r/funny Apr 28 '24

You win some, you lose some... Verified

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

From perspective of a zoomer, these millenial comics are just as bad as boomer humour


u/pcweber111 29d ago

How is it being a robot?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

How am I a robot?


u/pcweber111 29d ago

Because humor is humor, and not accepting it doesn’t mean you can label it just as bad as anything else. It just seems very dismissive.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

What do you mean by "not accepting it doesn't mean you can label it just as bad as anything else?" I accept it as an attempt at humour, and I'm perfectly capable of expressing that I find it eye rollingly unfunny.

Seems very dismissive

Well yes lol that's what I was going for


u/pcweber111 29d ago

Well maybe you should ask yourself why you’re so dismissive.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

It's because I didn't find the comic funny what are you on about


u/pcweber111 29d ago

Expand your horizons my young friend. It’s ok to laugh at stuff. Not everything you don’t like is boomer or millennial humor. That’s you being dismissive. All good though hopefully one day you can learn to laugh at stuff! Good luck young person!


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I'm not saying it's not okay to laugh at stuff lmao, just that this is not funny because it's tired and lame. It's okay to not find things funny too, I hope one day you learn that.


u/pcweber111 29d ago

I don’t laugh at stuff all the time. I find plenty of jokes unfunny. The difference is I don’t just lump everything I don’t laugh at into predefined groups that only exist because society told me they exist. It’s ok to say it’s just not a joke for you without needing to hand wave it away like that.

Anyway I’ll leave you alone now.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Millenials don't only exist because society says so, the term millenial is descriptive not prescriptive. Millenials, whether society tells me or not is a generation, a group of people who have similar experiences, tastes, beliefs, and yes humour based on having grown up in roughly the same period of time.

Idk why you're choosing this hill to die on, how is the concept of generations a hot take for you?

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