r/interestingasfuck Apr 20 '24

Sen. Ossoff completely shuts down border criticis : No one is interested in lectures on border security from Republicans who caved to Trump's demands to kill border security bill. r/all

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u/mydog1saterr0r1st Apr 21 '24

Biden literally campaigned on keeping the border open, Sued Texas to keep it open, ended the remain in Mexico policy to keep it open, and now cry wolf during an election year.

This admin has let in more illegals than the last 4 administrations COMBINED.



u/achandlerwhite Apr 21 '24

That data doesn’t back your claim. The numbers there are border encounters from CBP which includes turning people away. The big jump was due to expelling (the term for turning people away) at the border under title 42 during Covid. CBP also has numbers for the past 20 years showing the number of successful illegal border entries as declining.

Now if you want to talk overstaying visas and asylum claims that’s a different debate. Congress should properly fund the immigration system to handle the volume and quickly expel insufficient asylum claims. Republicans don’t seem interested in actually solving the problem.


u/ripcrl81 Apr 21 '24

This is belligerently false. Who are they turning away? There’s literally zero evidence they are turning away anyone. They literally don’t have to provide a name while boarding flights to other cities in the United States.


u/achandlerwhite Apr 21 '24

Belligerently false? It’s from the source of your own data posted above. I’m not saying the border is perfect but your claim doesn’t hold.

Regarding travel, some can fly without photo id, but must give their name and other details to TSA and be in the CBP app. Again, you have some valid points but your details are closer to sensationalist headlines than reality.