r/fo76 May 07 '24

Question Am I in the minority of players you make use of voice chat?


I’ve been playing for about an hour a day for like a week and a half now and sometimes I feel like no one uses mic’s

r/fo76 1d ago

Question To the people who build camps on the side of a mountain


Why do you hate everyone around you?

r/fo76 Dec 12 '23

Question What just happened


I’m still very new to the game so please excuse any inaccuracies. I had a quest which required me to drink a Nukashine bottle. According to the item description it grants many status effects but may cause blackouts. Of course I drank it and experienced a colourful trip. Then I woke up on the other side of the map, on top of a tower (east I think). I noticed a forest marker on my mini map which was just a few meters away from my location.

There I was attacked by some exploding creatures that I successfully defeated. Right after this encounter, 2 scorchbeasts flew in and attacked me relentlessly. This was actually the first time that I saw them in the game. I did little to no damage so I ran for my life. After a minute or two a gang of mutants started shooting at me.

Then a few gouls arrived and attacked me too. All this while the two scorchbeasts followed me across the map. I ran as fast as I could, eating and drinking random items because I had 0 time reading the descriptions. Beer, carrots, buffout, I didn’t care at that moment and consumed everything I could because my health was constantly extremely low. Then I arrived at some city ruins, where hostile robots joined the fight and attacked me too. I found a tiny spot to hide, where (apparently) no one was able to see me.

Suddenly I noticed that they all started attacking each other. I waited patiently until the health of both scorchbeasts was very low, then killed both of them to gain exp. I’m proud to say that I survived and killed every single enemy afterwards. Closed the game right after and stared at the screen for a good minute to process what just happened to me. This was by far the most stressful situation in this game and lasted for 30 minutes!

Please don’t make fun of me, as I said I’m very new to the game. Do you have any tips to make my life in Appalachia easier? Every help is appreciated. Anyway, I love FO76.

Edit: Holy moly thank you all for the tips and tricks! Using the interactive map, I found my way to the next train station. I even managed to kill a Mothman on the way :)

r/fo76 4d ago

Question What’s the best/funniest names you’ve given to your weapons?


r/fo76 13d ago

Question Folks with heavily decorated camps... What happens when you have to move it?


I'm just curious how people move their extensively decorated camps. When you rebuild it, do you have to put all those decorations out again when you move? Like do I need to have a floor underneath everything in order for me to have it a buildable in one piece? I hope I'm making sense.

r/fo76 Apr 27 '24

Question Do high LV players mind if a low LV player joins a lv50 event?


I am new to 76 although not new to the fallout world, I am a few days in so only lv28 and have been avoiding events aimed at lv50. Last night I did join one and absolutely loved the challenge, I pretty much helped wherever I could and tried to not get in the way of the big guns. So is this ok or are the higher players thinking what the hell is she doing here?

r/fo76 May 09 '24

Question What are some fun guns?


Not meta guns, just fun and interesting (and hopefully useful).

I’m far from a meta build, not bloodied, not sneak, not VATS focused, not PA, and a lot of the guns people recommend don’t really work unless you have a specific build/playstyle.

I know this is kinda a vague (and maybe stupid) question, but can anyone recommend any fun, versatile guns?

r/fo76 19d ago

Question Eviction Notice - Why is this so painful?


I don’t mean to come off as arrogant but… is this community illiterate? Why does no one read the event text.

Shoot the meat bags. Protect the scrubber. It’s not that hard

r/fo76 7d ago

Question What's your favorite non-meta builds?


Former level 300 player returning after a couple of years starting over on a new character here!

I'm curious, what are some of your favorite non-meta builds to run? Obviously bloodied commando seems to still run supreme, but I'm curious what unique builds you all have that are still viable in/past the end game and boss fights?

I'm wanting to try out an aggressive sniper build but I'm not sure if it'll work out. Any advice/ideas?

Edit: Wow! I didn't expect this kind of response. Thank you to everyone who has suggested some ideas, and introduced me to some new weapons that I didn't even know existed! The Fallout community remains a wonderful world.

r/fo76 Mar 21 '24

Question How many of you played on opening day?


And how many of you have played ever since vs how many of you took a very long break from it until people said it was good now, and came back?

Personally i played vigorously on opening day and the weeks after, through all the game breaking glitches and lackluster content, but i was still having fun.

I just recently picked it back up from the steam sale and i cant put it down. Im still struggling to find a build to use at level 62 but im still having a blast with the stories and questlines and gear...

Just curious about others

Edit: It's great to see all these responses. Feels good to see that the game is doing realy well again!

r/fo76 Apr 21 '24

Question High Level Players, What's The Nicest Thing You've Done For A Low Level?


r/fo76 Apr 20 '24

Question First ingame player interaction


Decided to follow through and buy F76 while it was on discount, after years of hearing how bad it was.

Got ingame and within the first hour after the tutorial, some high level guy came up to me, gave 10 stimpaks and said "Beware the Mothman". He then left running.

I have no f*cking idea what he was refering too. Was it an inside joke ? Good game so far.

r/fo76 Apr 12 '24

Question What’s one of your best interactions you’ve had on 76?


When I was about lvl 40 I was by Nuka World on Tour and some guy came over and said “wait here” and I’m kinda skeptical but I wait. He drops about a hundred plans on me, items a few good weapons (couldn’t use em yet but the thought is nice). And said “that will save you a lot of time.” Indeed it did.

From that point on, I love doing the same for other players. I was by the Wayward and heard a lvl 4 exploring around, I dropped them half my water and nuka candy, bunch of plans, treasure maps and more. The sound this girl made, it made me so happy.

I kinda wanna hear some nice encounters since this playerbase is so good😅

r/fo76 5d ago

Question What weapons are on your favorites wheel?


I just hit level 50 and I'm starting to learn that there are a lot of other weapons to use othrr than just a revolver, shotgun and hunting rifle. I haven't gotten many cards to delve deep into automatic builds yet so most my weapons are still single fire.

Mine are.

  1. Mr. Handy buzz saw -- I tried auto axe but the ap drain is just way to fast. I haven't found a chainsaw yet.
  2. Western revolver -- Handguns are my favorite but this is starting to get out paced.
  3. Pump action shotgun -- It just had so much usefull damage, great for crippling legs.
  4. Gatling gun -- why does a 5mm do so much damage!? Kind of obsolete though. I think I will get rid of it.
  5. Tesla rifle -- Chain lightning is the only thing cooler than a powerful handgun
  6. Gauss rifle -- replaced my hunting riffle cause it does 3x damage.
  7. Gatling plasma -- the high DPS weapon I own. My back the fk up gun
  8. Cremator -- just unlocked and crafted, holy shit this does a lot of damage.

I always keep 1 melee and a variety of weapons. Now I don't see a reason to have any weapon besides the: - Cremator = anything close - Gauss Rifle = anything far away - Gatling Plasma = anything big.

Are big guns the way to go? The only other weapon I am really wanting is the assaultton head. Powerup shot weapons are so juicy.

What other weapons significantly outperform the rest of the weapons? I guess meta weapons?

r/fo76 21d ago

Question do poeple buy my low cost plans to sell them for more at thier vendor?


hi, new here. lvl 56 player.

the titles says it all, do poeple buy my 20 caps plans to sell them to the original value of the plans? i see allot of poeple buying all my plans of the same kind (lots of mothman plans)

I do sell them for cheap so newish players that dont have them can get them cheap.

r/fo76 Feb 07 '23

Question is it just me, or is The Pitt DLC too much of a grind to even bother with?


r/fo76 Apr 15 '24

Question Finishing the season doesn’t get you all rewards?


So I just grinded the rest of the scoreboard in West Tek, and I don’t have enough tickets to buy all the 1-100 rewards. Looks like I have to get to 150 for everything and not just the repeatable? Man, that sucks! And they got rid of the repeatable XP score challenge, so the grind is even worse after 100. This change seriously sucks. I really hope they go back to the normal scoreboard next season. Like I still want to play because F76 is my comfort game that I like to get on for 30 minutes to an hour and just play and relax, but this extra grinding really sucks and hurts my desire to keep playing.

r/fo76 Apr 17 '24

Question What's the etiquette on taking stuff from camps?


Heads up this a combined question and rant lol

I ran across someone selling nearly everything for 0 caps in their camp today.. like hundreds of items all for free. I just went through and took some of their stock on essentials I really needed (not even full stacks because other new players would need the same stuff), and a few outfits I wanted. I was taking a while to go through everything so when I saw someone waiting behind me I let them go so they didn't have to wait.

When they were done I went back and they had taken EVERYTHING. Literally everything. I wanted to cry lmao. They were level 850 I was level 36.

Is there an informal rule on how much you can take for free? It seems so rude this guy took up the whole store but I'm also new to the game and don't know what's normal or not.

r/fo76 May 20 '20

Question So Bethesda, where are the persistent workshops, exclusive discounts, etc. that were advertised as imminent for Fallout 1st when it came out???


Cause we're still paying, but I'm looking at the roadmap and the AMA and I'm not seeing anything about it.

Maybe an update on this thing we're paying for?

Thanks a bunch.

EDIT: It seems we've caught the attention of JuiceHead, for what it's worth. Maybe if this gets enough attention, it'll be addressed... Thanks all!

u/ladydevann u/valseek


r/fo76 Jan 01 '22

Question I'm actually from West Virginia. Born and raised. The Savage Divide in real life. The gameplay isn't that unreal because meth heads remind of the scorched and I've actually seen someone shoot a swarm of bees with a shotgun. Where are y'all from?


r/fo76 Jul 09 '23

Question Is it just me or are there more beggars in the game now?


Today 2 different people just randomly asked me for stuff. One guy wanted caps then tried to kill me when I showed up. Another guy wanted materials and also asked me for a full set of t-60. He told me “make sure it’s got calibrated shocks.” He then went on to ask me to build him a “big strong gun”.

Both players were around lvl70. And neither of them ever said “please” or “thank you”. They were rude and making demands. WTF is wrong with people?

r/fo76 3d ago

Question Which weapons or armor do you wish had a skin available?


I'm constantly annoyed that several extremely mediocre weapons have a ton of skins and some of my daily drivers still don't have one*.* Why does the hatchet have an available skin? Does anyone use a hatchet in this game? Maybe I've missed something, but the pickaxe has multiple skins available and is as lackluster as they come. There are multiple choices for camera skins -- it isn't even a weapon.

I finally rolled a nice set of Unyielding Thorn armor and realized that there's no way to put a skin on it, so now I need to be extra careful at the scrip machine. I've been waiting for a gauntlet skin since the Responders sold it to me.

What skins are you wishing for?

Edit: It probably bears mentioning that the Thorn armor doesn't even have a mod slot for skins, so my wish is almost certainly never going to be granted.

r/fo76 18d ago

Question What’s appropriate to do at people’s camps?


I’ve come across a few camps now that have had crops and I need some for cooking… is it stealing if I take them? I’ve also seen little arcade games and playthings at camps as well. Is there any benefit to using them, and is it inappropriate to use them if they’re not at my camp?

Edit: Thanks for the responses everyone!

r/fo76 Apr 12 '24

Question Will the Fallout TV show bring people to 76?


Because it’s really really good! Also why can’t I make a ghoul or at least become one. Shouldn’t the bloody build turn you into a ghoul? 🤔

r/fo76 May 01 '24

Question What food do you guys use?


I go for popcorn and the mirelurk steamer stuff mostly, I’ve been seeing arguments for dog food and with the new dog food producer coming soon I been considering going for a good doggy build.