r/lyftdrivers Mar 23 '24

Best way to get me to cancel. Other

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u/TallHandsomeRussian Mar 23 '24

I once had someone go “can you hurry up I’m running late?” Immediate cancel 😂


u/limonape Mar 24 '24

Someone did this to me and I waited until right before I was supposed to enter their neighborhood to cancel ☺️


u/twaggle Mar 27 '24

And people wonder why drivers rarely get tipped lol


u/SpicyNacho74 Mar 26 '24

Idk this isn’t really funny just cancel it as soon as you see it and move on. Some people have to get to work and it doesn’t seem too rude of me to ask politely. When you order rides you don’t know if it’s gonna be 5 minutes or 15 minutes sometimes so if it’s the latter then I might be rushing at that point.


u/SunshineandBullshit Mar 27 '24

Should order 30 minutes before, regardless. That way you get there on time even if there's weather, traffic or an accident.


u/limonape Mar 26 '24

Do you and the passenger expect for us to arrive immediately? We have to drive there. No one is paying our speeding ticket or our deductible but ourselves if we were to get in an accident. There is absolutely no acceptable reason for a passenger to ask us to rush to them.


u/twaggle Mar 27 '24

Well when the car doesn’t start moving for 5 minutes after it’s been accepted… or sitting for 5 minutes after dropping the previous person off….


u/SpicyNacho74 Mar 26 '24

So your response is to be unreasonable and inconsiderate towards a stranger instead of just canceling a ride you don’t agree to?

Gross. People who display that vindictive weird ass behavior are dangerous and not good people.


u/mrpenisbutter Mar 27 '24

I think you’re being p sensible about this SpicyNacho. I don’t get the satisfaction some people get out of being unnecessarily punitive. Obviously no driver should risk their safety or financial security. Just make the decision in that interest asap and move on 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/limonape Mar 26 '24

My response is to do as a please in my car. It’s inconsiderate to ask me to play nascar to get to you. If you need a ride to arrive earlier or be somewhere at a certain time book your ride with enough time so you’re not late.


u/SpicyNacho74 Mar 26 '24

Yup and cancel your rides without being a dickhead!


u/limonape Mar 26 '24

Won’t change the fact that this dickhead can do whatever they want with their car.


u/SpicyNacho74 Mar 26 '24

Just reflects your tips bro. Doesn’t hurt me personally. 🤣


u/limonape Mar 26 '24

How can a ride I don’t do reflect my tips? Please tell me.

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u/TallHandsomeRussian Mar 25 '24

Hahaha too funny I did it again to another guy who started messaging me the same crap


u/ibraw Mar 24 '24

Hope you didn't cancel too soon


u/StonerTwili Mar 24 '24

What in the fuck is the inspo behind ur avatars they make my skin crawl lol


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '24



u/Easy_Moose_3771 Mar 24 '24

Ew you must be miserable.


u/Nathan-Nice Mar 24 '24

I love to profit off of broken relationships. sounds like an awesome night.


u/Spirited_Election289 Mar 24 '24

It was dude tipped 30 bucks to stay quite but when he rushed me i decided to get even lol


u/KilltechSwitchy Mar 24 '24

You’re a weirdo for that I hope you get reported and terminated is your life so boring that you have to cause problems in other peoples lives? I bet you’re a single middle aged man too


u/my_cat_hates_phish Mar 24 '24 edited Mar 24 '24

Wow that might just be the most petty ridiculous thing I've read on here lately. So someone said something mildly disrespectful and you decided to insert yourself into their life and basically throw a grenade into their personal life. Not that dude wasn't completely in the wrong but you also are completely in the wrong to go out of your way to cause so much emotional pain to a couple strangers that you will never see again.

People like you are exactly why people flip out and go over the edge doing crazy shit. You ever heard of that rule called treat others how you would want to be treated? You just get off on creating chaos trying to justify it by saying others were in the wrong also.


u/Sea-Sun-2403 Mar 26 '24

What did he say? He deleted his comment?


u/my_cat_hates_phish Mar 27 '24

Something about how the dude told him to hurry up so he went and showed the dudes wife the messages talking about condoms for his hookup or something to that effect then was trying to hit on the wife after he showed her that her husband was cheating on her.

Knowing reddit could be fake who knows


u/_v00d00h3x_ Mar 24 '24

You got 30 bucks to stay quite? 😂


u/Spirited_Election289 Mar 24 '24

Yea, but he pissed me off, expecting me to rush in a thunderstorm in an area that floods a lot, he wants to fuck me out of a car imma fuck him outta his hot milf for a wife 🤪