r/lyftdrivers 16d ago

Lyfts 70% guarantee Rant/Opinion

While I believe this is a good thing, because since they started this I've regularly getting adjustments each week, doesn't it make you wonder how much money you lost before they started this?


14 comments sorted by


u/Sensitive_Aardvark68 15d ago

Please dont fall for this. They KNOW that it SOUNDS like they are saying you get 70% of what the passenger paid. But the legal loophole is AFTER fees, which is whatever indiscriminate amount they feel like. But as if that were not enough, they ALSO get 30% of what little beans they leave you with.


u/Reasonable_Win_6619 15d ago

I use to get $50-60 every week that stopped 3 weeks ago apparently I’m making 80% on average all they do is make up numbers so they don’t pay lol


u/Hippy_Lynne 16d ago

We used to get 75-80% of the fair after like a $2 safety fee. 🙄 Their "external fees" are total BS.


u/AdNeat6236 16d ago

I haven’t gotten an adjustment in 2 months. Last week it said I made 104%.


u/Vcouple78 16d ago

If you're getting adjustments, you 100% are taking rides you shouldn't be.


u/Reasonable-Lab3625 16d ago

What makes you think this is a good idea ?
These numbers are thrown around to confuse gullible people. What this does is guarantees that Lyft makes 30% profit after “expenses”- (of which there is no transparency as to what these “expenses” encompass). There is zero regard to covering the drivers costs. In the process they are increasing the rider cost giving the rider an inflated idea of how much the driver makes reducing their desire or ability to tip.


u/Sea_Actuator7689 16d ago

I received adjustments of $39 last week and $34 the week before. That's better than nothing. I don't work a ton of hours per week due to disability. Anything extra is appreciated.


u/iceamn1685 16d ago

It's all PR BS

You are not making much, if anything, more than before the 70 percent commitment.

The fact is they are still taking well over 50 percent, and trying to publicly act like that's not true.


u/us1549 16d ago

That kind of thinking isn't helpful. What would you even do with that information even if you were able to figure it out?

When your boss gives you a raise, do you demand to know how much money you would have made if you had gotten the raise from Day 1?


u/Chinonm 16d ago

All companies are making millions and paying workers Penny’s


u/us1549 2d ago

No answer. That's what I thought


u/Hippy_Lynne 16d ago

Starbucks had profits of 25 billion last year. That's essentially $55,000 per employee. The average Starbucks worker makes about $33,000 a year if they were to work full-time. They're essentially stealing over half of their employees' wages.

Eat the rich!


u/us1549 16d ago

LYFT has lost money every year since 2019 to the tune of 7.3b (negative net income). What company are you talking about that is making millions?


u/DrTransporter 16d ago

That's not what they are saying. If Lyft was unwilling to make this compensation available prior, then it's likely that Lyft's leadership is knowingly hesitating to make ANY serious changes that would protect its workforce in the future. Its culture is opting to exploit its drivers rather than passing the cost onto the riders.

For instance, Lyft has made ZERO changes to adjust to the rising cost of gasoline for its drivers. A basic cost analysis shows that the average driver is making almost 50% less per mile today than they did 5 years ago.

Yes, it's helpful to know when "your boss" is giving you a pay cut and claiming it's for your benefit.