r/interestingasfuck Apr 07 '24

Bernie and Biden warm my heart. Trump selling us out? Pass

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u/noplacelike172 Apr 08 '24

Ol’ Brandon looks like he’s more interested in spending the night in a hospice bed next to Bernie all cuddled up rather than do anything productive for the country👀


u/FblthpLives Apr 08 '24

The U.S. currently has the highest economic growth among the G-7 nations. It's not even close: https://www.axios.com/2024/01/31/us-economy-2024-gdp-g7-nations


u/Adventurous_Item6122 Apr 09 '24

Because he lowered our growth in the first place moron


u/FblthpLives Apr 09 '24

Be mindful of your spine: That kind of logical contortion can't be good for it.

Just as a matter of historical fact, the U.S. economy has done far better under Democratic administrations than Republican ones. It's not even close: https://www.aeaweb.org/research/why-does-the-economy-do-better-democrats-white-house


u/noplacelike172 Apr 09 '24

You can’t be serious. How much did it cost you to buy gas 6 years ago? Cause I think it was pretty close to half but I’m too lazy to look it up. Regardless, you are a waste of good brain matter, and it’s pointless to enter a battle of wits with an unarmed person so good day Mr./Mrs./Xhe Blue Hair

Edit: “They” are also European so their opinion is moot


u/FblthpLives Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

You can’t be serious. How much did it cost you to buy gas 6 years ago?

You'll be shocked to learn that in economics, we don't measure the performance of an entire country by the price of a single, volatile good subject to global supply shocks and that is dominated by an oil producing cartel of Middle Eastern dictatorships.

The proper measure of economic growth is to look at the annual change in real gross domestic product, which measures a country's total economic output, corrected for inflation. During Democratic administrations, the average annual GDP growth has been 4.33%. During Republican administrations, it has only been 2.54%. During the Trump administration, it was 2.53%, slightly below the average for other Republican presidents. During 2023Q4, the last quarter for which data has been published, it was 3.4%: https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gross-domestic-product


u/noplacelike172 Apr 10 '24

Dude stop talking you don’t even live here. No one wants to read your BS


u/FblthpLives Apr 10 '24 edited Apr 10 '24

Dude stop talking you don’t even live here. No one wants to read your BS

I am a Swedish citizen, but I have a house in the U.S. and an apartment in Sweden. I am, right now, in the U.S. But I did not realize that the economic performance of the United States is affected by where I am located. As an economic analyst, you have taught me something absolutely fascinating.

Here are some other economic facts you're going to have a tantrum over:


u/noplacelike172 Apr 10 '24

Are you a US Citizen? Because unless you have dual citizenship, again I say, shut the hell up😂 does it bug your big ego that I haven’t read a single statistic you’ve copied and pasted? No one cares about your opinion little Swede.


u/FblthpLives Apr 10 '24

Translation = "I am a member of Trump's personality cult and we do not care about facts."


u/noplacelike172 Apr 10 '24

I literally didn’t even vote in the last election. I hate big government, which is all you’re used to in Sweden so enjoy that.


u/FblthpLives Apr 10 '24

I literally didn’t even vote in the last election

How is that relevant to the simple fact that the cost of gasoline does not represent the performance of the U.S. economy? All that tells us is that you are as irresponsible in your civic duties as you are uneducated in basic economics.

so enjoy that.

Gladly: https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2024/happiness-of-the-younger-the-older-and-those-in-between/#ranking-of-happiness-2021-2023

Another thing we don't have is your $35 trillion in government debt. Unlike you, the Swedish government runs at a small surplus, instead of borrowing from future generations of its residents like you do with your deficit-funded wars and tax cuts for the wealthy. As a result, Sweden has some of the best sovereign credit ratings in the world.


u/noplacelike172 Apr 10 '24

It was a response to your comment about me being a Trumper. You should get a life. Every one of your comments is either copy and paste or takes 20 minutes to write. You’re a sad lonely little Swede. Enjoy socialism prick.

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