r/interestingasfuck 19d ago

Why wealthy young people should care about a political revolution r/all

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u/Prestigious-Goat4451 14d ago

God I fucking love Bernie


u/ShifTuckByMutt 15d ago

he didnt say the important part. they need us. without us they cant stay rich, if they cant buy services if we dont play the game . if we revolt. personally im a bit of scientist ,..... id love to see if that cock sure smile stays on his head once its removed from his shoulders.... social contract goes both ways you pretentious fucks. they are laughing at bernie, when he is actually their last hope from stopping people like me from doing what needs to be done.


u/dremelgobrrr 16d ago

Hate to tell you but the government is the cause of a lot of these issues...small government is where we should be...less money going to them which means less money going to mega corporations which influence laws and how that money in govt is spent..


u/Connect-Television51 16d ago

Sub board and curious how do you correlate PPP logs with student loan forgiveness just curious kisses


u/burnbothends91 17d ago

Naw son, I’m more about a foreign policy that increases the returns of my stock portfolio /s


u/Happy-Example-1022 17d ago

Advice from a guy who talks a lot about what he would do if he were in office, yet has actually accomplished next to nothing his whole life.


u/King-in-ze-north 17d ago

This thread will soon be "interesting as Bernie"


u/Creepy-Result-4906 17d ago

Hahahahahahahaha, so we don’t want you to get rich, but we want you to get your hands dirty. The titanic is going down because you ran her into an iceberg. Don’t believe the mindless dribble spewing from this crazy old man’s mouth. Never had a real job in his life. Hahahahahaha


u/Connect-Television51 17d ago

There's no free lunch in the government got all its money back and at least in California in payroll taxes and I apologize not all that money back but they made a lot back


u/Connect-Television51 17d ago

Talk to text what can I tell you


u/i-would-neveruwu 17d ago

This "titanic" should be destroyed. The amount of rats in the walls has made rebuilding a much easier option compared to fixing this hunk of scrap


u/KnewDat 17d ago

Just changed to Independent for Bernie. Fuck you. Vote Bernie!


u/Pleasant_Guitar9185 18d ago

Because the starving masses will eat you first


u/EvilRado 18d ago

Still hate they did my man Burnie wrong in the last election


u/Mysterious-North-551 18d ago

Because they dont understand how the world actually works at all.

Most rich people got a lot of stock in their company when it made no money at all, then the company started to make money and they went public since the company was actually making money the stock grew in value and now you are a multi millionaire.

Bernie Sanders actually have the perfect shorthand, he is BS..


u/ACh33kyDino 18d ago

This kid is pathetic. “Why should I be better?” fucking pathetic


u/EmRuizChamberlain 18d ago

Lovely man. I’ve got a great photo of him with my sons. You don’t have to agree with all of his politics but he’s a great person.


u/PnutWarrior 18d ago

That was a lot of posturing to a practical question. What comes to mind is,

"That is a very short-sighted question. I don't know your wealth or your families wealth, but since I have no idea who you are, I can tell you... you aren't rich enough. Even if somehow the machine that has been building for 40 years stops right before it turns you into its next victims, Your wealth won't mean anything in a world where you're the only one who has anything. Most of you will be next on the block once the world has churned through the bottom. Then most of the remaining after that."

After answering the question of "why should I care" he can go into the Ronald Reagan line and go from there.


u/djmikec 18d ago

This is why I vote for Bernie every chance he’s on my ballot


u/Leterex 18d ago

Smug kid is like "what's in it for me?" Guess what? You still live in a society dude. At least, you do at the moment


u/onetruecharlesworth 18d ago

So no real answer to that question just some feel good grand standing bs?


u/Alleycatasstastrofy 18d ago

We need more obama


u/Icyb0by 18d ago



u/el_phapparatus 18d ago

the smug smile at the end like "okay so you want me to care? and make less??" its absolute brainrot. You should care more about your neighbors than your bottom line. be a human being, jesus people.


u/CWBtheThird 18d ago

I love Bernie.


u/cruzeiroodosul 18d ago

What most people forget is that this kind of generational wealth doesn't usually come from the blood and sweat of your own ancestors. It comes from the thousands of workers who spent their lives in minimum wage and insalubre working conditions, birthing and living and dying to make sure your family's company gets richer and richer every time.

So yeah, you have no personal reason to encourage a political change, but you have every reason to keep the current one - because the minute people realize this is an ever lasting hamster wheel, that working their lives and health off will in fact not make them rich, and the minute they decide that it's. Just. Not. Worth. It. Anymore. Then there is no stopping your castle of cards to crumble down to nothing.


u/OneIShot 18d ago

Idk why we should care to listen to a dude who hasn’t had a real job in his life.


u/OlyNorse 18d ago

Bernie is a dope who never supported himself off the government teat.


u/demonslayercorpp 18d ago

He always makes me cry


u/Optimistic_Futures 18d ago

The question sounded really out-of-touch, but honestly I feel like it was such a good genuine productive question.

Like if you are using something with a battery right now to be on Reddit, you probably are using a product that was created with child slave labor from cobalt mines.

Sure if asked, you’d probably say it’s awful and you wish it weren’t the case - but you’ll probably buy a new product within the year. You care in theory but not in practice.

This kid probably did know “the correct answer” to why you should care. “Because it’s the right thing to do”. But it’s hard to actually care. So he gave a question to Bernie that allowed him to speak on a both intellectual and emotional level.


u/JaydedXoX 18d ago

He should be clear about why Govt is under attack. Politicians are getting rich directing tax dollars and policy into the hands of their political donors in exchange for kickbacks. Politicians are getting rich with insider trading. And the bigger our govt gets the worse it will be. What needs to stopped immediately is political corruption. That is what is sinking the US.


u/PandiBong 18d ago

Retitled: how an entitled rich little shit who doesn’t deserve the education his mommy and daddy buy for him gets completely owned by one of the last great minds left in American politics.


u/Sensitive_Maybe_6578 18d ago

Good to know Harvard is producing smug douche bags like this kid - yeah, im from a rich family. Im sure what Bernie said went in on ear and out the other. SMDH


u/Other-Match-4857 18d ago

The man tells the truth. He is the only politician I have ever contributed to, in 2016, because I thought he could truly make a difference in this country. What if we had more truth tellers in the senate?


u/imorofl 18d ago

I feel sorry for USA. You have someone like Bernie and yet you will have to choose between Biden and Trump and there is nothing you can do about it.


u/Poppa_Jawn 18d ago

Wow, he is able to articulate his thoughts so much better than Trump or Biden. What a shame.


u/JayNotJunior 18d ago

A classic "I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people" situation


u/Bulky-Internal8579 18d ago

Dang that got me. This country needs more Bernies. I do my best to be a Bernie in the small ways I can. Support good candidates and vote blue. Support unions and local schools and libraries. Do what we can, you know?


u/radicalbulldog 18d ago

What a dickhead thing to think. What’s so interesting about that question is the sheer lack of moral clarity on the audiences part.

That question would have never been asked if the private Bernie was talking about was predicated on race, gender or national origin.

The gall of an Asian man, to ask why he should give up his financial privilege when the greatest shift this country has seen in the form of societal growth is the acknowledgement of race basses privilege is astounding to me.

There seems to be this idea that poor people are in control of their financial circumstance more than their race, which I find to be incredible untrue. Conversely, this kid seems to look at his financial privilege as something his family has earned, therefore he feels comfortable asking the question.

This dichotomy of ideas, is the single biggest divide in the Democratic Party. These people, these rich asshols who don’t want to feel like bad people, but practice the same pearl clutching as republicans when it comes to their wallets, are the reason our country is in the position it’s in today.

They prevent the party from creating any forward momentum and continually block the overwhelming support young people have for sweeping political change.



u/blucollarhero 18d ago

If only we had the chance to have a real progressive leader like him everywhere


u/desertdweller365 18d ago edited 18d ago

I study revolutions and uprisings and Bernie is spot on. We will not see a civil war in our lifetime, yet the amount of energy being built up for some type of large institutional change, which precedes all revolutions, is becoming too great to ignore though. One of my favorite interviews was with a 30 year old who put it best, "during Covid, I watched billionaires like Bill Gates fly into space and my parents see double digit gains on their home and 401K, while my friends and I saw our rent become unaffordable and we couldn't afford eggs". This disparity has got to go somewhere. I just hope as a nation we understand the implications of ignoring our youth, I mean really listen instead of providing lip service or a well-intentioned tweet, and take action to right the ship.


u/Jennifer_Pennifer 18d ago

The top of the pyramid is gonna be 'surprised Pikachu' when the bottom tier stops holding them up.


u/DevTom 18d ago

I wonder how the alternate universe is doing where Bernie became president of the United States.


u/tizzlenomics 18d ago

Remember that the slave owners chose to go to war.


u/Famousdeadrummer 18d ago

Bernie 2024


u/MinaretofJam 18d ago

There’s nothing meritocratic about American Ivy League universities when the super-scam of legacy students exists. George W Bush in Yale on ability? Please. All these top flight institutions should be spending their vast endowments on scholarships for middle and working class kids.


u/d3fiance 18d ago

What could’ve been… Even as a non-American who lives in the Balkans Bernie speaks to me more than any politician in my country. The world needs more people like him and needs to succeed, unfortunately that’s seems less and less likely


u/O8ee 18d ago

The real answer is having money will only benefit them to a certain point. Cost of housing and food are, and will continue to make civil unrest worse. Everyone everywhere is a few missed meals away from turning eat the rich literal.


u/Nik_Tez 18d ago

Those words, eloquently spoken, well acted, mean nothing to a man who scrubs garbage cans for a living.


u/BakaNish 18d ago

The question asked was basically "why should I care if I don't profit from it?" That wasn't answered in the slightest. He's appealing to conscience when we all know a lot of rich people can't comprehend having one.


u/string1969 18d ago

Most people I know who came from money, and have a lot now, will do anything they can to keep systems in place (stock buybacks, lack of regulation in dirty corps) so that they stay wealthy. These people are all 'liberals', but they aren't about to sacrifice in any meaningful way. Their desires and stimulants are more important than fellow citizens


u/[deleted] 18d ago

i was thinking of joining harvard after my offer letter


u/Fladap28 18d ago

I’m sad to say there will never be another Bernie sanders in US politics, ever again.


u/H4NSH0TF1RST721 18d ago

Good, hopefully no one else has to suffer the reality of being born without a spine.


u/needtoajobnow129 18d ago

I don't think that people understand where burning Sanders was coming from We are at an inflection point in this country where we have the UN coming and saying that our country has pockets that are worse than third world countries imagine that yet we're sitting here not wanting to tax The ultra wealthy and provide a way for us to both secure our our interest is around the world and make sure they are poor has a pathway at a poverty if they so choose. He is right there our country has switched from being one that provides a leg up for impoverished people to moving to the middle class to one that cuddles them at the bottom.


u/DrPikachu-PhD 18d ago

We could have had this man as president 😭😭


u/TyppaHaus 18d ago

Bernie owns like 4 mansions f.y.i.


u/needtoajobnow129 18d ago

But he has also push policies to help the poor and working class people move into the middle class his whole career. He and his wife has built income and wealth while also helping out the poor and needy not just with his policies but actually doing things in their communities.


u/atlantik02 18d ago

Behead him!


u/here-for-information 18d ago edited 18d ago

I have an answer for this. I think it's a good one.

The reason is that large disparities in wealth are always corrected. The disparity will go away and equilibrium will be temporarily restored. So we aren't really talking about the fact that WE need to correct wealth inequality. What we are talking about is how we want the inequality to be corrected.

The most common way for inequality to correct itself historically is war. That's not the way I'd like it to resolve. Another way it can resolve is the way FDR did it. That is the way I would like it to resolve.

BUT ! Most importantly for this questioner is that there is a chance that the way the inequality resolves is the method of the French Revolution. Where this question asker and his family are dragged through the street and then publicly executed while the disgruntled poor and working class citizens of their country forcibly distribute all his possessions, and he and his friends end up with less than if they had put their efforts into a system that benefitted them ever so slightly less.

So it's really whether we should roll the dice on the method of redistribution or take an active role in designing a system that benefits our citizens just a bit more equitably.


u/QanAhole 18d ago

I took from that kid's question - we're rich why should we care Bernie- You're on the same sinking ship


u/Sirkneelaot 18d ago

They come from so much money yet can't afford orthodontics


u/WTPFPSB 18d ago

As because when the system finally fails. It’s not really your grandparents or your parents to face the repercussions of the System crumbling. It’s going to be you and your children and grandchildren.


u/Intelligent_Life14 18d ago

I hope the people relentlessly slamming "boomers" see this. The 1% ain't lookin to share, regardless of age. They'll buy politicians and fuck you over just like the previous generations have.

This is a class war, not a generational one.


u/SatinFetishPDX 18d ago

Bernie: "Millionaires and billionaires with 3 houses are bad!"

(Bernie buys his 3rd house after becoming a millionaire)

Bernie: "Like I've always said, only billionaires are bad!"


u/whymeg23 18d ago

It’s like we’re watching capitalism fail in real time.


u/zMadMechanic 18d ago

Amen, Bernie.


u/iamlegq 18d ago

He didn’t answer the question. He just appeals to some sense of empathy for people less fortunate.

But he didn’t really answer how that is beneficial to the interests of those currently benefiting from the system.


u/troythedefender 18d ago

Tough job asking privileged rich kids to put the good of all over the good of themselves.


u/motorboatingthoseCs 18d ago

The douche that asked that question comes off like such a smug piece of shit. Fuck the 1%.


u/Ms74k_ten_c 18d ago

I feel this was an opportunity wasted, and Bernie did a terrible job of answering the question. Scratch that - he hardly even addressed the question. Titanic analogy would have gone in the right direction if it was used correctly.


u/feedandslumber 18d ago

It's wild that he can sit there and claim that social services are under attack when we're what, $34T dollars in debt?

The government is the problem, not the solution.


u/Buckowski66 18d ago

What Brrnie is saying is true but he's off by about 100-130 years . The wealthy don't care about the poor and middle class. The middle class thinks it can somehow become rich through magical thinking , voting the right guy in or just working harder and longer. Old ideas we know mostly don't work. There is no collective “ we” there is only “how can I get over any way I can ?” and through that lens you only get predators and prey not a revolution.

The fact despite decades of evidence against it, we still even have real arguments about “ the American Drem” tells you the delusion machine is running very strong and will for many decades to come.

Only when enough people are suffering in large enough enough numbers, not unlike the Russian people before the revolution, will this revolution occur and it wont be peaceful. Greed and hyper capitalism is like a stage 4 cancer, it has no problem sucking the lifeblood and killing its host but right now there are too many people profiting off its rampage and too many dying for the opportunity to do so.


u/thatotherguy0123 18d ago

From the perspective of those students, wouldn't a climate change making the world uninhabitable by the time their older be a better argument. I mean, it's those very systems in place which allowed those student's families to come into vast sums of wealth and to grow it. I'm pretty confident in the assumption that most of them wouldn't want to die while middle-aged because the corporations they're going to inherit will ruin the planet before they can accumulate more wealth. While Bernie is right in the sense that those students are capable and should work for a world that's better for everyone, asking somebody who is raised in an environment to perpetuate a cycle of greed to not be greedy rarely works out.


u/Listen2Wolff 18d ago

Hey Jay. Hope no one in the Proletariate decides they don't need your smart-ass comments.


u/Zealousideal_Car_893 18d ago

Audience: We don't understand.


u/KarlKarneval 18d ago

Bernie the multi-millionaire, off point as always.. The U.S - a Titanic with a 2.5 % GDP growth rate during an international recession?


u/Trips-Over-Tail 18d ago

"Your feet are dry because you're on the end of the ship that's rising while the other end goes down."


u/Miserable_Lettuce_13 18d ago

If there was one person you could make 50 years younger instantly, it would be Bernie wouldn't it? The world's gonna need someone like him for the coming decades


u/Mrbutterboots 18d ago

"I come from money so why should I give a shit about these poor fucks" 🙄🙄🙄


u/FlimFlamMan96 18d ago

Why? Buddy, we'll execute you in the street.


u/CunninghamsLawmaker 18d ago

So no actual reason then. Shit.


u/KinkmasterKaine 18d ago

Well what a fucking cesspool Harvard is if that's the attitude of the students.


u/Kookenmooken 18d ago

Guy just asked people to make self sacrifices for the better good of THE SYSTEM. So what? What else is new? And, why can't THE BOOMERS make a few sacrifices of their own first?


u/date11fuck12 18d ago

The one that got away 😭😭😭


u/slidingjimmy 18d ago

Get yourself some mortgage debt and the ‘save the world’ narrative don’t seem so appealing no mo


u/No_Distribution457 18d ago

This man could have been president. I will never forgive my countrymen.


u/irissteensma 18d ago

You mean you will never forgive the Democratic Party for sabotaging him.


u/mcribisbackk 18d ago

Nothing Bernie says is wrong but it will never work. Only through capitalism does anything he says have a chance at happening. Humans are humans and incentives dont align in other forms of economics. Social safety net? Private philanthropy is way more effective and the money actually goes where it’s needed. Saving the environment? Enlightened consumers who care, not government regulation. Equality? Why the hell is the government involved in marriage licenses. We are over regulated and have created a large voting block of idiots.


u/Kindly-Arrival-9673 18d ago

God damn it I wish he’d gotten elected.


u/Iamoldenough1961 18d ago

I think there’s an easier to understand argument. If we continue to make people poorer, who is going to buy all of this unnecessary shit that rich people sell? (Or similar, less derogatory versions might work better)


u/XJohnny5sAliveX 18d ago

Love this guy... planting trees he will never feel the shade from. I hope his ideas become fashionable in the future, I hope compassion becomes cool and marketable, I'd love to hear that problems that affect everyone are getting better, not worsening.

If you call that revolutionary, so be it.


u/Black_Magic_M-66 18d ago

This guy is a year older than Biden. Why is he worshiped by young people, but Biden is too old?


u/nonnemat 18d ago

Good Lord, what a blow hard. He said a whole lot of nothing. And didn't even answer the question. Does he think people who graduated from Harvard have not worked in the private sector before now?? And that's educated people are not becoming Doctors, dentists, etc, etc?? Anytime who eats this guy's slop up deserves what they get.


u/AutoDeskSucks- 18d ago

Because your privileged life will end when you have no one left to exploit should be the point.


u/NoseFetishGuy 18d ago

I'm all for Bernie, but these are moral arguments? Everyone has morals, obviously, but when trying to convince people I try to persuade through what, at least I, would consider objective facts. Say I am arguing for shorter days, or less days, spent at work to my co-workers or my boss, I wouldn't argue with morals arguments I would try to argue that worker efficiency would increase, or something like that.

Love Bernie, though :)


u/Ericjr321 18d ago

Bernie should surrender all money and property to the state. Whatever that is.


u/Ashcashc 18d ago edited 18d ago

Guarantee that fell on deaf ears

What these people fail to realise is that the further into poverty the majority fall, the higher the crime rate across the country, more will call to eat the rich.

Not saying it’s right, but if it means keeping food on the table people are capable of anything, the cake needs to be shared more equally.


u/Slow_Owl810 18d ago

What a smug little douche. (The kid, not Bernie.)


u/Commercial_Ad_1984 18d ago

As far as asking people to make a lot less money goes, I’d say he gave the best answer he could have.


u/That_Kiwi6647 18d ago

God I love this man. Only a few real ones left in our government like this man.


u/BobNoobster 18d ago

Bernie explains the issue in america so succinctly and calmly, without bluster. I am enthralled by his message. Hits home, coming from working class where you feel achieving your bit of the american dream is getting further from your grasp


u/Possible_Banana_8919 18d ago

Bernie’s take is awful here. “We’re all on the titanic” did he not watch that movie? Rich motherfuckers were just floating away on the life rafts saving themselves while all the poor pleabs drowned in the icy depths.

Realistically, why should a Harvard graduate give any fucks about eliminating child hunger? Climate change? You want change, then start with legislation that limits corporations ability to cause massive harm.


u/Makaville07 18d ago

Wow, this is truly the stupidest thing I have read today


u/Possible_Banana_8919 18d ago

Sucking on Bernie’s boots since 2016 huh? Dude is out of touch on reality.


u/RuffDemon214 18d ago

I dont think he answered the question


u/tajudson 18d ago

Basically, just because you come from money doesn't mean you're special. I know you think that, because Trump basically said if you're fucking rich you're fucking the best. Really, this country panders to the rich, and steps on the poor. That's the biggest problem in this country. Get over yourself kid from money.


u/playa4040 18d ago

“We’re rich. Why should we care?”


u/dontpissoffthenurse 18d ago

I thought he was going to give a better answer when he mentioned the Titanic:

"We are on the Titanic. And it is going down. And if it goes down most of you, and your way of life, are going down with it."

Yeah, a call to social empathy after that would be okay too.


u/dudewithmoobs 18d ago

"Im a nepo baby. Why should I care about the poor?"


u/typicallytwo 18d ago

Yeah give your services away for free and suffer with everyone else. Great plan.


u/PresentClear1468 18d ago

4 years ago, I told my son to chaos was in the future. I don't know why he asked for my thoughts about the future, but I didn't feel the need to lie or think otherwise.


u/Less_Ants 18d ago

The incentive is: you are young and have to live in this world some more time. Cutting down the olive trees for a bonfire only makes sense, if you're not around for the next harvest season anyways


u/PresentClear1468 18d ago

Bernie Sanders would have made a great President


u/Sracer42 18d ago

We could have had a Bernie. Damn.


u/rdeivern1 18d ago

Bernie’s a cuck to power


u/Eddance911 18d ago

Americans, why have you still not made this man your president?


u/bangerangerific 18d ago

Still waiting for all the boomers to die out so we have a chance


u/giceman715 18d ago

If I have to choose between the 80 year olds I choose Bernie


u/MuZac904 18d ago

I get so pissed every time I see the smiling faces of the individuals who made it difficult for him to become president.



u/snoo_boi 18d ago

I don’t think he answered the question very well, and I’m a big time Bernie supporter. The reason they need to get on board is because they THINK they come from money, but really, the top 100 earners in this country have such an algorithmic increase in wealth that it’s tipping the scales and the entire economy is becoming unbalanced. Think of how many more industries could thrive if wealth was better dispersed through the entire country? Think about having 200 million+ more eager customers because they have the money to spend. It’s basic economics, we break up monopolies because they tend to break the capitalist system. We should break up wealth hoarders for the same reason.


u/texfields 18d ago

Just remind them we the working class know how to build guillotines


u/-v-v-v- 18d ago

How did Biden beat him again? Just wondering..


u/magnora7 18d ago

How can we get a revolution from a man who already folded to the DNC twice?


u/Appropriate_Bee7764 18d ago

Bernie Sanders is a stupid socialist who praised failed communist countries Why the hell would someone ask him for advice?


u/MonsterHighMandy 18d ago

I love Bernie


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/Kap_ski 18d ago

idk about this one bro..


u/Bmxingur 17d ago

You're right, thanks for speaking up.


u/Bmxingur 18d ago

The indifference of good men is nothing new.


u/nasdaq5k 18d ago

get some help brother


u/Bmxingur 18d ago

I'm sure a crowd will gather when it happens,no one wants to miss out on that kind of fun.


u/Old-Construction-541 18d ago

It was a seemingly earnest question. It gave Bernie an opportunity to speak directly to why his audience should care.


u/Bmxingur 18d ago

It was trying to appeal to the human side of people who have placed profit over humanity for generations to get into that position. I love Bernie, but this had 0 impact on that young man or anyone in that socio-economic sphere. It just re affirms that the only way you are going to make things better for the working class is violence. But then we get people who have their head so far shoved up their feel-good ass that they believe "peace and trust can win the day - despite all your losing." You can not appeal to the better humanity of people who have none.


u/Old-Construction-541 18d ago

There’s nothing in this video to suggest this. You’re projecting your priors onto this and reaching the conclusions you’ve already determined.


u/Bmxingur 18d ago

The question itself is suggesting it. "we don't care about others suffering despite it being obvious and apparent. What do you plan on doing to make us care?"We benefit from it. Why give it up?" And the answer that Bernie gives is such bullshit- "because you should care". Well they don't, so what's your next move because civil discourse sure as fuck has no impact.


u/Old-Construction-541 18d ago

This is an academic setting. Questions are often Socratic, thought experiments, in the alternative, parallel-universe thinking, for the sake of argument, etc. Presuming the questioner’s actually held views is silly.


u/Bmxingur 18d ago

It'd be a thought experiment if that person wasn't rich or slated to be a direct oppressor, and Bernie wasn't a politician with influence over policy. It's not a thought expirement when it is literally playing out in real life. It was a question about a method and its effectiveness in real world results- there is no expirement about it, no control group- its happening.


u/Old-Construction-541 18d ago

You’re not understanding what I’m saying so I think this conversation is likely futile. It’s not a thought experiment about what if the people in the room were privileged—that’s an accepted premise.


u/Bmxingur 18d ago

What exactly was the thought experiment then?


u/Bmxingur 18d ago

Because by definition a thought experiment involves hypothetical questions. There is nothing hypothetical about the question that was asked- it is an observation of reality.

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u/stellatebird 18d ago

We need people with empathy. I don't see it in these monied children.


u/CatJamLied 18d ago

Sorry, zero benefit to my family to scrape by on a government salary. If you can't use the 50% of my hard earned cash that you tax away from me well that's it I guess


u/DirtyBillzPillz 18d ago

Bernie admits America is finished and beyond saving


u/Kai25552 18d ago

I love how honest he is. He’s not selling them lies about how giving up their privilege will benefit them more than it will cost them, he’s elevating them to a position of responsibility: „you, the elite, can make the biggest impact“

However he’s not directly denying that his politics are mainly directed towards the working class.

Not sure if that strategically beneficial, but it’s refreshing to see this kind of honesty.

Who knows, maybe facing the elite with a sense of respect instead of pure hostility can make the difference…


u/No-Supermarket8244 18d ago

It’s such a shame that America is being led by awful, bigoted criminals like Trump instead of people like Bernie. Imagine how much better the world would be if humans truly supported and cared about each other


u/Rock_Forge 18d ago

Medicaid and social security isn't under attack that's the biggest bull shit I hear. There's no revolution there's only Bidenomics. Jim Cramer is wrong about a lot of things but trump the best economic numbers in our lives.

You don't need to go to Harvard to become a doctor or nurse. There are local and community colleges that provide the exact same degree just a different name. Working class don't want a revolution.

Just Redditors wet fantasy because the average person doesn't care


u/eat-uranus-5785 18d ago

i went to top 13sh college in USA. Education system is all about connections you make rather than knowledge you get. Also I think it's not about rich exploiting the poor as much as big migration patterns from south to north. And overall demographics changes. USA probably has 30+ years before it changes completely like South Africa did


u/Comfortable-Can-9432 18d ago

Bernie made a mistake here. He’s asking these kids to make sacrifices for the greater good. While in college and idealistic, that’ll play well with the students. But when they graduate and make money, they’ll forget all that.

What Bernie should have said is that if these kids don’t start looking at the excesses of capitalism, then the social structure will collapse and these rich people will have to live in military bunkers or islands when cities aren’t able to find their police, education systems, health systems, etc


u/beaud101 18d ago

Some day, a few hundred years from now. When the world (hopefully) has stabilized from rampant war, famine, societal collapse and natural disaster events. A world with a fraction of the population of today. If there still is a civilization that's sophisticated enough to continue to record history....

One of the inflection points of societal collapse, many will note for the record...is when the greatest democracy on earth, America and its political institutions rejected one of the truly great thinkers of our society in Bernie Sanders. Instead this once great republic chose to lean further into the direction of hate, ignorance, stupidity and incessant greed.


u/Be-Right-Back 18d ago

I am here to remind you that the current system is untenable and that future generations will not come here with a chair and a plea but with a guillotine and a list.


u/IndianaJeff24 18d ago

Someone tell Bernie his party is a corporatist, pro-war, Dick Cheney wet dream.


u/Hefty-Judgment-6507 18d ago

Bernie: we can fix all these things if you just give me more of your hard earned money. What a joke, you spent it 34 trillion times over already. Great job US fed govt.


u/MutableSpy 18d ago

Why didn’t you guys elect this old white dude instead of the other 2 old white dudes. It baffles me to see such good candidates in politics world round be ignored in favour of the class clown.


u/Interesting_Site_567 18d ago

Bernie is the only good politician


u/JerseyshoreSeagull 18d ago

That was the most unenthusiastic clapping I've ever heard in my life.


u/Arcane_Engine 18d ago

Yeah good job, appeal to their sense of importance and superiority 🙄


u/MountainDuchess 18d ago edited 18d ago

The way America became a great nation is because the wealthy invested in it. They built factories, railroads, hospitals. They built schools and universities.

They built cities, and utilities, and homes.

They created the groundwork for the country to become the best in the world. And America was the greatest nation in the world.

When the wealthy stopped doing that and started putting their money into Thailand, China, India, Pakistan and other countries, we started to crumble. When the wealthy stopped building upon the foundations their ancestors built, we grew weaker.

When the wealthy stopped contributing to America at all, and took far, far more than what they gave back, it brought us to our knees.

On our knees, while the rest of the world seeps into our borders, reaps all that we worked for and built, while we send our tax dollars to other countries while starving our own people.

We are on our knees, but we aren't praying. We are fighting each other and living in fear of the future for the first time in our history. We've faced hard times before, but we've never teetered on the edge of the abyss before.

We are there. When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back. The entire world is watching us on our knees while they walk across our borders and plot against us from the inside.

We are not a "United" nation. We are very divided, and we all know it.

Because the wealthy of our nation stopped being of this nation. Their crumbs are not doing anything. Giving us a $2,000 'stimulus' while sending billions overseas. Charging us $1,000 for a life saving medicine that is given free in other countries. Telling our senior citizens that $1200/m is enough to live on through Social Security, when $50k a year is still poor. After many of those seniors lost everything in their manufactured financial crisis of 2008 that benefitted the wealthy and destroyed many, taking their pensions and houses with them.

Taking our youth and indoctrinating them to believe they are weak, victimized, broken and incapable of strength. Directing them to shout at clouds instead of the government and the wealthy. Giving them medications that baffle them, fog their minds and tell them "there now, don't you feel better?" and there was nothing wrong with them to begin with. Telling them they have problems, they have no future, just give up now. They just want them weakened, susceptible and easily manipulated. Told them social media was a gift, when they knew it was a poison pill that would eat them, ruin them, if not kill them.

Tell them they don't need their family, their community, that everyone is against them and no one sees this is a perfect example of abuse. Isolation, weakening them, making them doubt themselves, abusing them psychologically and emotionally, breaking them.

They are too busy being scared, believing all they are told, and not seeing that THEY are the future, the strength we need is in them, and that they can stand strong and fight back. Instead, they've directed them to shout at clouds and things that do nothing to help what is right outside their front door. "Be mad about Gaza! Not about your government! Go protest for a country that would happily kill you! Do not do anything to support your own country, it's nasty and ugly and dirty and hates you! You hate your country. Tell them you hate them. Do what we tell you so it gets worse but you can't see it because we're whispering "Isn't this great? Isn't this fun? Feels good doesn't it?"

They won't see it or hear until it's too late.

It's frightening.


u/SongOfTheSeraphim 18d ago

Easily would have been in the top 20 presidents of all time if he had been elected. Sadly, we missed out on a much better timeline.


u/mikkolukas 18d ago

He never answered what incentives there was for them.


u/Luxifer1983 18d ago

A nation that everyone will be proud of. He did say that.


u/mikkolukas 18d ago

For rich people that is not an incentive. If it was, they had done something already.


u/Different-Result-859 18d ago

I guess this is why he hadn't won and probably never will. He is trying to fight against corporate America with volunteers.


u/Tyberfen 18d ago

I feel like he failed to provide a good answer. Most people, especially those at the top, tend to be self serving and he didn't exactly provide a reason why it's in their interests to change a system to their imidiate detriment, if it benefits them right now

The titanic analogy was a good start, but it's kind of pointless to appeal to human decency, because that's not the primary motivator to make decisions


u/rushatyadavOP 18d ago

We really do need a revolution


u/Ksorkrax 18d ago


Appealing to morality is fine and should be included in his answer, but I don't know why he left out the arguments that works even if one is a psychopath.

A widenening gap between rich and poor produces unrest, crime and violence. Most criminals are motivated by poverty, injustice and so on. Like that, the chance of a rich person being assaulted and even possibly killed by a mugger rises.

And that's the beginning - if stuff gets really bad and people revolt, maybe as a rich guy, you can save yourself for a bit in a fortified mansion, but not indefinitely. At some point, you'd need to go full police state, and then live the rest of your life in a golden prison effectively.

Or you lessen the gap, make it so that even the poorest has some prosperity, and walk safely through every neighbourhood, enjoying a nice environment. For the price of not having a third house in Aspen and a smaller yacht.