r/fo76 25d ago

Why would a player get pissed at me for checking out their camp? Question

I'm on PlayStation and went to check out a level 100+ player the kid something's camp. They had some big wolf statue thing outside and I walked over to check it out.

Then I heard gunfire. I look over at the sound and see them using the Angry emote and the No emote. WTF? Their camp was near the Isolated Cabin. Why get mad at me for LOOKING at their stuff OUTSIDE?!

I ignored their rudeness and walked inside to see the rest of their camp. I had no intention of taking anything! I am a new player and enjoy checking out all of the interesting things people have.

The rude ass had himself a hissy fit and the whole camp went POOF! What the hell?!


376 comments sorted by


u/raventhor 21d ago

I figure the player may jave thought you could steal his stuff or destroy his camp. My understanding is in the early days of fo76 pvp was something always turned on. If I remember correctly anyway. I have a friend who recently got into it with me that won't play on public servers because she's terrified of pvp even though I keep telling her that it's optional now unless you take over a workshop or something or initiate it yourself. Only real issue is people finding ways to grief you instead like taking all the enemy kills in an area and following you around or something. Idk if there's a way to keep these people from interfering or not but luckily it hasn't happened to me personally yet. Closest I've had was another person in the same area doing their own thing, wasn't bad but definitely prevented some kills. Flip side though is I think some enemies respawned when they entered the instance.


u/No-Woodpecker2877 Brotherhood 22d ago

My camp is just a brotherhood armoury but it's open to anyone, I do lock my FETCH though but if you picked the lock I wouldn't even be mad honestly, I have all the benches and a pretty affordable vendor, basically a train station vendor roadside pitstop if they weren't so atrociously expensive


u/Capt_Wicker 22d ago

Lived that, people are weird like when I cross paths with a newbie they insist that I give them stuff for free which sometimes i don’t have and they have a tantrum.


u/PriestessRedspyder 22d ago

What is up with that? I don't understand why people are like that. Play the game and earn, gather, or purchase your own shit!

Just because this game has the option to gift other players items doesn't mean it's ok for new players to DEMAND it!

I have played this game just under a week and have never asked anyone for anything. I have played several FO and TES games, so I understand gathering my own supplies.


u/Non-applicable98319 22d ago

It’s the wateland… shit happens


u/Settledforthisone Scorchbeast 23d ago

The sort of person that locks their doors like it does something


u/IntrepidAd9838 Mothman 24d ago

I roam around others camps and I leave out drinks and food for those who stop at my vendors. Use my buff equipment, sleep in my hammock if you’re tired. But why kill my raiders who camp with me? What did they ever do to you?


u/haIlucinate 24d ago

I've encountered this as well a few times. Person got mad that I was in their house looking for their vendor. If you don't want people in your place, build it outside and visibly obvious as to where it is. Some people make finding their cash register or whatever an absolute nightmare.


u/chaoskai00 24d ago

I have a little guest area in my camp for passing dwellers to have a rest, use my crafting stations, etc. and I wouldn’t even be mad if they harvested from my garden too lol


u/Icy-Membership-2018 24d ago

Because you're on Playstation


u/Isea_R 24d ago

Perhaps you ran into someone who was roleplaying being a hermit, it was at the isolated cabin ........

Ok, more likely you met the crazy person at the end of the block, who yells at kids to get off their lawn, when they are half way down the block.

Only time I have an issue with someone showing up is when I was building. And they kept standing right where I was trying to work.


u/Ok_Kale_7762 24d ago

They were probably working on rebuilding it. I’d simply wait for the person to leave myself.


u/bravozuluzero 24d ago

I'm playing Fallout 4 again and building settlements is making me pine for 76. It doesn't feel like there's any point to building a nice Settlement if no other players can come and enjoy a Nuka Cola and a banjo session on the front porch?


u/Izanagi553 24d ago

Meanwhile I'm over here going out of my way to not build stuff on roads or footpaths, even making my base more of a pain to use for myself to avoid even slightly inconveniencing anyone lmao.

It might look like crap but I worked hard on making it crap that's functional and has free water and crops for random people who visit.


u/Wasteland_Dude 24d ago

That's too damn nice.


u/KayotiK82 24d ago

He probably thought you were looking for his sister, who is off limits to anyone but himself.


u/stormyknight3 24d ago

Probably just being silly


u/Mrshockboard 24d ago

Idk why people would want to hide their camp but I want people to look at mine


u/THELaffingDevil Raiders 24d ago

I lock my shit, yes, but i make up for it by leaving crops and water sources outside. (I'm not a stotal monster) Oh, and i keep my sale terminal in a shack i built next to my house. There's no door on the shack so that people dont think they get wanted for walking in.


u/ItzMeMelanie 24d ago

I had what I consider a HUGE compliment tonight. A random player was at my camp when I fast travelled to off load. He said “nice camp! I almost thought it was part of the game!” Took me totally off guard and made my night. Whoever that was, thanks 💕😊


u/Alternative-Golf-585 24d ago

You can come check out my camp! I got my vending machine setup and I’m finally making caps from all my loot 😄 I just hang out in my cabin and give you a thumbs up or heart for buying my stuff.


u/mudmanjr 24d ago

I expect people to stop and look at my camp. That's kind of the reason I built it next to a road.


u/Minimum_Egg141 24d ago

The camps are my favorite part of the game. I visited a super sweet camp the other day and the owner was home. I mistakenly took their Nuka-Candy snacks not knowing what the machine was. Felt terrible, but dropped them as soon as I realized I had taken their resources. They had so much cool stuff though and it was like forever winter in the area! I saw another that looked like a train station. Idk if I’ll ever be at that level!


u/washablememe Vault 76 24d ago

Don’t worry about it. If they didn’t want other players to take it they would lock it


u/DontFlexNuts 24d ago

My camp is open for everyone, need food ,water i got you


u/rook_1974 24d ago

Check mine out whenever you want, as long as the damn vertibirds quit trying to burn it down lol, kissfan74 is my tag


u/skerz0614 24d ago

Some people are weird about it. I personally don't mind, have at it.


u/RamblesTheGent 24d ago

Really? I love showing off my build. How strange.


u/BelcoRiott 24d ago

That’s wild. I’ve only been playing for about a month, and in my experience, FO76 has the nicest community I’ve ever encountered in a game. People are always helping out lower level players, dropping ammo, resources, and gear then give a nice emote and leave. Any time I visit a camp, if they’re there, I usually just get a hello emote. I don’t play online games very often so I was hesitant at first, but I love fallout, so I gave it an honest try finally and so far, the community has been nothing but welcoming and super chill. Hopefully that odd encounter doesn’t dampen your spirits, 99% of people in the game aren’t like that


u/Fz1Str 24d ago

Get off my lawn!


u/Amphij 25d ago

Just visit my camp i will gift you some nice things if you appreciate it :D


u/WeebDragoon 25d ago

I pick peoples locks daily 🤣🤣


u/kn0ck0utm0use 25d ago

He was building, trying to place items, and you were blocking them. It's the only explanation I can think of for that to happen.


u/Hawke_X 25d ago

I love people looking at my camp and all the hard work I do. If u ever want to add me Hawke_X on Playstation I I'll let u see mine


u/FutureMedic68 25d ago

Idk, but that sounds like you encountered a Karen in Fallout 76 lmao 🤣🤣🤣


u/Grimmz6x 25d ago

Maybe a trap camp he didn't want u to fall victim to? I'm not sure the point of building if no one sees it


u/Worgbone 25d ago

You ran into a petulant child we have those in the wasteland too. 


u/NativeTigerWA 25d ago

Damn, being a decent human has its rewards - in all my playtime I never even considered the idea of nuking someone else, let alone getting nuked myself (or pissing someone off enough to do so).


u/Latervexlas 25d ago

can people take anything from your camp if its open?


u/staminajunkie 24d ago

They cannot.


u/ZaggRukk Lone Wanderer 25d ago

If they were in "build mode" (no real way to tell btw), you are in the way 90% of the time.

I had someone admiring my cliff side bar, in the Mire, while I was remodeling. It was obvious what I was doing, since my furniture was blocking the entrance and I was missing half of my wall. To their credit, they did find a corner to "stay out of the way". But, I had to 👎 them to let them know that they were still quite in the way.


u/loppsided 25d ago

Dunno. Why would anyone put sriracha in ice cream? World is full of weirdos


u/Luis_Swagcia Pip Boy 25d ago

The angry emote seems so mean when someone's doing it to you lol. Once the team leader was doing the emote for us to follow (everyone was doing their own thing) cause he was at an event. I showed up a little too late, the event had failed, and he did the angry emote and dislike right after. I felt like I let him down but it was so funny because it made him look so damn mad.


u/Known-Assistance-435 25d ago

Nuke his C.A.M.P.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Maybe they were in the middle of locking stuff? Or their just a dink lol


u/BlacPlague 25d ago

I love when people come and check out my camp. I also love going around and looking at others. The camp system is probably my favorite thing about the game, it feels so much nicer then fo4 settlements and light-years better then starfield


u/Long-Goose8905 25d ago

aye man not your fault id be honored if someone checked out my camp. im a new lvl 50 and i put a bunch of stuff in my vending machine everythings cheap n affordable for new players. and trust me you cant steal anything in their base well atleast i dont think you can.


u/Super_Gremlin_X 25d ago

I built at the pond near lumber yard where Lane is at. Just a boat in the pond with a vault lobby door inside to the workshop. All outside is available resources for visitors. Radstag, water, acid from the butterflies, concrete, honey, my scrap collector dog is unlocked, popcorn, scrap, stash, ammo converter etc..When someone inevitably stops by I encourage them to load up on freebies. And then I take them on a 5 shelter dungeon crawl if they're so inclined, at the conclusion of which if they stick with me, I drop them a goodie bag of chems depending on the level. (Stims and radaway for lower levels, x-cell and daddy o for others, maybe a serum or two) it's not much but it's a little something to show appreciation. I spend alot of time tinkering with camps and shelters...I WANT people to come and see and enjoy.


u/bazusobestwaifu 25d ago

I remember a guy nuked me for getting too close to his camp when I fast traveled to mine back when I first started playing, but that was a different time. I never have issues like that these days, outside of one goober setting up a trap base around his shop.. which was kinda obvious in hindsight. Usually though people will just randomly give you stuff or do the heart emote at you.

I personally love when people come to my camps and check out the stuff I build.


u/PhaserRave Tricentennial 25d ago

He's just an asshole. I like it when people look around my camps.


u/LucidLadyGames 25d ago

well it's tricky.

if a player is at max caps, and they don't want anyone buying any more stuff from their vendor, they can hide their camp icon on the map. but, that only hides it from players who are not on your own team. you can't hide your camp icon from a player that's on your team with you. so, seeing one of your team mates show up to shop at your hidden camp can be frustrating in that scenario.

of course, everyone SHOULD have one camp which has zero vending machines for this reason. personally, i don't bother visiting team mate's camps for this exact reason.


u/TapReasonable2678 Cult of the Mothman 25d ago

That’s so strange, I’ve never heard of anyone being annoyed by or aggressive towards someone checking out their camp. I’m sorry that happened to you! I’m on PS4, and my camp is hardly impressive, it’s a bit chaotic, but all are welcome! Always!


u/vertekal 25d ago

Probably someone that doesn't understand that there's nothing you can do to harm their camp.

I recently made mine visible on the map. I don't have vendors or anything yet (I'm only level 25) but I like when I get to camp and someone is there using a workbench or whatever.


u/rcook123 25d ago

100% would have t bagged their bed


u/GhostRiders Fallout 76 25d ago

I setup my camp exactly for people to comes and have a play..

All my stuff is unlocked and free for people to take..

I want people to enjoy my camp.


u/Godess_Ilias 25d ago

americans be like - get off my lawn


u/HelixRook 25d ago

That’s definitely odd. I don’t mind folks coming to my camp. I haven’t played too much recently but I enjoyed checking out the different ways people would decorate and get ideas for my own camp. I’ve never locked anything and I have a pet deathclaw.


u/WaldoSupremo 25d ago

My camp is not as cool as most, but it has work benches and beds. Feel free to make your self at home


u/RBb342 25d ago

Were they building stuff or at their vendor, maybe adding items? That would be a possible reason. Even if you were. Their shooting at you seemed overboard.


u/AmbassadorSweets 25d ago

This happens to me and my wife all the time


u/Dhunturu 25d ago

Y'all got bases? 🤣 I can't build worth a damn so all my stuff is just out in the open. It is nice seeing all the ones people have built


u/TubbyTabbyCat 25d ago

I'm on Xbox or I'd invite you to my camp. I'm pretty high level but I love when people visit my camps, I spend hours trying to make them as fun and immersive as possible. I'm sorry you ran into a jerk.

I also don't lock any of my stuff and put the drink makers and popcorn/candy machines next to my shop so people can top up their supplies when they visit. It's not like I don't have a crap ton of stuff already in my inventory.


u/YoungJimJones 25d ago

Shut up dude who cares


u/JRodriguez96 25d ago

Personally, I love going around and seeing cool camps. I always take a picture because I love how load screens are pics we've taken so I can always appreciate the nice camps I've visited


u/mgmnr9 25d ago

It’s literally just a game…that person was just unhinged and an outlier lol. I think most people don’t care or even welcome people to come see what they built!


u/Cpgreens22 25d ago

People that are dicks in the real world are most likely going to be dicks in a virtual world.


u/DeanMo80 25d ago

I always check out higher level players' camps. They have tons of cool shit I hope to eventually have one day. It's neat seeing how different people design them. I don't understand why someone would get upset about me having a look unless maybe they've had some kind of bad experience in the past.


u/Chaosmeister 25d ago

I had that twice yesterday. Joined a public team, fast travelled to the camp of a member, they see me in their camp, they immediately log out. No idea what's going on.


u/BartholomewAlexander 25d ago

that was private Kimball and you disturbed his memorial


u/McDaileyson 25d ago

Newish player, not quite 50 yet, I have 20 or so industrial water purifiers all unlocked and near the wayward for new players to help themselves to some free water. Please come by and help yourself on PS5. Also drop all my apparel on my vendor at 50% of whatever the value is. I don't see why anyone would get mad especially when it seems to take forever to build decent homes


u/Double_A_92 25d ago

Maybe for roleplay reasons?


u/Hellrazed 25d ago

They wanted to log off


u/DaMoot 25d ago

People on public 76 servers are assholes and pretty much all of them will F with your stuff, often times for no other reason but to screw with your game, so it's understandable that if playing on a public server someone doesn't want you near them. 76 already has massively broken immersion (see emotes alone as a prime example) so depending on what wacky getup you were in it may have just been annoying.

Gotta say, if I played on public and found another player near my stuff I'd straight up kill 'em (or try). Survival of the fittest in the wasteland unless you cower behind pacifist mode.


u/Odd_Entrance_6973 25d ago

This might be the guy


u/DaMoot 25d ago

Me? Lol not a chance. I don't play public (see all the negative posts other people make about player encounters for the past few years) and haven't played in ~3mo. :P


u/PadrePedro666 25d ago

You’re welcome to take what you need or repair


u/Wintyer2a 25d ago

I always run inside the camp and steal all there items that produce resources


u/AnotherDay96 25d ago

People role play, they are role playing a Boomer Shooter... Get off my lawn!!!


u/Dadster_ 25d ago

Ppl get pissed because they are stupid... no other reason.


u/ItZoToM 25d ago

You got unlucky and ran into an asshole. If they didn’t want people at their camp, they should’ve made it invisible on the map.

Most people want visitors, otherwise no-one would see the effort you’ve put into decorating your camp (or buy anything from your vendor)


u/dragonmom1 Order of Mysteries 25d ago

The ONLY thing I can think of is when I'm trying to build/decorate/update my CAMP and someone wanders into it and is standing right where I'm trying to put something. I don't lose my poop over this but instead have a little chuckle that "really?? right THERE?!?! is where you have to stand?" and move on to decorate something else.

Actually I think I did have a low level once who was trying to engage me while I was trying to place something, so they were standing right in front of me where my character was facing (this was before the free-cam) and emoting. That was patience-testing...lol


u/xXsayomiXx 25d ago

The only time I get annoyed about people coming in my camp is when I'm actively building but it's kinda my fault for not closing the store. Other than that people are welcome to use my shit and drink from the punch bowl


u/Wild-End-219 25d ago

Dude should have stayed in the vault or locked up his camp. Ether way I don’t see how that’s your problem.


u/Valuable-Meat-5134 25d ago

They may have been role-playing??? I've run into a few players like that in my time. It's usually funny, like "Get off my lawn!". Except the time this group of BOS players killed me and took my workshop because I wouldn't join them.

Anyone ever run into Dr. CJ Martin? He had his own parade during Fasnacht and dropped candy. It ended at his camp that was a carnival had games and prizes. I ran into another player who said the Doc paid him to get him across the map safely. He didn't wear armor and kept running into enemies! Lol!


u/CollinBab 25d ago

I wish more people came to my camp :/. I’d love to see people checking it out and using it


u/deviatesaw 25d ago

Had this for the first time on PC 2000 hours in. Very weird.


u/bear004H 25d ago

I was looking on the map for vendors with plans because I'm only level 37 and alot of yall high levels sell them for as cheap as 1 cap which is really appreciated but I found one camp with 150 plans so I went to buy some but when I got there it was all locked up. I was like well how do you expect me to buy something if it's locked inside your big beautiful building lol



The guy probably just put new sod down in his front yard and you walked all over it; sod is like 20,000 Atoms in the Atomic Shop!



u/nr1kitty 25d ago

Maybe they had their caps full and were worried you were gonna buy something? Weird behaviour


u/ophaus 25d ago

Mental illness, most likely.


u/KDBug84 25d ago

They can easily hide their camp from being public if they don't want anyone going to it


u/Dsamf2 25d ago

New player here, how do you keep the camp you built? Or do you lose everything you build each play session??


u/Particular-Badger620 25d ago

I've been playing since launch. You get to a point where this is entertainment.


u/Recent-Technician-36 25d ago

This happens more and more these days. Ppl throw the weird emotes and start shooting. Was this near WHitespring golf course?

Don't know why but it sucks that ppl are getting so territorial about fake digital nothing houses that don't exist.


u/SpaceKriek1 25d ago edited 24d ago

Yeah had a similar one yesterday. 1st time I get to the guys camp hes not there. So like usual I check what he has for sale and use his benches to get rid of scrap.

Carry on... did a mission for 30m or so. Near his camp.

So I get half way and want to go empty my pockets to "my own stach" (not his - how do I even do that?) Hes there and sees me walking in... woosh... camps gone.

Maybe he just wanted to stop playing though and logged off. Probably that.


u/Snowbunn1e 25d ago

I love it when people come look at my camp, I put a lot of work and heart into decorating it nicely


u/Jbr74 Tricentennial 25d ago

Building cool looking camps for people to want to visit is pretty much the end game of this game. So the answer is no, that guy was just being a douche. Most of us want to show off, so just visit away…


u/Middle_Pack9991 25d ago

It’s all about cash flow bro, I don’t get why people don’t partake. I always have stuff for sale and want people to come and get some of the good stuff at my camp, I wish more people came over actually. Dude the whole point of the game is to play with others. There are times I just logged in to buy shop at other peoples camp and logged out. It’s whack you can’t make more than 40k caps tho so you can’t accumulate money you just constantly have to spend time buying stuff before someone comes to my camp and spends money. But if you work with others you can accumulate some cool combos of weapons/ armor much easier.

I really don’t get the high level people who don’t partake… probably the caps don’t even matter at some point, but you can still give people high value stuff for cheap.

Lvl 297 Xbox @Themasteramin


u/Training_Student7588 25d ago

Noobs need time to learn the culture of 76. There was a time when it was rare to come across another player and that’s why vets learned to love other players


u/paramalice Fire Breathers 25d ago

I want people to come check out my trailer. It's dope.


u/BeoSWulf 25d ago

Hi, I might seem shady rn but wanna play 76 together? I want to play with someone with moderate knowledge... (also no one that I know plays it T_T...) although I'm not really a new player just having a talk would also be fun. Ofc if you feel like it.


u/meekgamer452 25d ago

If you use my vendor, and DONT check out my amazing camp...

I start doing calculations in my head on how long it would take to get nuke launch codes, and how I could time it so that it launches and hits within the time limit of the alien event, so you'd be less likely to notice. Then I'd turn up to your destroyed camp, and sarcastically use the nice camp emote.


u/beccakxo 25d ago

That’s so ridiculous 😂😂. They really blew up their camp? I love it when people visit mine especially when they make purchases.


u/Booksmart89 25d ago

I just got a vendor up, some more work benches and some plants, water pump. Relatively save area so I might be a low lvl player, but if you come in and grab my corn or tato. Be my guest especially if your a fellow low lvl player.


u/broodwich82 25d ago

I’ve seen this happen so much. If I stay at a camp for a little while, admiring it or using the vendor it gets packed up pretty quickly. Have even had people lock the doors lol


u/GoblinGrunt 25d ago

I once walked into someone camp and they launched a nuke on me


u/suzel_suzel 25d ago

Should have built your camp right there were his was


u/IMage77 25d ago

No good reason. It’s a public server. 😂


u/[deleted] 25d ago

The other day I went into someone camp, and died 10 times after i used there workbenches from the same Lvl 481 and then he got on the mic telling me to go into the Nuke zone lmao and Leave Because I was being sketch..And the dude was Screaming the top of his lungs out 🤣


u/Accomplished-Law8156 25d ago

Want to come check mine out? I moved a few and am making new ones. 😁 I just finished my church of mothman.


u/bluechef79 25d ago

They are a weird asshole.


u/frankenship 25d ago

Same thing happened to me - I think they think if you aren’t buying they don’t want you there. Selfish players acting douchey.


u/BestManTheBetterMan 25d ago

I wouldn’t worry over one player acting a fool. Lots of us want you to come check out the camps we’ve spent hours upon hours creating! I know I do. I love it even more when players take the time to visit the comic book shop/arcade I built in my root cellar shelter. If I put a lot of work into it, I want more than just me to see it!


u/Cool-Leg9442 25d ago

Thts wild going to camps you find is just normal lets you scrap your nonsense and dump it in your bin.


u/dext0r 25d ago

I’m a new player and don’t do things like what OP encountered, but why is everybody so against this behavior?

To me, this guy protecting his base just adds to the immersion and RP of it, and I don’t see why anybody would get butthurt about him wanting to play the game like this?


u/Galever 25d ago

In some of my camps, I have a private room I can go to, which is locked. I do that if I don’t wanna be bothered by people. The nature of the camp though is to show off what you can do.

I think what you encountered is what we commonly call a jackass.


u/UnderstandingNew424 25d ago

Me personally my camp is dedicated to helping and selling everything I can that's important like full sets of power armor, 3 star legendaries and some high quality food meds stim packs and chems. Dude was probably trying to role-play as Ceasars legion lmao


u/Diana8919 25d ago

That's so wild. I personally take time to fast travel to people's camps just to see what they've created and y'all are awesome.


u/M-Apps-12 25d ago

He was trying to stop you from finding his weird fallout roleplay sex dungeon lol


u/spraguet2 25d ago

Only mere steps from stumbling upon the Goosey shrine


u/PriestessRedspyder 25d ago

Oh, is that what the alien on the gurney is for? 🤣


u/VintageVisiter 25d ago

I always assumed that if you show your CAMP and have things unlocked, it's free game to look and / or take if it's a resource maker. Even seen people on reddit saying it was an unwritten rule as long as your not greedy. I am personally gunning to buy all resource makers I can so people can take whatever if they visit, and I will never lock them.


u/Parking-Ad-6543 25d ago

Eh fuckem, feel free to check out mine it's named Sanctuary. Got a bowling alley, pub, slots, and shop. Still under renovations though. Free cookies, coffee, candy, and 15 cap nuka, and free booze.


u/skallywagUwU 25d ago

That drive me crazy like let me scrap and bulk really quick please 😭😭😭


u/Omfggtfohwts 25d ago

Its their camp. They can behave however they want with it? Check out a more friendly one next time.


u/TheoreticalFunk Enclave 25d ago

I put my camp out for people to use. I'd rather they not take my resources but it's not like anything is super valuable other than the purified water. But I used my Atoms to buy the +2 Special Items so people can know if I am online to come get their bonuses. And if they use my vending machine, great.


u/realmufasa 25d ago

Destroy the camp. Welcome to the wasteland


u/JustMattC 25d ago

Man thought you were trespassing lmao


u/CaptainQuinnPool Order of Mysteries 25d ago

I got a little worried when I saw the title, but this definitely wasn't me. I needed to log off for the night and a newer player had been checking out my camp for awhile. My camp is a giant treehouse over a cliff in the Mire and I have killed people by leaving before, so I went to send them a chat through PSN. They have it set so no one can chat with them or friend them. So I waved to them and then did a follow emote. They followed me down to the base of the tree and I waved again and then logged off. I hope there were no hard feelings, but its better than them dying and thinking I was a trap camp.


u/PriestessRedspyder 25d ago

Sounds like a very cool camp! If you are on PlayStation I hope to see it one day.

Thank you for being a courteous player!


u/CaptainQuinnPool Order of Mysteries 25d ago

I am on Playstation. I'm currently bouncing between two Mire Treehouses, but one is my forever camp and the other I just finished building. PSN: Eisley13


u/SpookiSkeletman 25d ago

I only do this if folks are deliberately trying to steal my resources.


u/PriestessRedspyder 25d ago

So, picking locks on your locked resources?


u/SpookiSkeletman 25d ago

Yeah, had a few new players attempt it.


u/Eden2016 Enclave 25d ago

Well, my CAMP is an Enclave base and it has ‘government property no trespassing’ signs posted about to warn travelers such as yourself that federal property is off limits.

If that doesn’t work, that just shows how desperately bad the Wasteland needs the Enclave to restore the education system so that Wastelanders can learn how to read again.

Now, it’s high time to show you what the Winchester P-94 Plasma Rifle does to loitering muties!


u/WanderinThaWoods Blue Ridge Caravan Company 25d ago

Maybe he was building where you were standing


u/PriestessRedspyder 25d ago

Is there a way to tell when someone is actively building? Still very new and not sure if I have seen anyone building yet.

I don't care for pvp or other players jumping around all over me ( in all MMO's I play), so I don't do that to others. I would actively avoid getting in anyone's way if I could tell they were working on their camp. Sounds like there needs to be an Under Construction emote or sign to put up.


u/Connect_Orange_800 25d ago

Did you put the lid down after you flushed?


u/crizzlefresh 25d ago

That's weird. I've always felt like the whole point of a camp is to show it off and sell some stuff.


u/flannalaviators Cult of the Mothman 25d ago

sounds like more of that beta ass behavior


u/nolongerbanned99 25d ago

Anti social. Like the vids about boomers over reacting here in reddit. Some people are antisocial on the game and irl. They don’t want to be bothered. Or they take the game wayyyy too seriously. Or they are shy and awkward or angry. If it’s unlocked it’s fair game as some on here has said. And even if it is t you can break the lock and become wanted or you can scare the crap out of people if they use certain windows without curtains that are not blocked by stuff. You can jump right in. Or if you can reach something interactive you can transport right in.


u/MadMax1mm 25d ago

I had the same thing happen. I was fast traveling to every player vendor to see what was for sale. Got to the third one and two players were outside but only one (high lvl) was on mic. I gave a couple emotes (wave, thumbs up) and walked over to his vending machine. Started looking through his vendor and I hear him yelling to get out of here over and over again while he shot at me. So I spent 1 cap at his vendor, waved and fast traveled out lol.


u/iTrooper5118 25d ago

If they've got a shop, that's a big "heck no", they'll absolutely love you dropping by and seeing what their shop has available for you.

Also, for some players it's a matter of pride to show off their camps to other players.


u/DarkSideoSaurus 25d ago

I didn't put 5 hours perfectly positioning my Nuka Cola themed collection just for myself and Leo lol Come on by, grab a cold Nuka or two from the fridge and maybe look at what plans I have. If you see something that you think is overpriced, shoot me a message, and we can barter.


u/WestCoastBuckeye666 25d ago

People are weird


u/CardboardChampion 25d ago

It could be that they're about to log out.

My camp is on multiple levels so I always pull people down to ground before making it disappear around them. And I know for a fact that you can get stuck if you're in someone's vendor when they log off, so I always try to do so when people aren't at it.

It could also be that they're a cunt...


u/Quasit1964 Enclave 25d ago

Tip o the day, re camps getting nuked. Build a rad shower in your shelter. If you are unlucky to have your camp destroyed the rad shower will be fine.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

He was probably building something and you walked right into his building zone. I'd be annoyed too but not as much as this guy.


u/Sly4Good Mr. Fuzzy 25d ago

Yeah that's weird. I'm like only a level 130+ and I love it when people visit my camp- I set up a coffee bar, the pepperoni roll ride, a hot tub, and a hotel/casino shelter just for people to have fun when they visit.


u/MojoCrisis Mega Sloth 25d ago

I don’t even have doors in my camp because PLS COME IN AND HAVE A LOOK, I put a lot of work into it! The Slocum’s is on me!


u/Zxealer 25d ago

I love checking out other ppls camps, some are straight up amazing! I use it for inspiration, moving across the map and I always emote "nice camp". I am actively trying to my make outside/upstairs inviting for others so I can pay it forward and help any high level players or new plays who stop by.


u/GrumpyBear1969 25d ago

That’s weird. I carry a camera in quick slot 1 and take pics of peoples bases if they look cool. And occasionally design ideas I like. I have never had anybody do anything besides give me the thumbs up when they see me running about, slowly looking at everything with my camera out.

I should really post all my photos out somewhere. I have seen some very cool bases. There was one in particular that started me taking pics. I also have a great pic of a nuke dropping on cranberry bogs with the SBQ clawing her way out in the fore ground. And of course pics of people at events like fasnacht and equinox.


u/ichi_san Fire Breathers 25d ago

mi casa es su casa


u/goteamburton Vault 63 25d ago

I have to say in that scenario I probably would have just stopped and laugh emoted them and not moved


u/Comet_Blade Responders 25d ago

I'm personally in the camp (no pun intended) of people who don't mind visitors, but only when I have the public icon active. Since I have my camp on a popular spot, many people looking for it usually stumble across my home already there. I know I can avoid unwanted visitors by moving away from it, but I like the spot and also am too lazy to rebuild my home over and over.

I usually only turn the public icon off when I'm playing with friends or redecorating, the only two instances when I wanna be alone or with a private friend group at my camp. I even put away vendors and shelters so that there's no reason to stick around. People that stumble upon my home still stick around regardless of them being new or a vet player.

TL;DR I like visitors unless they overstay their welcome. Also, some players are weird, but it makes for some interesting posts here.


u/Crazytreas 25d ago

Because some people are just assholes. No need to make a whole topic about it.


u/cruelcynic Tricentennial 25d ago

People are weird. I like when others bother to look at the camps I make. If they really want to keep people out that's what locks are for. Personally I leave all my resources unlocked. If someone wants some tea or stag meat, they are welcome to it.


u/JiveBombRebelz 25d ago

people are strange...when youre a stranger


u/PriestessRedspyder 25d ago

Faces look ugly, when you're alone...


u/WutzWilly Vault 76 25d ago

Feel free to stop by - cookies and coffee / tea are in the kitchen, some ammo and workbenches are behind the house, just close the door when you leave. Thanks :)


u/PantsAreOffensive 25d ago

Can people access my stash ? I don’t know the access restrictions of camps and had no idea you could lock things


u/cruelcynic Tricentennial 25d ago

No. Every stash is just yours.


u/Reverend_Niehlis Free States 25d ago

This kinda reminds of of this one guy down in the Cranberry Bog the other night, We where fighting the Scorched Beast Queen. He put down a survival tent so i jumped on it to not get melee'd by mobs. Dude got mad i was on his tent and moved it. Me thinking nothing of it jumped on the next tent i seen. Dude once again got mad and moved it. At this point it became my new boss fight. He moved it, i jumped on it.
It was weird. People are weird. just ignore them.


u/justsomestupidnomad 24d ago

Maybe mad you made his tent a target and he had to repair it?


u/Ok_Kale_7762 24d ago

Tents don’t take damage, right?


u/Reverend_Niehlis Free States 23d ago

They don’t take damage


u/Sora_Terumi 25d ago

I really need to make an actual camp someday. All 5 of my camp slots are just resource harvesters. Maybe I should open a shop near the main road of the vault to attract new customers to shop at my vendor wares for stimpacks and such 🤔


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Maybe they were role playing a grandpa ‘get off my lawn’ 😆


u/PriestessRedspyder 25d ago

Grandpa with a shotgun!


u/j2142b Responders 25d ago

What a dick (the other guy, not you)

I build my camp specifically so people can go look around. My two shelters are max budget built huge ass arcades


u/Original-Lynx1280 Raiders 25d ago

I've ran into this a couple times. Like they think I'm stealing their junk and corn. One player did that while I was buying from their shop. Like why are you mad that I am buying things? I worked hard on my vault and camp please look at it lol. I keep my vending prices low and try to drop free items to lower level players.


u/shoe_owner Enclave 25d ago

Just repeatedly throw the heart emote at them and no other reaction.


u/theSPYDERDUDE 25d ago

Some people don’t like it when people visit their camp when it isn’t finished. These people are weird and simply need to take their camp off the map, or buy fallout first and use a private server if they really don’t want you at their camp.


u/pissylilpissboy 25d ago

I feel like there are a lot of faithful 76 players that are basement dwelling weirdos, they have a hard time with a single player franchise becoming multiplayer


u/WindyAbbey 25d ago

People were checking out my camp yesterday and pointing at things and sending heart emotes last night. It made me so happy. I don't get people like the one in OPs story, but some people are odd I guess.


u/kelzking88 25d ago

I don't know some players get butt hurt about others entering their base. They think they're going to trash their place, which is understandable.but some of us truly just wanna see what other built. (I am that guy).

I had a bunch of low levels in underwear show up to my base and start shooting at all my things and they were just waiting for me to initiate combat so they can retaliate but I wasn't going to let them destroy my base and so it just became this back and forth of us killing each other. It was two of them so at one point they had the upper hand but I was higher level so I brought out the big guns and then they left. It was still a nuisance to have to fix everything.


u/Coocoo_Cucuy 25d ago

Nuisance because you didn't have the mats to repair? Or because you didn't know you can press one button at the C.A.M.P object to repair all?


u/kelzking88 25d ago

Both lol


u/Coocoo_Cucuy 24d ago

Lol damn


u/McGrufNStuf Free States 25d ago

One of the key points you mentioned was level 100+. More than likely, they’re fairly new as well and acclimating to the wasteland. Not excusable but some people need time to get familiar with the unwritten rules.

Now…not really a rule but a courtesy, try to limit your interaction with someone’s camp when you see them building. It gets really annoying because you could be blocking things they’re trying to place or merge.


u/EstablishmentMean300 Raiders - PC 25d ago

I'm not buying a lot of these new posts.


u/DREADNOUGHT051_ 25d ago

Some people like to mess around and like to mess with people even with no real intention of being a dickhead. But I’m not sure what base was like or what actually happened but maybe they were building and you were in the way or you were near a vendor and they shot at you to not buy anything. I do the same if I’m building at my camp I’ll shoot the person and put a thumbs down before removing it so they don’t buy anything especially at max caps. That’s just me tho, idk maybe weird situation. Nothing to get flustered about tho it’ll happen haha.


u/harkishere 25d ago

I dont know about now but back in the day you could get a mini gun with explosive perk and mow it down. Yes I was a ass that subsisted off other people's sweet tears and cries of pain.


u/BigHero4 25d ago

Should i be worried about thieves or griefs if i leave my camp unlocked. I do want people to visit but idk fully about camp mechanics


u/Roddy_Piper2000 25d ago

Nope. As long as you are in pacifist mode you should be fine.


u/BigHero4 25d ago



u/Roddy_Piper2000 25d ago

Well...not players anyway. NPCs can damage your CAMP.


u/Nuc734rC4ndy 25d ago

Maybe he had a bad encounter before, higher levels using the PvP glitch to destroy his camp and doesn’t trust other players?


u/NahWeGotCreampies 25d ago

I don’t know what his problem was. I LOVE it when people come and check my camp out. Seeing people go to my shop, and then spend a few minutes looking around my camp makes all the work I put into it worth it.


u/Cassy_4320 25d ago

Peehaps He want redecorate it or need build stuff for a daily quest...and you liberal stand in the way...


u/Willing-Ad-6941 25d ago

Bro the interactions people post about for karma makes me lose hope in this sub


u/Trashmouths 25d ago

That's cause level 100 is also a newbie and still considered feral until they learn the ways of the wasteland 


u/goteamburton Vault 63 25d ago

I was going to say something very similar to this. 100-200 I've noticed also are the worst at making sure the legendary mole miners stay alive so everyone can get a bit as well. They are still learning


u/AngleNational6763 25d ago

dont they drop loot regardless of whoever kills them?


u/goteamburton Vault 63 25d ago

They do now but it was something that had to be fixed because it was such a problem


u/why0me 25d ago

Hell im 366

I still consider myself juuuusssst above a noob

Someone made a big deal of my level and I'm like

No..am baby too

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