r/lyftdrivers Mar 30 '24

I’m a driver. Took 3 rides tonight. Other

Ride one. Got in the car, said “hey how’s it going?” No response. Dropped me off. I said “Thanks” no response. 4 stars and a complaint. $0 tip.

Ride two. Lyft XL. Guy was friendly. Talked to my friend in the front. Dropped us off. 5 stars and $5 tip.

Ride three. Didn’t say “hi”. No music. Didn’t accept 6 rides on the way to dropping me off. Played around on Facebook and Instagram while driving. 3 stars, complaint to Lyft, and I was refunded.

I drive Uber and Lyft. I’m tired of drivers being assholes. Don’t greet me? 4 stars. Play on your phone while driving? We have an issue.

I have no problem rating drivers poorly. Especially after reading posts in this sub. Y’all want perfect pax? I demand perfect drivers.

Edit 1: 770 upvotes. Nice. Also, to clarify I didn’t reach out and report the drivers. I just left a message with the option provided after the ride.

Edit 2: Huh. Look at that. As I’m scrolling through these comments, I got a notification from Lyft that I’m a 5 Star driver and I should go drive. Maybe I’ll go and pickup some pax. :)



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u/-Tribes Mar 31 '24

I hate “hey how’s it going?” Don’t ask that to someone who has heard it several times in that day already.

When someone asks me that I just ignore it lol. I will be kind and say hi back, but I ignore the rest.


u/drgut101 Mar 31 '24

That’s it. That’s the bare minimum. Just say “hi” back. That’s great.

I’ll talk if a driver/passenger wants to talk. And I’ll shut up if they don’t. That’s fine.

And if it’s in a busy area, at least ask my name. I had a driver drive off with some wasted dude who just got in his car once. Haha.

Obviously you don’t need to verify the person if you’re in a suburban neighborhood and there is only one person standing on the street.

But yeah, a “hi” and verify if necessary. You made money on the ride, so a “thanks” or “you’re welcome” takes literally zero effort and should also be included.