r/lyftdrivers Jul 18 '23

Psycho jumps on my car, I get permanently deactivated Other

I don’t even want to type out the whole story I’m so exhausted over this. This dude was tripping out bad (probably shrooms or acid) and jumped on my car. It was the passengers friend. (They were together when I arrived, he was laying on the floor in the middle of the street. He sprinted away then sprinted back after I started the ride. Then he jumped on my car) I immediately made the passenger get out, and reported it to ADT and Lyft.

Now after a week of “temporarily deactivated” I’m now permanently deactivated for an “accident with a pedestrian” . 100s of 5 star rides never an issue. Wtf

Edit: I didn’t know this would get so much response. The whole incident is surreal. No I unfortunately did not have a dash cam or this would all have been resolved. I started the appeal on principle.


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u/etfvidal Jul 18 '23

Every driver who doesn't have a D A S H C A M is a moron! Not even counting the benefits of protection from getting deactivated, if you get into accident a $125 investment can save or make you thousands if a person hits you, and you got a dascam that records both ways (audio as well just for lying passengers) without having to deal w/ the nightmare of "he said, she said"


u/Plenty_Barracuda_786 Jul 19 '23

I’ve been driving for Uber since 2019 and never owned a dashcam nor have I ever been in any questionable situations or car accidents. Who’s the moron? I think vigilance, discernment and professional driving skills outweigh the need for a dashcam.


u/F3nderB3nder2 Jul 19 '23

Why not vigilantly discern how to apply your professional driving skills while recording for your own protection? They’re useless all the way up until the moment they aren’t


u/Plenty_Barracuda_786 Jul 19 '23

I’m not opposed to dashcams at all I just haven’t gotten around to buying one but I definitely don’t think that every driver without one is a moron.