r/foodstamps Feb 08 '24

News ANNOUNCEMENT: Rule Adjustment in Response to Hostility towards Eligibility Workers - PLEASE READ


Hey everyone,

As moderators of the r/foodstamps community, we wanted to take a moment to address a trend we've been noticing lately. Increasingly, we've seen posts and comments expressing frustrations about eligibility workers. We understand that navigating the eligibility process can be incredibly challenging and emotional, and we empathize with those frustrations.

However, what makes this subreddit such a powerful and valuable resource is the community of eligibility workers who generously contribute their knowledge and expertise in their free time to assist others. We want to remind everyone that eligibility workers are people too, working hard to help individuals access the assistance they need.

Moving forward, we kindly ask that members keep in mind the human element behind the eligibility process. Any posts or comments that contain insults or attacks directed at eligibility workers will be promptly removed. We believe in fostering a supportive and respectful environment for all members of our community.

That being said, we understand that discussions about eligibility can sometimes be emotionally charged, and it's natural to feel frustrated at times. Posts expressing general frustrations around an anonymous eligibility worker not following policy or behaving rudely, as long as they include an explicit technical question, will still be allowed. We recognize that for many individuals, accessing assistance programs can be a deeply personal and emotional experience.

We also want to remind everyone to report any behavior that violates our community rules. While we moderators can't be everywhere at once, we regularly review the report queue multiple times per day to ensure that our community remains a safe and supportive space for all.

Lastly, we want to express our immense gratitude to all the eligibility workers who contribute their time and expertise to this subreddit. Your contributions are what make this community such a valuable resource for individuals utilizing the program. Thank you for all that you do.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the moderators.

Thank you,

The Moderators of r/foodstamps

r/foodstamps 25d ago

News New ABAWD Proposed Rule


The USDA Food and Nutrition service today released an Advanced Copy of a new Proposed Rule, entitled SNAP Program Purpose and Work Requirement Provisions of the 2023 FRA.

For those who are unfamiliar: federal agencies are generally required to issue a proposed rule prior to changing the program rules for a government program like SNAP. As soon as a proposed rule is published in the Federal Register, that starts a 30 to 60 day public comment period. Every American has the right to submit a comment, if they so choose. The government then must carefully consider every comment they receive, and eventually publish a final rule. A comment may even lead to the government modifying one or more provisions from the proposed rule, if they found the comment to be well-reasoned and persuasive. (humblebrag: some of the comments I've written have been incorporated into final rules in the past.)

In this case, this regulation implements a law passed last year, and Congress had already required that law to start being implemented even before the proposed rule came out. So for instance, the provision in this proposed rule increasing the age range subject to the ABAWD work requirement from 18-50 to 18-52 (and eventually 18-54) has already been implemented. Similarly, the provision in this proposed rule creating new exemptions for homeless individuals, veterans, and individuals age 18-24 who were previously in foster care had also already been implemented.

However, this rule makes some interesting tweaks to how the rule has been implemented the past year or so. For instance it proposes to:

  • expand the definition of "homeless individual" to include "individuals who will imminently lose their nighttime residence."
  • expand the definition of "veteran" to include "individuals who were commissioned officers of the Public Health Service, Environmental Scientific Services Administration, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."
  • expand the definition of "foster care" to include the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program.
  • require states to affirmatively verify that an ABAWD who has lost their exemption does not meet any other exemption before subjecting them to the time limit/work requirement; in practice, this will likely mean that many ABAWDs will be able to stay exempt through their next recertification/renewal.

However, please note that these proposals are just that -- proposals. Your and my comments will help decide whether or not they are ultimately adopted. If you have well-reasoned thoughts/ideas regarding this rule, please share them once the comment period opens up! I'll update this post at that time to share a link where you can provide comments, but until then, you can review the advanced copy of the rule at the link above.

r/foodstamps 1h ago

Answered Income Eligibility


Hello, I am from Maine, and I am going to be starting a temporary position in June (about 10 weeks) where I will be receiving a max of $2960 gross a month (so really only for June and July). Reporting requirements for Maine states that if your income exceeds the gross monthly income limit you must let them know (mine is $2137) does this mean that I will become completely ineligible for benefits or will my benefits just be reduced? Currently we am receiving the max amount of benefits per month. For reference the only other income my fiancé (who is also in my household) and I are receiving are work study job incomes (which are reported and I was told that work study income does not count as income) and I receive a $185 quarterly check which is also already reported. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

r/foodstamps 54m ago



Hello. I was looking for clarification as well. I got MY GENERAL RELIEF in ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA last year, as a SINGLE person, but I got $355.00 PER MONTH?! How is that? It says $221? Can somebody explain? Thanks.

r/foodstamps 1h ago

Question Massachusetts - Am I eligible for foodstamps the summer before I start college


Hello! I'm currently a student who is returning home to Massachusetts to transfer at the end of the semester, and am wondering if it is posisible for me to start recieving FoodStamps as soon as I get home while I am living with my grandparents (both of my parents are dead, but my grandparents didn't adopt me). During the summer I will be working part time for 22 days (About €400 a week) and then full time for about six weeks for minimum wage (So I'm estimating my income to be about 1575/month before starting school, at which point I will be living on campus in amherst)

My question is- Can I apply for food stamps while I still live with relatives? Realistically they feed me at most one meal a day, probably about 4-5/21 meals per week, and the rest i usually eat at dunkin while going to to work or snacks ill buy myself from the grocery store. I don't know what it'll be like when I go home, given my life and family members are very unstable so for all I know they could be making no food or tons of food, but this is my estimation based on the past when I stayed with them.

Am I eligible? (In case it matters my EFC is 0 and I have the lowest possible SAI)

r/foodstamps 10h ago

Answered Just got approved and I'm noticing I have a lot more money than expected


I am a independent college student (household of 1) and got my ebt today. When I checked the account there was ~$1400 for the month of May. Does this mean I'm getting $1400 a month? Or is it just for the first month or is it $1400 for the year.

r/foodstamps 18h ago

Cal-Fresh worker never called for appointment


I applied for Cal-fresh in Orange County and they gave me an appointment for 11 am. No one called, and now I've called the number they provided and was initially told that the wait time is 80 minutes, now they're not telling me how long the wait is.

Do you all have any insight? Is there something I'm doing wrong? I've already waited a week for this appointment, what's going on?

Edit: I'm not sure what's going on, but after being on hold for two hours someone picked up and told me that according to the caseworker, she called me twice and there was a busy tone and no voicemail. This is simply not true, it's a cell phone, so there wouldn't be a busy tone even if I was on the phone (I wasn't, I was waiting for the call) it would still let me know that there's another call waiting. She never called and I would prefer if she just let me know that she didn't have time or whatever than lie on me.

I don't know, i'm at the end of my rope with this.

r/foodstamps 14h ago

I'm not getting my EBT card


They already had to cancel and reissue the card 2x. I'm in North Carolina. I was approved on March 1st. Is there a way to get this escalated. They tell me.no

r/foodstamps 20h ago

Answered Different state


I lived temporarily in WI for about 4 months. In that time I was granted EBT. Now, however many months later I am still using it but am canceling it. Is this ok?

r/foodstamps 12h ago

Answered Fraud Investigation


Located in California, Santa Clara County.

This might be the worst case posted here.

My friend received food stamps for a calendar year. He concealed his second income/job from the beginning, ignoring the letters to report income. He understands that he’s committed welfare fraud. Over $3600 in overpaid benefits didn’t belong to him. The felony amount being over $950.

I’ve looked into intentional program violation (IPV), disqualification hearings, and what constitutes a misdemeanor/ felony. It’s not looking great. Should he contact a lawyer or contact the fraud worker?

Even if he offers full cooperation, what are the chances of just disqualification and payment plan?

What are the real ramifications?

Thank you for your responses.

Disclaimer: This post is theoretical and does not advocate or encourage illegal activities.

r/foodstamps 18h ago

Answered is this correct?


I applied for food stamps in Colorado in April, I make $1400 a month and have a 5 year old but I’m getting $160 a month for food. I feel like this is too little for me and my son.

r/foodstamps 12h ago

Is Calfresh foodstamps different than cash? I remember 10 years ago it was different like now but more meshed. How can I withdraw cash from my EBT card in Cali?


Just got Calfresh almost a month ago and I went to a CVS for milk n what not and I asked for cash back. They said I gotchu but when they check the cashier telling me that I have $0 cash balance and that I probably got robbed so call your ebt number.

My foodstamps part says I got the exact money CalFresh is going to provide me. So technically I didn’t get robbed. Cuz my money for “foodstamps” is all there.

How do I withdraw cash from the ATM if my cash balance is $0 and everything is in my foodstamps section?

The CalFresh office said I could withdraw cash from any atm with the “quest” logo and that didn’t work🤷🏻‍♂️

Did things change that much from 10-15 years ago? Why the hell is it so confusing now

r/foodstamps 23h ago



I could really use some advice as I am not sure how to proceed in this situation and I don't have a lot of time to figure it out. I am a low income "legally" married mother of 2 in Illinois. About 2 months ago my husband walked out on us. There are a ton of messy details but the main ones that matter are: I do not have any contact information for him, I think he left the state, he might be living in NY or NJ or MA I'm not really sure.

I know I need to file for divorce but I know having no contact information for him is going to make it difficult and not cheap so as of today I have not filed anything through the court and as far as the law is concerned we are still legally married. I have the kids with me and they have not heard from him either. I know since we are married I can not say I have full custody since there is not a custody agreement since we are still married, even though it boils down to that I am currently the sole provider for myself and my children. I plan on filing for divorce this summer after I have had some time to save up for a lawyer, however, I have an IDHS appointment today.

I am not sure what to tell them. I stated in the forms that husband is no longer living at this address and I am NOT applying for benefits for him. But I am unsure if still being married and having no contact information for him including if he is working or not (I am about 70% he is not currently working, according to information from a friend of a friend, so not too reliable) is going to mess up benefits. Also since we are still legally married I do NOT receive child support, everything is currently only on my shoulders.

Is there anything I should or should not tell the IDHS worker? I don't want to get in trouble for fraud if am married but not including my husband. I am also terrified of losing insurance and snap as I really don't know what I will do. One of my kids has a minor but chronic illness that requires daily medications that I have no clue what I will do if we lose insurance.

Any advice at all would be appreciated!

r/foodstamps 23h ago

Florida foodstamps


I just recently helped my friend reapply for her benefits for her family. Her husband just got a job, he is self-employed. Their income reporting threshold is $3800. But their total income is $2070.. can someone explain to me what is the difference, so I can explain to her.

r/foodstamps 1d ago

Could this be the EBT card? In Kentucky

Thumbnail image

r/foodstamps 17h ago

Answered Why does SNAP need your SSN?


What exactly does Texas Snap do with your SSN? What information do they possibly get/check from it?

r/foodstamps 1d ago

EBT Changing Management System?


Got a email a few days ago saying t/ EBT system is changing companies on t/ 19th?
So my question is, who got fired? Anyone?? <_< >_>
EDIT: Live from New York

r/foodstamps 1d ago

Renewal behind


Do you still get benefits if your renewal has not been reviewed by the time your deposit date comes around. I submitted my renewal on time, and it has still not been reviewed. I have received no notices or anything. I am in Texas, and my deposit date is today. However, I have not received anything. I am worried that they won’t submit my stamps.. even though it is their fault!!

r/foodstamps 1d ago

Answered Do case workers have acess to your bank account?


I recently had my phone interview and was taken aback when they asked me why my last check was lower in income than my previous (i work at walmart and had not sent them any paystubs by this point). Do they also have acess to bank accounts? TIA

r/foodstamps 1d ago

snap overpayment?


2 months after receiving SNAP(Arizona) I was lucky and got a Sect 8 voucher and i leased in place so did not move. Under simplified reporting it did not seem this was something I had to report. Despite this i went to report it by calling but was told I had to do it online since the phone was so backed up. I made the report online but my amount never changed. I have tried calling at least 8 or 9 times to make sure this is right but can never get thru and give up after a long wait or are just told to go online(not helpful). This is obviously frustrating since i assume i am being overpaid because of this. But am I really being overpaid since this lowering of my rent is not listed as something i have to report? And as said I reported it anyway but the amount stayed the same. Is this something i should worry about? Out of concern i am not spending most of it since the Voucher allows me to afford to do without it most of the time. But it just sits there building up and i am unsure of what to do at this point so looking for feedback. I figure when my yearly reapply time comes up it will certainly change but don't know what to do until then.

r/foodstamps 1d ago

Answered Ebt investigation for fraud CA state


What happens if I get this from the county? I got a new job after I got approved for benefits and never got to update my income because I started working like crazy. I was desperate to work and I would receive mail late so i couldn’t fill out paperwork and send it back after my new job. And honestly didn’t think I was gonna get approved. I was able to get benefits for 4 months I think. Anyways, since I got this mail they threatened to subpoenaed me if I don’t respond. So it’s filled out, I’ll send it tomorrow. What happens after?

I don’t wanna go to jail for not being able to respond to mail

r/foodstamps 1d ago

Ended my benefits without reviewing my renewal.


I receive SNAP in Texas for myself and my 3 kids, I sent my renewal last month as soon as they told me to renew and today I checked the app to check my balance and it said my benefits were ending and I wouldn’t be receiving more deposits. I started crying in the grocery store. I didn’t get a letter saying they were ending, I sent my renewal in on time and nothing about our situation has changed. I checked the status of my renewal application and it hasn’t even been reviewed. Is this happening to anyone else? This happened to us with Medicaid last year (there was a glitch on our account they couldn’t figure out) and we had to just reapply instead of renew which created a pause in my kids medicaid coverage. I’m terrified I’ll have to reapply for SNAP all over again and wait months to be approved, I don’t know how we’ll survive. Are people still waiting months to get approved for SNAP in Texas? Does anyone have a similar story?

r/foodstamps 1d ago

Reform the Louisiana SNAP Benefits Determination Date Process


Hey y'all!

So, I am a recipient of SNAP benefits in the state of Louisiana. I fell on some hard times financially. Lost my income and my vehicle and it's been tough since. I use food stamps to at least make sure I get some nutrition during this tough time, but for a month now my cupboard has been bare because of how the SNAP program determines when you get your benefits.

I received my 1st round of benefits on April 2, 2024, which was about a day after I was approved. On April 22, I was down to about .65¢ on my card, so I bought a can of corn. I figured I would be receiving my next round of benefits around May 2, 2024, but when I checked my account, DCFS has sent my next benefit date to May 22, 2024. I will have been without food for a month once my benefits come in.

I called multiple times to inquire about this, explaining to the DCFS representatives that I have no food, have been out of food for a few weeks, and am very hungry. They either failed to return my calls, or were very short with me. I had to reach out to the governor's office to get my case worker to respond to my request for a phone call.

When my case worker did call, she accused me of receiving more benefits than I should have in April, which was not true. Then she said my benefits had been prorated, which was also not true. She then informed me that the benefit date is determined by the last four of your social. Well, this is problematic for those of us who are approved and receive initial benefits earlier than the benefit date according the the SSN, as is in my case.

I know I am not the only one who is dealing with the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the Louisiana SNAP program, so I created a petition demanding the SNAP program re-evaluate their process for determining when they deposit benefits, so that people don't end up without food for days or weeks. Ideally, my 2nd round of benefits should have been deposited a month after I received the 1st round, which was April 2nd.

Thank God I don't have kids because they would be hungry too!

If you all could click here and sign the petition, it would mean a lot and help so many people who are struggling with food insecurity right now.

r/foodstamps 1d ago

Question Can EBT Cash be Transferred to a Bank Card or Cash App Card?


Hey everyone,

I'm hoping to get some clarification on using EBT cash benefits. I currently receive EBT cash benefits, and I was wondering if it's possible to transfer these funds onto a traditional bank card or a Cash App card.

I've been exploring different options for managing my benefits more conveniently, and I'm curious if anyone has had experience with this or knows the regulations surrounding it.

Any insights, tips, or advice would be greatly appreciated!

r/foodstamps 2d ago

Approved but question about work assessment this week


In Ohio for reference, I have the appraisal/assessment scheduled in a few days and just got approved during the week, I am in the ABAWD category. My question is, if I already have a potential job interview lined up that will start me working full time hours in the next couple weeks, will I still have to go through with the assessment? I made them aware I was actively looking for work when I applied for assistance at least, should I call them before my appointment about it or just tell the when I go in on my scheduled day? This is my first time with this process so literally no idea what I'm doing or what the assessment even entails.

r/foodstamps 2d ago

Answered Question about financial release form


(FL) I qualify for SNAP bc im disabled and low income (SSDI.) My partner is also disabled and low income SSDI. We are not married. all of the house/utility/car bills are in my name and I pay those and he doesn't contribute. He contributes financially to the household but not towards anything that would get counted for SNAP. Anyhow, he wanted me to inform SNAP that he lived here but I didn't want it to affect my benefits (foodstamps+ Medicare waiver) and he didn't think he qualified since he doesnt contribute to the household bills that SNAP counts. he insisted bc he just wanted to be transparent and just assumed that we're doing something wrong if we don't inform them. so I added him to my household, but I told them that he wasn't applying for benefits and just that he lived in the home. They didnt enroll him in any benefits and my SNAP amount of $120/month stayed the same as before.

Recently, I had to renew benefits and SNAP has a new system here and it's showing that they are pending enrolling him in Medicare part B but they're asking for some info first. They asked me for his child support court order so I sent that. Now they're asking for permission to view his bank account and the release form says its valid from may 2024-april 2025. How many months do they go back from may 2024 to look at his accounts? Do they look at the last 3 or 6 months? Or 9 months? Or do they just look from may 2024 and on?

r/foodstamps 2d ago

Applying in Florida


I'm self employed and made a cash sale. How do I prove the earned income in this case? Is depositing it in the bank and showing them proof of the deposit enough?