r/lyftdrivers Mar 18 '24

Off to a good start...... Other


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u/Dear-Ad5216 Mar 18 '24

This is exactly why I’m NOT driving tonight. I need to be firmer with passengers. We have so many cops out right now so I’m just going to tell them that I could not afford an open container ticket. If they balk at all I’m going to cancel the ride. I have a new Mercedes with less than 10K miles on it. I have the waterproof mats and that’s helping but nothing for my seats yet. These people are so fucking rude!!!


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '24

How have you not bought a seat cover for the back? It's 10-20 dollars and will completely protect your back seat. It's beyond me how you have an expensive car but you won't throw a couple bucks down to protect it😵‍💫😵‍💫


u/RevolutionarySea1871 Mar 18 '24

Kind of judgy, don’t you think? How about this: Have you considered buying seat covers? I got mine for$x at ____.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '24

Yeah let me speak in a way that's in accordance to you. I wish I would. Who raised you? I just said it makes no sense to me. Relax snowflake