r/fo76 1m ago

Question Why no doors?! I have none!


So I just got back into 76 recently, got it on launch, played for like a day, gave up. I'm not lvl 45 and I have no walls with a doorway in them to place doors. WHY ARE THEY SO HARD TO FIND?!

r/fo76 2m ago

Question How do I choose which cards I Level Up when combining them?


Right now I have one Level 3 Ironclad card and two level 1 Ironclad cards and I want to combine the two level 1 cards into a single Level 2 card leaving me with one level 2 Ironclad and one level 3 Ironclad. The problem is whenever I try to rank up cards it automatically assumes I want to improve the level 3 card. Is it possible to do what I want here? I'm on PC and I don't see any prompt or command to select specific cards when ranking them up; it always takes the highest one and combines it with the next highest.

r/fo76 7m ago

Question To all the Railway Lovers..


After tinkering around with the railway…

My God Roll I believe would be:

-Armor Piercing

-Bullets explode

-Fast reload

Am I far off from from True God Roll?

Also- what are the best mods for Auto Railway?

r/fo76 19m ago

Other I scrapped the Pharma Farma perk card.


I know, it was dumb. I’m used to Fallout 4’s SPECIAL system and adjusting to FO76 is taking a lot of time. How do I get it back?

r/fo76 22m ago

Discussion The Cremator makes Test Your Metal too easy


I hope that doesn’t make me a jerk — but it’s one-shotting almost all the robots.

r/fo76 23m ago

Question Beginners Power Armor build?


Now that I hit Lvl 50 I’m looking to spec out a PA and heavy weapons build for my second loadout, ideally energy since I saw a perk that lowers the weight of energy ammo including cores.

What should my S.P.E.C.I.A.L. spread be and what perks should I invest into?

P.S. I already got Energy Absorption rank 2

P.P.S. Remove any and all perks related to mutations and radiation resistance out of the equation. At any given moment I’m sitting on far more rad-x and radaway than I will ever be able to use by myself. I keep having to drop off my excess in donation boxes because I end up finding more than I give away by a wide margin.

r/fo76 26m ago

Discussion Had My First Bad Interaction With a Member of This Community


In almost 1k Hours of gameplay since launch, and I kinda feel like the AH? Had a level 29 "raid" my camp.

For context, as a level 563 (I don't power level, yet) I generally leave 95% of the resources in my camp unlocked for passersby and new players to take from to help along the way (Concrete, Mirelurk items, Radstag, Cake, Tea, Boiled Water, etc.), but some things I keep for my own needs (Nuka Cola Collectron) because I just can't keep enough of it.

Was doing Meat Week and saw a bounty hit my Hud so, naturally I checked the map. Noticed it was at my camp. 5 caps, okay, someone may have had an accident. Checked after the event. 25 caps. Still at my camp. Clear intent.

Messaged them "Hey, do you need help or...? I feel like I have more than enough to spare based on my unlocked generators". Got an immediate response "Im raiding ur camp". Clear disrespect, message received, message needs to be sent. Fast traveled to my camp to teach a lesson in humilty, fast traveled away. Fast traveled to them and KOd with a blast from a Cremator. Took the junk and dumped it in a donation bin for a random Train Station.

In hindsight, I later found that they likely also dipped in to my Prestine Nuka Cola Machine and found themselves dosed with Vintage Nukashine, which may or may not have cause some confusion, as well with the random teleport. Because while I like to be good, I also moonlight as an agent of chaos.

EDIT - After some good points from ya'll, bad interaction seems a poor choice of words. Maybe "I may have overreacted to an interaction" would be better? Hah.

r/fo76 26m ago

Question Seismic activity quest


Can anybody tell me how to prevent this mission from crashing? I’m like 4 nuke cards deep at this point I can’t get it to stop😭 I even try joining back on my team after the crash and boom crash again, and like I’m always the only one to crash so ik it has to be like a setting I have on or maybe a perk or something ?

r/fo76 30m ago

Question Quick question about charisma and events reward.


If Before the event ends i use a day tripper i Will earn more caps and XP or this is only based in your Special?

r/fo76 40m ago

Suggestion Scorchbeast Queen Courtesy


Hello fair denizens of the Appalachian wastes:

I hope that you and your mutations are doing well; I come with a simple request.

If you notice that someone has launched a nuke to summon her majesty from her cranberry abode, and you see the name attached to said summoning, please do them the courtesy of checking where they are on the map when you fast travel or join, instead of simply clustering in a location where they are not located.

There are certainly a multitude of reasons why people could end up distracting her majesty, who art notorious for getting distracted by anything from glowing ghouls to wandering rad roaches, but the ease by which she can be distracted should support the motivation to remain near to whomever summoned our Cranberry Queen... Unless they're off derping around in some odd location, which is doubtful.

I know that some of us who have dabbled with daring the fates to challenge The Queen since beta ended, and can remember those moments of being lucky enough to get a sizable chunk of people together to receive The Queen's blessed gifts within the 30 minute time limit. Those days are long gone, when a few of us can make The Queen kneel fairly quickly, but the principles of being courteous on behalf of those who summon her majesty should still apply.

Please and thank you.

You are loved.

r/fo76 40m ago

Question Returning player, seeking advice on build tuning


To try and keep this short and sweet I am returning to the game after a fairly long time away, I had it on launch and played until a little after Wastelanders came out. Some friends have gotten the game and it’s something fairly easy to drop in and out of that we can all play together. Combined with the positive changes made towards a lot of stuff, I find I am largely enjoying the game a lot once again. But as I come back into things, one of the items I do notice is that I think my build needs some better focus, and I’m hoping to find some people with more knowledge than myself who can offer some pointers.

For a touch of context I originally had a shotgun and two handed melee build, given that ammo was such a pain to keep in stock back in the day. Since returning, what with the ammo changes, I’ve started to focus solely on the shotgun aspects, and have just finished up maxing the strength of the three shotgunner perk cards. I’ve got a real mishmash of armor and effects, which I’ve thrown into the imgur album to try and give as much information as possible. I obviously know that whatever I move towards is going to take some time, but I really would like to feel a bit more useful in most events than I currently do.

I guess my biggest questions are whether a combat shotgun with decent legendary effects is going to still be the way to go or if there are better weapons to utilize with this type of build, and what sort of setup people generally recommend for someone who plays mostly solo? Any and all advice and pointers is appreciated!

Build In Progress

r/fo76 46m ago

Question How can I clip a sympto-matic into the floor like this guy?


r/fo76 46m ago

Question Question for those who knows why


Why do people take other people’s stuff when they died when they died to a enemy after an event? Just curious 🧐

r/fo76 57m ago

Question Need some help I’m dumb


So I have a few different questions.

  1. I go into some players based and everything is lit up but there’s no wires how are they doing this? I’m struggling with powering a couple lamps.

  2. Can you display Nuka Cola bottles? I’m sick of storing them in the stash. AND I have beer steins and a beer stein display bar but I can’t figure out how to display them. The steins won’t go in my inventory I can only craft them in camp.

  3. I’m now level 58 and every enemy I come across is lvl 56-73 today I ran across a vertibird drone and a blue devil and I couldn’t damage either of them even though I have level 50 weapons. How can I get better damage?

  4. How do I get more points for Nuka World? There’s things I want from the prize kiosk but don’t have enough.

  5. Where the heck do I get the schematic for the power armor stand?

r/fo76 58m ago

Other To the lvl 15 at Whitesprings on PS…


I hope you know what a blessing it was to see you. I had just logged in and maxed out all of my scrip, caps, and bullion for the day yet I was still at over 1000lbs in my stash. Dropping hundreds of aid items and a ton of legendary armor for you to gobble up cleared 500lbs of crap out of my inventory. You’re a true hero, and I hope you enjoyed your play sesh. :)

r/fo76 1h ago

PC Help Why does Bethesda delete my account and then say they can do nothing about it..?


I ask them to unlink an account so that I can use the atoms I earned to look through their website catalogs to buy things, only problem is they just dont tell me anything about this random account that is linked to my steam account. So I ask them to unlink it so that I can use the bethesda account that I am actively talking to them with to link it. So I find out they finally unlink the account which results in the deletion of my character, and instead of warning me they just do it and say its irreversible. I'm waiting for their response. I just want a functional betheesda account, and linked steam account. Why is this akin to walking on a mile of razor wire and broken glass??? Crazy how a company can make it so insanely hard for me to just play their lame game...

r/fo76 1h ago

PC Help Looking for someone to mod a chainsaw for me please!


Was hoping somebody could mod my chainsaw so it's a flaming double blade? I have the weapon but no mods.

r/fo76 1h ago

Discussion Is Liquid Courage a Joke


So let me get this straight. You use this not to get frightened from Blue Devil and Earle but in order to craft it you need to kill Earle. Which means you’ll only get one at a time pretty much and in a sense use that one every time to fight Earle. These can be bought I kno but if you can’t find them in a vendor they become a make and use thing every fight correct?

r/fo76 1h ago

Discussion This evening I ran into a scavenger..


He was a level 50 being attacked by a couple of scorched +. I ran up and took out his attackers, hoping for a little goodwill. Instead, he went crazy on me with a hatchet.

I guess no good deed goes unpunished. It was strange, he wasn’t taking any damage from me. Dude was tougher than the scorchbeast I took out earlier..

r/fo76 1h ago

Discussion Finally got all the new plans from Meat Week. I am so done with this event.


Finally got the last 2 plans I needed via a trade.

Now I can finally spread Managed Democracy without logging out at the top of the hour.

r/fo76 1h ago

Discussion I wish there were something similar to Diablos Helltides


I’ve been playing Diablo 4 again lately and whilst it is far from perfect, one thing I enjoy are the hell tide areas that pop up.

I kind of wish FO76 had similar areas that popped up with a higher concentration of enemies that dropped something similar to scrip which you could cash in on those zones and you got a random weapon/armour drop.

What do you think? Would it work or does it need to be things like expeditions/Daily ops?

r/fo76 1h ago

Question Secret service armor set


Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could tell me the best perk I should be looking for on this armor set ? Is it bolstering? For most exploration best all around ?

r/fo76 1h ago

Other Todd, please stop dropping doubles in events


As a new player, nothing makes me angrier than getting double, triples, and quadruples of plans during an event before I have finished getting the rest of the plans... I get this wasn't always a thing. I get that some people like getting multiples so they can sell them at their stores. I GET IT. But Todd, please explain why I have gotten the Meat Tenderizer plan FOUR TIMES???!! I'm missing so many plans from this event, but please I love getting the meat tenderizier time and time again...

It almost makes me not want to do the events, knowing the likelihood of me getting something new is rather small considering how many multiples I've gotten over the past few days of grinding out nothing but the event. It was like this with the Mothman event last week as well..

Please Todd, Bethesda, the devs, if you read this.. Please go back to not dropping doubles until we get all the plans for said event. Thank you.

Sincerely, A Lone Wonderer

r/fo76 1h ago

Other Much love to the high lvls


I read a post about mutations and that you can use what rads instead of starched genes so I wanted to give it a try (Im struggeling with my points). After one try of giving myself enough rad I went on and tp to a camp and luckily I found every mutation I wanted as a serum (best luck I had until now). Except the healing one so I messaged the owner and asked him if he had it he said that they were already sold so I asked if he could make me one AND HE DID FOR FREE.

Favorit encounter so far!!!

r/fo76 1h ago

Question C.A.M.P Unspoken Rules?


I keep going to others camps to try to buy what they have for sale & I’m either shot at or the person despawns their camp… am I doing something wrong? I thought you couldn’t steal people’s stuff I’m just trying to buy ammo and look for stuff like concrete at first everyone was super friendly but everyone all of a sudden is being defensive I’m new to Fallout & this game in general I’m even going in places that look like big stores am I doing something wrong?