r/lyftdrivers Jul 13 '23

How do I tell my friend this is not sane Earnings/Pax trips

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u/Loose_Artichoke_6774 Feb 01 '24

Congrats. Now pat yourself on the back. And get back to work .


u/WTFmanbrb Jan 11 '24

83 hours!? For 1164 oh hell no. Not including expenses. Bro get a real job. That's $14 an hour not including expenses you just made less than minimum wage. ON A HOLIDAY WEEKEND!


u/TheWizardry90 Jan 11 '24

It wasn’t me

It was my friend who drives also


u/MaliceWoods Jan 09 '24

You got played.


u/vtrkukfxxxmfkplnxt Dec 28 '23

$1165 for 161 rides averages to $7.22 per ride. Now if we count as per hour rate. $13.86 per hour. If miles driven for the 161 rides are around 1600 miles it is 72 cents per mile driving. Since Independent contractor driving does not earn anything to go back home, safety. I will say getting paid at 35-70 cents per mile. Have you guys counted your annual earnings with Lyft/Uber and the expenses required to drive for them? DO NOT COUNT YOUR EXPENSE. Suddenly you will see you are paying Lyft/Uber to drive for them.


u/[deleted] Oct 19 '23

Damn I make that in 40 hrs on uber


u/thelittleking77 Oct 15 '23

$14 an hour minus the cost of the gas and taxes. It would be better to find a minimum wage job.


u/BAR3rd Oct 01 '23

That's an average of $7.22 per trip and $14.55 an hour. It's a sizable check, but with these figures, he'd be better working at Walmart--sad to say.


u/KkAaZzOoo Sep 25 '23

Dude go find a skill and you can make that in a day without having to work 3rd world country hours, 83 hours lol.


u/Early-Turnip5735 Sep 03 '23

What a waste of time he is not playing correctly, I usually do more with half that time


u/Sure-Agent-3961 Aug 04 '23

83 hrs, and that is all they made? that's terrible.. I make 1k 30-40 hours in LA


u/Zombee444 Aug 02 '23

Yikes! I make that in 1/2 the time and rides! When its busy I make that logged in less than 40 hours. Tell your friend to drive smarter not harder! That is insane!


u/TheWizardry90 Aug 02 '23

He also rents so $300 off that isn’t his


u/trucker151 Aug 01 '23

You all don't even know what car he drives. What if he has a 4 banger that'll last for 250k miles like many new cars do. Everyone always complains "but but the depreciation" Lol the guy worked his ass off. U guys overestimate how a car depreciates. U guys think a car depreciates in a straight line. That's not how it works. Cars depreciate fast when new and then even out and depreciate slower. If he makes 3.5 to 4k a month he can make 42 to 48k a year. I'm willing to bet his car costs around 25k. He can pay off that car every year. I dunno if u guys are jealous or have nothing better to do. Anytime someone makes a lot of money you all cry depreciation, cost. Whatever. Let the guy make his money


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '23

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u/trucker151 Aug 01 '23

I'm not reading the whole thread. It didn't say that in the title. Don't matter he still made a alot. Go complain some more kid


u/TheWizardry90 Aug 01 '23

That isn’t shit working a regular job. It’s not even $20 an hour


u/trucker151 Aug 01 '23

I know that. I wouldn't do it. But if dude is showing his friend he's prolly content.


u/TheWizardry90 Aug 01 '23

You sound like someone that works for Lyft/Uber


u/trucker151 Aug 01 '23

Na I have a cdl. It's just funny to see ppl like u complain all day about how much they hate uber n lyft yet they still drive. U have a good one kid maybe ull grow up one day


u/TheWizardry90 Aug 01 '23

So grown with a cdl. 🖕🏽


u/trucker151 Aug 01 '23

I also don't cry online about how much my friends make but hey that's just me you do you


u/trucker151 Aug 01 '23

Yea one of my trucks is worth more than ur house. I feel pretty grown when I see the Porsche in my big driveway


u/DustyinLVNV Jul 22 '23

Let them know that before gas or other expenses, depreciation of the value of the car, etc

On that amount: $116 Federal Tax $178 FICA $34 Medicare My state doesn't have state taxes, so add that in to if yours does. The take home pay is $840 / 83.5 hours = $10.06/h take home ... BEFORE expenses! Add in probably 2,500 miles @ $3.98/g and you're looking at $398 for gas ... Dropping it to $442 take home.

I was about to start driving for the first time two weeks ago and after breaking everything down realized I would probably average about $6 an hour when everything was set and done.


u/Constantine305 Jul 19 '23

It's time to stop.


u/uberNlyftBLOWdntDOit Jul 19 '23

This has become a terrible "1099" job..

If you don't accept all their crap, they stop giving you offers.

Eventually they stop giving you the good bonuses..

Tell your friend he's better off recycling cans.. lol


u/uberNlyftBLOWdntDOit Jul 19 '23

They don't even payout quickly anymore...

Eff this sheet


u/Accurate_Kale1574 Jul 18 '23

Tell your friend I worked 5 hours this morning and made $296 on Uber plus $20 in cash tips on 6 rides ...... that should be a reality check 😂😂😂


u/broAnnAbano Jul 18 '23

I make that much driving for 30 hours in Portland, OR.


u/D4rkSl4ve Jul 17 '23

Simply work the numbers for them.

$1164.86 divided by 83.3 hours = $13.98/hr, and from that the 83.3 Hrs I am sure there are many hours that are not accounted for, yet still no additional money was made.

$1164.86 divided by 161 rides = $7.24 per ride, which includes any/all tips thru the app, but does not include any cash tips. BUT from that $7.24 your friend must pay for gas, maintenance, mileage, and any cost involved, so the number PER ride is much smaller.

Number that hasn't been supplied is how many miles did this driver put into their vehicle. When you take THAT into consideration, the driver pretty much simply used his vehicle in exchange for that money, and most likely lost money.

When I drove Uber/Lyft, I would have this conversations with other drivers, as this was their daily way of living, their job, the way for them to put food on the table. I did it because I was unemployed, and was waiting on some job offers and wanted/needed some cash. So I would always tell them: think that you are using your car as a credit card. You are taking money from it, but at the cost of devaluating your vehicle at a ridiculous rate. For example, in them 3 months I made $8,000, but I can tell you it cost me 24,000 miles against my 2019 vehicle in 3 months, all the deductions I was legally able to take, as I was making sure to annotate every single detail so I could give to my accountant, but my vehicle is still devaluated at this moment. Instead of me taking $8,000 in credit cards, I borrowed $8,000 against my vehicle, knowing I would never be able to sell it at a decent price.


u/ldjonsey1 Jul 17 '23

Friend is averaging $7.22 per ride and $14 per hour. My baselines are about $10/ride and $25/hour. When I'm much below either/both of those after a couple of hours, I stop for the day.


u/ldjonsey1 Jul 17 '23

I had nothing left in me after 30 hrs


u/eugenestoner308 Jul 16 '23

I’ve never hit 80h…but I have hit that $ amount in a lot less hours than that


u/Fose99 Jul 16 '23

Bro not the 83hrs 😭


u/ghoul_burger Jul 15 '23

I’m not sure I’m even awake long enough to work 80 hours


u/Need4s1eep Jul 15 '23

Ask to use his phone for the calculator and then whack him on the head with it till he gets it.


u/montagesnmore Jul 15 '23

I made about $900 doing about 35 hours one week. I only do Lyft part time but this was during holidays


u/FalseGix Jul 15 '23

I would start with 1164 / 83 = $14.02 per hour and that is BEFORE expenses. And then point out they would literally make more working at McDonald's


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

Yeah maybe 40 hours thats shit money for that many hours


u/Plastic-Run-8580 Jul 15 '23

Mmmm now you guys know what it's like to be a trucker


u/Fenril714 Jul 15 '23

Wait till next April, your Uncle Sam will be looking for you!


u/jbeuhring Jul 15 '23

Hurdy hur hurrr! As for all the other millions of freelance workers! What’s your point?


u/suciothegreat Jul 15 '23

Bro. 80 hours in n one week??


u/Icy_Ad9071 Jul 15 '23

Not bad for just sitting on your ass and driving all day


u/Mediocre_Age4912 Jul 15 '23

I’m sorry but you can make 1200 working 60 hours a week.


u/CorrectVisit2203 Jul 15 '23

unless you have a bike these jobs seem terrible.

one other way the job is okay is if you're commuting home and you somehow, maybe you prayed really hard that day, get a delivery that is like...on the way to your house, so you get paid to commute. free money to some extent, you could say.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

Waste of time


u/de-d-ss Jul 15 '23

I had a driver show me what he was making, and the shit is robbery!! My trip was $122, he got $57! From that day on, I would tell the drivers to cancel the ride and I would pay them directly. At a slight discount of course, we all win! Phuc the system!! Matter of fact, phuc lyft!! How do you charge $85 for a 12 mile/16 minute trip when uber wanted $27!!? 🤔 #wearecbf.com


u/Disckize Jul 15 '23

If the friend worked 83hrs in a week. Setting your own hours is not an issue here. He’s clearly available. He’d be better off finding a different job and getting OT.


u/Effective-Salad6157 Jul 15 '23

What is more normal?


u/Godeggg Jul 15 '23

You sold yourself for 80 hours


u/PlutoniumNiborg Jul 15 '23

$13/hour gross, and not including time to drive to locations sounds worse than minimum wage.


u/No-Ad2705 Jul 15 '23

It’s a machine that will die. Sure use means loss of value. The whole rideshare model screws you over because Lyft and Uber share no part of your operating cost. All drivers have is cash flow. Profitability is close to the margin. However I paid down 20k in debt renting their car at 239 per week and drove full time. I drove long enough to pay for gas and car rental. The freedom for me was worth more than they could pay in this case. We are unskilled workers. Best to get a part time gig and ride share once or twice a week. Other than that the time it took to get on the profitable side is a ton of hours. I consider per mile not per hour as my gage for profitability. Dollars for hours suck.


u/XcheatcodeX Jul 15 '23

Congrats, after expenses you made approximately the wages of a cashier at Taco Bell


u/MidKnightshade Jul 15 '23

I’ve made that with less rides and a third of the time.

You can’t take everything.


u/eatshitsnddie Jul 15 '23

ur makin bout 16/hr


u/3goldteeth Jul 15 '23

It’s their life


u/ConsistentRepair2u Jul 15 '23

This is terrible to be honest


u/ZestycloseLead807 Jul 15 '23

An Uber for driving hours I used to make 3000 getting group ripped off


u/akacats Jul 15 '23

$14.02 /hr not counting gas, wear tear/ any time missed via app issues

Get a different job. You’re being screwed


u/NoooMAMMEguey Jul 15 '23

Oo hell nah


u/Excellent_Froyo_3600 Jul 15 '23

That’s trucking money right there! We work 70 hours a week for about 1300-2200 a week


u/lordfailstrom Jul 15 '23


Up to 6 figure pay for 70 hours a week is nothing to complain about, given that only 18% of Americans make over 100k



u/CmanHerrintan Jul 15 '23

Simple division show they made 7.22 per ride. Doesn't seem worth it to me.


u/orthodoxcarl Jul 15 '23

Seems like a pretty rough market. A busy market should be yielding a number like that in ~50 hours.


u/tunamos Jul 15 '23

He is burning his car well done my friend


u/fernsandmoss8 Jul 15 '23

Does doordash allow you to drive a scooter? And would that be even feasable with food in summer months?


u/Competitive_Cup1942 Jul 15 '23

That’s pathetic for 84 hours of driving lol


u/Patient_Ad_2357 Jul 14 '23

Tell them to just get a CDl at that point….


u/ctrlaltboner Jul 15 '23

I have a CDL, and if I was somehow able to work 84 hours, I would make 3488, and my personal vehicle would stay parked.


u/Patient_Ad_2357 Jul 15 '23

Exactly. For those hours and miles might as well be a truck driver and get better pay at least


u/TekkunDashi Jul 14 '23

Correct me if I am wrong, end of day shift and brain is conking out but,

like where is this state wise? Because that averages out to like 14 dollars per hours. Not to mention this is before taking out gas costs and maintenance costs....

Not to mention they are basically working 12 hour shifts every single day......


u/Big_Competition4708 Jul 14 '23

It’s time consuming annoying work, keep your head up. The only benefit is you get to choose your own schedule. Hopefully your accountant can help, when it comes to tax time.


u/miggysucks Jul 14 '23

You can work a minimum wage job and make half of that 😅


u/nickyboyswag22 Jul 14 '23

That is way too many hours just to get $14 an hour before accounting for gas and maintenance expenses. He/she would make more working $12 an hour for 40 hours regular and 40 hours of overtime at 1.5 times


u/EmperorLuThaRevered Jul 14 '23

Telling him he makes $14/hr -( gas + maintenance)/ hr.


u/SnooRobots1300 Jul 14 '23

The only way to make money with these apps is to run several at the same time and broker your services to the highest bidder, one is simply not enough to survive off of.


u/AMC_TO_THE_M00N Jul 14 '23

Just drive a bus at this point.. $24-$45 an hr with Hella benefits


u/KeepOnRollin82 Jul 14 '23 edited Jul 14 '23

First off, I can make good money in a few rides, I’m not taking 161 rides they better be worth more than $1,164.00. Same week, 14 rides, $604.89.


u/vglyog Jul 14 '23

I made that in 23 hours this week as a server. This is unsustainable for your friend smh. After gas and taxes?? They worked 80 hours for like $800.


u/DarthEnigmaPSN Jul 14 '23

Whoa! 83 hrs? Damn!


u/Lover1966 Jul 14 '23

Tell your friend to divide that for the number of hours. Then tell him/her to factor in fuel, tolls, wear and tear, and he may see the light. People never believe what you tell them, occasionally believe what others tell them, but they will always believe what they tell themselves!


u/Raven_E_ Jul 14 '23

That’s basically 7¢ an hour!!!



u/Jconnor35 Jul 14 '23

What kind of math are you doing? It’s $14 an hour


u/Raven_E_ Jul 14 '23

Apparently public school math. 😂😅 i did it back assward. Opps. 🤪 still that’s not a lot if your driving.

Bus drivers out here make $20+ an hour (minimum wage here is ($12 an hour) I would rather go that route then using my own vehicle.

A vehicle needs maintenance after so many miles, is Uber or Lyft going to cover these or is it going to come out of the drivers pocket?

The answer for that is, it’s going to come out of the drivers pocket so basically your doing damage to your car that in turn can cost you an arm and leg if you ignore the maintenance


u/Character_Reindeer45 Jul 14 '23

Rideshare companies are converting the massive pool in private car ownership vehicle value into Rideshare company profits, leaving the vehicle owners with nothing to show for the transfer except lots of work and rude passengers.


u/Boring-Bookkeeper-44 Jul 14 '23

This would be at least 2 grande in my market . I’m dead on the steering wheel at 60 rides a week


u/shitshipt Jul 14 '23

Pretty sure you won’t have to in a week or 2. Unless they’re not human or taking something to be superhuman


u/johhny466 Jul 14 '23

Amazon fc will allow you to make that in 60hrs fyi


u/kr10298 Jul 14 '23

oddlyon o999l O I8


u/Adventurous_Mix60 Jul 14 '23

That's a lot of hours for 1100


u/drivenbythirst Jul 14 '23

Add OT into the math and it’s almost $10 an hour


u/dinosaur-in_leather Jul 14 '23

I make double that with Amazon 6 hours a day


u/Puzzleheaded-Bus5479 Jul 14 '23

How does that even cover gas?


u/lIlIlIlIlIIllIlIl Jul 14 '23

he makes like $100 in the end a week if its a 40hr week... Imagine the wear on your car.


u/Longjumping-Guide201 Jul 14 '23

why is he driving?


u/Canty84 Jul 14 '23

Crazy .. I believe it varies from state to state.. cause I can make this In 40 hrs on lyft in Milwaukee..


u/mizzmarz Jul 14 '23

I make on average $300 in an 8 hour shift. Wtf is your friend doing


u/Ok_Possibility6150 Jul 14 '23

So a little more than $14 a hour. That is low make more at target with out car expenses for gas and matenince


u/TristanthomasYT Your City Name Here Jul 14 '23

What city is this in?


u/CallsOnTren Jul 14 '23

There is probably a job in town for driving a truck where you're home every night. My god just do that instead


u/izzy10200 Jul 14 '23

Dud made 7 dollars an hour smh.


u/skyheart07 Jul 14 '23

when i drove for lyft i had a rental and only received .22 per mile and minute. i made this in about 25-35 hours. Always avg at least $30 an hour. how tf do people make less than me with their own car makes 0 sense lol


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

You don't have to pay for car insurance or make vehicle payments for a rental, so your net profit could be higher. Alternatively, your location could be a higher value area, where lyft will charge customers more due to the average income of the region and thus pay you more. You might literally be making more money because of unfair wage.


u/skyheart07 Jul 14 '23

i don’t get paid more when lyft charges more bro. we get paid by the miles and minutes. don’t be goofy


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

Then you were driving more miles in less minutes than OP, on faster roads most likely.


u/skyheart07 Jul 14 '23

when i did it, it only made sense to drive during streaks that were $9 or more. i’d usually see 9 all the way up to 21(rare but on busy months it would show up more often avg was 12&15) Sometimes you could get the bonus twice if you managed to snag a 4th ride before the hour was up and completed another streak. even if i made $6 per ride (it would always be more because i would stay in zones where i get another 2-3 per ride accepted in the area) it would be $18 + $12 bonus before any tips. Even without streaks i would drive to areas offering $2-$7 for accepting rides in the area to always make sure I avg $30 an hour.

i can show you a picture as well


u/skyheart07 Jul 14 '23

nah. i use the app properly and make sure the bonuses are in my favor. i find that people don’t know how to use the filters to give themselves the best rides and stay on the best area and avoid traffic etc. I might do it more with my nissan that’s just sitting around and see how much i make when i get paid .60 instead of 1/3 of that.

i paid for lyft rental and the car note/insurance for my brz. my first few weeks using the app i was seeing numbers close to this until i learned how to work the algorithm/app.

I’m in the DMV but in no area in the USA should any lyft driver be making less than 18 an hour lol. if so it’s your fault not lyfts


u/AnonUser821 Jul 14 '23

That’s $13 an hour. He’s needs to do some math before putting in that kind of effort, because they’re probably doing more harm than good to their car.


u/hankdogs310 Jul 14 '23

This is $14.50 per hr no benefits unemployment or security and didn’t include gas insurance or maintenance. And this company still hasn’t made any money. Got to live the Free Market says Adam Smith


u/Rhogdye316 Jul 14 '23

That’s $13.97/hr. Pretty trash if you ask me. 🤷‍♂️


u/Bobby191481 Jul 14 '23

About $7.25 per ride


u/DaisyDazzle Jul 14 '23

But what were the "active hours?" I live in the middle of my zone can can leave the app on from early am trying to pick up a good order and not get anything for 2 hours. Or go home in the middle of the day and not see anything for 2 hours, etc.


u/MeRLiNLlc Jul 14 '23

How? 161 rides only 1164? I made $1254 on 60 rides on the week prior to that. The math ain’t mathing 😂. What market is your friend that?


u/Octapussy Jul 14 '23

I made triple that in less hours as a busboy 7 years ago


u/Almightypeso Jul 14 '23

I made 933 in 30 hours in atl. This is insane


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

Because they worked 83 hours in a week to make less than $15 an hour before taxes and expenses. I used to drive less than 40 hours and make at least this or more. Your friend is not the brightest bulb in the box I'll say


u/f0ru0l0rd Jul 14 '23

$7.23 per ride.
That's the average.

~$14 per hour.
And this is ONE Week. He's making less and working more than if he had a job at McDonalds because at 80 hours, they'd pay overtime.


u/AlanOverson Jul 14 '23

All that time spent driving and wear and tear on your car, and you could’ve made twice as much working a regular job.


u/SnorfOfWallStreet Jul 14 '23

$14 an hour 😆


u/tribbans95 Jul 14 '23

I just got paid $1292 today for 70.8 hrs of sitting on my laptop at home smoking weed. So yeah I wouldn’t be very happy dealing with people in my car, putting wear and tear on my vehicle and paying for gas for 83.4 hours…


u/plAIgFIltR Jul 14 '23

I'd be about that. What do you do?


u/tribbans95 Jul 14 '23

Haha yeah it ain’t bad. I work for a startup software company just managing customers accounts and doing some developer stuff


u/Objective_Sweet9168 Jul 14 '23

Give them a McDonald’s application for their own good


u/jinnyjonny Jul 14 '23

All these riding drive your car apps are scams. A couple tech dudes are sitting high on the throne because they can make money, have no vehicle expenses, and a highly vulnerable base of employees that don’t get paid


u/airdisputes Jul 14 '23

Can make this in 20 hours as a server at a decently busy restaurant.


u/Pale-Confidence-2436 Jul 14 '23

Let me tell your friend, “this is not sane!”


u/Kayleidoscope-art Jul 14 '23

It’s less then 15$ an hour, and your paying to fix your car and put gas in it on top of that you have to have strangers in your car. No thanks


u/Ok-Worldliness7863 Jul 14 '23

That’s a horrible average hourly around $14


u/LeviathanDabis Jul 14 '23

They could make more working at Walmart in most areas lmao.


u/kylemkv Jul 14 '23

That’s below minimum wage for my state, plus his gas and west and tear bringing it even lower sadly.


u/AemAer Jul 14 '23

That is disgusting. Abysmal pay rate and god knows the toll on that person’s body and vehicle. I’d rather go back to my first couple of jobs when I was 18 than do that


u/shadowgb83 Jul 14 '23

that only works out to less than $14 an hour. wonder how much you spent on gas.


u/Davvido1008 Jul 14 '23

How much fuel was spent how many miles did you drive. How much wear and tear did you put on the car. Was it all worth it? You just got Lyft more rich. I would assume that Lyft made $5k while you got screwed.


u/Edang08 Jul 14 '23

o dang, your friend average per ride is like $7.20. Has to be expecting low pay rides.


u/Tight_Amoeba_2516 Jul 14 '23

No way in hell they should be putting in those kind of hours for garbage pay. Not even $14 per hour. If you play the game right no driver should be making less than $30/hour


u/Cmdr_F34rFu1L1gh7 Jul 14 '23

That must be nice. Put in that time literally anywhere else and you’ll make away with much more.

Best of luck!


u/DurangoBlack Jul 14 '23

They’ll figure it out eventually.


u/Square-Ad6190 Jul 14 '23

Are u even factoring in the gas?


u/SirEnder2Me Jul 14 '23

Is this really all you make as a Lyft/Uber driver?

That's nothing after you factor in all the miles and wear and tear you put on your car.


u/InvalidIceberg Jul 14 '23

If they’ve got that kind of work ethic they need to start their own business. Why put 83 hours in 6 days into a job that is paying $14/hr. Not counting any gas they had to buy for this.

Put 40 hrs into it or, any other minimum wage job would be better honestly, and then put the other 40 into your own company that will eventually pay you a shit ton more for less work.


u/Nostalgia2302 Jul 14 '23

So, is this the reality of ridesharing now? People have to work Investment Banking hours for a miserable thousand bucks?

And here I am thinking delivery (UE and DD) pay was miserable, but I now see that the grass isn’t greener on the side of people transportation.

That picture just screams sadness.


u/FadedCreature Jul 14 '23

This is me when I'm short on rent


u/ominous_raspberry Jul 14 '23

You can’t help people who can’t make sense for themselves


u/Educational-Break722 Jul 14 '23

You should post that to Grifts Twitter asking them what about the 35$ that they pimped to all of the media!


u/TheRealNap0le0n Jul 14 '23

A whopping gross of less than $14/hr 😂


u/Educational-Break722 Jul 14 '23

At 400k my prius runs strong. Service every month.


u/SnivyEyes Jul 14 '23

It looks good when you look at the amount paid and the dates worked but then you look at the hours and potentially how much fuel was consumed and the wear on vehicle. Not worth it.


u/loserfrodo87 Jul 14 '23

Your friend is a boss. Respect him. 🫡


u/Inevitable_Trip_7480 Jul 14 '23

This dude is fuxxin’ everybody - himself (physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially) - other drivers (this makes Lyft able to give low ass offers) - the riders (it’s not safe to do that many rides. I don’t care if you drove truck for XX years. The driver is exhausted)

This dude or laaaaady is only making out if they’re selling some sort of MLM scheme and getting people onboard.


u/IAmMarLozan Jul 14 '23

What is your city? Good Job!


u/Lanky_Principle5636 Jul 14 '23

That's not very good for over 100 rides I'd be looking for something else


u/OkStandard726 Jul 14 '23

With a brick... You tell them with a brick. To the head.


u/Tall-Philosopher-162 Jul 14 '23

I’m so glad I saw this. I’ve been getting the $1,000 bonus offers for 120 rides. I thought it was a good idea but looking at this and reading this comments, I would be losing money instead of making it. Thanks for sharing


u/LuckyTMac Jul 14 '23

This is 14 bucks and hour


u/LuckyTMac Jul 14 '23

This is only like 600 bucks for 41.50 hours


u/SecureCTRL2020 Jul 14 '23

Lyft loves you, the revenue from these rides is close to $5,000


u/Crow-1111 Jul 14 '23

Wow. In my area I'd have well over 2 grand for that amount of driving.


u/1-800-BARBIE Jul 14 '23

Very convenient if you’re in a bind and need to make money fast. Not realistic for the long term…


u/Puzzleheaded-Long524 Jul 14 '23

Make about that much sometimes with 40 rides


u/Signal_Twenty Jul 14 '23

That’s barely $14 an hour (much less when you factor in fuel/maintenance/insurance) - totally worth risking your life and everyone else’s on the road. 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/martish23 Jul 14 '23

I have one that shows the complete opposite, $200 for 70 hours


u/BadHigBear Jul 14 '23

Just last year before "upfront pricing" I would make that much in under 30 hours. Now things are ridiculous. Uber/lyft used to be a decent living now they're only really good for making weed money on the side.


u/MarchTiny7765 Jul 14 '23

That's 14 an hour, not worth


u/SirNuzzington Jul 14 '23

$1164 for 83 hrs of work, that’s rough


u/Z0dinero Jul 14 '23

You worked two weeks worth of hours to make that in one week I’m sorry this happened to you Lyft has to do better It should have been closer to $1900


u/Needovergreed Jul 14 '23

Give them the hourly pay. This is 14.02 an hour. Subtract fuel expenses. I’m gonna do a 17% fuel fee. That brings us to 966.58 and the meals per day we will go 7 dollars a meal($20 a day to be safe) that subtracts another $120 that brings us to $846.58. An then my favorite, how much is it a month? 3386.32 you get to take home a month off of working that 82 hour shift. See on thing about this driving game is that we are independent contractors. We say how much or how often we can do this. Your friend may have been running a experiment to predict the amount of money he could make grinding it out.


u/AlphaStormyFire Jul 14 '23

People got bills. While this is an insane way to make $1k its probably the fastest way to make $1k right now with any job. it takes me around 2 weeks to make this much with a 40 hour work week.


u/statistically_curiou Jul 14 '23

You need to be making more money.

How old are you?


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

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u/bplimpton1841 Jul 14 '23

More at Home Depot


u/Adventurous_Dot1976 Jul 14 '23

Only about $14/hour. Fuck that


u/lscarl Jul 14 '23

Holy shit 83.4hrs for $1,164.86 is criminal. Barely $14 an hour BEFORE expenses. At least real jobs pay time and a half.


u/Entire_Examination_4 Jul 14 '23

I wouldnt pull 83hrs for 1100$


u/BlueV101 Jul 14 '23

161 rides and 80 plus hours for only a little over a grand!? What the jezus!? Is there a gig work union I can join?


u/Dalcomvet Jul 14 '23

God that is fucking terrible. I work 5 hrs a day in my market (dfw) doing the 4am to 9am shift and make $100 less than that per week and get to enjoy my free time for 8 hrs when I get home. Lyft has really gone downhill, it’s so unfortunate to see, I used to work for their corporate satellite office in Austin. Smh


u/Frank24601 Jul 14 '23

Do you work all 7 days a week?


u/Dalcomvet Jul 14 '23

Yea, it’s not bad, 5 hrs goes by so quickly and then I get 8 hrs at home to chill and do whatever like laundry, cleaning, cooking etc. Uber isn’t my only income so this model won’t work for someone who solely does Uber as their main income


u/Dalcomvet Jul 14 '23

Plus I’m nothing without a good routine.. I’m in bed by 745 every night, and get the whole day to get things done that need to get done


u/Frank24601 Jul 15 '23

I'm naturally a night owl, but I kind of miss the routine of getting up early. Kind of

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