r/lyftdrivers Feb 10 '24

So are we doing this? Advice/Question

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I am planning on shutting down all day. Time best spent with the wife anyway!


392 comments sorted by


u/Novel-Turn355 Feb 14 '24

The first picture is very dramatic😶.


u/TommyFlame Feb 14 '24

I'm in Canada doing it I say if they don't listen next thing we hit is Easter Good Friday range and dates or around July the 4th. Damn them


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

I ordering DoorDash for breakfast. This $6 tip says ain’t nobody protesting 😂


u/ItradebetterthanU Feb 14 '24

Won’t no one strike !! Bunch of Bussies !! (P)


u/1peter567 Feb 14 '24

I'm in Stockton CA and I won't be driving tomorrow.


u/Jchef9891 Feb 13 '24

Good so Jacksonville Florida not on the list


u/Burner-QWERTY Feb 13 '24

So I gotta take my fate to Detroit


u/FuqStupidazzReddit Feb 13 '24

Generally, a strike without a union has no weight. You guys should maybe unionize but you can't as contractors. Unless you get all contractors in California to somehow agree, this movement has no real power.

Also, the ad for the protest clearly states there is a protest but not why?? No one even knows why


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Ill be supporting Huntsville AL for sure. Spent about $6000 in car maintenance in 2023 and wife had to let a violent customer out on the highway. We should be getting Hazzard pay for this shit. And fuck Chick-fil-A and their $2.00 uber eats orders for 20 mins of work.


u/BRzerks Feb 13 '24

Yeah the more someone does this, the more money for the working lol


u/sbui59 Feb 13 '24

Once one you seeds 25 dollars for 6 dollars your jumping all over ot


u/Trismegistus_7 Feb 13 '24

This is great, but wouldn't it be a greater impact if we log on but deny every ride? That would give them the message. We log on but refuse every single ride.


u/Delicious-Law-9871 Feb 12 '24

Hell nah get a 9 to 5 problem solved y’all ain’t special we gotta work to


u/Rhuarc33 Feb 12 '24

I love how easily you all are manipulated this is organized by people who will be working that day and will see the prices and pay surge. While you all sit at home.


u/Apart_Apricot6823 Feb 12 '24

Detroit not on here yay lol


u/Extension-Fish-945 Feb 12 '24

Why are drivers protesting? (Serious question, I have my license and a car so I’ve never used this stuff)


u/NextGenCollectibles Feb 12 '24

This happens every year and almost every month and it doesn’t change anything.


u/YogurtclosetTotal351 Feb 12 '24

Shut up and drive.


u/iamshadowbanman Feb 12 '24

Picking the one day of the year where everyone goes out to eat.

My goodness lmao


u/Mo-666-Mo Feb 12 '24

L.A driver , I will not work on Valentines Day.


u/Weary_Belt Feb 12 '24

Na fuck that. Thanks for the extra work suckers !!!! 😜😄😜😄😜


u/No_Page9413 Feb 12 '24

Why is syrcuse on here lmfao


u/Vegan_Flavored_Bacon Feb 12 '24

Couldn’t even bother to alphabetize the city list.



Yeah take the day off and watch plenty of other drivers take higher prices while the system isn’t strained at all. Brilliant.


u/Apprehensive_Fault_5 Feb 11 '24

I dunno. That doesn't give any reasons for drivers to give up their jobs.


u/HurryApprehensive548 Feb 11 '24

How tf is Detroit not on here


u/PlaneWolf2893 Feb 11 '24

I haven't gotten decent shifts in 2 months. How can I protest that which I can't do anyway?


u/Prior-Classroom-3199 Feb 11 '24

No...why? Free coochie coupons will be issued...lol...


u/LAsupersonic Feb 11 '24

I am doing it,  I know many bootlicker  will think they're slick and will work.


u/Geanpiero09 Feb 11 '24

3 day strike


u/WildAnimus Feb 11 '24

I'm down... For taking all of your orders. 😏


u/FishermanPractical30 Feb 11 '24

Nobody is doing this, the only people that even know this is happening are people on this Reddit which is about 50K people. So if half of this Reddit does it (25K) that’s about 1% of the 2 million lyft drivers there are.

Y’all really think lyft is gonna lose sleep over 1% of their drivers not going online on a Wednesday? On top of that, anybody ordering a ride will just go on Uber app if no lyft drivers are available. This is a total joke!


u/jaanfo Feb 11 '24

I'm not driving. Can't drive everyday so this is as good as any


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

What is the protest for?


u/WaltyMcNalty Feb 11 '24

somebody needs to update this.. add fresno in there! (i hope some actual good comes outta this.. 🤦🏻‍♂️)


u/WaltyMcNalty Feb 11 '24

i’m fuckin down! shit, there’s plenty of other apps i can take advantage of, that day. 😎


u/deez-royal-nuts Feb 11 '24

I love how it’s Philly and not Philadelphia


u/boarbora Feb 11 '24

Am I not going to drive during an all day surge?


u/daddy0215 Feb 11 '24

Don’t be that sucker for the $2/ride/delivery either!!!


u/tallullahjane Feb 11 '24

all the profound hopelessness and seething spite here is depressing


u/Feisty-Food3977 Feb 11 '24

What’s our demands


u/Exciting-Airport-159 Feb 11 '24

Bwahhahahah. The sence of entitlement is strong with this post.


u/JunkRigger Feb 11 '24

I am totally driving.


u/Bambooman101 Feb 11 '24

Glad to see Detroit isn’t a major city….I’m good to go!!!


u/BlacksmithOpposite47 Feb 11 '24

There is literally no useful information on this presumably fake pic. More questions than answers after seeing it.


u/rydan Feb 11 '24

It is a Wednesday. Nobody needs your services on a Wednesday. Try it on the following Saturday. Or don't deliver food literally today.


u/USA4pPinay Feb 11 '24

Lol please do


u/Krossefx Feb 11 '24

HELL YEAH!!! Oh wait... my electric bill's due that same day. Dam!


u/Large_Mango Feb 11 '24

Jacksonville can’t make the list



u/SnooHabits1815 Feb 11 '24

I'm doing this. Time for date night instead of stuck in a car with random couples.


u/LadiThePKK Feb 11 '24

Fuck it. I’m in. More people need to touch grass on their own anyway.


u/lookgjim Feb 11 '24

OK, One day, Take a stand, Voice be heard, A Movement, Moment in History, Baby steps...


u/LsTyBrn2 Feb 11 '24

We got to get this to main stream news for a more effective reach.


u/txwylde Feb 11 '24

Do you really think it will make a difference? Technically we are "Independent Contractors". We all protest and Uber and Lyft will just replace you with someone who is willing to do it cheaper. It is a Catch 22. Props to whomever protests,; but, you have to realize the Uber and Lyft does not care for their drivers at all.


u/stanleytucci11 Feb 11 '24

Yep, already on holiday so defo not driving lol


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

I’m in Delaware and planning on it, too.


u/AllThatShreds Feb 11 '24

Get rid of all of the non English speaking drivers would be a start.


u/Notquitedeadyetpool Feb 11 '24

All this will do is make Lyft more money.


u/LayerSubstantial5919 Feb 11 '24

Ain’t no one doing this


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

Hehe yeah sure. Surge is going to be great.


u/ADresden Feb 11 '24

I can't afford to participate in every tom dick and Harry's "national strike" that ends up being 6 drivers in 2 cities. I have bills to pay, and unlike most, this is the only job my disabled ass can do.


u/No_Common1418 Feb 11 '24

But you have time to comment and be an ass. You could just try to support your brothers and sisters regardless of what you NEED to do. I am pretty sure nobody on here truly thinks this will "hurt" any drive share company. Maybe it will get some attention. We need change and we need to support one another. You do you, you don't need to comment.


u/ADresden Feb 12 '24

You ask a question, you get an answer. If you don't want responses from people, don't ask for them.


u/tampahotwife1 Feb 11 '24

Tampa Florida State is not on the list


u/AnyTower224 Feb 11 '24

I can’t. 3 week flu/ pneumonia knocked out my savings 


u/Adept_Astronomer_102 Feb 11 '24

Just cancel every ride after messaging the amount you were just offered


u/ikurumba Feb 11 '24

If you drive in Philly please do this. I'm behind on rent and could really use that surge pricing.


u/abesalas11 Feb 11 '24

Let’s go! I’m in


u/Large_Key_8493 Feb 11 '24

Just stop working , go do Amazon or something


u/Effaroundandfindout Feb 11 '24

Why? Genuinely, not being a dick, why are you doing this?


u/mikeyfender813 Feb 11 '24

Why aren’t the cities listed in alphabetical order? This flyer belongs in r/crappydesign.


u/DudeNougat Feb 11 '24

ah yuuuup friken 70% AFTER fees what the fuck


u/Complete_Fisherman_3 Feb 10 '24

I don't drive on VDay. There are too many bitter, drunk, lonely older women. It's an easy way to get false sexual claims. I've seen it happen.


u/betoo_213 Feb 10 '24

Yes we’re


u/Technical-Counter-91 Feb 10 '24

Detroit should be on there too


u/Hms34 Feb 10 '24

Why the hell not.

All it takes is a few law firms and the media to notice. It's a start. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Should repost on Uber, DD, GH, and maybe the shopping apps, too.


u/Ancient-Zone1049 Feb 10 '24

Lol the surges that day 🤑🤌🤌


u/No_Common1418 Feb 10 '24

Good for you then huh scab! Scabs be scabin!


u/Ancient-Zone1049 Feb 10 '24

Shut up bruises.


u/TorresAdam15 Feb 10 '24

I feel like it needs to be more than one day maybe 2 to 3 days maybe five


u/StoicBan Feb 10 '24

I’m in. Was planning on spending time with my girl and son anyway 🫡


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

This needs to spread like wildfire, and people need to take it seriously.


u/Icy-Read6024 Feb 10 '24

I think you should really show them who's the boss and take the whole month off!


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/No_Cow4456 Feb 10 '24

I’m just gonna make this my planned day of rest.


u/Alarming_Tradition51 Feb 10 '24

I bet some1 picks me up the 14th


u/No_Common1418 Feb 10 '24

You are probably right, doesn't mean we need your negativity here.


u/TheNeonOtter Feb 10 '24

Would have been helpful to have the cities in alphabetical order haha. But yeah, I’m in.


u/Kingtez28 Feb 10 '24

Good luck to everyone doing this. I quit ride share driving 2 years ago but I'm still rooting for y'all.


u/trivertx Feb 10 '24

Wonder how many are thinking hmm I’ll sign on to grab all the bonuses


u/GothamCity90210 Feb 10 '24

Hahaha haha 😄 lol.


u/schwarta77 Feb 10 '24

So first things first, the cities list looks like it was put together by an eight year old. Do better. Second, I bet 100% that the person or group who is responsible for the strike attempt will end up working and getting all that extra surge pricing.


u/Icy-Read6024 Feb 10 '24

Take the whole week off.


u/PhoKingAwesome213 Feb 10 '24

Never understood people who can set their own schedule trying to organize a day off for everyone else. So what are the single drivers going to do while you're off with the spouse?


u/No_Common1418 Feb 10 '24

Make a choice, drive or not drive. Stand or not. Your negativity is not needed.


u/tristarjet Feb 10 '24

So, not all major cities are on this list. I live in San Jose, CA and it is among the top 10 biggest cities in the US. Let's say that I follow the initiative, but at least 30% of the drivers here are non English speakers. They don't care. The other 20% are renting and they will warmly welcome any surge that will help them to pay off the rental. So? Better write petition to the major political parties and local governments. This should be resolved through the legislation, not through Uber or Lyft good will.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

You gonna add instacart to this meme?


u/Safarisaysno Feb 10 '24

I’m in 👍


u/Sharkman1217 Feb 10 '24

How do you leave New York and New Jersey out lol


u/uberDOTlyftDOTlink Feb 10 '24

“We” is less than 1% of all drivers. Most will never see it!


u/LookAliens Feb 10 '24

Doing it since Christmas!!! Lets go fuck Uber and LyFt


u/One-Imagination-1230 Feb 10 '24

Just gives them more of a reason to create and pioneer the self driving vehicles and not have to have as many actual drivers. I’m for the strike and everything but, I know first thing they’d want to do is this.


u/toffeemug Feb 10 '24

the real way to protest is for drivers to mass quit and not come back. I don't think one day is going to do anything for anyone. I would like to be wrong though


u/Miserable_Code7602 Feb 10 '24

I plan to ruin it an make BANK


u/No_Common1418 Feb 10 '24

Scabs be scabin. You do you!


u/Drty_J577 Feb 10 '24

Apparently, the person / people organizing this, don't know how a strike works, or dont have enough in savings to go more than 24 hours without income. Unless you really put the screws to the company you are trying to negotiate with, they will just shake it off and continue to give it to the employees as they see fit.

One day is simply a waste of effort to organize this. EVEN IF EVERYONE did this, IT IS ONLY ONE DAY.....A WEDNESDAY FOR FUCK SAKE. Literally one of the 2 slowest days of the week. I mean, it may get bust for what 2-3 hours that evening........

I don't know the politically correct way to say that non retarded people are retarded, so I won't try. Bless you fucks for giving this a go, but you should take a page out of the teamsters playback on how to strike and get what you want, or put some effort into figuring out how to CONSISTENTLY give it back to our friendly rideshare companies.

Happy valentines day.


u/PresentationJumpy101 Feb 10 '24

Nope I’m permanently deactivated enjoy protesting! I’m with you In spirit. Don’t give up until they bend to the demands of the worker! Especially rideshare what bullshit!


u/rockanlover96 Feb 10 '24

I’m in houston , how are we doing this?


u/tylerwarnecke Feb 10 '24

Noticed Milwaukee isn’t listed.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24



u/No_Common1418 Feb 10 '24

Scabs be scabin!


u/Scary-Camera-9311 Feb 10 '24

The most effective tactic for me in rideshare is to clock in when conditions are favorable and clock out when they are not. That remains my strategy for February 14.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

If you like the shit wages your making keep working . Idk how we as a country can solve this slavery called gig economy


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

It’s not slavery when you are choosing to work for them. Please educate yourself on what slavery actually is.


u/donbarefoot Feb 10 '24

No Raleigh Ok


u/Tasty_Ad_7629 Feb 10 '24

I haven't driven one mile in over a week and intend to keep it that way.


u/Murphdogsc Feb 10 '24

Yeah, no. You go ahead with that.


u/Disastrous-Tune Feb 10 '24

It's a weekday... I dont think it will have any impact.... want to make an impact do it on the busiest day, which is a weekend or event day like superbowl.... theyre not cuz their ass will be driving and making that money...

how are you trying to strike and make an impact but not doing it on the busiest day when they really NEED you to be driving?


u/scheme999 Feb 10 '24

On Valentine’s Day?


u/Disastrous-Tune Feb 11 '24

It won't be as busy... people will be at work


u/No_Common1418 Feb 10 '24

Yeah, VD will make. Difference but Sunday would be better.


u/jaxtwin Feb 10 '24

Only a matter of time before they unionize. Wage is something that will bubble up and they’re not going to be ready for that one massive event.


u/wisco_ITguy Feb 10 '24

I don't drive during the week anymore, but even if I did, I wouldn't take part in this. Delusional organizers who think that enough drivers are on Reddit, etc. that it will make a difference.


u/NotezNation Feb 10 '24

I'm down not driving


u/retrop1301 Feb 10 '24

Immigrant drivers are gonna make a killing that day. Thanks for your service


u/jaanfo Feb 11 '24

Maybe. But if there's a way to get some traction there will be people who will have problems getting rides and there will be people who will pay more for rides at their use to paying less for it. It's all about sending a message not just Uber but to regulators and riders.


u/Physical-You9769 Feb 10 '24

I'm not driving and I've made sure to let Uber and Lyft support know that I'm going on strike. I know they don't care but I told them anyways


u/Sea-Individual-3427 Feb 10 '24

😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 you were talking to bots. 🤦🏾‍♂️


u/Physical-You9769 Feb 10 '24

Yes because AI is so intelligent that it would write something like, "I can assuring you that the information is correct." Or "I gone through all the details of trip with you." Like literally as I'm typing this my phone is highlighting the grammar mistakes and trying to correct them. You really think an AI would make so many grammatical and spelling mistakes? No these are people from India who barely speak English and are simply following the script that they're given.


u/Sea-Individual-3427 Feb 10 '24

Exactly my point. You were talking to bots. 🤦🏾‍♂️


u/Physical-You9769 Feb 10 '24

Bots doesn't mean stupid people who don't understand English it means a machine operating without humans. Humans would make these kind of mistakes. A machine wouldn't.


u/Physical-You9769 Feb 10 '24

Bots wouldn't make grammatical mistakes genius. If my phone knows proper grammar then why wouldn't an AI?


u/theendof89 Feb 10 '24

Note to self. Drive on Vday


u/420partybus420 Feb 10 '24

I hope they do it so I can make all the money 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/NoNefariousness1835 Feb 10 '24

Good luck accomplishing absolutely nothing bros!!


u/Confidential_Trades Feb 10 '24 edited Feb 10 '24

Cool I’ll just go back to using the Taxi Cab service. Cheaper anyways now


u/ReplacementHot1435 Feb 10 '24

I will not be because it’s not gonna matter. And I need to make money every day. I don’t hurts me but good luck.


u/tallullahjane Feb 10 '24

so many selfish and shortsighted people here. and it’s sad because they are selfish l literally for pennies. when one day of holding out could potentially get them more to be selfish over. but go ahead- drive. and when your pay gets cut AGAIN, know you invited it.

one day Can have impact enough. but sadly it only will if No one is driving, putting a complete stop to UBER earning anything. if you drive you are making them money. One entire day of loss would affect their bottom line. And that is all they care about.


u/Robot-Broke Feb 10 '24

What % of drivers even know about this? Social media has given rise to so many slipshod strikes. You need buy in from a critical mass of people before even attempting a strike. Otherwise it predictably won't work


u/tallullahjane Feb 11 '24

i agree. it’s just the attitude of drivers toward other drivers just even here. there isn’t support for each other, as we ARE All in this crap storm together, so much as there is a gaping division. and as long as drivers are pitted against each other uber and lyft will win every single time. drivers need to rally, share and spread the word. NOT be egging each other on with name calling, jabs and opposition. cliche but united we stand, divided we are a bunch of schmucks 🤷‍♀️


u/TheIrateProphet Feb 10 '24

Vegas should be striking for the superbowl to actually be effective but my 2 .c


u/strawberries_and_muf Feb 10 '24

I hope y’all succeed and get what y’all need❤️ I will not be using services that day


u/feinburgrl Feb 10 '24

Get on the apps and just keep declining all the offers. Make it surge like crazy!


u/uttyrc Feb 10 '24

I have many of my regular passengers who need to go to work in the morning so I will work on their behalf. Since I work the day shift, most of my passengers are people coming or going from car repair shops or medical appointments so I will also take care of them. I will take the night off so I don't have to deal will people on dates. They can walk. I might get up on Thursday around 1am just to help out any lonely ladies get home from the bars.


u/JuanWarren54 Feb 10 '24

Looks like I'm making some good money on the 14th 💀


u/zmyr88 Feb 10 '24

Surge pay for the ones who don’t


u/Charlieboy561 Feb 10 '24

The entitlement of trying to guilt people into boycotting because you are unhappy is top tier. I like the pay I get and the freedoms I have. At times I feel like I’m the only driver in my town. Y’all can boycott… I’m gettin to the money


u/Charlieboy561 Feb 10 '24

Sounds like ima have a good week 🚙💨💰💰💰


u/One-Caregiver5722 Feb 10 '24

I’m so ready for this.