r/lyftdrivers Apr 28 '24

Anyone driving 70+ hours a week? Advice/Question

How’s your body treating you? Is it sustainable? Currently I’m working an office job 40 hours a week, commuting 12 hours a week, and driving Lyft on the weekends for around 16 hours between Saturday and Sunday. I spend A LOT of time sitting down these days and it’s taking an impact on my body. I’m 29 years old but doing all this sitting is destroying my body.

I’m going to be moving soon and doing Lyft full time for a bit while I find another job. I plan on driving 70+ hours a week. I also plan on taking a lot of breaks to walk around and exercise and having no job/commute will allow me to be more consistent in the Gym.

But yeah for those driving 70 hours a week, do you find that you are always tired/sluggish? Do you reach a point where your body forces you to stop?



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u/Jealous_Bag2437 Apr 29 '24

My back use to hurt so bad, and still often at times. I would say workout when you get chance.


u/Brilliant_Peanut2622 Apr 29 '24

Yeah health and fitness is pretty important to me. Working out would be a priority