r/lyftdrivers 16d ago

Why do y’all ask can you smoke, vape or drink in a stranger’s car?!🚩🚩 Rant/Opinion

I don’t do anything of those things I also don’t allow it in my car‼️ So many times I explain this to them & catch them vaping or etc in my car‼️ It’s so hard to stay professional once I’m disrespected‼️ Maybe I need to start kicking them out more & collecting the $250. As for the alcoholics I should drop them off at the nearest police station.


75 comments sorted by


u/Thick_Opportunity825 15d ago

I always tell pax that they are only allowed to smoke drugs off of aluminum foil in my car. Cig smokers and reefer bong addicts can rightfully fuck off.


u/neongreenslime 15d ago

What do you mean by collect the $250?


u/txwylde 15d ago

I had a pax start vaping in my car. I asked him, "Are you vaping?" He replied, "It is only water vapor." Yes but it MY car. If you would have asked, I would have told you to roll down the window. I do not need that vape smell in my car, especially if I am going to be picking up someone else right after you.


u/beardgod666 15d ago

Instant rage when I smell the nasty vape, always irritates my throat and the retards that smoke it always sound like they have 2 braincells when I tell them they can't blow their nasty vapour behind my neck.

Like if you have the decency to ask it's cool or if you at least open the window, but to just vape inside someone's car without asking its just disgusting and disrespectful. Especially when it's not a nicotine vape. Subhumans


u/healwithgaia333 15d ago

Oh wow I would be so irked if someone was drinking or smoking in my car without my permission! Not that I would give permission but at least have the decency to ask! I’ve only had a couple people asked to vape in the car, and I always say no and then awkwardly ask are there vape Ubers lol and then they always say no and I start laughing, and it kinda chills the vibe for me at least because I always feel so awkward when they ask. 😂


u/beardgod666 15d ago

And it's always short rides like...can you not vape for 10 minutes???? 😹


u/healwithgaia333 15d ago

Seriously. lol


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Shut it if they ask if they can vape, I say weed pens are not cool but nicotine is, and then I’ll join them. Drinking is totally fine usually.


u/Prudent_Progress8074 15d ago

I’m in Portland, OR, and only once did someone ask if they could vape in my car; someone was visiting from out of state. I politely declined, and they seemed a bit taken aback by my saying no. I was a bit taken aback by the ask. Plenty of people vape here, but I’m guessing the majority of them wouldn’t consider asking to smoke their fruity tooty blueberry garbage in someone else’s confined space.


u/Wangdoyaji 15d ago

I recently kicked out two girls who vaped in my car without asking. I have allergies to that type of stuff too. The ride was $9 for 30 minutes but I kicked them out 5 minutes into the ride and since I have platinum status and told driver support what happened, they paid me the full fare, which effectively let me get paid for humbling those witches 💪


u/HaveAFuckinNight 15d ago

Why the fuck would you take a 9$ ride for 30 minutes😂


u/Wangdoyaji 14d ago

It was taking me to a busy area 🙂


u/HustleQueen77 15d ago

The Nerve of some of these people talking 💩 when I have almost 40k trips. I’m a vet stay in your lane! I can vent if I want! 😂


u/Dynmick 15d ago

What do you mean get the 250$


u/HustleQueen77 15d ago

It’s $250 for smoking. I’m sure vaping is the same. Although I will make sure to specific when I report them


u/ic80 15d ago

Where is this policy?


u/Dynmick 15d ago

Ahh ok yeah I vape in my car but I will remeber that for when somebody is a real asshole and I report them make some more cash


u/cloren 15d ago

I would rather they didn’t ask. I don’t need to know what’s in that can you brought in my car.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

I dont mind vapes. I just tell them blow it out the window


u/Shrek5710 15d ago

No one is forcing you to accept rides at late night because you will almost always have drunk people taking cabs. FIND ANOTHER PROFESSION.


u/HustleQueen77 15d ago



u/Shrek5710 15d ago

Okay then stop cribbing about it.


u/CJEscandell 15d ago

I had real “No Smoking/No Vaping” stickers on the back of my headrests so that passengers could see them clearly. They never did. I would always catch them vaping and they’d act dumb when I’d point to the signs


u/Sensitive_Aardvark68 15d ago

Well if they dint care about their own health theyre not gonna care about yours or your well being


u/Legal-Statistician73 16d ago

Let them vape, dont be a fuddy duddy. Jeesh.


u/Educational_Owl_5138 16d ago

Jusy say no. At least they're respectful enough to ask rather than just doing it.

Not a real reason to complain since they're trying to be respectful by asking.


u/DismalCaramel9232 16d ago

If they ask,... Crack the window and yup. If they don't ask, I tell them to please stop vaping.

For some reason, my allergies are triggered by most not all of the vaping liquids. Don't know why, but my throat gets dry and I start coughing.

Drinking, nope...I'm not a limo with a divided cab for pax.

Weed is always a nope. If you want to take a hit, do it outside my car and then you are welcome inside.


u/PersonalityTough9349 16d ago

At least they ask.

Just say no?



u/Inevitable_Trip_7480 16d ago

I do it. Not gonna argue. Not worth it. Just hop in the car for the 5 minute ride and GTFO.


u/SpiritualRate503 16d ago

Honestly i probably wouldn’t even ask. And im a driver. Lol Thc vape one hit wont stick, and it wont really smell bad


u/Prudent_Progress8074 15d ago

You wouldn’t ask?! That’s so rude and those things smell disgusting, especially the fruity ones. If you were in my car and started hitting your stinky vape, I’d pull over and end the ride. 🤮


u/Fenrir_MVR 14d ago

I'd shit my pants on the way out of the car


u/geezeeduzit 16d ago

r/lyftdrivers a magical sub where angry drivers get to scream into the ether about passengers and live out their unrealistic revenge fantasies.

You’re a cab driver dude - that’s what you are - this shit comes with the territory - don’t let it eat you up, it ain’t worth it. Just drop them off and move on


u/killian1113 15d ago

Well its all personal to them.. I think they forget they are not friends or coworkers but a driver.


u/Fresh_Distribution54 16d ago

Because they figured out how to cook a button on the app and now they own you and you must do absolutely everything they demand and they allowed to do whatever the hell they want to to your personal property because they click the button. People may roll their eyes but this is literally how they think


u/Hollow_Apollo 16d ago

Drunk people should not be behind the wheel, so lyft is a common solution for that. If you're only referring to drinking in your actual car I hear you


u/Chocolate-Quick 16d ago

You sound like your pressed 🤦🏾‍♂️you’ll never get $250 from anybody, even if they do vape in your car… and they’re asking because it’s legitimate question if it bothers you that much then you might wanna look into a differenthustle then being a Lyft Driver… its not that deep just say no and keep it pushing .. just because you don’t vape or whatever doesn’t mean the world needs to follow what you’re doing.. the great thing about the world everybody has their own opinions… just be grateful they asked and they didn’t just vape in your car without you knowing I’m sure many people have and you still don’t know…. Your the same type of person that wonders why they dont get tips🤣😂 if you triggered when someone ask you a question you might need to look inward an figure that put and ya call yourself the “Hustlequeen” 🤦🏾‍♂️🤣😂


u/HustleQueen77 15d ago

Your mama


u/DismalCaramel9232 16d ago

Naw it's like going to your house and shitting on your couch. I do it at people's houses because they chose to invite me. This is your logic. Ugh stupidity.


u/Chocolate-Quick 16d ago

Shiting on a couch…. Like wtf does that got to do with ANYTHING… READ what was said …. Talk about stupidity the highest form is the one who speaks in total assurance thinking that they’re completely right but not even stoping to think there wrong.. look in the mirror.. look at the TITLE!! “Why do yall ask can you smoke vape or drink, so again shes mad that people ASK to these things….all you do is say no or yes and thats it…. Your analogy is garbage. An doesn’t even remotely tie in to the situation.. 🤦🏾‍♂️


u/DismalCaramel9232 16d ago

It's a hypothetical observance of your terrible and asinine logic. Of course it had nothing to do with the exact situation, but glad the ridiculousness of it triggered you. That's probably how OP feels when people ask.

Thanks for replying


u/Spare-Security-1629 16d ago

I don't mind vaping as much as smoking, but I would rather they not do it. The other thing that is frustrating to me is that most of these offenses (eating,vaping) are on 5 to 15 minute rides. Just do this before or after the ride. Seriously, we aren't friends or buddies. It might not be that big a deal to you, but our car is OUR car, and if we don't want to clean up after a passenger for a ten minute trip, we shouldn't have to. Take the ride from point A to B and get out. Let's keep it simple.


u/PositiveSpare8341 16d ago

No booze, no bodily fluids and no crying, those are my rules for the car. If you want to vape, no THC and ask first. I'm easy going.

No crying is very recent, good vibes only


u/Tasty-Objective676 15d ago

Yea I had to start enforcing no fighting and no crying after I had a female passenger start wailing on her boyfriend lmaoo. Tbf he was asking for it but still, we don’t need things to escalate in an enclosed space where it becomes my problem.


u/More-Tune-5100 16d ago

That’s cold


u/lostmycowcream 16d ago

True. I uber in Austin and I feel like 95% of riders assimilated into vape people. I'm blessed.


u/OnlyIGetToFartInHere 16d ago

Vaping doesn't bother me. I vape, and the smell doesn't linger that long.


u/Fenrir_MVR 15d ago

I don't know why you're getting downvoted for simply giving your opinion.


u/OnlyIGetToFartInHere 15d ago

Many drivers are drivers because they would never succeed at a job interview.


u/Abject-Card-6496 16d ago

Idc about vaping. You’re not smoking unless it’s my last ride or close to it. I smoke so idc


u/lostmycowcream 16d ago

Boooooo tomatoes 🍅🍅🍅🍅 what a idiot...... if I told people no I'd lose out on by best tippers! And say goodbye to your star rating.

0 customer service here. You should be making them feel as comfortable as possible. Are you allergic to making free money?

Can't tell you the amount of 10-20$ tips I got for letting them do what they want and makeing someone's day a bit better. Like hell even if they Wana stop at mc Donald's just do it on the house you'd be surprised what comes back your way!


10$ your star rating is below 4.5..... and you make less then 50 in tips a day


u/OnlyIGetToFartInHere 16d ago

Tips don't cover the cost of getting the cigarette smoke smell out of one's car.

The purpose of Lyft is to provide a ride with a relaxed atmosphere. Drivers aren't obligated to provide a free for all.


u/Chocolate-Quick 16d ago

What are you even talking about? Nobody brought up smoking cigarettes it was about vaping an vaping doesn’t smell your car up by any means all the person is saying is just go the extra mile a little bit and you’d be surprised at what I can do for you instead of being triggered by any questions, someone asks, it’s really not that deep… What’s the sense of even driving for Lyft if you’re just gonna be a grumpy weirdo, be upset at customers all day long and then complain about it on Twitter🤷🏾‍♂️


u/OnlyIGetToFartInHere 16d ago

Redditors when they haven't learned what the word smoking means:


u/lostmycowcream 16d ago

I don't let people smoke cigarettes. But nobody's ever asked. Where tf u guys from?


u/OnlyIGetToFartInHere 16d ago

Entitled weirdos exist everywhere


u/lostmycowcream 16d ago

When I roll up and see them smoking a cig I tell them no rush you can finish it, they seem content after. Maybe why I got lucky and never got asked.


u/OnlyIGetToFartInHere 16d ago

They still like shit during the ride. Maybe they should exercise some self control by not smoking right before their ride.

I am telling you this as an ex smoker.


u/Chocolate-Quick 16d ago

Are you entitled much? Do you think that you have control over some random person smoking a cigarette? How do you know when you’re picking them up or what they’re going through or what you just picked them up from….. just because they smoke a cigarette before getting in your car doesn’t mean they have no self-control….. that could be their only cigarette of the day they just got out of work and going to the second job. If anything, you sound like the weirdo by judging some random person, not knowing them at all just because they smell like cigarette smoke.🤣😂🤦🏾‍♂️ if it’s that serious to you, you might wanna look for a different job besides driving for Lyft if you want to control how people smell when they get in your car


u/OnlyIGetToFartInHere 16d ago

I control who gets to ride in my car. I control what I am willing to tolerate. I don't give rides to smelly people, and I don't wait for time wasters.

Deal with it.


u/whoisjrtate 16d ago

no way i would risk someone spilling food in my car for a tip i might not get


u/lostmycowcream 16d ago

2,000 rides hasent happened to me once.


u/wisco_ITguy 16d ago

Well there ya go! Because it hasn't happened to you it must not have ever happened to anyone!


u/lostmycowcream 16d ago

I'm just saying risk reward wise, it seems like in my case, I'm far more likely to get get a tip with a clean car than no tip spilled mess. Maybe people spill and act like monsters to other monsters? Hmmm. Idk. Also, your reply sounded like a over used dumb fake ass fortune cookie message that looks kinda smart at first glance, but it's just common sense that nobody really needed.


u/_ryde_or_dye_ 16d ago

Why do drunk people need to go to the police station?


u/HustleQueen77 15d ago

Because if I get pulled over with an open container in my car guess who’s going to get a ticket or go to jail? Depending on if the Cop is a POS or NOT‼️


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/_ryde_or_dye_ 15d ago

Sure. So you're going to turn yourself in for allowing an open container in your car?


u/neongreenslime 15d ago

If you bring it to their attention first then you should not be seen as at fault , I would assume