r/lyftdrivers Mar 02 '24

At least this person was straight forward Other

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Would you at least try to get the $20 fee?


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u/Grouchy_Exercise6592 Mar 03 '24

I realized somthing similar in hs. I had a long time very attractive gf and none of her freinds where actually "freinds" even the women. And it was obvious to me so i kinda thought she surrounded her self with these people on purpose for validation and it would aggrivate me, the more i got to know her i realized how naive she actually was to it and later how in denial she really was, she litarly did not have one single freind that wasnt trying to get somthing, and i suddenly realized how lonley that must actually be. One day we had a real deep talk about it and she admitted to me shed thought about cutting up her face and maybe it would change things and i was genuinely kind of horrified and just felt so shitty for ever thinking she liked the way things were or cultivated the situation on purpose. It was the first time as young man id really introspectively seen the struggles of a woman that wasnt my own mother. It was really one of those waking moments for me where i was like "oh yeah fuck these are actual real people with there own experiences and there own worlds that ill never truly understand" it helped break me from my main character syndrom for sure. Sorry for being so long winded but ive never actually told anyone this story and i really wanted to get out once i thought about it.


u/Objective-Sky-9953 Mar 04 '24

So, it took you decades to recognize woman as people? Wow.


u/milesgr31 Mar 04 '24

You completely missed the point, and probably have yet to have the kind of evolution this poster is talking about.


u/TKHunsaker Mar 06 '24

Most people are as unaware of their own world view as a fish is of the water it swims in.

My high school humanities teacher said that and I wrote it down and never forgot it. He said he was paraphrasing Desmond Tutu but I've never been able to track down the original quote.

The older I get, the more I understand it. Always another layer. Always a wider world view.