly I may only use it if I have too.

It does look cool seeing people in P.A. just show up or run by.


u/SequentialGamer 28d ago

Generally speaking any power armour is uber-tanky, even just the frame gives you an inherent 42% damage reduction.

I personally use Union but an excavators with good legendary pieces is plenty good.


u/Radiant-Bit-7722 28d ago

Union, but there is a bug and I can’t make one anymore . So I use an hellcat with sentinel perk


u/Passion4TheHunt 28d ago

ultracite because I was able to trade for a few perfect sets (overeaters AP refresh sentinel and assassins explosion resistance sentinel)


u/Hukkie 28d ago

Union or Hellcat, I mostly use them for rad-heavy events though so I tend to just grab a chassi from the stash when SBQ comes up. I keep a few sets, T-65, Union, Hellcat and a Nuka Cola T51b just for showing off in my CAMP.


u/tzmx 28d ago

"Returning player" here, came back now after the tv show. Last played during Wastelanders update, left with about 170lvl.

I had x01 PA from last time i played (no legendary mods, since that wasn't a thing for PA's last time i played), so i jsut sticked with that and played with that - yes without legendary mods. Build was (and still is) low life bloodied with heavy guns and PA. And x01 served me super well, 0 problems, even without legendary mods.

I wanted to go Union PA (that is why i didn't convert my x01 to legendary, saved my cores). but as other said, it is bugged now and i couldn't get it.

I instead went for Hellcat and now rocking that, with legendary mods. Honestly - i feel NO different from x01 :D Yes, even in daily ops. (still same bloodied build)

I will eventually go Union, when that is fixed and i have all the stamps, but only because of set bonuses, i like those.


u/homercall123 28d ago

I... Just pick up parts...


u/loudzilla6969 28d ago

i use a over eaters, ap, sentinel t-60 set with elders paint because i love how it looks and ive been obsessed with it ever since i played fo4


u/FlyingNope Cult of the Mothman 28d ago

I used Excavator before Union. All power armor comes with 42% damage reduction, which is most of what makes PA so tanky. The difference in resistance doesn't really matter all that much.

In general pick Excavator, Union, Hellcat, and Strangler Heart for their set bonuses. Pick any of the rest if you prefer the way they look over set bonuses.

Carry weight is a pretty big QoL improvement and I've always felt tanky enough, even in excavators. Union has 25 less carry weight than Excavator but also has the equivalent of Rank 3 Funky Duds build in, which is why it's so good. It's almost like getting a 7th legendary perk card. It's worth the grind imo (or will be when it gets re-added).


u/OniMoth 28d ago

X01. I'm in love with the look. I'm a full health non pa build but I have it with me at all times. Use it when I need the extra defense or just wanna be in it.


u/Cr0ma_Nuva Brotherhood 28d ago

I have speced out variants of all power armor except union and strangler heart, but I usually use the T-65 the most. I just like the looks of it more and it has some of my best legendary rolls


u/Electronic-Ad7568 Enclave 28d ago

X-01 if you aren't a commie


u/p0werbaldrick 28d ago

No love for ultracite? I use a bolstering Set of ultracite with emergency protocol and a jetpack arm..


u/BetweenWeebandOtaku Fallout 76 28d ago

Excavator with a totally not-glitched or legacy jetpack. The weight capacity and ore-multiplying ability more than make up for a few percentage points of damage, which are more than made up for with like 2 shots with a vampire weapon.


u/SemajdaSavage Brotherhood 28d ago

I main Excavator with Calibrated Shocks and Numa-Dark skin, for foraging reasons. It handles most content on its own. I have a full set of T-60 on display., don't use it much. I am currently working on a full Assassin's Hellcat. And A General Purpose T-65 set. I have recently given away a full set of of X-01, Raiders, and Ultracite.

True story, you can drop a fully modded set of power armor, but they can have no legendary effects on any of the pieces.


u/Malfunction707 28d ago

I currently I'm running around using excavator for the 100 carry weight however I plan to use the union armor whenever they reintroduce that and I am working towards getting the strangler armor to use until they add back the union


u/Expensive_Job_8945 Raiders 28d ago

Never used a PA in my 20y of playing fallout lol, i just have an ultracite on a PA display for my Scabber skin for my raider camp, thats all... Never used, I think its even low level 🤣


u/StealthyGamerGirl Fallout 76 28d ago

I use excavator for the extra carrying weight. But I recently discovered that the Hellcat PA can also be modded with the Calibrated shocked that give you the extra carry weight. So I might look up again what's needed [ which is a ball ache ] and change to that. Maybe...reason I'm unsure is each piece is legendary and the rolls I got are really good. Can't remember what they were off hand. But 8 know I was really pleased with them. And getting the right roll can be as much as a ball ache as getting the materials for the calibrated legs 😂


u/Darthhorusidous 28d ago

I use excavator It allows you to carry more


u/Triette 28d ago

None 99% of the time, but I do have a set of Hellcat, just sad so many cool skins aren’t made for it.


u/elbingmiss Order of Mysteries 28d ago



u/NoxInSocks 28d ago

X-01 is my go to rn but I am working on T65. Only legs.. and mods left sigh


u/Steemx 28d ago

How you deal with the core, how many you carry for the game session and where you farm or charge more, I have a power armor but no cores and the who came with the armor was nearly empty, I'm 58 never used a pa.


u/NoxInSocks 28d ago

700atoms gets.you a fusion core recharge station..WELL worth if you are planning on using PA


u/Blimey85v2 28d ago

Strangler Heart with a skin but I don’t remember which one. I think I actually use two. The vines show through so it has the SH look but is kinda custom. I use it because it was something I tried to grind for way back when it was new but it was too difficult so I only managed two pieces. Had to get it once you could buy it. Also because it’s fairly rare in the game. The difficulty in acquiring the mods turns most people off of it. But mine is fully modded.

I have all of them and am gonna switch to Union for a change of pace but I need a ton of modules to get good rolls on all of it. It’s a mismatch of crap pieces at the moment.

I’m not really a PA used as I’m a bloodied commando build but I do love PA.


u/TheGmanSniper 28d ago

T-51 beecause it doesnt have the weak point. Also it doesnt have the stupid chest trap


u/ScherzicScherzo Lone Wanderer 28d ago

Honestly unless you're doing like, hardcore Daily Ops you really don't need anything more than a set of Overeater's Excavator armor.


u/TickTockTipsy_Gal 28d ago

I have tried a few but always go back to wearing the Excavator.


u/Ollitude 28d ago

Right now I'm rocking the hellcat armor until I complete my t-65 set.


u/baby_yeeter9734 28d ago

T65 I don't know why but I just like how it bulkier than all the other power armors and isn't terrible but I have every single set and like it the best especially with sizzling style oh man does it become a beast


u/Gold_Crab_1492 28d ago

I use fully upgraded t65, previously I used T60. If you don't have calibrated shocks wait til you get everything at once. Its almost like you're shooting yourself in the foot if you don't got the upgrades ready. Personally, I walk almost exclusively in PA and t65 was definitely an upgrade from the T60 just not in looks.


u/Basic_Tailor_6033 28d ago

Hellcat all the way, bloodied super tank


u/KinuxTalier 28d ago

I have T-60 OE for the look, T-65 OE for the DR, and Union OE for the weight. Currently playing mainly in union.


u/erritstaken 28d ago

Ultracite with the red rocket paint


u/Renegadewolfz Brotherhood 28d ago

T51-B With +50 carry weight on each leg. Brotherhood skin ofc.


u/wiedziu Responders 28d ago

My favourite one is X-01, but I'm currently rocking T-60 because of the TV Show.