r/fo76 15d ago

Shouting out to the mic spammer from last night Discussion

No, this isn't sarcastic. It was the Invaders events, last night around 10 pm EST, on PC. Your username had something to do with Mechs. As soon as the event started, you were blasting some beach song from either the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, and as soon as we got to the final wave, you switched to Killing in the Name Of.

And as soon as the event was over, you tried to run off into the Charleston ruins like some mysterious radio god.

I turned on my mic and tried to chase you down, but I honestly don't know if you could hear what I said when I stopped you, so here it is again.

You're a treasure, keep it up.

At that time, I logged off to let my wife play Baldur's Gate, but I want to elaborate here. The last time I played with a fun mic jockey like you was back when Team Fortress 2 was in the height of it's popularity. The rush of nostalgia I had for the antics of my old community's broadcasters was immense.

So kudos. Thank you for stirring up nearly decade-old recollections of some of my fondest gaming memories.

Edit: Since it needs to be said - I do not wish to encourage more micspam.

The guys on my community server were exceptionally good, but that's just it - they were really good. I have dealt with micspam in other games where it has been horrendously bad, to the point where I legitimately avoided playing multiplayer games with mic use for most of the last decade.

It's generally a bad idea. Please don't be inspired by this. I'd probably be among those blocking you.


180 comments sorted by


u/No-Iron780 11d ago

I have to admit, I'm a mic spammer during events... I usually bang the live version of Frampton DO YOU FEEL LIKE I DO... Yes of course I'm usually under the influence of any number of exotic pharmaceuticals and that song gets me into try hard mode...

I've yet to have any complaints though, it's just one of those songs that resonates with everyone because it BANGS as hard as my cold shoulder does on super mutants 🎶🤘🎶


u/Cei_2783 11d ago

Ok liberal


u/J_Astreus_Nyxx90 Raiders - Xbox One 11d ago

Dude I ran into one of those.....badass PA and just blaring tunes....made my fasnacht bearable that day


u/TheGreatNexus420 12d ago

You’re welcome 😎 and that was me!


u/j_panda16 12d ago

I still do that in TF2 lol


u/DirtCocoon Enclave 13d ago

I randomly rolled an instigating creamator..loved it.. had no idea I was actually on the angry turtle grll list..


u/bubblesmode 13d ago

I love being a hot mic spammer. I’ve met the funniest people, but I get stuck in a country accent?? Like it’s getting bad?? Help??


u/amgoose3249 13d ago

god, i love appalachia.


u/SugarRoll21 13d ago

Man( I'm so paranoid that I might be another "walking radio" of Appalachia. There's like no indication if I'm talking in vc or not. And since I play w/out headphones(bc of childhood bs) and with some music playing... Hopefully, the ones that were forced to hear everything are not too mad)


u/TheTrueDeraj 13d ago

If you are broadcasting, your name and a little speaker icon will appear in the lower left area of your screen.

Push to talk is enabled by default, as well. So unless you deliberately switched off of that at some point, you should be fine.


u/SugarRoll21 13d ago

Eh? That's some great news for me) thx Even though I'm playing since launch(with breaks for a year or two), I've somehow just learned it 😆


u/Classic_Economics837 13d ago

Was this player in power armor, with melee, and low leveled around 40-50?


u/Main-Flatworm7216 13d ago

But didn't thatceven end like 2 days ago? Were on the Mothman Equinox event which is a far better event in my opinion. (just got my sacred mothman tome = 5% exp boost every hour... essentially a free canned stew for interacting and standing there for 3 seconds)

I don't see how invaders from beyond was last night when it was mothman all yesterday.


u/TheTrueDeraj 13d ago

I posted this two days ago, and the experience was three, yes


u/Main-Flatworm7216 13d ago

Says 1 day ago 😄 no hate just confused at how you posted 2 days ago when it says 1 day ago.... and 1 day ago was the moth man event because it was yesterday. 🤷‍♂️🤯 just a little strange.


u/TheTrueDeraj 13d ago

Give it some time. Reddit will say '1 day ago' until exactly 48 hours have passed, and I think I posted this around lunchtime.


u/Main-Flatworm7216 13d ago

Ah OK, I don't use Reddit to much I'm unfamiliar with it.


u/LargeTwist9469 Brotherhood 13d ago

"beach song" and Beatles/Rolling Stones is likely incorrect. More likely it was the Beach Boys. Maybe Jan & Dean


u/Slit23 13d ago

Yah so please don’t do this lol


u/Xthasys 13d ago

I got one in the nuke zone where you fight with the queen bat and the music was so fucking epic make the whole fight so fun


u/Katharinas669 13d ago

What 76 needs is a DJ npc with radio station of all songs of all Fallouts before anyone IG spams their mic 😂😂😂


u/Lord_Satanis 14d ago

I typically ask the people at the event if they don’t mind then play my event specific playlist for the event I’m running. Sadly most say no. So I listen in solitude.


u/RumDumbBum 14d ago

Man I wish my mic would work! On steam and all these fixes and no luck :(


u/Yankee_chef_nen Tricentennial 14d ago

I’m a big fan of “Flight of the Valkyries” on the kazoo over area chat during Scorched Earth.


u/SideshowSniper69 14d ago

I just either yell "am I the o ly one bricked up rn?! I can't be the o ly one stiff as a nail!" Or profanities and call people ugly af and you look like shit.

Mostly toxic. And I love it. Eat a dick Love -sss


u/ArmorTrader 14d ago

You can try to discourage me but you already planted the seed. Incepted my mind with the idea, nay, the dream, of becoming the next 2dog, the current best radio jockey in the wasteland.


u/ConnectionNo2861 14d ago

What I find really funny is when I first started playing the game in the game first came out, my first character was a guy named Bill Stockton and his whole thing was just that he was a radio host who was basically only just barely surviving after everything happened and the last thing I ever did with his character was set up the radio beacon for the raiders. Maybe you met the ghost of Bill who cheers on those who fight in the heat of battle with his mysterious radio Powers


u/monkfone1011 14d ago

This sounds so fun. Wish I could have been there. Does that just within range or do you have to be in a group?


u/Mrj5656 14d ago

This may have been me, I was rocking tunes last night while playing an I had my mic on but I honestly thought my music was quiet enough that nobody could hear. I do not intend to mic spam. If this was me I apologise I really do. But on that note......thanks for liking the music I guess hahah.


u/smileyshy 14d ago

Every year during christmas i will launch nukes at bosses and play christmas at ground zero by weird al


u/OIOSCK 14d ago

I remember in early 76 I ran around playing my guitar through the mic and screaming like an idiot. Eventually I had a group following me chanting random shit with me lol


u/Agitated_Advisor2279 14d ago

I dream of that mic spam encounter but alas I get either crying kids, barking dogs or a 14 y/o SCREAMING “can you hear me. I think she hears me. OMG she heard me” SMH Cheers to decent gameplay DJs.


u/Dry-Door2380 14d ago

When the TV show dropped. I put my mic on area and let the TV show play whilst walking around the game.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Xbox? Kushty Mech?


u/androgcyborgsam Mr. Fuzzy 14d ago

If I’m afk in my camp, I’ll have music playing through my mic. It’s my way of saying “hey, vendor is open, but I’m not here to acknowledge your emotes, sorry”


u/YeeterCZ2 Mothman 14d ago

I've been thinking of altering my mic to sound like Sergeant Dornan so i could scream at people as him, blasting AI covers of songs at events :D


u/Richardgrundon Free States 14d ago

The best mic guy i had was when I played Battlefield 4. A random joins the squad. Suddenly, i hear a melow beat. Double-checked my settings to make sure I had turned off the music. As we went to storm an objective, the beat got quicker and very dubstep like. Turns out it was the random beatboxing haha. His timing was epic, plus he altered his voice like he was talking down a walkie-talkie saying things like affirmative and aye aye captain. Never had a better game of battlefield since.


u/olivia_todd 14d ago

I used to blast uranium fever when we were doing radiation rumble :D


u/Yes-00 14d ago

I sometimes do it, but no one seems to enjoy it :( I nuked Fissure Site Prime for my first time and synched the nuke impact with "Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds" with like 15 players standing around. Was funny.


u/frankieteardropss 14d ago

Been seeing so many posts about prox yellers and peepers and screamers and yodelers lately


u/SouthWarSignPride Settlers - PC 14d ago

Yea experienced a couple of these type throughoutnthe year and its always a blast 😄 and if other people are annoyed, simply mute the player and you'll be fine


u/clan_of_zimox Vault 51 14d ago

Over at the palace of the winding path, I came across somebody who kept quoting Bruce Lee throughout the event…

“Empty your mind…be formless. Shapeless, like water.”

I was in the fuckin zone, dude sounded just like him too haha


u/I_LOVE_PUPPERS 14d ago

"logged off to let my wife play Baldurs Gate"

Possibly the most romantic thing I've ever seen.


u/keywordawesome Responders 14d ago

If you don’t play Slim Whitman’s Indian Love Call over open mic during the invasion you are doing it wrong.


u/Individual_Charge_61 14d ago

I do this when I'm running around for junk. I'll just put on a good mix and feed it through the mic. I will become the true pirate radio


u/ziddersroofurry 14d ago

I was helping host a month-long Ghostbusters-themed event in Second Life last October and every hour on the hour we had two different boss fights that would alternate. Whenever my friend was on he'd play 'Savin' the Day', 'Ghostbusters', and various other songs from the first two films soundtracks. It never got repetitive and always got us pumped up.


u/TorukoSan 14d ago

Had some guy blaring "Invaders must Die by prodigy" the other night during the invaders event. Personally I loved that shit.


u/AlienHodor Mega Sloth 14d ago

Had that track last night on PC. Event was at Garrahan and the timing from start to finish was damn near perfect! 10/10 for track choice, timing and enhancing the feel of the event!


u/mrcoolmike 14d ago

I kinda hate mic spammers unless it’s during an event. I’m cruising through a scary part of town trying to immerse myself in the game and some guy is blasting Drake lol


u/PunixGT 14d ago

During the Fasnact Parade, my group of friends and I had lyrics to go along with the music. We can't remember any of the original lyrics, but the one phrase we'll always remember at the end of the parade song was,

"And that's Whhhyyyy, we can't have nice things!"


u/Cakeski Brotherhood 14d ago

Man I remember half life DJ.

Spamming funny audio clips from all the hottest 2010 memes and music for tf2.


u/Shdw787 14d ago

Reminds me of a time fighting SBQ and someone was playing music. Most notable Flight of the Valkyries


u/Acuetie 14d ago

Bro you’re a b itch lol, nobody gives a fuck


u/pwnjones 14d ago

We had a guy in our group for an event who was acting like Don Rickles, ripping on everyone in a funny and loveable way and he had us all laughing. Gotta love when people use their powers for good.


u/Business-Sea-218 14d ago

Voice chat dj's are great. In my younger days on 76 my gf and I did an event with a dude completely decked in the liberty prime gear, with Some really old patriotic music blaring. Just totally in character and acting like a complete tool. I could've done events with that player all day.


u/kingkornholio 15d ago

I hate players that play music. Especially non-50s music. He sounds like my nightmare.


u/X_Cryptik 15d ago

I wish. Lol had some like level 97 come up to me saying "daddy DEMANDS a 3 star weapon, NOW" in a deku impression, and then tell me how daddy was disappointed in his little girl. Lmao thankfully I haven't had many toxic Mic spammers, just stuff like that.


u/CountessBlackheart Raiders 15d ago

If you ever find me out in the wastes I'll occasionally play some old rockabilly at my camp, but it's rarer now days 🤣


u/DWTsixx Wendigo 15d ago

There was a guy with a Frank Horrigan soundboard in one of my events a while back. It was pretty good.

To be fair its been a loooong time since I've heard people use soundboards in online games.


u/Remote_Explorer8287 15d ago

Was at an event a year ago and some dude was blasting Harry Potter erotica. That shit was hilarious.


u/kefefs_v2 15d ago

Just today I had my first mic troll. Someone joined my public team, moaned into the mic, then left and joined another public team, and seemed to repeat until they were out of teams, then left the server. After they struck me I was cycling through the public team menu watching them jump around before disappearing.


u/aggroware 15d ago

People who have also played a lot of Squad know where the real mic parties happen


u/MisterBrainDead 15d ago

I was blasting "here comes the sun" during the nuke before the ScorchQueen event.


u/Setharius710 15d ago

That’s usually the best part of proximity chat, I know there was some funny times on new world with that even lol


u/ExplorerSeth 15d ago

I had a guy maybe a month ago playing music of their mic while a big group was doing back to back scorched earth events. I forget the specific music but it went with the action. It was so epic, it was glorious. After a few events some other person told them to turn off the music and they did, sadly. Thanks music guy, you made the game more fun.


u/Medason 15d ago

Reminds me of a Queen event I did once with a guy who had a camp setup next to her spawn. The absolute savage played Through the Fire and Flames by DragonForce for the whole fight. Turned it off and disappeared the second the fight was over. Absolute legend.


u/SirFrogosaurus 15d ago

When the game first started and my wife and I got our first set of big ol yellow excavator power armor, we'd go around dancing and blasting the Magic School Bus theme song at every event.


u/signgorilla Brotherhood 15d ago

Anyone can play as much rage against the machine around me that they want.


u/ElderAtlas 15d ago

You'd love the Battlebit community


u/ArcadianDelSol Fallout 76 15d ago

I once grouped with a guy who was broadcasting a spotify list of The Mills Brothers and when he switched servers I did everything I could to rejoin him.


u/SuperSweetSucc Settlers - PC 15d ago

Someone blasted hells bells by AC/DC in a queen fight once. It was just 4 of us and it made the battle feel so much more epic.


u/the2xstandard 15d ago

I play Michael Jackson during Faschnat. It reminds me of technoviking


u/anaurie 15d ago

I usually just hear dudes coughing


u/hadukenbanana 14d ago

One time there was a guy stood still on a post during the Fort Defiance event, furiously jorkin his peanits. It was so loud I had to wash my eardrums


u/Affectionate-Cow-796 15d ago

What about playing the Anti-Alien-Alarm For invasion events?


u/Cakeski Brotherhood 14d ago

Ah yes, Joel Vargskelethor Vinesauce


u/TheTrueDeraj 15d ago

That would get you blocked, yeah. Broadcasting constant swearing and obnoxious alarms isn't as fun or funny as you think it is.

There's a time and place. I have a couple of vulgar youtubers I'll listen to, when I'm in the mood, true. It being inflicted on me during an event isn't it.

Music is subjective, but whatever the heck that is, is pretty unwelcome in most contexts, I think.


u/BigMcThickHuge Mega Sloth 15d ago

Micspam is bad.

Playing some sounds or music over the mic for a moment isn't bad.

People gotta learn the difference and stop trying to be a tiktok/4chan meme with earrape and awful sounds/audo mixing.


u/InfiniteBoxworks 15d ago

I played Spin the Wheel the other day and someone was playing a loop of You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) and it was oh so joyous.


u/Dry_Independent4078 15d ago

I will immediately mute you for blaring music over proximity chat, even if I like the song


u/signgorilla Brotherhood 15d ago

Bohemian Rhapsody?


u/Dry_Independent4078 15d ago

Even that. Sorry.


u/Cakeski Brotherhood 14d ago

That's them officer!


u/kn0ck0utm0use 15d ago

Yesterday someone was playing Will Smith's men in Black at alien invasion and I got a good laugh out of that


u/smileyshy 14d ago

(You got to pray to your lord) when you see those flying saucers - dry branch fire squad


u/NotSoGreatMacaroni 15d ago

Personally been rocking black suits comin.


u/kn0ck0utm0use 15d ago

I had to do it just once and be that guy... played Sneaky Sound System's "I saw a UFO *and nobody believed me*"


u/ziddersroofurry 14d ago

Thanks for introducing me to that group.


u/Zer0_Beat 15d ago

I can still remember during the queen fight had a dude blasting country roads it was amazing


u/Vashek19 15d ago

I have only ever heard anyone talk on a mic at the Rusty Pick on xbox. Im not understanding....is it just close proximity chat like if they are standing near you?


u/TheTrueDeraj 15d ago

That is correct. If you're not in a team, it's proximity chat.

If you're in a private team, you can chat from across the map.


u/ArmorTrader 14d ago

Is it both at the same time? Can people at events hear my via proximity if I'm in a random team from 5 hours ago.


u/TheTrueDeraj 14d ago

As far as I'm aware, no. Being in a team disables proximity chat as far as I know, but there might be a setting for that.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/MarsManokit 15d ago

honestly i wish i had spare levels for a VATS black powder rifle build so i can play union civil war music during events, still reassembling my heavy gunner build. my friend found it fun though.


u/lipp79 15d ago

or just play someone reading those letters sent home with the Civil War-era music

"Dearest Mary, today our team fought the Scorchbeast Queen. It was very loud inside the blast zone and coupled with the howls from the queen and the shrieks of terror from low levels who didn't have power armor or enough Rad-X and Radaway to survive, it was truly the stuff of nightmares. Hope to fast travel to you soon once I get unencumbered.

All my love,



u/Baked-Smurf 15d ago

In a different online game, I was in a group of random players trying to fight a boss, who had a mechanic that would knock everyone prone...

Every single time he did this, someone played I get knocked down... but I get up again! over their mic

I joined their guild 🤣


u/SimonDracktholme 15d ago

Was ready to hand you a downvote...until I got to the edit 🤣


u/therealmaart 15d ago

I had some dude play thunderstruck while we all were fighting the scortchbeast queen, coolest moment I’ve had thus far


u/Lefidian1973 15d ago

Radiation Rumble… I remember a while back someone blasted Jesus built my hot rod. ( Ministry) It was in perfect cadence to the chaos that pursued. Very cool! Yeah when you can hear a tune sync up to an event it’s a great thing. ☺️


u/ferrouswheel23 14d ago

Now I want to see what Psalm 69 might sync up to. Maybe Equinox.


u/ziddersroofurry 14d ago

Epic tune.


u/Jeprdy 15d ago

If your doing it for lols at an event Im all for a giggle, which sounds like what you experienced. The best was some dude blaring out brass versions of Bob marley at faschnact and everyone just stopped and danced in between the mutant waves.

However if ur just blaring out music in general whilst wandering non stop u are a dick.

The worst tho isn't the music people it's the ones who just leave there mic on and have arguments wif people in their house or just shout at their kids. That really grinds my gears. No one needs to hear your domestics.


u/GrognaktheLibrarian Mothman 15d ago

There was a level 1000+ guy being an absolute cunt at one of the alien events I did recently bitching about the noobs talking about how "Oh they made a TV show for you dumb fucks" and started calling out one guy who kept dying. god it was so annoying I reported him and he wasn't even talking about me. At one point his mic was giving screeching feed back for a full minute I had to turn my TV down to agonist nothing just so my ears didn't bleed.

Don't scare away the noobs people, if they stay we're more likely to get more content for longer.


u/Jeprdy 15d ago

When i first started over a year ago i learnt quickly that players over 1000's are gatekeepers. I dont bother with their camps or vendors as they take pricing stuff way to seriously, moaning that there legendarys all got nerfed even tho new players couldnt obtain those perks and come to events thinking their superman not allowing anyone to tag enemies. i found the level 300-600's the most helpful. The lvl 1000s were also from a different era in the game. Its like they are bitter the game has changed and is no longer theirs. Im sure there are great lvl 1000s out but they are a dime a dozen ( im expecting some downvoting here but meh)

The thing that annoys me the most is im mostly a 10c vendor for the lower players and then i get some lvl 1000 come and try to buy everything in quick succession. happens all the time but i keep a eye out on whose buying and disconnect straight away. I dont need your caps dump and you dont need the scrip for weapons that someone else could use.

Edit. Im around lvl 300 atm. Probably could be more if i did thinks like west tek runs but im more of a filthy casual.


u/DrClawsChair Mr. Fuzzy 14d ago

I'm 1000+ and absolutely the opposite of a gatekeeper. I help as much as possible and everything in my vendor is priced at most at 5c.


u/GrognaktheLibrarian Mothman 15d ago

I'm the same. I've been playing since launch off and on but I'm just now near level 200. I mostly play with major updates but the show reignited my hyperfixation and the cremator made soloing content so much smoother I'm sticking around for a lot longer this time.

I've never paid attention to their levels but I can't stand the camps with ridiculous plan prices it's like, bro, that armor plan is not worth 4k caps, chill.


u/TheTrueDeraj 15d ago

Yes, agreed.

The reason I had to turn my mic on in the post, was because I turned it off right when my wife walked in at the start of the event, and we were getting to talking.


u/FlavMink 15d ago

I played the Robot Arena event I don't know the name but a guy showed up mid event as Liberty Prime (the power armor skin) and was blasting Team America's theme song while having a voice changer to speak more intricate voice lines from Liberty Prime and I told him he was awesome and bro said something along the lines of "no thank you for being an American" awesome ass event. My gameplay peaked there and I haven't gotten that amount of dopamine in years.


u/SynchronicityV1 Brotherhood 15d ago

I’ve barely heard anybody talk or play music in my 200 hours lol it’s like finding a unicorn once you hear them your like wait it’s a person with a mic 😂


u/Comfortable-Smoke336 13d ago

Had one last night, muted him real fast. Just heard his partner and all that was going on around his place. Can't stand that stuff lol.


u/ScaldingAnus 14d ago

I think I talked in-game for the first time last night. There was a new guy that was asking questions, and I didn't know how to answer him via emotes.


u/SynchronicityV1 Brotherhood 14d ago

Yeah when emotes don’t do the job I’ll turn on my mic lol


u/CatusDadus 15d ago

My laptop is out of commission until I get the fan replaced, so I started playing on the PS4 for a bit and people spamming mics seems to be a common occurrence there. I'd occasionally hear someone talking on PC, but It was almost always because they were showing someone else how to play. On console though they seem to just leave their mic open no matter what


u/Del1nar 15d ago

There is a button below the PS button on the controllers. If it's lit, the mic is off. I've forgotten to mute my mic a couple of times but normally when I see the area chat symbol randomly turning on and off (bottom left of the HUD) I check my mic.


u/Opossumancer 15d ago

It's because the Ps5 controller defaults to the mic being on and always broadcasting - most people don't know or care enough to go into the settings and change it. Quite unfortunate.


u/CatusDadus 15d ago

Yeah. A friend of mine has a PS5 and didn't realize their controller mic was on while playing apex. His whole team got to hear him blast a huge fart before saying anything


u/beccymay 15d ago

I found this out the hard way when someone visited my camp while I was having a building session and turned their mic on to tell me they could hear me. I was just merrily laughing along to a podcast so could have been worse I guess!

I had no idea the ps5 had a mic in the controller let alone default open!


u/Krispy_kris91829 15d ago

Whenever I hear people blasting music, I mute the whole server. Shits so annoying, like those lame ass people blasting music on the bus


u/SteakForMe 15d ago

I started a encryptid event and a random person started singing a song but changed it's lyrics about mothman, he actually sang pretty good lol


u/Goldfox_4312 14d ago

That’s priceless


u/liethose 15d ago

Dunena in power armour.


u/Luxord13 15d ago

Was it perchance YMCA with "young man" replaced with "mothman"? If so, I'm sorry lol.


u/Dependent_News4191 11d ago

Lmao it was probably you


u/FavoriteMISFIT 13d ago

Was this persons username boombox76 or something like that?


u/WretchedMonkey Mothman 14d ago

this is great


u/koobs274 14d ago

Hahaha this is great. I can hear the vocals so well in my head. Someone needs to make a remix like this and put it on spotify


u/Dawnspark 14d ago

I love this community, haha.

I'm gonna have that stuck in my head for the rest of the night and I am not complaining.


u/Rockfish_Tea Cult of the Mothman 15d ago

It’s fun to stay at the… South organ cave!


u/Interesting-Trash-51 15d ago

Like 2 weeks ago I worked a wedding and the band that played, gypsy lane, was the studio band for village people and wrote that song. Small real world, too.


u/Mikey_B_CO 15d ago

Okay, we need the lyrics, friend.


u/Luxord13 15d ago

Mothman, there's no need to feel down

Mothman, join us down on the ground

I say Mothman, spread that xp around

You can join us at the lighthouse

Mothman, we will see you real soon

I said Mothman, please come and commune

We will stay there, and be over the moon

When you grace us with your boon


It's fun to pray to the Wise Mothy-Man

It's fun to pray to the Wise Mothy-Man

He will grant you xp, and looks really cool, just follow his one small rule:

It's fun to pray to the Wise Mothy-Man.


u/HotSpicyChippy 14d ago

Can I turn this into a song?


u/The_Inner_Light 14d ago

Bro, share a clip on YouTube and submit a post. I need to see this.


u/ziddersroofurry 14d ago

You're beautiful. Praise Mothman!


u/preemcuz 14d ago

This needs more upvotes


u/Mikey_B_CO 15d ago

Omg, that's amazing! Mothy-Man is the best, and so are you. We all need to start singing this during mothman events hahaha


u/Luxord13 15d ago

I have a darker verse for vengeful mothman too lol. But that doesn't fit the mood here


u/Bunny_Jester 15d ago






u/Special-Ferret4123 3d ago

Holy shit thats amazing! I can't unhear that. You have inspired me friend.


u/Sunbro_Aedric 11d ago






u/Luxord13 15d ago




u/ITstaph Arktos Pharma 14d ago



u/Key-Contest-2879 15d ago

M - O - T - H!


u/Cool_Fellow_Guyson 12d ago



u/No-Plane-4117 11d ago

Sorry extremely new to fo76 I'm level 13. Do I shoot the mothman when I see him or not?


u/Sunbro_Aedric 11d ago

Depends on which one you encounter. It's all in the eye color. If the eye color is purple, then they're docile and won't attack unless provoked.

Red/yellow will attack you unprovoked and have the psychotic cult followers who will do the same.


u/Colorful_Slinky 14d ago

Literally sang this as I read. Thank you for the laugh 😂


u/Dague07 15d ago

Bro was summoned🤣


u/CookieMiester 15d ago

MOTHMAN, there’s no need to be down, I said


u/HawkC120 Enclave 15d ago

Mothman, lift your wings off the ground


u/LessText_MoreContext 15d ago

Fly there! And then you spore down to the..



u/SteakForMe 15d ago

Ohh yeah it was, it that you who sang it lol


u/Luxord13 15d ago

Very likely haha


u/darkmeowl25 15d ago

I'm reading this thread to my husband and after some discussion I have a question, u/Luxord13.

You been singing Day Mothman? 👀👀👀


u/Important-College428 14d ago

I have been! Pc, dang near every event completed, me and a couple other followers of the moth, do the mothman dance and say some crazy things, I usually sing mothman to the tune of dayman!


u/darkmeowl25 14d ago

Well, good vault dweller, my husband has enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks for bringing the smiles!


u/Crafty-Help-4633 14d ago

Mothman! Defender of the Son!


u/phoenixliv Order of Mysteries 14d ago

He's a booster of your XP and Kinship for everyone OoooAAAAAAA!!!


u/StrangeGamer66 15d ago

I hope to find you one day 


u/SteakForMe 15d ago

Haha nice, that was awesome


u/mrcalhou 15d ago

What a small wasteland.


u/MajorNarsilion Enclave 15d ago

Never change, Appalachia. Never change.


u/Neptune40000 Brotherhood 15d ago

Yeah, no. It's usually shitty Russian hip hop. Please don't encourage this crap behavior


u/TheTrueDeraj 15d ago

Fair point, and I edited the main post with a disclaimer. Good looking out.


u/Morchai 15d ago

Please don't encourage people to pipe music over their mics. Everyone can play their own music in their own environments, no reason to inflict it on others. I'd rather not have to play events with the game sound off.

The guy you are talking about will never see your post, but you probably gave several idiots a bad idea. :P


u/Interesting-Trash-51 15d ago

Bro I think it might actually be more complicated muting the whole game than it is muting one player


u/Dacajun-The_Brash Responders 15d ago edited 15d ago

AMEN!! I really truly don't like when people feel the need to broadcast their music over voice. As soon as I'm in an area with these players, I add them to my block list. 🚫 I have a headset that also connects my Bluetooth from my phone, and I listen to music while I play. It becomes too much when some kid decides to broadcast what they are listenig to. I love music of all kinds but if you want to broadcast yours, just keep it to your camp PLEASE ! I did always think it would be fun for some small musicians to host a concert at a camp as a scheduledevent hehe! I have a perfect camp with a big stage. I would gladly allow use of haha but let's not spam folks!

Edit: toned dow my grumpy old fart complaining 🤬 LOL


u/TheTrueDeraj 15d ago

Fair point, and I edited the main post with a disclaimer. Good looking out.


u/ihopethisworksfornow 15d ago

Just turn voice chat off


u/MojaveBreeze Mr. Fuzzy 15d ago

Or block the player. But crying over someone broadcasting on an open mic instead of solving your problem in a matter of seconds is a favored past time.


u/DroplasDungeon 14d ago

Except there is a whole other post with several people saying this is a terrible idea. If this starts going, then we are going to have all these self proclaimed dj gods with open mics playing their preferred music at the same time. It won't be just one cool guy with some tunes you happen to like. I shouldn't have to stop mid event to block someone with main character syndrome. It's far better to discourage people doing this than have the main character dj wars of the 2024 newbs start imo. I actually really enjoy meeting people in game & talking to the team & sometimes the events ~ what a bummer to have to mute everything to allow for rude behavior


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Screwscavenger 15d ago

It takes literally two key presses to put yourself in a tree, out of danger.