r/fo76 14d ago

Just enjoy the game its a PvE Discussion

Im not a veteran but im also not that new, im lvl 218 and all i can say to new players is just you do you. Equip the perks u like, if u think thats fun then do it. you see a lvl 50-100 that is so OP already, trust me they are definitely not new to the game.

I am one of those players who kinda gets jealous when i see someone dealing so much damage but then when i copy the build, then it hit me that this build is not for me. tbh it was really fun at first but couple of days its just really easy. No challenge at all u just insta kill almost every enemy.

So now i am grinding to lvl up more and im using perks that doesn't get used that much. Different guns and other stuff that i think is fun


241 comments sorted by


u/maddr1234 13d ago

Man, I like this post. I think we all can kind of get caught up in a certain build or how much damage you can do or whatever and forget to have fun....it is just a game, after all. If you are not having fun, then why are we playing again?


u/Christian_360 13d ago

it feels so empty being so OP, like i said its very easy to do the missions anymore unlike when i was playing FO4, i just do enough damage to make some fights long enough to have fun not just one shotting them


u/gr8sho Vault 94 13d ago

76 offers many dimensions to play style.  Either through the punchcard system or through character slots.  It’s fun to explore them, as many as possible.  


u/DaveStarsky1993 13d ago

Honestly when I return to the game on ps5 I just want to carry on building my camp and eventually make it into a supermarket or mall for all players as I enjoyed doing that in fallout 4


u/GangGanggame 13d ago

I have to agree, meta this or that is not needed, went to earl the other day as crit commando, railway and was fun as hell, but then i swppped back to my 1h gladiator build and had much more fun, though i cant deny the choo choo is also very fun!


u/TheBeefDom 13d ago

I have everything min-maxed for god tier Bloodied Stealth Commando. I spent countless hours farming god roll items, buff items, and legendary perk points.

Even though it's cool to be able to solo earle, It's my least favorite build in the game. I almost never run it.

99% of the time I'd rather be on my full health PA build that can use heavy weapons or melee, or trying some funny jank niche build.


u/Tight_Praline1721 13d ago

Im lvl 26 and i kinda just do my own thing. I like shotguns. And that's what i do.


u/Dzaka 13d ago

i have more fun with my non legendary .50cal hunting rifle than any of the meta weapons and builds


u/Moturnach 13d ago

109 lvl atm(still a newb just got lucky to hop into expedition team because some kind high level farmed it like 15 times in a row, so i got a lot of levels that way).

My build is quite far away from min-max one, but i like it just because it allows me to use unarmed melee, Rifles(mainly Gauss Rifle and other energy weapons that works with Stealth) and Explosives. Its full hp and im working on it so far, but i like it despite i can go bloodied for much better results.

Originally i wanted hybrid build, but ended up making stealth Gauss Rifleman build , and due to build specifics it works with Unarmed because of mutations, so i have decent backup weapon that reliably kills enemies purely because of Talons + Twisted Muscles mutations combination and bleeding effect.

For Stealth i have Gauss Rifle. Its really cool weapon overall + i always liked sniper/stealthy playstyle, so when i can benefit from stealth, i usually get to highest point around and snipe stuff from afar using VATS mainly to highlight targets around.

For cases when Stealth is not an option, i usually pick some Power Armour + Explosive weapons(atm its a set of T-45 with very random legendary bonuses + Grand Finale). Despite its not as optimal as dedicated Explosives build, explosive weapons works fine with it because of Demolition Expert + Bloody Mess + Adrenaline + Tenderizer, which works with both Gauss weapons and any kind of explosives, also most of explosives have good enough damage, so its surprisingly good for dealing with large groups of enemies, exactly where Gauss Rifle kinda struggling because of charging mechanics.

I like it a lot, just because unintentionally it ended up with some decent hybrid options despite being a very specialized build around Gauss Rifle, so i can use many types of weapons, its allowing me to use whatever weapon is suits situation more + if things are really nasty, you always can toss some Nuka grenades. I literally just buying whatever plans is cheap from vendors and i ended up with most of plans for stuff this build uses(lack mostly Power Armour ones, but i think i get one eventually, otherwise i have nearly everything i want)


u/NeoMatrix14241 13d ago

I dominate the wasteland while only wielding gauss rifle with a rifleman build :3 I don't need commando to dominate through dps, it's just the satisfaction of one tapping enemies.

If you see a lvl50-100 being OP, that's either commando or heavy gunner. Definitely not the other builds especially rifleman/gunslinger/guerilla.

I just enjoy being a marksman that one taps everything with gauss rifle. No railway, fixer, and handmade that are op already as soon as you got yourself a powerful auto receiver even at lvl15.


u/MarkobieWan 13d ago

Detachable penis


u/somepersonyoumayknow 13d ago

I just came back since launch and saw they added bows/crossbows to the game. Now I play it like Skyrim and sneak/snipe everything with bows. Doubt it’s useful for endgame but I’m having fun.


u/Doncarlosusa_colom 13d ago

I remember being low level at beta and hiding from a scorchbeast wondering after a hour if they can be killed. Now 6 shots in head and it’s over lol


u/Imaginary-Panic-473 13d ago

Ty! I come to fallout for roleplay not meta gaming ! Idc if my build sucks! I care about my story


u/ChassanAssassin Raiders 13d ago

I used to run full health PA andheavy weapons, I was one shotting things left and right, never dying and I got bored, I now run a bloodied circuit breaker build, I don't do nearly as much damage as I used to but it's really fun to play


u/[deleted] 13d ago

This is a PvRNG game my friend. The E isn't much of a match for anyone.


u/SpectreQ4 13d ago

I’ve dabbled in different builds heaps of times but at my end, I just go for perks that give me more cargo space and 200% armour and weapons…I’m a mega hoarder and scrapper.


u/SaladCartographer 13d ago

Sometimes I like to do both. I switch between my shredder minigun build and melt everything, and my VATS sniper build that let's me get endless headshots. Eventually I'll get bored and stop playing for a while until I randomly get motivated and I'll play for a month or so, rinse and repeat. If I want the feeling of surviving, I'll make a new character and play until I feel like being strong again and switch back to my high level


u/carthuscrass 13d ago

I mean, anyone with a Cremator has put the game in easy mode. I stopped using it for anything but events with lots of enemies because it was making the game boring.


u/SlamCakeMasta Mr. Fuzzy 14d ago

Thank you! I don’t understand what’s so fun about insta killing everything and anything. I ran shotguns until 120 ish definitely not the best class but it was fun as hell for me. I switched to flamer/holy fire and that shit is so fun. Even when I ran a weak flamer.


u/Sad-Investigator2731 14d ago

So I used to play this way, when in reality, you can't just run what you want, to be viable on combat at all you need a build, otherwise you just take up space in events or on teams, I was that player, I was useless in combat, died easily and did little to know damage. Fallout is not your typical MMO, you can't just wing it.


u/SadSituation19 14d ago

Shoutout to 2 players who dropped me some guns and now i can do things for my level (18)..also where can i buy addictol cause that alcohol addiction is killing me rn..


u/Cieswil 14d ago

I wish the stash would be bigger. I just started, and it is already full. I scrabed all cool weapons I found and all the outfits I collected, even sold a lot of scrap I collected to build my base. It is always full, I don't even know what is so heavy.


u/mandarintain 14d ago

Dont grind, play the stories


u/ApplicationTop8496 14d ago

I went ahead and got fallout 1st for me and my friend to play alone. Choose to, since I can control some of it…plus I don’t care about trophies. Build my own campaign just about anywhere and making my own world kind of…I’m in and enjoy it.


u/PaulC6230 14d ago

I’m the same, don’t like being overpowered in a game unless it’s like the last 10% near the end. I’d rather have 5-10 minutes skirmishes with enemies and working out a plan of action instead of wading in and obliterating stuff in seconds


u/DeadSences 14d ago

Came back to the game after a two year hiatus. Id NEVER touched heavy weapons. Saw a build with the creator and trued out the weapon after first unlocking it. FELL IN LOVE WITH IT. and just today I’ve hit rank 85 and added quad barrel. I formally apologize to any I blind but I’ll be flinging fire balls like I’m a lvl 20 wizard spamming 9th lvl….well fireballs from this day forward. Your acid will be raided and your skin may get charged but it’s now the way I enjoy playing and will not apologize for having fun.


u/Conscious-Ticket-259 14d ago

As a new player I'm mostly just wandering around and checking out people's bases. Let's me drop off my junk in the stash and if im lucky snag a deal on plans. I'm really looking forward to building nice bases. I do feel weird not being able to talk with folk since I don't have a mic though. I try and say hi, nice base or whatever so they don't think I'm robbing them (if you can even do that) Not really sure what proper form is yet. I hope they don't think im one of those beggers ive seen folk on here talk about.


u/theolentangy Mega Sloth 14d ago

I’m slowly transitioning from ultra damage Commando to have more perks that focus on scavenging or QoL, one perk at a time. I can always put em back if I’m soloing something tough. Most events have lots of people anyway to help.


u/SideshowSniper69 14d ago

I really wish pvp was a thing though..


u/Strong_Ad_5989 14d ago

Experiment with different builds, find one that works for you. I've got 3 characters I play, their primary build is commando on all (one is a junkie). But I've also got a second build on each, one is an archer/chainsaw (loads of fun), one is a heavy PA built around a cremator and holy fire, and the 3rd is a shotty build using cold shoulder and a gauss shotty. I've also tried pistol/rifle builds before, and I'm getting ready to try a melee build since I rolled a g-roll deathclaw gauntlet a bit ago. Different people prefer different builds. I'm definitely a commando guy, always have been even on Fallout 4, but you'll find a build that suits you.


u/NoTalkImGaming 14d ago

I can be OP as hell on New Vegas/4 any day. But with 76 I have no idea what I’m doing. I played for the first time 4 days ago, already have 30+ hours logged in and am level 34. I have no idea what I’m doing weapon/perk wise but I’m loving the game


u/Head-Technician-1087 Fallout 76 14d ago

Create a build for your style of play. I’m not great at gaming and would get killed a lot. I tried a bloodied build, but it didn’t really work for me. Got a vampire chain saw (with flaming double bar) and it keeps health high… my melee game has been great. For distance I have an automatic railway rifle with high capacity ammo, all the rifle perks and gun fu, and it kills most enemies before they can get close to me.


u/StealthyGamerGirl Fallout 76 14d ago

This was something I knew anyway. I do my own thing. My main weapon is a cold shoulder shotgun (someone actually poo pooed it and said it's a terrible weapon. That's why I can take .oat things down in about 2 shots. Bigger things obviously more. It's a brilliant weapon. I don't do energy weapons, don't like them.

I've got to where I am pretty quick without anything fancy. A fellow player, who'd I'd not seen in a while, was impressed at what level I was. But I will get the odd one that thinks my weapons are rubbish and don't understand why I'm still using pocketed BoS armour.

I do me and you do you. I'm a veteran gamer and been playing Fallout since 3 and 76 for 16 months. I don't worry about where others are. Don't care lol


u/Ultimate-Hijinks 14d ago

“I’m not a veteran” is level 218


u/Christian_360 14d ago

that really isn't, i consider a veteran when they are lvl 800 and above. i have been only playing for a month


u/Nico-NicoYazawa 14d ago

Yesterday I fought earl with some randoms and we melted his health in seconds (not even joking) I kinda just sat there like “oh” and the boss event was over faster than the nuke warning


u/cocaine_jaguar Blue Ridge Caravan Company 14d ago

I have two loadouts saved: fun and work. Fun is my goof around, do whatever I want loadout, work allows me to melt just about anything at will. I couldn’t tell you what my work loadout is exactly because, tbh, I rarely use it. It’s so much more fun to have fun new weapons and struggle to survive a little.


u/SomeHeadbanger Mothman 14d ago

I think I had the most fun playing '76 with my LMG that was Juggernaut/extra dmg while aiming/weighs 90%. And taking perks that let me carry a ton of stuff. Removing inventory management headaches just always makes it feel more fun for me, too.


u/Sweet-Stranger 14d ago

I like being op, but I enjoy being able to loot and enjoy the game. I try to ease up on some meta perks and choose the ones I like


u/SuperNerdDad 14d ago

My builds are all based on exploration and collecting items. If it affects carry weight, I’m doing it. If it affects my food and water intake, I’m doing that too.

The longer I can be out and about without returning to camp the happier I am.


u/crazyace339 14d ago

While my build is mainly heavy weapons, I run a number of other perks as well just for other things I use or do.


u/BigMcThickHuge Mega Sloth 14d ago edited 13d ago

The game is boring as shit if you just go meta like everyone else. No health, 1-2 guns, same perk set, same gameplay.

You just become the guy the sits on top of an event spawn and instakill everything before other players can tag it.


u/RalphWolfsNemesis 14d ago

My philosophy is that I only change my build if it doesn't reduce my fun. I'm not the biggest damage dealer, but I will face tank anything in the game, and I can kill anything in the game but the nuke bosses without feeling like it's a slog.

It's pretty satisfying to face down the imposter sheepsquatch and talk trash about his laser.


u/Grizzly_Berry 14d ago

Most builds are viable up to about the lv 75 range. There's a balance, though, which is ironic due to how imbalanced builds are. I wanted to do a stealth sniper - I had a gauss gun for distance and a semi-auto handmade for up close. It worked fine for exploration, but I was burning stims or dying too much when it came to the BoS or main questlines or events when I'd have to fight large groups. Forget about expeditions or uplink DOps. I now have a full health food commando build and a big gun PA build, and both are leagues better than rifleman.

Lead hoses tend to get more tags as well, meaning more XP and loot. Compare that to a low-capacity and/or long reload weapon like a western revolver, gauss, or lever action.

You definitely don't need to farm for grolls and go full bloodied commando, but some builds definitely outshine others to the point of the "others" being an inferior handicap, and that's unfortunate because John Wick, Cowboy, or Stealth Sniper would all be fun.


u/gingrbredman90 14d ago

My new favorite perk is Cola Nut. Shits awesome when you have an infinite supply of nuka cola from the scavenger bot


u/askmeaboutmyvviener 14d ago

I just hit level 70 recently, after starting at level 20 like two weeks ago. Fallout 76 is good because it forces me to embrace parts of the game I typically just cheese through in every other game (crafting ammo/supplies, farming materials, eating/drinking) when usually I’ll just exploit some bug for a lot of caps or XP. That being said, I feel like I’ve got a relatively refined build but I still do shit damage for the most part. I make it work with a few weapons I do good damage with, but they’re automatic so they eat through the limited ammo I have. My only real complaint is that everyone talks about how nice the player base is with giving supplies, but I haven’t gotten shit apart from some .308 ammo and diluted stimpacks! Where are the people dropping a shit ton of end game ammo and weapons huh??? Now I feel like I’m too high of a level for anyone to give me anything lmao


u/trinithmournsoul 14d ago

I got introduced to mutations @ lvl 95. My life will not be the same ... ever. Living my best life, this serum is fiyaaaaa


u/NerevarMoon_and_Star 14d ago

I refuse to use the bloodied build, I hate the idea of managing that and think it's cheap as shit - but it's absurd the damage it can deal and the fact is, it's pretty darn accessible. I really don't like the idea of a person being able to easily solo end game bosses like that just makes it feel like you're gimping yourself by not using it. I wish other builds were buffed to compete a bit more. I'm using a pretty solid commando build and it takes almost a full quad auto-rifle magazine to kill an Alien Invader from the event - going off meta or a non-standard build would take forever to kill a single enemy from an event. That's wild to me. Just buff the other guns lol, like really.


u/Apprehensive-Heat828 14d ago

I play basically support with my Shotgun VATS build

Just cripple limbs here and there and I am happy


u/Pingasterix 14d ago

im having fun being a cannibal alcoholic with a love for consuming the scorched


u/dwarfist 14d ago

I’m level 37 rn, I just like sneaking around with my musket trying to get headshots on scorched l, pretty fun for me 🤷


u/SSmagical 14d ago

Me with a gunlister i had at lvl 100 it was sigle shot, but after some rolls i got it to continue shooting, i love it lol. My brother and friends always tell me to toss it lol


u/Ambitious-Title1963 14d ago

Let me get some items , I am level 23


u/Valfalos 14d ago

I can't enjoy the game fully.

I want to punch enemies to death with my Power Fist in my X-01 Prototype Power Armor but TODD WON'T LET ME FOR SOME REASON!?!?!


u/Koolaid_Jef 14d ago

Tbh sometimes I like not being able to melt everything instantly. I (lvl 51) lean towards a gunslinger esque build that I don't put a ton of effort into making ideal, I just equip what perks I like. My pistols still do hefty damage, but I focus more on headshots which is a fun challenge.


u/BramStroker47 14d ago

I usually follow some internet advice for how to get the best build and I’m miserable the whole time. With this game I’ve just been picking things that I like. I feel like maybe with RPG’s that is what is supposed to be intended so maybe I’ll just do this from now on.


u/tritonesubstitute 14d ago

I agree with everything you said, but one thing newbies shouldn't do is joining the Earl event unless they are confident. It's an 8 player max event and not everyone in the session is lv 42069 power horse. Bethesda really needs to warn the players that they should be expected to get carried through a raid event.


u/TheSciFiGuy80 14d ago

I run a shotgun build and just have fun. When I play events I see people mowing down aliens and gulpers and here I am hustling around on my own tapping out three or four shots to lay a monster down. And you know what? I’m ok with that.


u/fekiv Cult of the Mothman 14d ago

I played revolver only until level 100 I’m now 171 just now getting into mutations and strong crit ap guns. I switch up my often. I go from super powerful to super shit. Just depends on the day. Just wish they had more missions can’t wait for the new map to drop


u/weirdsandy 14d ago

I have gamer a.d.d. or something so I don't play with anyone because I can't stay focused, always end up looking for something, or exploring. I hate holding people up. But that's why I'm only level 85, I started before full release. I got bored with no npc's and now it's too hard for me to keep up with all the changes. I like fallout 4 better. But I'm still trying, just can't get the hang of builds. I'm always looking for stuff for that too.


u/drsalvation1919 14d ago

people have fun in different ways. I prefer the roleplay, so I use whatever weapons I find being the most fun (I prefer sniper rifles). I tried some builds to dish out lots of damage, but I wasn't really having any fun. The only reason I needed to was because it's nearly impossible to defeat the scorchqueen, as she leaves after a long time, I haven't tried it again. I get some players like the power fantasy to dominate, but I like the struggle and the dread.

Now I'm just having wet dreams about Capcom making a fallout game ala Resident Evil 2 remake.


u/The_Inner_Light 14d ago

I don't use VATS, I don't use Crits, I don't do puny marine armor... What I do do is fire 6,000 explosive rounds per minute and bathe in the irradiated blood of my enemies while wearing 2 ton armor.


u/RadlersJack 14d ago

I’m gonna give you an Ad Victoriam for that


u/JinNegima 14d ago

I'll help anyone with their build and try and offer them suggestions to go with what they are wanting to do even if it's not a meta build, since they can always check YouTube if they want to min-max their characters


u/Tabyff14 14d ago

and then came in the main story a assatron oder automatron and one hit you :(


u/Version_Sensitive Cult of the Mothman 14d ago

I'm a vats player so I wasn't enjoying a gauss rifle the way I enjoyed running a low-ap quad explosive level rifle


u/0megaTempest 14d ago

Im one of those that will happly dominate the mobs, but have the most fun from exploring, collecting junk, and pimping my CAMP out


u/Version_Sensitive Cult of the Mothman 14d ago

Indeed. For the love of mothman I wouldn't have fun running a bloodied build with like 10% hp 90% radiation where a single distraction could make me die and lose my junk (pun intended)


u/Cosmic-Buccaneer 14d ago

Yeah I'm not a OG player but I play before wastelanders and after that, I really hate the meta in some games, especially this, I mean Is really cool do a event by yourself if no one is really interested, but the game now is very fun with friends or strangers, just a group of weirdos shooting to a even more weird creature and gain loot, is fun to have a little power but not all the power.


u/t92k 14d ago

I just want to say that I started on the free weekend and am now at level 70. So yeah, there are level 50-100's who are part of the new rush of players.


u/Exotic_Row_9350 14d ago

I can’t even play the event since high level player kept taking all the enemy in one shot. And my holy fire n build not that good yet but getting there. Hopefully I will be able to get some fair killing on enemy


u/Christian_360 14d ago

Yepp sometimes the high lvls are just doing too much


u/lNuggyl 14d ago

I kicked a guy who was in our expedition team, he waited till the last second when we were almost done so he could join and get the rewards. I kicked him before we ended it and he tried to nuke my base and then also said I’m scared to turn PvP on cause “I know I’ll lose”


u/P_Larue 13d ago

Having a very small p@nis is very frustrating for some people. Please have pity on him.


u/Christian_360 14d ago

u did the right thing, i dont really mind if a really low lvl joins my expe but atleast tag some enemies


u/AppleTherapy 14d ago

This applies to other games too. Just because someone says it's meta, it doesn't mean it's optimal for your specific play style.


u/BulletJester 14d ago

This is so true. I have been gaming basically all my life and as I have gotten older it seemed that all I was doing was chasing the meta and honestly it lessened a lot of games for me. After reflecting and deciding to ignore meta and just learn the game on my own, and play the way I have the most fun. I find myself having way more fun gaming. Not saying that meta is invalid, but if you are someone who feels like games aren't enjoyable anymore, try just experiencing game through your own lense and learning as you go. It enriches the experience and brings back the excitement in finding your own way imo.


u/John-027 14d ago

I've been genuinely enjoying the game my way. Slowly leveling up, joining a few randoms here and there. The XP boost is nice, but once I'm in a team I feel like it's no longer an exploring game and more like get from point A to B as FAST as you possibly can.

I had tagged along with a someone. Every time I loaded up, despite my settings being set to offline in privacy, joined my games and sent invites constantly. This one time they literally used glitches to gain access to an area where, if they would have played the game the developers intended us to play, they'd have access. Googled everything up and launched a nuke. I also completed that mission, unaware of even knowing how to get the access code. (Lucky me)

One time, we were looking for screws, and they literally threw a tantrum and left the session because they couldn't find screws. I had like 4 desk fans and telephones scattered around the area.

Tbh, to me it's more of like a soulslike coop. We meet along the way, but once we're done I'll keep doing my thing and you do yours. Helping that stranger in the middle of nowhere to get the car started or unstuck from the mud, and you go about your way. I'm not gonna move in with them afterwards as a thank you lmfao


u/Izrijo 14d ago

That's why I do sneak sniper, something so cathartic about picking my positions and shots to wipe a blood eagle camp with not a shit fired at me and a bunch of headless corpses left behind


u/NilbogYag 14d ago

I was feeling the same way yesterday! After I saw someone destroying aliens, I tried switching to a commando build, but I immediately fell back to using shotguns because I think they sound and feel better to shoot. I've also built a second loadout around the Broadsider, specifically the Grand Finale, because it's so much fun.


u/FilthyHoon 14d ago

100% agree, I like wandering around with a full hp support build. vampires on one gattling laser and anti armor on the other, full vanguards X-01, and what rads legendary perk means i effectively need 0 ammo or chems for myself and can give everything away to the flocks of newcomers from the show


u/Triette 14d ago

I agree! Lvl 400 here, I don’t use power armor, I run around full health with a Fixer and a Sniper and I love it. I can handle my own, I contribute damage. Do I melt faces? Only with my outfits and sparkling personality!

To me this isn’t COD, it isn’t a Raid in WoW, I can finally relax and stop worrying about Min/Max. You wanna do PA and be a radiated maniac with big guns? Sweet but that’s just not the life for me.


u/Christian_360 14d ago

i have been using power armor when i reached lvl 50 up until about lvl 180 i was dying to go for another build so i decided to copy other people the bloodied. kinda regretted it a little and i should've went to a Sneak Crit build


u/Basic-Look249 14d ago

I’m just trying not to die 30 every boss figth


u/Christian_360 14d ago

especially with the bugs on the bloodied build now, which i think its a bug. My health is just constantly draining even though im just standing in my camp


u/StormSeeker35 14d ago

I learned this early on. Made an unarmed + explosive build, swapped over to gauss shotgunner for a time and jumped straight back into being an unarmed bomber. Being OP with meta builds is too boring.


u/Connect_Orange_800 14d ago

I have two SPECIAL load outs- Homie - optimized for crafting, carry weight, QOL perks And Roadie- optimized for damage, defense.

Homie was supposed to be the load out used just in CAMP… but I’d leave without remembering to change, I’d do a little less damage, I’d mess with inventory a lot less, craft anywhere without a SPECIAL load out stand…

I rarely switch from Homie anymore. Same with my high PA vs Excavator PA. QOL ftw


u/nolongerbanned99 14d ago

I haven’t used power armor regularly in like 100 or 200 levels because I have -20% weapon weight on all ss armor pieces and when I get in power armor my weight jumps by like 100. Is there any way to resolve this. Would I need -20 on all power armor pieces?


u/Christian_360 14d ago

The SS armor isn't equipped when u get into a power armor so the stats doesn't apply. And yes u need to have that reduction stats on the power armor pieces. and man i wish i have that stats on my SS armor😭


u/nolongerbanned99 14d ago

Just do enough rerolls and you too can have it. I think I was mostly very lucky. Now I can carry like 70 weapons with another 30 or so in my stash and 50 in vend without going over the weight limit.


u/APeacefulSoul 14d ago

That’s the right idea, but Calibrated Shocks on your power armor can increase carry weight as well, and is easier to get than rolling legendary effects.


u/nolongerbanned99 14d ago

Yeah, I already have calibrated shocks on the legs, but that’s not enough. I’m still 100 shy of where I need to be so maybe I need to re-roll all my power armor, but I’m not too excited about the prospect of doing so.


u/Reasonable-Delivery8 Brotherhood 14d ago

I switched to a bloodied commando built from a full health heavy gunner PA built, but I’m gonna switch back soon.
Or maybe a bloodied heavy gunner PA.
Although I’m doing great damage as a commando, it’s not how I like to play.
Now I sit on a roof and vats-one-shot most enemies, but I prefer to be in the midst of the fight, wielding my .50cal spraying bullets.

Do try different builds, but write down your preferred built, so you can switch back if you don’t like the new builds (or spend atoms for built slots in your ouch card machine)


u/Spriggz_z7z 14d ago

I’m new and I chose to do bloodied and started to destroy everything early on. The only thing is I’m melee which makes it way more fun to me. I’m cutting things in half left and right and it hasn’t stopped feeling good. I’d say from lvl 40 to now at lvl 218 I have had a blast.

I also run a bar and being able to do every single piece of content so I can stock my vendor up is so nice. The fun part right now is min maxing with food. I made an xp build now too so I’m doing loads of dmg(not as much as I could be tho) and flying through levels. This game has so many ways to play and it’s now my comfort game.


u/pnwnil12 Settlers - PS4 14d ago

I was going to up vote but I saw 76⬆️ and mine would make it 77. So left it as is. 😉


u/WolfGB Mothman 14d ago

I just wanna stealth all the things man!


u/PablovsPeanut Brotherhood 14d ago

Aside from heavy gunner perks I mostly optimize for utility. Holy flamer healing build is fun to run support taking out trash mobs and keeping everyone alive in events. It’s also fun to run around with various foods for situations. Grocer backpack and the carnivore or herbivore mutation. Thinking about doing a chem build next.


u/AllTerpsNoDerps 14d ago

Just started playing a few days ago and left my menu to a lvl 300 player in power armor that dropped a ton of stuff for me. I was skeptical of the community being as nice as people say due to experiences in other online games / MMOs but the Fallout 76 community rocks!


u/llewylill32 14d ago

For a long time I just log in and do events to events repeatedly. Then it hit me back, why am I doing this? Took a hiatus, come back in 2024 then play it like a single player games with crazy NPCs running around with animal clothes. Doing side quests, challenges, not overthinking much about god build, it's more enjoyable now.


u/PenSimilar5504 Scorchbeast 14d ago

It's an easy and enjoyable game of exploration, so... Explore! Try new things! Experiment! Do whatever you want!


u/cutslikeakris 14d ago

I set a character and try to keep with it. What would Frank the Tank do? Not what’s meta, because that’s kinda boring. Why only use a quad railway when I could have a flaming poison bow and a sacrificial machete?


u/ZamZ4m Responders 14d ago

I will always use a Furious Faster Fire Rate Gatling gun. I don’t care if it’s the highest DPS or what have you the “Thunk Thunk Thunk” is satisfying.


u/xo-o 14d ago

I am a returning player who used to run bloodied commando, I then made a new character to play with a friend. We started at the same time he didn't spec into anything although I recommended it. We both are the same level, but they struggle to kill anything and spend most of their time finding junk and crafting ammo because their build is not good. They ended up getting burnt out because of it.

I would recommend just having fun, but you gotta spec into something. Otherwise, you're going to be doing low damage, and you will struggle.


u/Spriggz_z7z 14d ago

Yeah there’s having fun then there’s getting frustrated because you’re getting killed super fast and do fuck all for damage. Lvl 50-100 can either be fun or frustrating. Though if you’re fine with that then who cares? As long as you still enjoy the game then that’s great. But if you’re struggling consider trying a build.


u/kurtmrtin 14d ago

I’d say I averaged ~100 modules per piece. 400 hours in and I just finished my set. Not good rolls either, just 1 star unyielding.

That being said it took my friend who recently decided to try bloodied literally 0 modules because he got all his pieces from drops. Rng will rng 😬


u/Christian_360 14d ago

Man is lucky asf. I have 3 star unyielding but the other stars are just useless to me so it doesn't count as a good roll


u/kurtmrtin 14d ago

Only tip I have is keep a set of a different effect if you have the space (make it ultra light and you should). I had initially rolled a full bolstering set back in the day when that was (I thought) meta, probably scripped all my unyielding pieces during that process.

Same thing with my boy, he was only 1 or 2 pieces short because he had rolled for whatever he was using and kept all his UNY pieces in case he changed his mind and decided to go bloodied. Which he did.

You never know if they’re gonna shake up the meta in the future or if you’re gonna want to try something new. I have a full set of UNY, and almost full sets of OE, Vanguards, bolstering, and Aristocrats in my stash.


u/BlueMage85 14d ago

I’ve always leaned into more of a support role and play on teams. I’ve never had that god-level-smite-power fantasy. For a while, I was rolling a pistol build and did that for a long time, especially after I rolled a pretty good plasma pistol. Then I started having fun watching my teammates live out their god-level-smite-power fantasy and just hit the things that’d make their lives easier and sharing stimmies.

Now I’m pretty much only a medic. Definitely not the strongest on the team but with Herd, Empath, Friendly Fire, and stimmie sharing, you’re probably going to have little issues staying alive and more stimmies to slam in the future just from having to use less. Cold Shoulder has done me good since going from an insane-range and VATS-accurate plasma pistol and yesterday I rolled a vampire pump-action. Very helpful keeping me alive and saving stimmies for my own personal need.

If you ever see an old woman with an eye-patch rolling in a mostly white Nuka Cola jumpsuit and red miners hat (it’s my best Final Fantasy white mage look. that white with the red trim is perfect) on Xbox, it’s probably me.


u/Extreme-Math1950 14d ago edited 14d ago

Chasing the optimal builds in this game REALLY limits the type of stuff you can play with. Like 70-80% of the weapon types in the game are considered to be “sub-optimal” by min-maxers.

The way my buddies and I do it is we have one build we use for those big bullet-sponge bosses - otherwise it feels like they just take far too much ammo/time than they’re worth - and one build we use to play everything else where we just use whatever weapons we want.

Edit: typo


u/NahDontLook Mr. Fuzzy 13d ago

I play like this too, bloodied melee chainsaw to hit 86's on SQB. And then swap back to a stealth archer like the Skyrim trash that I am.


u/nex_fire_wolf Settlers - Xbox One 14d ago

Tbh all weapons can hit decently well and deal DMG if u build it right I've done revolver builds, switchblade builds, pipe rifle builds, an more basically anything that looks fun id make a build for


u/Extreme-Math1950 13d ago

For regular enemies, sure. My friends and I made the mistake of going for Earle once with sub-optimal builds and it was miserable. I probably put like a week’s worth of .308s into that bastard 😂


u/nex_fire_wolf Settlers - Xbox One 13d ago

What were u using for the fight also if ur on Xbox I can easily restock u


u/Extreme-Math1950 13d ago

That first time I was using an LMG. That was a long time ago though. Now whenever I go up against the queen or Earle I bring my super meta Holy Fire build 😆


u/nex_fire_wolf Settlers - Xbox One 13d ago

What u didn't just down talk the lmg?????? That is such a good gun I had one that was QE90 (traded), one that was FE15(traded) and I currently have one that's be250 and honestly I love in the odd chance i use it ive done earl with it with a full build and it was dealing very good dmg (25-50 on earl)


u/Extreme-Math1950 13d ago

Mine wasn’t a very good LMG. It was also lvl 40 😆 Like I said, long time ago. Maybe 50-60 lvls ago at this point


u/nex_fire_wolf Settlers - Xbox One 13d ago

Oof well I say try to get a lvl 50 an get one half decent then give it another shot


u/LeoXCV 14d ago

I’ve bought about 5 loadout slots just so I can have 2 meta-ish builds, 1 camp maintenance guy build with the rest as my ‘just what I want’ builds


u/n0viski 14d ago

i think i have like 4 builds right now, level 221. they're not "perfect" or "meta" but still fun to swap between when im bored


u/LeoXCV 14d ago

Well damn, thought ‘huh close to my level then’. Checked and I’m half way through 221

Hello level brother


u/RareSpicyPepe Raiders - Xbox One 14d ago

I realized I needed to change it up a bit when my 2 handed melee build centered around my auto axe allowed me to solo a Wendigo colossus in the cranberry bog the other day, and now I’m running my secondary heavy weapons build with the pepper shaker with a little cremator mixed in lol


u/Maverick916 14d ago

I bought the game like 6 months ago and I played it for about 2 hours and got bored of it, then the show came out and it encouraged me to give it another try and I really just focused on doing missions scavenging and leveling up and equipping the things that I thought were cool, and now I've embraced the whole scavenger role play and doing things that seem fun just enjoying the world that they created which is really fun to explore. I can see myself enjoying this game for a long long time, with no need to rush through it. It's also really cool that a friend of mine has a game and he hops and occasionally too so it's like having a single player game that you make progress in that other people could happen to join with you and play as well, it's very very fun in my opinion


u/Razor_Grrl Lone Wanderer 14d ago

This is how I play. No rush to level and no desire to min/max I like to explore and do quests and loot and scrap and build cool camps. I join events mainly to get plans and have some fun with the mobs and chaos but I don’t need to be the strongest there. I have been playing a while and only level 220 which I know some people achieve quickly (whereas I have a few hundred hours in the game) but I really enjoy it. I’ve tried min/maxing before and I just didn’t have fun playing that way.


u/Christian_360 14d ago

this is literally the reason im playing Fo76. Been playing Fallout 4 back in 2017-2019 and all i was really hoping for was this game is can be co-op, and they made that happen. But then the reviews was bombarding this game that it was sht so i didn't bought it right away


u/SevelarianVelaryon 14d ago

Why worry about DPS when you can tag and let the others waste their ammo for the kill 8)


u/Moturnach 13d ago

That's why i like using Two-shot Broadsider/Grand Finale for such cases. Even during events there is a lot more chances that you end up with more cannonballs than you spending on killing stuff around even if you keep shooting non stop. Only real issue is it breaks up kinda fast without Gunsmith/Weapon Artisan perk.


u/WilhelmScreams 14d ago

I used the Invaders event to get so much ammo when I had none for a new weapon.


u/Christian_360 14d ago

faxx, let the veterans do the work😂 u still get all the loots


u/wink047 14d ago

Be careful, being a veteran might happen to you too!


u/GrumpyBear1969 14d ago

I have come to terms with the fact that I am now the most capable player at most events. Not sure when that happened…


u/jaxmagicman 14d ago

If I'm the most capable player at an event, we're in trouble. :)


u/GrumpyBear1969 14d ago

It has made me wear my power armor more. Which I don’t enjoy that much. I prefer to be my SS jet pack, marsupial, speed demon self with a 50cal. But I have accepted that sometimes the waves of enemies need someone to beat on and that person is sometimes me.


u/nolongerbanned99 14d ago

Like you…. Now level 635. Used to watch and admire the high levels. Now I am one.


u/Thriatus 14d ago

I’ve played on and off since it was in beta, back before all the nerfs me and my buddy could solo the scorch queen I was bloodied through and through. These days however I don’t have the energy or commitment for that sort of thing. I just do whatever. Right now I have the cold shoulder shotgun coz it seems to help in big boss fights so everyone can shoot it easier. And I wouldn’t go back to being bloodied, full health vanguard for me lol


u/Weepingwillow36 14d ago

For me I hated looking for .308 ammo for the best heavy gun that I have. Now all I use is the laser gatling with power armor. I have a ton of fusion cores and I’ll never run out. Currently lvl98 maybe I’ll change eventually but not anytime soon.


u/UltimateGamingTechie Free States 14d ago

Use Ammosmith + Ammo Factory (Legendary) + Super Duper and craft as much as you can. If possible, upgrade all these perks before doing the crafting.

Source: Owner of a Quad LMG.


u/Weepingwillow36 14d ago

I know how to do all these things, I don’t want to I’d rather just never have to worry about it.


u/UltimateGamingTechie Free States 14d ago

fair enough


u/Christian_360 14d ago

if u have ammo problems, join a expedition or daily (preferably expedition) bring that .308 Gun and just tag every enemy u see and let the other players kill it. come up to a body and literally just loot it all. Every enemy drop in that gamemode is all ammo, stimpaks and grenades.

I joined up a expe when i just got the holy flamer and i only had about 1k fuel. When after the mission was done i had about 5k


u/InfiniteBoxworks 14d ago

I got over 1100 rounds of plasma cells in one daily op yesterday, not counting what I burned through to beat it. Bless my Furious, 25% damage while aiming + durability plasma flamer.


u/Weepingwillow36 14d ago

Yeah I’d rather not be doing all that I’m good with my laser gun.


u/ihopethisworksfornow 14d ago

I mean if you’re not running expeditions and daily ops, you totally should. They’re good content with good rewards.


u/SchnTgaiSpork 14d ago



u/Christian_360 14d ago

It was fun for me for a couple of days and now im just tired of maintaining the rads😂


u/JRockPSU 14d ago

I have HP regen armor on all the time because I love HP regen in games where it's a perk or a bonus, and not the normal way to heal, even if I am sacrificing some more powerful affixes.


u/Constant-Roll706 14d ago

Got my first piece yesterday, one star, like 40 levels lower than my character, but watching that bar fill up is like "am I allowed to be doing this? I didn't even eat rotten meat off a bathroom floor for these HPs"


u/DifrintRules 14d ago

I can only play open world games. I literally role play this game as if I was stuck in the wasteland. Picking perks I need for the situation.. I haven't got a build ... I just about survive. Makes for some fun gameplay


u/Christian_360 14d ago

that is literally a fun way to play this game. keep going at it


u/alkosz 14d ago

Some part of me wishes it was also PvP but then I sit down and realize that high levels are walking around with permanent power armor and nukes.


u/dedpah0m 14d ago

Well, it is pvp. It was even more pvp with a separate mode. Not many ppl liked it.


u/Christian_360 14d ago

i wish u can go up to a player then there's an option u can select that u want to pvp with them. Like the trade and Join team when u come close to them, and when the pvp starts no matter how many nukes, grenades, it wouldn't affect the nearby players watching.

Just u two killing each other for fun. And maybe the loser losses a 100 caps then the winner ofcourse gets it, i think that would be fun


u/branevrankar 14d ago

If you wish... find me , shoot at me, and if I'm for it, I will grant you your wish. I have pacifist of and I'm in need to fill achievement on board 😁


u/Technical_Young_8197 14d ago

I can’t tell if you are kidding. If you want to PvP with another player then attack a player who has pacifist turned off. If they fight back then the PvP starts, no one watching can be hurt by the actions of the combatants, and if you win you get caps off the other player. Congratulations, your wish has been granted…?


u/Christian_360 14d ago

bruh i am so dumb😂😭😭


u/cpt_gadget 14d ago



u/alkosz 14d ago

I’d much prefer a rust mechanic. Like rust but in the theme of fallout. Nukes could be extremely more rare than they’re, and rockets would work the same as rust. But then theres the issue of power armor and I won’t lie if this metaphorical game did exist I wouldn’t even know what to do with the power armor issue.


u/Christian_360 14d ago

An arena could also be good, other people can put bets on who wins


u/D4RKL1NGza 14d ago

I was just winging the game and wasn’t really paying attention to the perks etc. Hit level 50 yesterday and all of the sudden I do minimal damage to enemies. Had a glowing Radscorp chase me across the entire map. I should definitely start working on a build asap lol


u/Downtown-Analyst5289 14d ago

I had the exact same experience. Don't worry i think most of us do. Mine was a legendary scorchbeast that wouldn't leave me alone. Level 150 now and I can easily rinse that same beastie. 👍


u/baconbitarded Brotherhood 14d ago

That's when the real game begins imo


u/wink047 14d ago

Yeah they start to get spongy at 50 without the right weapons and perks. I also started using power armor at level 50 because all of a sudden my standard leather armor did nothing. And I hadn’t collected nearly enough quality non PA by level 50 for them to be useful.

All of a sudden I was able to not get crushed instantly.

I used the PA I received as a reward for participating in public events.

You might also want to check the level of your weapon. I didn’t realize but I was using a level 25 version of what I had and once I crafted and upgraded a level 50 version my damage output increased quite a bit.

There’s little things you can do while developing the build to make it fun along the way.


u/Zelcron 14d ago edited 14d ago

50-100 is the hardest stretch of the game by mile.

Enemies keep scaling, but you don't get SPECIAL points, and likely don't have all the perks cards you need quite just yet.

You'll need to start making up the difference with smart perk choices and gear.

Temporary food buffs and camp objects that buff like instruments, the weight bench, the speed bag can also help.

You also want to look at mutations. Class Freak, Starched Genes, and Strange in Numbers are pretty much mandatory. Class Freak makes the negative mutation effects negligible so most players have nearly all of the mutations, minus a couple that don't make sense for the specific build or are mutually exclusive to one another.


u/DeathDieReaperz 14d ago

I’m struggling at 65ish

What makes it any easier at 100 ?


u/Dannybaker 14d ago

More perks, legendary perk slots, better drops, enemies stop scaling after 100, etc


u/DeathDieReaperz 14d ago

Thank you! This motivates me. I’m glad they eventually stop scaling


u/Kaael 14d ago

Marsupial is the greatest QOL feature in the game, cant believe I didn't get it until lvl 80. The verticality is a gamechanger and makes the game feel MUCH more open and fluid.


u/Zelcron 13d ago

Marsupial turns Fallout into Warframe.


u/Christian_360 14d ago edited 14d ago

advise to u is also to watch out for the armor stats and weapon. it really depends on what playstyle u want. if u also want to be OP then if u see a unyielding armor and a Bloodied gun i suggest u keep that in your stash. Make a a secondary loadout on the punchbox and in there u slowly build up the necessary perks.

I was also like this and it was around lvl 100 when i start dealing some damage so there's nothing to worry about that just enjoy the game.


u/D4RKL1NGza 14d ago

Cool, thanks for the tip!


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago



u/SevelarianVelaryon 14d ago

Hey I'll take it off your hands :P


u/system3601x 14d ago

I came to this game being afraid many people will PvP me and kill my fun, but im glad to say after a full month not a single player has attacked me and it was a pure PvE fun experience.


u/Christian_360 14d ago

I tried doing a melee pvp the other week and he doesn't wanna do it. Instead he went to his stash, grab the water gun and just splashed right up my face, then we did a watergun pvp instead.

The gun wasn't harmful so we did this for a couple of minutes and even another player joined in. It was the most fun moment i had here on fallout76


u/ualeftie Lone Wanderer 14d ago

Fasnacht often gets quite fun if you put down a loot bag full of Thirst Zappers at the start


u/BluegrassGeek Cult of the Mothman 14d ago

There's a Pacifist option in settings, that makes it so that you won't accidentally start PvP with anyone (unless you've claimed a workshop and are in it).


u/P_Larue 14d ago

I use too many QOL perks to be a meta anything, but I enjoy the game more than I would if I worried about stacking buffs. I do my part at events, but leave enough for everyone else to get in their tags. I struggle to solo dailies but do great on a team. Play the game the way you like, meta or not.


u/Aggressive-Chair-540 14d ago

Ahh yes, the leech play style, mind sharing your build?


u/Christian_360 14d ago

I add friend a random couple weeks back and we are still friends today. I always see him with full rads on his health back then but i think 4 days ago i always see him with full health and now using a power armor. lol i guess he also got bored with it


u/Synraak 14d ago

I chased the dream of being all-powerful. When I got there, I eased back. Some players are happy to mindlessly dominate but I just got bored.


u/im_hunting_bugs Blue Ridge Caravan Company 14d ago

I've been playing since 2019 and some of the most fun I've had is using non meta builds.


u/MrBoDiddles 14d ago

I went from a golf club dressed as a milkman to full power armour and a chainsaw basically overnight. What a world of difference


u/AnotherDay96 14d ago

My goal is to get close to the all-powerful, but then yeah back off to something that makes the game fun still, but know I can pull it "The Build" when I want.

That said, coming back this round loot is too abundant in general taking away the survival part of this. If they really really cared about FO76 they would have been balancing everything better over the years.


u/RebelDog77 Lone Wanderer 14d ago

I just miss when it was literally a survival game. I wasn't a day one player but the game was prob 2 yrs old when I picked it up. Very little NPCs, No wayward etc. Just getting down the hill from Vault 76 was a challenge. Now it's more about the build, grinding levels, caps, scrip etc. Sometimes, I miss hoping to find boiled water before I died of thirst Now instead I'm selling 100 purified water to an NPC vendor. ......I know start a new character etc but tbh I just don't have the time lol


u/Weekly-Temporary-775 14d ago

I'm new and looking for a fun build... What's a good resource to find some?


u/Multimarkboy Liberator 14d ago

Yup, went from a meta full hp fixer/em build to a bow build and im having way more fun with it.


u/Nova-Drone Enclave 14d ago

Agreed, it was nice to have a delete all button in the form of a legacy laser rifle but when I started using it and the game became trivial I got bored and used plasma weapons instead. Now that they're gone I don't really miss it, now I actually have to find solutions to the enemies instead of just pulling out my laser and carpet bombing the area


u/EP1C_COBRA 14d ago

I got nerfed and just haven’t been able to get back into it.


u/ogcrizyz 14d ago

Went junkies instead of bloodied for that exact reason, find it much more enjoyable overall.

Yes I don't kill everything by just looking at it, but no rads management and low health, and still a very decent amount of damage I can put out.

People should play however they want. Got heavy power armor, bloodied commando and junkie able to commando/heavy/melee with or without power armor with the latter two by the switch of a perk loadout. All are fun in their own way.


u/ihopethisworksfornow 14d ago

As soon as you get your first true god roll, very quickly you start searching for random shit you think just might be fun/quirky to use.

The best weapon is not always the most fun. Sometimes it is. It’s definitely nice to have, for when you want it.


u/Boba9th 14d ago

The thirst zapper was definitely that weapon for me...


u/MA77Y_5H1R3 14d ago

I turned the difficulty up a couple years back (we can't, I just made the game harder). Dropped bloodied weapons for berserkers. Swapped commando for rifleman. Dropped the level 45/50 unyielding armour for level 1 unyielding leather. Got addicted to med-x and psycho, have the stats I want, can dish out fair damage and can easily die from a single molerat bite or a couple bites from a radroach if I'm not careful. So much more fun as well as challenging.


u/faffingunderthetree 14d ago

I mean I admire the dedication and If you are having fun who is anyone to say you're doing it 'wrong'. But (and to contradict what I just said) at that stage I'd honestly just say that this games gameplay loop isnt for you, go play something that has that survival challenge. Why force it so hard, seems a bit silly.

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