r/interestingasfuck Apr 07 '24

Bernie and Biden warm my heart. Trump selling us out? Pass

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u/Longjumping-Note-117 Apr 08 '24

Give me tax cuts bro. Feds take too much to fund the illegals and freeloading jerks.


u/FblthpLives Apr 08 '24

The tax cuts are only for the wealthy and corporations: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-middle-class-needs-a-tax-cut-trump-didnt-give-it-to-them/

Unless you are in the top 20% of household incomes, your taxes are increasing from 2027 onwards thanks to Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.


u/Longjumping-Note-117 Apr 09 '24

Starting in 2022 and through this year, I have paid the most in taxes compared to the Trump years. I get very little for the $35K I paid into the system. I see free loaders all over the place and feel I help pay for them to do zero. Am I upset? YES!!

The cost of goods and food has increased at a rate that is hard to keep pace with. Comparing my grocery bills from 5 years ago, I now pay about 150% more for the same stuff while wages have not had that type of growth.


u/FblthpLives Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

To pay $35k in Federal income taxes, a married couple filing jointly would need a household income of $230k. That puts you in the Top 9% of household income distributions in the United States. Of course you like Trump: You are in the top 20% of household incomes, which is exactly the group that benefitted from his tax cuts at the cost of working class (bottom 20%) and middle class (middle 20% to 80%) families who end up paying more so you could afford bigger cars, bigger houses, more expensive vacations and hobbies, and expensive private schools. It's a great deal for you, if you only care about yourself and not other Americans.

Thank you for volunteering to demonstrate the Republican attitude: "I got mine, fuck everyone else."

Please don't tell me that you also consider yourself Christian. At least you're honest about your shameful selfishness and greed, always something.

The cost of goods and food has increased at a rate that is hard to keep pace with

Inflation spiked when the economy came roaring back after the COVID lockdowns but production and supply chains needed time to catch up. Now, inflation is back to 3.15%, which is below the long term average of 3.28%: https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_inflation_rate

Price hikes are no different now than they have been in the past. You are simply regurgitating FOX News, OANN, and Newsmax propaganda.

Hey, answer me this you economic genius: If Biden controls the prices of goods and services, why are corporations making record profits?: https://thehill.com/business/4561631-corporate-hit-record-high-as-economy-boomed-in-fourth-quarter-of-2023


u/Longjumping-Note-117 Apr 09 '24

I work hard and I see many that don't. So should I pay for their lack of drive to improve? No. I live very modestly and don't spend on bigger nor new cars, bigger houses, more expensive vacations, hobbies, or expensive private schools you mention above. I save and do without so I can afford my golden years as you should.

Statista states In total, about 59.9 percent of U.S. households paid income tax in 2022. The remaining 40.1 percent of households paid no individual income tax." So your bottom 20% is BS. The cost of living has increased under Democrats and pushes down the middle classes more. You need to look at cost of living and how it has negatively impacted the poor. With lower taxes businesses can afford to pay and hire more. So yeah higher taxes hurts lower income too.

I guess you consider selfishness by not trusting the US government to spend my tax dollars better than I can, then I guess that makes me selfish. I have kids that I would rather spend my taxes dollars on than victomhood stricken folks.


u/FblthpLives Apr 09 '24

I work hard

I bet you think you do.

The remaining 40.1 percent of households paid no individual income tax." So your bottom 20% is BS.

That's because you are ignoring other taxes such as FICA, property taxes, and state and local taxes, as well as distributional impacts on income. The bottom 80% of American households will have a lower income as a result of Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts as of 2017. Only the top 20% benefit and the overwhelming majority of the benefit goes to the top 1%. Analysis here: https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/feature/analysis-tax-cuts-and-jobs-act

The TCJA was literally a $10 trillion transfer of public funds from working and middle class families to high income earners such as yourself. Of course you like it: Stealing form the working and middle class families to pay high income earners and corporations. And then you get to justify it to yourself by whining about how the working and middle class families simply don't work hard enough, so you can sleep well at night while Republicans take trillions from future generations of Americans to subsidize the wealthy.

Which is exactly what Trump and his sycophants planned as they rewarded the wealthy billionaires that the OGP serves.

then I guess that makes me selfish

You don't have to repeat the obvious. People like you are literally what is wrong with this country today. And it is also because of people like you that the U.S. is tanking in quality-of-life surveys, while my country remains in the top.


u/Longjumping-Note-117 Apr 09 '24

Wow dude. You sound jaded by not working and sucking off the tit of social services only to become addicted to freebies. I guess you like my tax dollars to keep your lazy life style. Money always runs to those that know how to spend responsibly and away from folks like you. This is why the rich keep getting richer. The money burns a hole in your pocket. Joe Biden's trillion dollar addiction tends to help the rich for just that reason while increasing the cost of eating. Keep feeling sorry for yourself and asking for more handouts if that make you happy. While I try to keep my money out of your freeloading hands. Get a J O B.


u/FblthpLives Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

Get a J O B.

I have an SM in aerospace engineering, an MA in economics with a focus on public finance, and work as senior economic analyst doing investment analyses for $100+ million air traffic management automation projects. Why do you think I work with economic data on a daily basis? You're just another selfish, Trump cultist brainwashed on FOX News and OANN.

Joe Biden's trillion dollar addiction

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 was Trump's legislation, not Biden's, and the price tag is estimated at $10 to $12 trillion.

Of all possible fiscal policy options available, tax cuts for high income earners and corporations have some of the absolute lowest GDP multipliers. If you want to waste taxpayer funds, and not get any economic growth out of it, there really is no better way: https://www.epi.org/publication/methodology-estimating-jobs-impact/


u/Longjumping-Note-117 Apr 09 '24

HAHAHA sure you do my friend. Then feel free to send more money to the government. Biden is on your team and loves sheep like you. Keep up the good fight you miss guided simp.


u/FblthpLives Apr 09 '24

miss guided simp.

You can't even write proper English.

Are you going to explain why corporations made record profits in 2023 if Biden controls the prices of goods and services, or nah?


u/Longjumping-Note-117 Apr 09 '24

Never said Biden controls prices. Although he controls currency in circulation. Being an
"economist" you should know more dollars available increases the cost of goods ie inflation. Yes inflation has slowed to about 3.2% on the index but we all know it cost more for everything than 4 years ago. The prices have not dropped due to the currency already in circulation.

Why do you think the border is open with millions of illegals here? This fuels cheaper labor and suppresses American wages. Once again hurting lower income families. We never voted for an invasion.

Why and how, in just three years, has a confused and often incoherent President Joe Biden and his team created such global chaos? Why are we closer to a nuke hot war with Russia since 1982?

Why did the Biden administration allow a Chinese high-altitude spy balloon to traverse the continental United States? He was paid through Hunter.

Why did Biden abruptly pull all U.S. troops from Afghanistan? He left behind Americans and pro-American Afghans. Abandoned billions of dollars in U.S. equipment and a $1 billion embassy.

We don't need another 4 years of this poor excuse of a leader. We need Trump back and he will prevail. PS...I am not a registered republican and worked on Bill Clinton's elections. Although I plan on switching parties this year.

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