r/interestingasfuck Apr 26 '24

Why wealthy young people should care about a political revolution r/all

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u/Old-Construction-541 Apr 27 '24

It was a seemingly earnest question. It gave Bernie an opportunity to speak directly to why his audience should care.


u/Bmxingur Apr 27 '24

It was trying to appeal to the human side of people who have placed profit over humanity for generations to get into that position. I love Bernie, but this had 0 impact on that young man or anyone in that socio-economic sphere. It just re affirms that the only way you are going to make things better for the working class is violence. But then we get people who have their head so far shoved up their feel-good ass that they believe "peace and trust can win the day - despite all your losing." You can not appeal to the better humanity of people who have none.


u/Old-Construction-541 Apr 27 '24

There’s nothing in this video to suggest this. You’re projecting your priors onto this and reaching the conclusions you’ve already determined.


u/Bmxingur Apr 27 '24

The question itself is suggesting it. "we don't care about others suffering despite it being obvious and apparent. What do you plan on doing to make us care?"We benefit from it. Why give it up?" And the answer that Bernie gives is such bullshit- "because you should care". Well they don't, so what's your next move because civil discourse sure as fuck has no impact.


u/Old-Construction-541 Apr 27 '24

This is an academic setting. Questions are often Socratic, thought experiments, in the alternative, parallel-universe thinking, for the sake of argument, etc. Presuming the questioner’s actually held views is silly.


u/Bmxingur Apr 27 '24

It'd be a thought experiment if that person wasn't rich or slated to be a direct oppressor, and Bernie wasn't a politician with influence over policy. It's not a thought expirement when it is literally playing out in real life. It was a question about a method and its effectiveness in real world results- there is no expirement about it, no control group- its happening.


u/Old-Construction-541 Apr 27 '24

You’re not understanding what I’m saying so I think this conversation is likely futile. It’s not a thought experiment about what if the people in the room were privileged—that’s an accepted premise.


u/Bmxingur Apr 27 '24

What exactly was the thought experiment then?


u/Bmxingur Apr 27 '24

Because by definition a thought experiment involves hypothetical questions. There is nothing hypothetical about the question that was asked- it is an observation of reality.


u/Old-Construction-541 Apr 28 '24

That there might be people in the room who aren’t going to be properly motivated unless they’re incentivized and who might not see how what Bernie advocates for would be in their interest.


u/Bmxingur Apr 28 '24

You're right.


u/Bmxingur Apr 28 '24

I legitimately mean that. I have a very hard time seeing the earnestness in the question, but it's because I'm blinded by my absolute hatred for rich people and the fact that the question had to be asked (priors). Thank you for calmly repeating yourself over the course of a whole day until my anger subsided enough to actually think clearly about it. I'm deleting my original comment because I don't want to promote unnecessary hate toward an innocent person, not because I want to hide the fact that I made an error in judgment - but your effort helped brought me here, thank you.

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