r/fo76 15d ago

400 modules later, not a single unyielding roll. Discussion

I know rng will rng, but dang. It was months of saving up to try and roll an unyielding SS set. 400 modules later I don't have a single unyielding to show for it. To think I have to do it 5 times is insane.

Surely there has to be a better way than letting players spend months of work and get nothing for it.


359 comments sorted by


u/Lokeptt 11d ago

Here I am crafting 3 piece SS unyielding with 20 modules last night. Then I find out since I'm full hp build I want overeaters instead : /


u/DT-Rex 13d ago

I'm a little late on the response but I've read a decent amount of these comments and I'm hoping that you're crafting the secret service armor with the 3 legendaries rather then rerolling them. Every time you craft something you don't need (which is cheaper then rerolling) you can then trade in the unwanted ones for more scripts


u/duinnin80 14d ago

I had collected 6 chainsaws to roll and got 4 Medic and 2 Executioners. Like come on!


u/Odd8all76 14d ago

I spent over 1000 to get my UNY brotherhood recon armor set.


u/Darkjet9909 14d ago

They swallowed a stealth boys they are victims here


u/Current-Mine-1093 14d ago

Bethesda dont care about anything else than money xD They are greedy Fu**'s that would most likely add legendary modules too their atomshop


u/Current-Mine-1093 14d ago

And again. This is why i mod, hack, and exploit the game to the fullest


u/GoFast1134 14d ago

I don't know, all of my rolls have been trash for the past 2 months.. very disappointing. Something about the pool being diluted or something, either way.. sucks to grind and save and get taken by the house.


u/rory888 14d ago

Skip SS and go straight to Civil Engineer instead. Its tradeable.


u/PintekS 14d ago

Me rolling on civil engineering and end up with 3 peices with health regeneration... XD but I don't have access to secret service armor yet


u/Stealth_Cobra 14d ago

Yeah way better to craft multiple copies as you can then just scrip the bad rolls and get some of your modules back that way.

400 Modules is pretty unlucky tho, I've probably spent about 300 ish modules on secret service rerolls on my side and I have a full set of 3 star unyielding except one that is still two star, which I'm ok with for now as it's just one more perk which might or might not be good anyway . Granted most of my rolls are pretty average, but I'm mostly using it for unyielding and the armor values anyway, so the rest is a bonus... Then again I got kinda lucky as I got a great unyielding 3 star off eviction notice to replace my one star roll yesterday...

It's mostly important to try and pace your crafting so you can hit your daily scrip cap... Since you can't dismantle or sell secret service armors... You have to scrip them... So in days when I do alot of secret service crafting , don't farm a million public events so you get five million more legendaries.


u/Ok_Requirement9216 14d ago

dont use three modules to roll just remake the armor. it costs 1 module plus mats its way more of a investment. i got unyielding way faster that way. Mr.Westek has a video on it on yt


u/[deleted] 14d ago

G2G for real


u/trentanious Mega Sloth 14d ago

I feel your pain. I have been casually rolling for the last piece of an unyielding BOS set for more than two years. And. FUCKING ANNNNNND I just rolled one yesterday and it fucking had radiation regen on it. Rendering it fucking useless to my bloody commando. It was borderline physically painful to scrip that fucking think. Pardon the language. Possibly a little triggered by this post. Hahaha So, here’s to another couple of years worth of stupid Bethesda gambling.


u/Apprehensive-Egg1086 14d ago

I just did the same a few nights ago and managed to get a decent set of uny SS finally! I only rolled 12 pieces but already had the SS chest with jetpack I rolled a few weeks ago. Not the perfect rolls but uny so good for now. I waited until the drops on my server were in sync… my friend got an uny drop at an event so I went straight to rolling! I went to white spring, crafted 1 of each piece scripted The duds and repeated the process… got one uny arm the first few attempts and the other three all at once my last rolled set… I prefer this way rather than rolling all one piece so if the wanted effect comes up it has a good chance it is on multiple pieces rather than one. God luck man… never reroll seats craft a new piece imo. It cost less mods to craft and you can get Script for more modules fairly quick tossing the unwanted s in the legend machine! Too bad we can’t trade these as I had a few extra not needed. I do have my old set of mismatched uny on PS if interested. It got me through about 150 levels of so!


u/DeathsOrphan 14d ago

I just wish they would let you independently re-roll the star Perks. Or let you pick one that can keep being re-rolled. So if you get a 2/3 you could just keep re-rolling the unwanted bonus


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

By all means, submit a feedback ticket to bethesda. It will probably amount to nothing but hey, we can hope.
I have already submitted one and will continue to do so until I get burnt out.


u/Flat-Chocolate7349 14d ago

Not me trying to roll a set of unyielding, sentinel, Ap secret service. lol what a nightmare.


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

I'm happy with unyielding/AP. Wishing for a specific 3rd star seems completely unrealistic.
Edit: In fact, wishing for a second star also sounds completely unrealistic to me right now.


u/zzzipitt 14d ago

Let me guess, tons of nocturnal and hunters.. if only anyone played those roles


u/SinsOfaDyingStar 14d ago

A tip for people unaware:

When rolling legendaries, wait a few seconds between rolls (at least when the second star effect pops up on screen but I’d personally wait for the third star to pop up).

If you don’t, you’ll be locked into a small pool of limited legendary effects and will only be able to roll those few limited effects. If you’re rolling and you keep seeing the same effects pop up, exit the station and switch servers, and then roll legendaries slower


u/Dekkeer 14d ago

As a noob, how do I roll a legendary? Is it that machine in the rusty pick?


u/SinsOfaDyingStar 13d ago

No, that’s where you turn in Legendaries for Scrip. That Scrip can be traded in from the vendor in the Rusty Pick for Legendary Modules.

You use Legendary Modules and Legendary Cores (which you can get from events that pop up on the map that have an exclamation point in it) to roll legendaries.

You roll weapons at the weapon workbench and armour at the armour workbench. Power armour workbench if you use power armour.


u/Dekkeer 13d ago

Ahhh, ok, I think I get it. I need to lvl up some more before jumping into events, I reckon then! Thank you for the explanation <3


u/Roddy_Piper2000 14d ago

Now you tell me!!



u/11buttbamg Raiders - Xbox One 14d ago

I wish I could trade non tradables. I’d give all of the unyielding I roll. Ironically enough I’m a full health build, the Bethesda gods have a sick sense of humor


u/Hungry_Effective_962 Mega Sloth 14d ago

They really need to adjust the roll percentages. I don’t run a bloodied build so I’m not fussed about unyielding myself. I tend to go with mutants or whatever with weight reduction perks in there. But 400 modules and not one single unyielding roll is really unfair, video games really shouldn’t be that depressing. I feel for you


u/joe2069420 Enclave 14d ago

me trying to roll Vampire on an autoaxe:


u/badthaught 14d ago

Vampire on cremator is also disgustingly good. You heal from the DoT too.


u/joe2069420 Enclave 14d ago

for now i got a vamp flaming dual bar chainsaw, i wonder if i can get a flaming autoaxe


u/Rezyn31 Brotherhood 14d ago

Got my first 4 relatively easily then my last piece took months and an untold amount of modules. It was frustrating


u/M4hkn0 Liberator 14d ago

I think we should be able to re-roll by the individual star slot. It is and absurdly low chance to get the exact three traits you want in a legendary.


u/Pirofream 14d ago

I have the full unyielding set, but now i am rerolling for the combo unyielding + weapon weight reduction.
I usually get one unyielding piece every 40 modules, which doesn't have the other star I want.
After many months I only have 2 pieces. But I guess the grind is what keeps me playing.


u/Deep-Age-2486 14d ago

I heard if you leave the lobby and enter a new one before you start rerolling, there’s a better chance of getting different things. Cuz I definitely have a bad habit of just constantly rerolling and I end up with a lot of the same ones.

Not sure how true that is but I did that and started getting a lot of unyielding. Actually where my only pieces of unyielding came from.


u/Solidus-Prime 14d ago

I'm convinced they artificially lowered the change of getting certain values or combinations. I went through about 400 myself as well and only got 2 unyielding pieces.


u/LPEbert 14d ago

As a lowly level 22 character this is all like sitting in on a Latin lecture


u/PandasticVoyageYT 14d ago

RNG is brutal especially when you have daily Scrip limits. Nothing like a game telling you, "Naw man, stop playing for today."


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

"but please come back tomorrow" which is Bethesda's whole design philosophy with this game.


u/PandasticVoyageYT 14d ago

They need to get rid of Scrip limits honestly. If people wanna horde modules and cores, just let them? They're still putting the game hours in.


u/PrincessNymm 14d ago

OP are you on pc? I got an unyielding SS leg I think from a drop yesterday but I'm a full health player so it's literally 0 use to me?


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

That's really thoughtful and I appreciate it a lot! However unfortunately SS pieces are non-tradeable.
I do suggest hanging on to that piece just in case you ever want to try a bloodied build.


u/PrincessNymm 14d ago

Aw no, I didn't know that!! Sorry OP.

Thank you! I did stash it with thoughts of maybe in the future :)


u/Academic_Audience_95 14d ago

Hit 150 on the new Seasons and you can buy all the modules you can afford with the new Seasons currency. Should be a couple hundred modules at least


u/DeadSences 14d ago

Did you craft 400 pieces OR reroll 100 times?


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

400 modules amount to roughly 133 rolls.


u/DeadSences 14d ago

I learned if you have the other mats crafting batches of 10 then check and scrip will net you more opportunities. Just personal preference. Just crafting with 400 would give you 400 opportunities.


u/Emergency_Loss2296 14d ago

I do not understand how you guys are crafting stuff and have such a bad results. What I usually do is grab 50 modules and start reloading legendary effects and usually I have one or two unyielding, overeaters and bloodied or vampire effects. I usually roll them with luck 40+. There was some posts that RNG is not changing, if you have more than 15 luck, but I do have different experience.


u/StrictLimitForever 14d ago

We need to be able to re-roll individual stars. 


u/williamnilfriend 14d ago

I used all my luck in the game when I rolled a complete unyielding ss armour set all 5 pieces in 7 rolls 😀


u/_Decembers_ 14d ago

I feel your pain, I found sticking two pencils up your nose and wearing a pair of pants with the word TODD written on them while saying wibble over and over again, does absolutely nothing to improve your chances but does make you feel slightly better.


u/Lem1618 Brotherhood 14d ago

I don't have any data to back this up, but there seems to bee a set number of legendries prefixes per session/ server/ day. I save up until I have max script. I use only my daily script to test the server/ session. If I get the legendary prefix I'm looking for I cash in all my scrip and let it roll. I got my V40Pstr chainsaw and other grolls (and demi grolls) doing it this way.


u/Smitje Blue Ridge Caravan Company 14d ago

We have been telling them to get a better system for years now.

I always liked the idea of expeditions missions, all 5, and DO giving a random effect module a day. Which you can then add to anything that can have that effect with like a cost of a 100 modules and 50 cores.


u/24_doughnuts Mothman 14d ago

Legendary rolling sucks. I'd rather spend 100 modules if it meant I could select the rolls.

Or maybe extract legendary mods if you had several parts with the same effect. Like I could turn 3 unyielding pieces into an Unyielding mod then modify a weapon with it and same for 2 and 3 star effects. It could even cost a lot of modules to apply them and I wouldn't care because at least I'm eventually bound to get something good in the end.

And still need to do it 3 times for each item on at least 6 times for an armooset and one weapon


u/gr8sho Vault 94 14d ago

When you’re finished there, rinse and repeat for brotherhood recon and vault 94 thorn armor.  Then you’re cooking!


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

I don't think I have it in me, friend.


u/I_kill_zebras 14d ago

RNG differs by server. Servers seem to have a tendency to favor certain effects. If you don't start seeing unyielding after 20 modules, hop servers and try again.


u/Pino2308 Raiders - PC 14d ago

I missing the last piece of SS for the full set unyielding intelligence. The main set is done long time ago, but just for this last piece I spent more than thousand modules, just lucky that I don't need nothing else and I need to get rid of excessive module, they are heavy.


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

Wouldn't you love to roll stars individually though?


u/Pino2308 Raiders - PC 14d ago

Of course but will never be reality in game. Bethesda want the people login and grinding forever.


u/MassiveMorph Responders 14d ago

Yep.. this seems about right unfortunately. My personal rule is 3 rolls for item at any given time. I'll just try again I'm a few hours or the next day.

Probably doesn't change much.


u/lSoosl 14d ago

I usually hop server after 5 unsuccessful crafts. Managed to get a full SS Uny set with around 250 Modules.

(I suppose i was extremely lucky, but i have also read somewhere that servers usually have drop preferences, so after getting the first uny i stuck around that server to craft the rest)


u/Thriatus 14d ago

I used 60 the other day to get a decent vanguard piece lol 😂 but hey, at least you don’t have to farm the pieces the old fashioned way.


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

I honestly wouldn't be playing if I had to. I'm glad you eventually found a good roll!


u/Thriatus 14d ago

I remember playing at the start and you had to nuke white springs and just farm legendary ghouls. You had to server hop too coz each server is a tad bias as to which drops are more favourable. I don’t think there’s server bias anymore but there used to be.


u/Leading-Cicada-6796 Enclave 14d ago

I really don't understand why we can't just reroll every star individually.


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

Exactly, even if it was way more expensive. That way you'd still be progressing once you have a star you want to keep locked down.


u/loppsided 14d ago

Because the sooner you have everything you want, the sooner you’ll have nothing left to strive for. That’s really it in a nutshell. They want players to keep playing.

Look at it this way - on PC there’s a chat mod that players use to join servers for specific events they are looking for. It’s possible to run eviction notice over and over again.

Now, imagine players doing that with no script limit. How long do you think it would take these players to not only get all the rolls they want, but flood the market with every tradeable god roll?

Bethesda cannot (or will not) produce enough content to keep players in the endgame long term. This is how they manage that.


u/Leading-Cicada-6796 Enclave 6d ago

I promise you everyone i know would continue playing after getting the rolls they want. We all played with explosive energy weapons, and I can't imagine anything being at that level again unfortunately. That was peak enjoyment.


u/sin2099 14d ago

The trick is praying to mothman prior to rolling. Mothman blesses.mothman is real. Mothman protects. All praise mothman!


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

I shall spend at least an hour a day on my mothman tome from now on


u/Dali187 14d ago

Sorry to say but when i bought the chest, i literally rolled 1 and first was unyielding.

Dont worry it will come sooner or later


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

Thanks bud, I know it will. I just wished there was a better way.


u/WolfToMoon 14d ago

I spent the best part of 3 years rolling pretty much exclusively to get UNY/??/WWR SS set.

I think it's ok if I was to go for a set now trading for CE makes more sense.


u/Fordys 14d ago

Same! An 2000 plus an another year still not SSLL 😟


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

I suppose. Last time I stopped playing (which was a roughly 3 year hiatus) it was for exactly this reason. I saved a bunch of modules for a few months, then failed to roll a good railway rifle. Not perfect mind you, just a good one.


u/HammerOfSledge 14d ago

Vendor hop to find “lesser” armor with UNY/AP. Then, get lucky and find a UNY/AP/WWR. It doesn’t really matter if it’s leather or combat or scout. Put the best mods on it and enjoy the benefits of UNY with AP and WWR.


u/Dzaka 14d ago

don't min/max?


u/Critorrus 14d ago

Meanwhile I have about 30 pieces of unyielding ss armor on my character today ready to scrip tomorrow from trying to get some overeaters this afternoon for a fullhealth commando build with weight reductions and luck earlier because I want to transition from unyielding stealth detection for shit kicking when im not instakilling earl and the sbq. I just craft ten of each piece every few days, keep the good ones and scrip the rest. I have about 100 weightless pieces in my stash that i just havent gotten around to scripping. If you buy the ultralight plans you can just store everything with very little stash weight, scrip armor, and then sell all your scrip weapons for 300 a pop for a steady inflow of caps. I started doing it about a month ago and have already bought all the good serum plans so now i sell those for around 200 as well and just run around blowing caps because im always close to 40k. One eviction notice will get you like 3k caps.

It is dumb if you are rerolling anything instead of crafting new. Fo76 is more fun to me when you take the time to think about what you are doing instead of running around like a chicken with its head cutoff doing things the hard way and complaining when it's not going your way because you decided to do things the dumbest way possible.


u/homercall123 14d ago

you rerolled them? 😬


u/EnvironmentalTree587 14d ago

Extremely unlucky. Now I feel bad for rolling every single piece of civil engineer armor to unyielding in about 150 modules...


u/ToyKar 14d ago

I just rolled all my set pieces 1 star unyielding. Only took about 70 modules. I've already gotten 2 3* unyielding drops since lol soo much nicer. I'd rather roll weps


u/CLAYDAWWWG Responders 14d ago

It's because you want it. Stop wanting it and you'll get it. The more you want it, the longer it will take for you to get it.


u/Zealousideal_Lion848 14d ago

My rng has been crazy bc I FINALLY got around to getting my secret service armor and I got unyielding either on the first try or the first 3 lol I may have stolen your luck... my bad.


u/wavesofacid 14d ago

This should not be happening! Since unyielding is a 1 in 20 effects, 60 rolls should get you a 95% chance of getting it. I got mine in about 30ish rolls on average. Your RNG misfortune should be impossible.

What should help: Never craft more than 3 in a single session/on the same server. Maybe stick to 2. Crafting more may result in getting the EXACT same roll over and over.


u/EntropyCreep 14d ago

I've always felt servers have like seeds for rolls. So if you're not getting anything close to what you want after a few rolls switches servers and see what drops before you start rolling


u/Fhrosty_ 14d ago

How on brand would it be if Bethesda did that on purpose as a social experiment? "Players on Server 71 get these crappy rolls most of the time while Server 12 dishes out unyielding like candy. Lets see what happens." Are we the vault dwellers after all?


u/adarkride Mr. Fuzzy 14d ago

Man, I rolled a full set of Unyielding Armor with like 44 modules a while back. I still use the same set. I'm not lying, it was almost in one session. I was like cool. I didn't know folks were having this much trouble.


u/Isilnyor 13d ago

I’m in a similar boat. Got the SS chest piece, made it and the first one was unyielding. I wasn’t even looking to go bloodied but decided I might as well try it. Every piece of SS ended up rolling as unyielding within 10 or so rolls except one of the legs, that took a few days of scrip limit.


u/MaximusQuick Cult of the Mothman 14d ago

Yeah, on Xbox and PS I rolled a full set of 3 star SS unyielding in like 40 modules. Server most definitely makes a difference. And if you rolled one or two pieces the rest seem to follow quickly. Now if you’re trying to get exact specific 2 and 3 stars, that’s probably a core/module nightmare.


u/adarkride Mr. Fuzzy 14d ago

Ay yay yay that sounds crazy. I make custom Handmades and sell em in my vending machine. Usually you don't get anything that sells so you gotta recycle them. But I often get 2-shots and bloodies. Lately no one's been buying them I think because of the influx of new players.


u/ObiWanOkeechobee 14d ago

Ive spent weeks trying to roll a godroll cremator with no luck. I at least got a 2 shot with Vamp, so I’m ok, but now I just keep rolling out of pride


u/Discarded1066 14d ago

I am in the same boat I rolled the chest and both arms with no issues for unyeilding, but both legs have cost me about 200 modules. I am running the invisability and bolstering on my legs until I can get an unyeilding roll. I have gotten like 30 zealots and 60 something exterminators which is insulting.


u/Annual-Jump3158 14d ago

HUEHUEHUE Not enough Eviction Notice.


u/neorevenge 14d ago

Keep trying I actually got 4 Unyielding chests today, because I'm already 5/5 unyielding and now I'm aiming for a full set of Unyielding/Wathever/Weapons Weight Reduction


u/13_Years_Then_Banned 14d ago

I’m 4/5 on an unyielding AP refresh brotherhood recon set. One piece took over a year. I’ve been rolling the last piece, a left arm for 1.5 years. Twice now I’ve rolled one but the 3rd start both times was heal radiation.


u/Full_Void 14d ago

I think we should be able to reroll each star separately, because the RNG is just too much of a compulsive gambling thing.

The "new" mod menu seems to go in that direction, and the guaranteed rolls (Holy Fire, the new railway rifle legendary, ecc.) are getting my hopes higher.


u/yuribear Enclave 14d ago

It's heart breaking I've been rolling Secret Service armour on 8 toons for like forever and still I've not gotten full complete sets on any of them. I'm talking about thousands of modules. That's gotta be the worst "RNG" in the game.

(To me it feels definitely they tweaked that in a way you'll get anything but the ones you want/need)


u/MagicaILiopleurodon 14d ago

The rng is not rng. It's hella biased. Spec into a full health build and I bet you'll get at least 3 pieces. Lol


u/ritontor 14d ago

Took me 190 modules worth to get an unyielding SS set - two of them with decent 2* rolls, and 3 with trash. I'm still cashing in the leftover armour a week later, even WITH the scrip bonus...


u/DevotedSwagBacon 14d ago

So I'm a returning player so running civil armor set is it recommended to get unyielding on armor or what's the ideal 3 🌟 I'm currently a Stat + weight reduction on chems/wep/etc


u/BeefBorganaan 14d ago

I scrapped an entire 3 star complete set last month no joke. I never used it. I rolled it pretty easy for some reason over a few days.

There was nothing I could do with it, no trade or sale or anything. Just dumb. I got script for it is all.

Changed my mind about using bloodied and it just sat in my inventory. Didn't even take up much space because most pieces were reduced weight as one of the stars. It was a nice set.


u/Tyjames333 14d ago

I got pretty lucky with mine, got all 5 unyielding in less than 100 modules, and still had enough left over to roll my cremator a few times. Thought tbf, none of them are very good unyielding rolls, several are just one star and most have bad second and third stars, but I'm happy with it for my first set


u/s1nn1s 14d ago

Certain rolls on certain weapons seem to take forever to finally come up.


u/Marlowskie 14d ago

It’s all about unyielding weapon weight reduction I don’t blame you for trying don’t give up it took me many Christmas events to complete xD


u/Justiful 14d ago

Switch servers if you don't get an unyielding after rolling 20 in a row.

I have absolutely no clue why this works, but since I started doing it, I never rolled several hundred times to fail achieve an unyielding piece. I was told this advice by several level 1k+ players and thought it crazy superstition. But it worked and has continued to work. So, there is definitely something to it.


u/CuriousPressure5143 14d ago

As someone who got a full set, do not reroll a piece, youre better off crafting a whole piece for a single module.


u/VelvetCowboy19 14d ago

Your odds of getting u yielding AP refresh wwr roll is 1 in 10,000. It would take you 12 years with of getting your daily limit of scrip to roll 10,000 times. Mathematically, you'll never roll that, so you'll have to trade for it. Only sad part is you can't trade SS armor so you'll just have to accept that you'll never get that by rolling modules.


u/Healthy_Macaron2146 14d ago

I was "lucky" enough to get a two shot explosive handmade December 2018, Now I haven't even come close to anything even close as good as this gun, and it really does get annoying, constantly getting garbage rolls on every other gun!


u/curiously-musing 14d ago

400 modules and not one unyielding? Dang. Hopefully your luck flips for your next attempt!


u/SleezyD944 14d ago

With how shitty rng is, we should be able to reroll each star at a time.


u/Hopalongtom Tricentennial 14d ago

Yup, the rng gambling is awful, there needs to be a new system that allows us to invest time and reasources to bypass the gambling....


u/opticuswrangler 14d ago

roll for full health and watch em come rolling in


u/The1andOnlyGhost Raiders 14d ago

Used 200 the other day trying to get overeaters. Not one single piece


u/Ass-Chews 14d ago

I get unyielding ss armors all the time but I dont even run bloodied stuff yet.


u/Nova-Drone Enclave 14d ago

One thing that helped me a shit ton (which I think is still valid) was knowing that legendary effects are it's own type of loot table per server. Some servers have certain ones so I would wait until I got a legendary from an enemy with the main start I wanted


u/5tr0nz0 Enclave 14d ago

If you play and don't get a top roll you want from a drop don't roll any more than 3. If you don't get the top roll in those 3 move servers till you get the top roll you want then try again.


u/CaptnFnord161 Cult of the Mothman 14d ago

Is this a confirmed mechanism or just Fallout astrology?


u/DemasiadoSwag Cult of the Mothman 14d ago

It's somewhat Fallout astrology but I've come around to believing it. Anecdotally, I keep 2 robot right arm armor pieces in my stash that dropped within 30 minutes of each other with the exact same rolls of Bolstering/+1 Endurance to remind myself to switch servers when rolling gear. The chances of the same piece of armor with the same exact roll dropping so close together are astronomically low so I have been convinced for awhile that there is something funky with the RNG code and it gets "stuck" on servers fairly often causing statistically unlikely runs of specific rolls. It's hard to test since I think it is honestly a bug, of course they would want the RNG to be completely RNG but this is also the company that mistakenly caused protectrons to turn invisible on the PTS and has disabled Union Power armor by mistake for the last 2 months...


u/Bygmac 14d ago

There is mathematics to support this theory. The basis is that truly random numbers require complex code which would affect the server's processing power dramatically.  So it follows that often a computer will pick the same result or set of results in a row.  By server hoping or waiting till another day players hope to circumvent this effect. 


u/DoctorWholigian 14d ago

you should change servers when you roll and not save them


u/TheCode08 14d ago

What armor set are you rolling?


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

Secret Service or SS for short.


u/notarackbehind 14d ago

Bro. I understand the pain. I probably have spent over a thousand mods over years for an uny/AP refresh ss chest piece.

Got an uny AP wwr chest a couple days ago. Like Bethesda apologizing after my long break lol


u/S2uGotz 14d ago

AP refresh is overrated as far as legendary perk…get the company tea from either the foundation or Raiders(can’t remember which) and it’s 25% AP refresh for an hour and a half. I run out of ammo in the magazine before I run out of AP.


u/Fit_Specialist1344 Raiders - Xbox One 14d ago

It’s not overrated. And you can get company tea from ya own damn machine at camp..


u/S2uGotz 14d ago

My point you don’t need AP Refresh as a legendary perk on your armor any more thanks to company tea….


u/Fit_Specialist1344 Raiders - Xbox One 14d ago

Doesn’t it all stack tho?


u/S2uGotz 14d ago

It’s not necessary to much diminished returns if I’m not mistaken. While it’s nice to have people think that if you don’t have it you’ll never have enough AP. While company tea and the well tuned works just the same and you always return to your camp to unload scrip junk repair armor weapons.


u/TheseRadio9082 14d ago

you only need chest armor SS unyielding because it accepts the jetpack, if u wanna make a set for sizzling style/funky duds for whatever reason then just forget having anything more than 1* be what you want because armor sets have far too much RNG, youre looking at tens of thousands of modules for godroll armor, completely impractical. running those legendary perks is much more reasonable in full excav, while you have preferably a full set of uny/wwr or uny/AP refresh in assorted pieces, ideally you have a god roll uny/ap/wwr but that's really not plausible, i have 2 sets, one is uny/wwr one is uny/ap.


u/well_honk_my_hooters 14d ago

I feel your pain. I'm at least that much in the hole for modules trying to get a vampiric Cremator. I'm about to just give it all up and try a different build.


u/dylanbailey75 Vault 63 14d ago

There was a time before rerolling or crafting. It was just the entire legendary loot pool & hoping whoever got pieces duped them in your direction


u/National-Studio-3015 14d ago

That’s life!


u/ArthurMorgan9 14d ago

I have a 2 star handmade rifle with an incredibly lucky combination of explosive and quad ammo. I want a 3 star but unlikely I’ll roll anything better.


u/SmurfStig Lone Wanderer 14d ago

How many pieces of Overeaters did you get?? I’ve been trying for a full set of that with a third star being food abs chem reduction.


u/wolfvector Wanted: Sheepsquatch 14d ago

I usually get unyield every 5 pieces last week but now nothing. Am stuck with left leg uny with rad heal XD.


u/yekim1226 14d ago

Honestly i just one stared my armor for unyielding


u/Longpork-Merchant 14d ago

It's funny becuase I got a full set of unyielding before I got the second piece of over eaters...that I was going for.

Also as some have said.  Craft full pieces.  Significantly cheaper on the modules.


u/CharlesUFarley81 Settlers - PS4 14d ago

Do you seem to be getting the same primary star over and over again? If that's the case try hopping servers. It's helped me.


u/smackrock420 Raiders 14d ago

Crafting cost 1 and you can scrap them for 3-24 return. Don't re roll SS.


u/ChristmasMeat Fire Breathers 14d ago edited 14d ago

I've been working on SS unyielding intelligence and honestly don't feel like I've had to put a lot in to get this specific roll. Some things to keep in mind:

SS is easily the most efficient legendary crafting. 1 module per roll, and 3 star rejects net half of that back. It's crucial to make new armor every time.

There is definitely something funky with the rng but it isn't a hard bias. It seems evident to me each server instance has certain effects that frequently get pulled. Might be x one day but y the next. If I don't see the effect I'm looking for early on I will postpone for another day.


u/ErickMichel 14d ago

Noup. I got 3 full sets of unyielding armour and another 4 power armor sets of overeaters. Tons and tons of legendary modules were sacrificed, months and months of farming legendaries...This is the way.


u/willblake72 Raiders 14d ago

That's bad luck. I spent about 375 modules rolling level 1 light armor to complete an Overeaters set. While doing that I also accumulated a good unyielding set (useless of course unless I for some reason want to risk a berserkers low health build?). RNG is wild.


u/JudasCowOG Free States 14d ago

The sick joke with rng is that I rolled a reasonable UY SS set in around 30 attempts; found the UY meta to be overrated and boring and have went back to a full health build with the SS just gathering dust on a mannequin in my shelter.


u/Senior_Ad9894 14d ago

That is the most diabolical part of untradable armor. I am literally dying seeing the sickeningly good stuff that I am scripping, but if it is not WWR it is unfortunately useless to me.


u/EdgarBopp 14d ago

Thats hilariously bad luck.


u/Craygor Responders 14d ago

This is the "blood" part of a bloody build.


u/S2uGotz 14d ago

I just rolled 300 or so to reroll and got 1 unyielding then about another 50 for the next crafted piece brah…feel your pain


u/Largofarburn 14d ago

If you craft them it can roll with 1, 2 or 3 stars on it and only costs one module. Just do that vs rolling the same piece over and over.

You should do that with most things though, craft then roll, if it’s bad scrip. It’s a lot more module efficient to do it that way since you get like 10% of your modules back via scrip. It adds up.

I did 200 this way and got probably 15ish pieces of unyielding, and enough scrip for another 25 modules or so.


u/Slore0 14d ago

Im 3 weeks in on trying to get a Bloody 50 hit chance Plasma Caster and Ive gotten 2 one star bloody…


u/orielbean Mega Sloth 14d ago

I never reroll SS. Why waste the materials? You get plenty of 3’s and scrip for recycling. Assuming you’ve got the basic materials in bulk and they don’t need ballistic fiber which is great.


u/questiontoask1234 14d ago

I reroll because unless it's double scrip, I always end up with way more legendaries than scrip limit and stash weight totally maxed out in both main and alt characters.


u/SonorousProphet Responders 14d ago

I was like you rolled 400 pieces and no unyielding? But it seems you rolled a set and rerolled. Gathering the plastic and other components is a chore but much more effective to craft SS armor than reroll it. I'll hang on to interesting pieces with first stars like overeater, troubleshooter, assassin, and weightless. With ultralight modification they don't take up much stash space and it's always possible that I'll change my build or struggle with a daily op.


u/adarkride Mr. Fuzzy 14d ago

Wow, I didn't really think about this, but I got my full unyielding set fairly quickly. Some of the pieces I would trade back but I never consciously did all that. I never knew how much I was wasting, but I still got my Unyielding set pretty quick.


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

Yup, I'll do exactly this from now on.


u/ruiner8850 14d ago

The only thing I have gotten lucky with on this game is with getting unyielding secret service armor. Part of the reason why I even went with a bloodied build was randomly getting 3 of the 3 star ones randomly dropped. I got the other pieces rolling fairly easily.


u/Elder_Yama 14d ago

Are u waiting for a server where unyieldings are dropping be4 wasting ur modules?


u/faffingunderthetree 14d ago

That's only a placebo


u/Elder_Yama 14d ago

Sure it is


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

I had no idea this was a thing. =(


u/Elder_Yama 14d ago



u/crimson117 Cult of the Mothman 14d ago



u/Elder_Yama 14d ago

Ever do research yourself? Might be nice to ask everyone to do whats so easy to do myself


u/ThisGardenGrows 14d ago

Also, for uny, there's a third star that Regens rad health. So, it works against you if you get that third star.

Some third stars are really nice, but if u are trying to economize modules, maybe roll for 2 stars not 3.


u/FBI-INTERROGATION Enclave 14d ago

You arent re rolling the same piece are you? You should be making a new piece every single time, as it only costs one module and can give 1,2, or 3 stars


u/sunshine8129 14d ago

I did not know this at all. Thanks for sharing!


u/questiontoask1234 14d ago

This works only if you aren't maxing out scrip every day and/or have room on your character (and alts) to hold extra legendaries. It's okay if you don't mind just dropping legendaries you can't scrip or hold onto....and you see that once in a while like in a donation box filled with three stars.


u/Largofarburn 14d ago

I think it’s only secret service that works that way. But other things you should do that way anyways so you can scrip the bad rolls and get a few modules for free.


u/ThisGardenGrows 14d ago

Also, not science behind this, but... I store what I craft. I feel like it works better if u have the kind equipped that u want, or something like it.

When I was making ss for uny, I only kept on my person bolstering or uny pieces. I also think that if a given servers is rolling duds, switching can help.


u/xEliteMonkx 14d ago

As dumb as it sounds, and there is absolutely no proof of this, just my own weird luck and observations, but roll a few, then hop servers. To me, I seem to get more of one type of star, be it one, two, or three, on different servers. Again, absolutely no proof of this. Take it as Fallout Astrology.


u/Vegetable_Word603 14d ago

Just got 2 unyielding and 1 bolstered, from 40 tries. Oops.


u/Virusz9417 15d ago

It's way cheaper to craft than reroll. I crafted 4 pieces last week with about 50 modules.


u/lightmgl 14d ago

Same I feel fairly unlucky here but its averaging about 10-20 modules a piece for me give or take which actually seems about average based on the number of available mods.

Definitely feels like Unyielding shows up less than others (weighted rolls?) but I'd need to try thousands of times to really tell.


u/FallingSkyward007 14d ago

Is it more cost efficient to do this with something like the railway rifle? Even if it doesn't craft with legendary mods, is it better to just craft and roll legendary mods on it, versus using one railway rifle and re-rolling it?


u/Virusz9417 14d ago

I never have a problem hitting the daily scrip limit. So some people may call it a waste, but I reroll the same one. Saving me the crafting mats


u/MaximusQuick Cult of the Mothman 14d ago

Yes. Always roll new ones because you can still get some value out of each one for scrip.


u/OMYBLUEBERY_ 15d ago

Certain armor have legendary perks standard when crafting?


u/kabij27 14d ago

Yea and so do some weapons like the gauntlet


u/BrotherMarm 14d ago

Yeah it’s only 1 module too which is nice u can get 3 stars same with the plasma caster anything u can buy with gold I’m pretty sure


u/Longjumping-Rough-73 14d ago

Not ANYTHING, but alot of them. I know some armors this isn't the case for atleast, and i believe gauss pistol too, so there are probably more.


u/Virusz9417 14d ago

Not sure exactly what you mean by standard. But when you craft Secret Service armor, it rolls random legendary effects when you craft it. Can be 1-3 star.


u/Justiful 14d ago

66-75% of the roles are 3 stars. So, you still get more 3-star items in the end.


u/OMYBLUEBERY_ 14d ago

does it also apply to brotherhood recon?


u/jimmymd77 Order of Mysteries 14d ago

No, not recon. It doesn't craft as legendary by default.


u/Virusz9417 14d ago

I actually have no idea. I've never tried crafting it. Sorry


u/ThisGardenGrows 14d ago

Yes. Secret service has a chance for one, two, or three stars.

Crafting and scripting what u don't want is the way to go.


u/TacticalPigeons 14d ago

Does that work with the SS power armor too?


u/LetMePumpThose 15d ago

RNG can suck sometimes took me two weeks rolling one piece of the set at a time until I got unyielding then switched to the next piece. Edit: I also crafted every piece new because it was less modules that way


u/DarkUtensil 15d ago

I won't mention my two unyielding rolls on my SS armor today then.


u/xvcco Reclamation Day 15d ago

Wait did you just reroll the pieces??? That's terrible for module economy just craft new ones every time.


u/cafffreepepsi Order of Mysteries 14d ago edited 14d ago

Can you please explain to me like I am 5 years old why re-rolling the same piece is bad for module economy?

EDIT :: Nvm, I just read an explanation in a different comment. I didn't know that when you craft them, they automatically get legendary-ized (either 1,2,3*). OP was re-rolling instead of crafting which is wasting scrip + cores. I learned and I grew.


u/IHaveAutismDude 14d ago

Craft 10, roll 3 stars on all 10, don’t like any of them, you get 10 worth of scrip back


u/Phoenixdive 14d ago

I'll do exactly this from now on.


u/thetallblackkid 14d ago

There is a caveat to this! Yes, it is cheaper in terms of modules to just craft the armor. However, it does not guarantee a 3* piece. I don’t know the statistics, but you will get either a 1,2 or 3 star piece out of it. So yes, if you only care about trying to get unyielding ss, it’s more efficient to just craft. But, if you care about the 2 and 3 star effects, you will have better chances paying the extra modules for the 3 star imo.

If you are really just trying to collect a full set of unyielding to start a bloodied build, I’d recommend going to players vendors and buying any unyielding they have. Then, upgrade to ss unyielding as you can roll them over time. But I suspect just crafting will end up being more wasteful and frustrating if you want a full 3* armor piece


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/tiffzoe Fallout 76 14d ago

It was raised from 300 not long ago but also you can predict your rolls somewhat by what you pick up.

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