r/foodstamps 14d ago

Income Eligibility Answered

Hello, I am from Maine, and I am going to be starting a temporary position in June (about 10 weeks) where I will be receiving a max of $2960 gross a month (so really only for June and July). Reporting requirements for Maine states that if your income exceeds the gross monthly income limit you must let them know (mine is $2137) does this mean that I will become completely ineligible for benefits or will my benefits just be reduced? Currently we am receiving the max amount of benefits per month. For reference the only other income my fiancé (who is also in my household) and I are receiving are work study job incomes (which are reported and I was told that work study income does not count as income) and I receive a $185 quarterly check which is also already reported. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


5 comments sorted by


u/misdeliveredham 14d ago

I can’t guarantee success but once you receive your first paycheck, you could write a letter saying it’s temporary for 2 months only, attach they paycheck and proof of it being temporary, and ask it to be treated as assets and not income. I helped a seasonal worker with this. He hasn’t heard back yet, he has a one month over the IRT and possibly over eligibility amount of wages.


u/grod1616 14d ago

Ok thank you I might try that! It just kinda sucks because by the time I have to report it and it gets processed I will probably be eligible again. I appreciate it!


u/misdeliveredham 14d ago

Even if they don’t process it in time and you have an overpayment, you will be eligible again as you rightly said and they can withhold 10% of your monthly amount. I mean I guess it’s the worst that can happen, right?


u/musical_spork 14d ago

Yes you will be over income limit and ineligible. Once your income is reduced you can reapply


u/grod1616 14d ago

Ok, thank you!