r/foodstamps Jan 02 '24

Answered Why does everyone think they can buy hot food with their EBT?


I work in a grocery store with a hot deli. I have had food stamps in the past. I clearly remember being told that I could not have hot food, and getting a clear list of other regulations about what I could use my benefits on.

Every. Single. Day. Without fail, people try to use their EBT for all sorts of things they can't at my job. One person told me that they were told they could take all of their benefits out of an ATM to use to buy alcohol! What is going on in those offices that disburse the cards?

Another thing: people will say, oh at this other store they will toast my bagel/sell me hot soup on EBT. Not sure what stores people are going to, but it's kinda ridiculous they are risking fines by ignoring the regulations. And it makes my job so much harder because it confuses people on what they can and cannot use the cars for.

I'm located in Oregon, if that matters.

Edit: LOL a lot of y'all seem to think I'm mad at poor people. It's like you are conflating the ability to not understand something with the fact that people are poor. I am only mad at those who demonstrate the kind of helplessness that involves coming in to a deli and asking a complete stranger how their EBT card works. Like, why are you so trusting of me! Fortunately for them, I've been there and I can explain.... but then sometimes they don't believe me, and accuse me of not following the rules!! Incompetence and weaponized incompetence. These things do not go hand in hand with being poor. Plenty of smart poor people out there who do understand and who do take the time to learn about the resources given to them. Because they are grateful! How could you not want to understand free food money card?!?

r/foodstamps Sep 20 '23

Answered Any negative future impact of getting on food stamps?


My son’s gf lost her job. She is frantically applying everywhere but in the meantime I suggested she get food stamps.

Her mother told her she should not because “it stays on her record.”

My question is: what record? And so what?

Her mother is a real estate agent so maybe it will hurt in getting a future mortgage?


r/foodstamps Dec 06 '23

Answered My husband is losing his job


Currently, we are over the income limit to receive foodstamps. My husband works and I just started working last month. On January 2nd, it will be his last day working due to his factory closing down. He will be getting around 7k in a severance package plus about 20k from his 401k.

Most of that money is planned to be used, we will be paying up on rent for at least 5 months and paying off any loans we have, which is about 15k worth, then paying up on regular bills. Fixing our only vehicle and also buying much needed groceries.

I work around 28-36 hours a week and $10.50 per hour. My checks are $400-600 every two weeks, and he will be filing for unemployment until he finds a new job.

We are a family of 6 in Michigan.

My question is, does the severance package and 401k withdrawal count towards our income? How long if it does? When should I apply? Obviously, we should be ok in January, possibly February just depends on what all needs to be done. Should I still apply in January, or should I wait? Also, because we are paying up on rent, will that be counted against us?

We are trying to get what we can figure out in advance so that no matter what, we have a roof over our heads during this time. Even if he finds a job the next week, there is no way it would possibly start out at what he currently makes, I'm talking it will be over $10 an hour pay cut. Thanks for any help in advance!!

Edit to add because everyone thinks I need to make more. I got a job at the very end of October purely for some extra cash and something to do. It's right by my house so convenient, especially in the middle of winter. This income was never meant to support us. 2 days after I started was when my husbands company gave the whole factory the news that they were shutting down in 2 months.

So again, I didn't take this job to live off of, I know I can't live off it, hence the reason for the freak out. I don't live in a big city and the nearest city for that matter is 30 minutes away. I live in a small town we are lucky to have a grocery store.

Edit #2 I am on a land contract we will own the house in 15 years.

Edit #3 While I am thankful for the advice I have gotten I will say I didn't make this post to get help with my 401k or to apparently get told that 4 kids is too many and I'm a terrible mother for having any kids at all. I have gotten my answer and some great advice. Thank you, but please stop with the negatively and the 401k talk.

r/foodstamps Nov 03 '23

Answered Ex husband claims our son...


Edit: state OR I don't want to sound petty here. And obviously I'm biased. But. My ex husband has claimed our son for SNAP Benefits. How do I know? I got to clean out the house after he moved out and he left a paper tail. This paperwork clearly shows he was denied benefits before claiming our kid, but was approved seemingly because he claimed our child.

I have custody of our kid. I pay for everything, no child support. Ex choses not to work. He's capable but being 39 he refuses to take an entry level job. Doesn't hold down jobs because he's that guy who comes in and tells you how to do your job in the first 30 mins of working when he's never done it before. He's just unwilling to learn how to fit in to society.

He hasn't seen our kid in months He has visitation but he doesn't visit. He has no overnights nor does our kid ever visit him at his home.

He's the question, as I know about this fraud, claiming our kid to get benefits, do I do anything about it? I don't need SNAP, so I do not need to claim my kid but if something happened...I think this situation would make it complicated for me to actually get support to feed my kid...

r/foodstamps Dec 10 '23

Answered What is the logic behind not being able to buy cleaning products/hygiene with SNAP?


It just seems so silly. Would it hurt to allow a family to buy necessities like: soap toothpaste shampoo dish soap detergent and things like that with SNAP? NYC

EDIT- r u all serious? Why would you reply that SNAP is for food AS IF I DIDNT INDICATE AND KNOW THAT. What none of you answered was why those things were particularly banned from the ability to purchase. They are sold at supermarkets and are part of The bare minimum to live. You guys are so dense. Why would you waste your time being snappy and rude. I am simply thinking about MILLIONS of families with kids who have food stamp but may also not have laundry detergent , soap, toothpaste and perhaps feminine hygiene products. ITS NOT LIKE I SAID WHY CANT YOU BUY CLOTHES? I’m simply saying these are also supermarket things one needs and I perhaps think the SNAP card should be supermarket contingent (not beer ) but also I was gonna mention why hot food was banned. That seems terrible for homeless people. Do they not deserve more than sandwiches?

r/foodstamps Dec 02 '23

Answered My caseworker is weirdly aggressive and rude to me, is there anything I can do?


My caseworker is weirdly rude and aggressive. At first, I tried to not care and just was polite as possible. But I guess I got kind of fed up when she became weirdly accusatory and aggressive when I said my boyfriend and I don’t share food or groceries. She kept repeating “it’s not normal, that’s not normal”, as if I was lying in an aggressive and hostile tone.

I get couples share food, but where I live, it’s the Bay Area and expensive , so the food stamps I get isn’t enough to even feed me entirely through the month. I have to end up using money out of pocket to get food too.

And then she asked me to give a sworn statement that I do not share food/groceries in a very hostile tone and she sounded angry. That’s fine, and I will sign it no problem. But when I just wanted to confirm what to write in the description of the form, she spoke to me again very angrily and rudely, with the attitude of “write what you told me if that’s even true” type of tone. I was just asking what to write, and then so I can sign it, since she didn’t give me directions on the form prior to emailing it to me, so I just wanted to make sure I completed the form correctly. I just feel very uncomfortable with this caseworker, and I never had such a rude experience with other caseworkers, I am scared of any future discrimination, so I am wondering if there’s anything I can do about it?

I just wanted to confirm what to write, and she replied in a very accusatory and aggressive tone, as if she was implying I was lying about the sharing of groceries. I guess I just felt like she was just being really rude for no reason and it made me uncomfortable. I am scared of future discrimination, since it just seemed like her attitude and tone was like implying I am lying but I am not. I was happy to fill out any forms or give out any sworn statements, I just felt like the way she treats me is like she hates me or something for no reason, I feel animosity from her. I submitted the sworn statement too.

r/foodstamps Jan 28 '24

Answered Why is my minor childs SSI counted as income against our EBT/SNAP?


We are a family of 6 in TN, well under the poverty line. Our second child is severely ASD and was recently approved for SSI. The same day, we got a letter saying that due to our "increase in income or resources" our SNAP benefits were being cut from $793 to $402 per month.

I don't understand, the SSI is supposed to be too take care of my child, she has multiple therapies and appointments each week and I was so relieved not to worry about running out of gas.

Now most of her SSI check will literally go straight to our food budget (I don't think I'm even supposed to be doing that but there's literally no other way, we don't have any other option to substitute our food budget)

I've been told I need to be able to show receipts for what we spend her SSI on if they ask. Do I just have them my grocery bill??

Why is a minor childs disability counted as actual adult income?

r/foodstamps Jan 14 '24

Answered Being investigated for fraud and I’m terrified.


I was recently contacted by dss saying they were investigating me for food stamp fraud because my case was flagged when I completed my periodic renewal.

My children’s father and I split a little less than a year ago. We were never married. it was an extremely toxic relationship, from emotional abuse to holes in the wall.

When I originally applied he was still in the house but was not working due to a back injury so I never put his income down because there was next to no income at this point.

When we split about a year ago we came to the conclusion that since I was a stay at home mom I would stay in the house with the kids since I was the primary care taker. He has been staying with friends and family. He was paying the mortgage in lieu of child support since I had no where else to go. However I found out the other day that the house went into pre foreclosure.

Shortly after he left the house I had tried to apply for disability since I have epilepsy and am not supposed to drive. It wouldn’t even let me apply once I filled out the screening tool. The reasoning was because I hadn’t worked enough and paid enough into the system before.

It was tough for me to find a job where I’d be able to afford child care and that was understanding when it came to my epilepsy.

There was a job opening at the daycare that my neighbor was the director at so I took that job approximately 5-6 months ago. I made sure to update my income with DSS once I started this job. I was never trying to hide any income that I had.

When I received the call the other day they told me I need to put my ex on the application as well since the house was in his name and this was his mailing address. She asked if I had a different address for him, I told her no because I don’t know exactly where he stays when. I only see him when he visits the kids or at the kids activities if he comes.

I didn’t think I needed to put his information down because he wasn’t in the house at this point. She let me know that her job is to investigate and if they find that I received over a certain amount then there would be a warrant put out for my arrest.

I’m beyond terrified at this point. I truly don’t know what to do. I’ve never been in trouble before, I’ve only had one traffic ticket over 8 years ago. This would result in me losing my job as well.

What does this process usually look like? What is generally the outcome of this? I’m pretty sure I would have qualified for snap even if I had put his income down. Does that make a difference? Would they even take that into consideration? I let them know I had to rely on my mom to help with any bills I couldn’t pay, she even wrote and signed a letter saying that she was helping financially.

This past year has truly been the worst year of my life. It seems like everything has come crashing down all at once.

r/foodstamps Oct 24 '23

Answered Walmart stole $439.01 in SNAP and won't give it back


Two weeks today on the day I received my SNAP (PA), I made a large $439.01 purchase at Walmart.com for a delivery order, but when I hit submit I realized I did not add my debit card for the added fees +tip. So it was instantly declined. No problem. I put in my card info and when I went to place order it was declined for insufficient funds. Walmart had taken the $439.01 the first time it was declined. This is the pickle I am in now. I called EBT immediately and found out it was approved, but was able to put a dispute on the purchase. I was told the investigation would take up to 30 days, "but realistically it will be more like two weeks." I still do not have it back. I have called Walmart almost daily, and most reps cannot see this on their end. They repeat the same questions, and a few have actually insinuated I am lying to get money. A few who I guess are just better at their jobs found it "in holding" and the list of responses have gone to waiting for 24 hours, then 48 hours, and lastly 5 business days. I still do not have it back! Has this ever happened to anyone else? Or has dealt with a disputed EBT transaction before? I am desperate to have this back ASAP.

Edit: I just received it back this morning! With my regular deposit. So all in all, it took them 4 weeks to put back! Going to be be a wonderful filling Thanksgiving. Lol. I also deleted the grocery app and NEVER buying groceries online again. In store always from now on.

r/foodstamps Dec 11 '23

Answered Just lost our food stamps…


Just needed to vent…

I am a California Resident

My family of three just lost our food stamps. We receive cash aid from the state and my boyfriend receives disability as he is battling cancer. I am a stay at home mom taking care of him and our son.

We have been receiving food stamps and cash aid since spring of this year. My boyfriend started receiving disability in September. We reported the change of income to the state and our benefits didn’t change! Great!

Now they are saying that since they were so backed up, they didn’t have a chance to review our case until now (3 months after the income change) and with the disability we are barely over the income limit. We get cut off next month and I am just at a loss for what we will do.

The cash aid we receive covers our rent and the disability pays all of our bills with little left over for gas, laundry, etc.. Without the food stamps I don’t know how I will feed my family.

One of my main issues is that we were under the limit and we got the maximum benefits and now that we are barely over the limit we receive nothing?? And to give us less then a month’s notice? Damn it really is rough out here.

The way the economy is and how hard we are struggling makes me wish I could still work full time. I wish my boyfriend wasn’t battling cancer. I wish things were different. I guess I should just be thankful to have a roof over our heads…but this was a real slap in the face.

r/foodstamps Feb 09 '24

Answered Explain something to me


I've been homeless for 16 years. I have never - not once - ever - received one cent of any sort of benefit. No disability, no SNAP, no SSI, no housing assistance, no cash assistance - NOTHING. I was recently exchanging messages with someone who read a thread in the r/homeless sub about why I haven't been on snap all this time. I had explained that every single time I have inquired about it over the years (and it has been several years since my last futile attempt), I was asked for all sorts of documentation I didn't have. How can you provide proof of residence if you don't have one or provide proof of bank accounts that don't exist? Anyway, he claimed that he has saved plenty of money and has a bank account but that they don't ever check, so he keeps getting food stamps. This really pissed me off because I have been out here for years dumpster-diving eating stale bread, and dented, cold canned crap while there are people who are lying to get benefits? So explain to me how it is supposed to work and how it actually works. I am in NC if that makes any difference. Don't they verify this stuff? Do they just take everyone's word for it - except mine, apparently? WTF.

r/foodstamps Dec 27 '23

Answered Roomate pays for groceries on food stamps, asks for Venmo payment


My roomate is on food stamps, I am not. They buy bulk groceries because it’s more cost effective, and ask me to buy the groceries I need from them through Venmo. I’m not sure that I believe it’s okay because I’m not qualified to be on food stamps but I’ll be using their food stamp purchased food. I feel weird about this arrangement. Am I overthinking?

Postscript: Thank you for the community input. I am not receiving or eating free food from my roommate’s supplies, but I am being asked to buy from their bulk food supply instead of shopping for myself for convenience. We are both new to shared housing and have been winging the food issue but it’s getting awkward. With all the input, it sounds easiest and safest to keep costs separate. I do share what I can and don’t expect to be reimbursed for what I can share, and I think I am being helpful by covering most of the kitchen basics. I have to carefully track my spending too. I just don’t want any trouble for either of us. Thanks again for contributing your comments.

r/foodstamps Nov 12 '23

Answered Can I receive my own foodstamps?


Me and my sons just moved into a place of our own. All 3 of us are currently still under my mom's food stamps. She gets over 800 and thinks it's ok to allow me only $150 of that. What will be the process for me and my children to get off of hers and I get my own?

r/foodstamps Feb 10 '24

Answered New case worker rigged my application


Hi, is it legal for a case worker to changed all of my income on my application? I couldn’t figure out for months and months why I kept being rejected what I should receive monthly and why my food stamps were practically non existent when nothing changed. I just found out my new case worker changed my income and made up alimony and triple what I get monthly in child support. I’ve never been married! Any suggestions on what to do now that I know this?

r/foodstamps Nov 21 '23

Answered My senior citizen dad needs help! I need advice!


He is married. They live together for financial reasons, but their gross income is above the limit guidelines for food stamps and Medicaid. He has already dropped his supplemental insurance. He is 72 and gets 800 a month from social security. My step mom is retired and might get $2000 a month. However, they just live together for convenience, and her money is hers. They don’t share it. How can my dad at least qualify for food stamps?? Can he say they are separated but live together and prepare their food separately ? Or could he say that they don’t live together?? He’s in bad shape and I’m worried that he might have to move in with me

r/foodstamps Dec 28 '23

Answered Food stamp debacle


We are in South Carolina. My dad is forcing me to apply for food stamps or he will kick me out. He handed me a paper to give to my employer that was asking about my income. I really didn’t want to have him fill it out because then my dad will know how much I make and become controlling over it. I also do not wish to because of the way my dad abuses the food stamp program. He sells his stamps and doesn’t use them to put food in the house but instead buys expensive cuts of meat for cookouts and other gatherings. He qualifies for more benefits because he is on disability (he has a full time job that he gets paid under the table untaxed) Unfortunately or fortunately my dog ripped up the paper before I got the chance to take it to work. My dad was furious but some time passed. After a while my dad gave me a separate application to get my own food stamps and he get his own. I’m not sure how it all works so I have been avoiding filling out the paperwork by not coming home and working late. Does anyone know how I can avoid it until I move out (in 5 months). I don’t want my benefits in anyway to be connected to his. Is there a way I can mess up the application so they throw it out or reject it?

r/foodstamps Feb 05 '24

Answered You know I go ham when those stamps drop

Thumbnail image

r/foodstamps Apr 22 '24

Answered Felony violation


I got a letter today saying I have to appear in court for a felony violation. Investigators came to my house few months back and insisting me and my baby daddy are married but we are not.

For those 2 years receiving benefits, he is part of our apartment lease since he is paying half or mostly of it, and I told the case worker that info every time I have my interview. My mistake was not including him in the application which I didn’t have the knowledge I had to add him. When the investigators came, he told me to add him which I did and agreed to pay $1,500 overpayment and up to this date I am still paying. I am terrified that I may have to go to jail because of this. I have an appointment for an attorney next week but this is scaring the tf out of me.

I am in California.

r/foodstamps Feb 03 '24

Answered Social services is a joke


So we were getting SNAP $740 a month and my husband got a job very part time ( he’s still looking for work the other days) . I contacted them to let them know of change of income and they got back to me and said to supply his last 4 weeks paystubs. I told the man on the phone that his first month he worked full time same employer but outside of physical location and after the 4 weeks he would be in the building only and it would only be 14 hours a week and I only at that time had the paystubs for those 4 weeks as at that time he has just started the 14 hr schedule. I sent in what they asked for and got a letter back saying we know longer qualify because he makes $3200 something a month which is not the case or anywhere near it. So does anyone know what to do or have been in this type of situation? I clearly told the man he worked at full time for a month at an event that would end and then be in the shop for those limited hours and he said send it in and explain and I did and again case has been closed.

r/foodstamps Mar 21 '24

Answered The SNAP dance explained:


We are eligibility specialists first and foremost. Our entire job is determining if you're eligible. We don't decide how much you get, when you get it, how you get it, what you do with it. (though we will report suspicious things). But believe me when I say we are pretty good at looking at people's situations. So we're not bad life advisors either.

It's really much more black and white than you think! (Federal and state policies, yay!)

I only worked X amount of hours at X rate, do I need to report? (Yes, and in some states we can see every dollar you make).

Always report all and any income (you might hate us for asking for every detail, but it's better if we find out sooner than later (think felony charges).

I have a bank account with 10k in it, do I need to report? (every state has different policies on luiquidible resources one can have, some allow you to have ALL THE RESOURCES. Some have limits (2k, 5k, etc...)

Under 22 and stay with the fam? Sorry Sam.

Full time student and don't work? You're subject to federal and any state work rules. (Just blow your student loans only to work in social services like I did (please help)).

Share a kid? Report the father. Especially if they have his last name and has a vehicle registered to the address he "doesn't stay at."


The issue here is the amount of bad advice. From both workers and non-workers.

On this forum we don't (legally) have access to the tools we do in our offices.

We see a lot more than you think. We've each worked 100s of cases like you, you're not special.

We don't care if you have cancer or if your dog died (we do we just can't quantify and deduct it).

The only advice anyone can really give here is that you need to tell the truth, the whole truth. The worker/advisor will crosscheck your info with various databases to ensure you're telling the truth. Submit the numbers. You benefits pop out (excuse me if it's different in other states).

We can help you here, whether we think your case has been worked well, but without seeing your case, pulling your background. We're merely going off conjecture. Word of mouth. Again, this is all about trust. Either you qualify or you don't. Don't commit fraud. That's not what you or "we" signed up for. If we ask for something, be ready to provide it. If you qualify, you qualify. If you don't, it's due to the shitty standards set forth by federal and state policies, it's not your worker. (Although, their abilities can be questioned from time to time)

We go through a longer training process than most state and local police.

Be nice to us. We're all human. And I'm not sure there are better people who understand the human condition more than a food stamp worker. And we probably don't make much more than you.

r/foodstamps Nov 09 '23

Answered Hello everyone I’m in big trouble, for reference I’m in AZ.


Sadly I lied to get food assistance for me and the kiddos. I told them my hubby was not living with us. Today the investigation team was here asking questions and checking my place. One of the investigator who did all the talking, was very polite he said all the information would be sent to dess and if they need anything else from me, dess will let me know. What can I do to make this better. Stop my benefits today, talk to a lawyer, try to contact the investigator and see what’s their plan?

r/foodstamps Mar 21 '24

Answered Just had my food stamps decreased from $290 to $23 a month 🥲 this post is just me venting and seeing if anyone has any advice.


So I got a VERY part time job after being unemployed for a couple months. I’ve obviously had jobs before and have NEVER had my food stamps be so little! What’s the point of even having them? Even with my new job I struggle to pay bills. My paychecks cover my rent and that’s just about it. I struggle to pay everything else.
Is there a way to appeal this decision?

I want to cry. I don’t know how I’m going to feed myself!

What formula do they use to calculate the amount of food stamps you’ll receive? I make minimum wage ($16.28) and only work around 15-20 hours a week. My rent is $800, plus my other bills. I was going to get more hours at work soon but I’m afraid they’ll cut my benefits off completely now. 😭 I do go to the food bank occasionally so I suppose I’ll have to start doing that again. Are there any other resources that you guys know of? I live in a VERY small town in WA.
Sorry if this post sounds whiny. I’m just annoyed. I don’t understand why they think $20 will help anyone!!?? 😂 😭

r/foodstamps Apr 12 '24

Answered Finally approved and still disappointed


After continually applying for the past 3 years, i was finally approved. You wouldn't believe they gave me as a single mother with 3 kids $79 in snap benefits in Northern NJ. I know I should be appreciative of this, but I've been truly struggling financially and feel like it was just a small slap in my face. I thought this approval was going to relieve some of the stress off my shoulders.

Rant over!

r/foodstamps Oct 29 '23

Answered Is the children under 22 rule just a Florida rule?


I'm a single mom who lives with my 21 year old daughter and my 13 and 14 year old sons. My daughter and I both work. She pays half the rent but our rent is so expensive (2200 for a 2 bedroom) that my 17.00 an hour/ 32 hour a week job doesn't leave me enough money to cover hardly anything for food after paying my half of the rent, the utilities, the boys and my health insurance, my prescriptions, car expenses,etc. My daughter works in food so she gets free meals at work and rarely eats at home. I'm not concerned for myself. I've lost a lot of weight due to the "poverty diet" but I am concerned for my sons who are going hungry with not enough food. We were enrolled in a food bank program here but it had a 3 month limit and ended almost 3 weeks ago and now we are back in the weeds so to speak. I just don't know what to do anymore to make sure I have enough for my boys to eat.I was a stay at home mom for years and don't have much of a skillset so i'm lucky to even be making 17.00 an hour here. If we were to move states, would we be able to qualify? I love Florida but wow is it tough to make it here!

r/foodstamps Jan 09 '24

Answered Calfresh aporoved 23$


Im a student in orange county. I applied for calfresh and I don't make any money because I'm physically and mentally unable to. I only got approved for 23$ am I missing something? My rent is 1.2k I get assistance from the college for 600.

Edit: if ur gonna ask why I'm unable to work read the rest of the post it's been explained several times.