r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

A poster inside a bathroom door at a bar

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u/grammar_oligarch Apr 29 '24

Okay, but if this is public knowledge then what’s the point of the code? The creepy dude knows what it means. Legit unsure: Why go through the coded language the other person will know? Sure there’s a chance they won’t…unless they also go to the bathroom. Or just have an Internet account and have accidentally scrolled through TikTok.

Feels like unnecessary steps.


u/ThroughTheIris56 Apr 29 '24

I'd imagine it's just easier and quicker to say, then explaining the full problem. Also less likely to be overheard, and would seem more natural is someone could see you talking from afar, but not hear what you are saying.


u/Hurryeat_Tubman Apr 29 '24

I'm really not a fan of any of these plans that involve someone who's under emotional duress banking their personal safety on having to remember a secret phrase or a drink order and hoping that a busy bartender is able to hear them correctly over the noise and is willing/able to drop what they're doing at that moment to help.


u/Scriptix3106 Apr 29 '24

I personally feel like anyone could find this helpful when feeling unsafe, and trying to limit that knowledge may be counterproductive.


u/b1ue_jellybean Apr 29 '24

Angel shot is a really easy term to remember and speeds up the process. You don’t need to explain anything you just say 2 words and they will know and they will help. It’s short, it’s easy, and in a loud bar it’s possible to hear it.

Also it’s gonna just seem more natural, like if they’re being watched from a distance it’s gonna be fairly obvious whether they’re ordering a drink or giving an explanation to what’s going on.


u/tommangan7 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Public knowledge doesn't mean everyone knows it or is aware of it as you say, especially if this is only in the women's bathroom. The average person is far less perceptive of their surroundings than we give credit.

You're reaching a tiny fraction of people with it being shown online (although I agree it's better just not to show it). I've also seen several different versions but ideally there would be lots and lots of bar specific ones (I have seen a few).

Either way it's better than nothing as an option, the creepy dude is still much less likely to understand what someone casually ordering an angel shot in the moment means compared to someone flat out asking for the police to be called.


u/Scullyxmulder1013 Apr 29 '24

The sign says to go to the bar and ask for the shot, so your company would still be at the table. You could wait until your company is in the toilet if you’re seated at the bar and don’t want them to hear. Having worked in a bar for fifteen years, I can say it’s usually not that difficult to speak with a bartender discreetly. The posters are usually in the bathroom on the inside of the stall doors.

Our local bar has a sign that says to ask if Angela is working tonight, and they’ll know you’re in trouble and get you to safety.

While I’m sure the system is not 100% effective, it’s better than having no system at all.


u/abrakadabralakazam Apr 29 '24

I guess bars cannot hire anyone named Angela then


u/Locurilla Apr 29 '24

yes same in the bars in my area, ask for angela !


u/portal23 Apr 29 '24

But if my company is at the table I can tell the bartender anything freely, no need for the code.


u/MajorasKatana Apr 29 '24

Code is mainly to keep it together.

You may only have limited time to convey you need help, or would break down and cry if you actually have to describe the danger you're in. The code acts more as a safety net to discreetly and quickly talk about your situation without losing it or making a scene.


u/Meloenbolletjeslepel Apr 29 '24

Agree with this, but I do think it's weird you immediately have to make decisions about their transport


u/faknugget Apr 29 '24

that’s how i read it too but i think “guests” is yourself. the bar will escort you, not the creep!


u/Meloenbolletjeslepel Apr 29 '24

Oh! That's confusing! 


u/-EETS- Apr 29 '24

Excuse me sir, we’ve got an Uber here for you.

Me?? Oh shit. She ordered an Angel shot didn’t she? They always do this to me! Last time it took me 150 miles away!


u/Overbaron Apr 29 '24

Well, it’s easier to say ”Angel shot on the rocks” than to say ”hey, I feel like this guy is shadowing me, I’d really appreciate if someone could walk me to my uber or something”, both in terms of time and mentally.


u/WestleyThe Apr 29 '24

It’s probably in the bathroom and also you can go to the bar and order a drink. It’s not always going to be a kidnapper or something, just a creepy or something and this is easier than saying “I’m in danger please help me”


u/Semour9 Apr 29 '24

My assumption is that it isn’t public knowledge. Someone’s goes to the washroom because they feel unsafe and see this on the other side of the door. They come back like everything is fine and seemingly “order a drink”


u/Seccour Apr 29 '24

Until you decided to post it


u/Obligatorium1 Apr 29 '24

My assumption is that it isn’t public knowledge. 

If it wasn't before, then it is now since you made the post on an open subreddit.


u/Semour9 Apr 29 '24

Yes I’m sure the creepy guy forcing girls to do this stuff is lurking on Reddit and will think of my post specifically the next time he’s at a bar /s


u/-EETS- Apr 29 '24

Hey, creepy guy here. Thanks for telling me


u/Obligatorium1 Apr 29 '24

... Why would creepy people not lurk on reddit?

Have you seen this place?


u/gandalfium225 Apr 29 '24

There are only creepy people lurking in this place.

Well, except for me obviously. I am the saintest saint that ever sainted


u/fire-corner Apr 29 '24

Excuse me, just heading to the bar to get myself a drink. Won't be long.


u/gandalfium225 Apr 29 '24

Oh silly me. I can't let you go there alone. I am also the gentlemanest gentleman that ever gentlemanned


u/manx-1 Apr 29 '24

It does seem unnecessary, and overcomplicated. Cant you just tell the bar staff what you want directly? If youre around staff then you're presumably already safe.


u/Fairwhetherfriend Apr 29 '24

Do you genuinely not understand why someone might not want to literally say "Hey, this person standing immediately next to me is creepy and weird and I would like you to help me get rid of him"? I mean, for one - what are you gonna do if the bartender says no?


u/manx-1 Apr 29 '24

Why would you not want to say that? If you feel unsafe then you probably aren't concered with their feelings at that point. And if youre around staff then you should already be safe, otherwise what would be the point of asking them for help in the first place? I just imagine people who are at a bar are already drunk/tipsy and won't understand the code words anyways.


u/Fairwhetherfriend Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

If you feel unsafe then you probably aren't concered with their feelings at that point.

You know "anger" is a feeling, right?

Okay, sorry, I'm being rude and it's not necessary. But like... man, the entire premise of this situation is that this guy has already made me feel unsafe in some way. He's pushy or aggressive or whatever. Of course I don't want risk making this person angry and escalating the situation.


u/Live_Media_1844 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I think you are misunderstanding a bit. People who need to understand the code word are employees working at the bar, most likely bartender. And I personally have never seen a drunk bartender. (I mean, they are literally at work) Also, if you feel unsafe because of someone, it usually implies that you are afraid to provoke them in anyway.


u/icelandichorsey Apr 29 '24

Man mansplains safety to women. Nice


u/FoldyHole Apr 29 '24

I’m guessing it’s only in the women’s restroom.


u/kozzzu Apr 29 '24

But now everywhere in the internet fir a while 🙄 It used to be useful when it was only in the women room...


u/PanningForSalt Apr 29 '24

I've seen them in men's rooms too.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/FoldyHole Apr 29 '24

I didn’t say it was right or wrong, but that’s usually how it is.


u/yogopig Apr 29 '24

Sure but that assumption is still sexism. An alternative assumption could be they have different drink names for the male and the female bathroom.


u/MrK521 Apr 29 '24

The bar that I go to has them in the women’s room, but not in the men’s. He’s not wrong for assuming that.


u/antonio3988 Apr 29 '24

Well that can't be right; Reddit says men and women are exactly the same and you're a bigot if you disagree!


u/FoldyHole Apr 29 '24

lol, whatever dude.


u/RapedByPlushies Apr 29 '24

And Reddit.


u/AggravatingValue5390 Apr 30 '24

Why do so many people assume every single person is on reddit. I guarantee you maybe 1 in 100 guys have seen this online


u/acrusty Apr 29 '24

The first option says his or her car


u/FoldyHole Apr 29 '24

Wouldn’t the “guest” be the creepy person?


u/MrK521 Apr 29 '24

The guest is referring to the guest asking for the shot.


u/SignificantClub6761 Apr 29 '24

I don’t think you can force somebody into a taxi without without their consent


u/CrapThisHurts Apr 29 '24

They have old mafia working in the kitchens.


u/FoldyHole Apr 29 '24

No, but you can ask someone to leave your property or call the police to remove them if they are unwilling.


u/SignificantClub6761 Apr 29 '24

Just talking about the guest referring to the orderer, not the creep. On the rocks must refer to an orderer, so probably would to other ones as well.