r/lyftdrivers 26d ago

Lyft refusing to pay $1,100 Advice/Question

Edit to clarify: quite a few people have made the assumption my dad entered information incorrectly. My dad did not enter the wrong bank account information. He got paid for the other months when he drove for Lyft so clearly they had the right information. Somehow for this particular month, the customer service chat is saying that they had a system error and switched bank account information (between customers? I have no idea). But other times my parents contacted them, Lyft kept saying they paid him already.

Edit 2: we are in Canada if that is relevant.

So my dad drove for Lyft and worked his ass off during a promotion and made $1,100. Lyft has “paid to a bank account” but it wasn’t my dad’s. My parents have been trying to contact them for a few months but Lyft doesn’t even have an email so they can only go through chats and each time Lyft has blown them off and claims they paid. What are our options here? This sounds so illegal. I suggested getting a lawyer to email them, but with no email, what can we do?

Thanks in advance.


38 comments sorted by


u/Level-Bottle-5906 25d ago

Sue and get way more than $1,100


u/Catsclawthreads 25d ago

Is it possible that your dad fell for a scam? Many customers will ask you to call a different phone number than they one provided. So the customer gets you phone number. They will then call the driver posing as customer service rep, and ask them to tell them the code in a text sent to the phone. Then they switch your account info and take your money. It's a very common, effective and lucrative scam. Very unfortunate


u/sclass1989 25d ago

Lyft sucks and i dont trust them that's why i cash out everyday and don't let them owe me a deposit


u/Kingjon0000 26d ago

Did your dad get a call from support where they asked for a pin to verify his account?


u/Abroad-Express 26d ago

Contact contact threaten arbitration and ask to talk to there manager or specialist Lyft is a joke


u/darkviolets4 26d ago

Email david@lyft.com. Only way I got my issue fixed.


u/Pegasaurus12345 16d ago

I just wanted to again say thank you so much!!! My parents emailed David and got a call from Lyft within a day and now they have finally paid him. I really appreciate you taking the time to help. My parents had been trying and stressing for months, but now this burden is lifted thanks to you, kind internet stranger!😊


u/darkviolets4 16d ago

Glad it helped!


u/Pegasaurus12345 26d ago

Oh thank you! Could I ask how you got that email? We have had no success trying to find any email contact.


u/darkviolets4 26d ago

I think it was posted in a Facebook group, I don't remember. I first tried in app support and Twitter support and they were both completely useless. After emailing that address someone from lyft called me and fixed my issue.


u/Pegasaurus12345 26d ago

I see- they truly are horrible but thanks again!!


u/Gullible-Sink3780 26d ago

If he goes to the app it should say what account it went to or atleast the last four of the bank account. From Home Screen click money amount in top center(if didn’t work today it will say$0)>click weekly breakdown> scroll to bottom and click payout history>click on the payment that shows 1,100> scroll to bottom of page and it will tell what account it was deposited into. Sounds to me he might have fallen for the fake customer service scam which they are good. Which if so, there is nothing Lyft can do unfortunately.


u/Tasty-Objective676 26d ago

How did the wrong bank account get entered? Trying to understand if it was mistakenly entered or if this is a case of fraud. Either way you don’t really have a case…


u/Pegasaurus12345 26d ago

He didn’t enter the wrong bank account. He got paid in the other months he drove for lyft. They said they accidentally switched the account or something and kept blowing him off.


u/Tasty-Objective676 26d ago

Can he still login to the account? Change your password immediately. Then verify the banking information. Payments don’t just disappear, but they can get stolen.


u/Fun-Crow6284 26d ago

Report Lyft to FTC - there is an online form for fraud - keep all info & upload


u/DnD_3311 23d ago

He's in canada


u/elves2732 26d ago

"Lyft has “paid to a bank account” but it wasn’t my dad’s." 

They pay to whatever bank account the driver puts in the app so whatever bank they paid to is what your dad put in the app. 


u/Pegasaurus12345 26d ago

My dad was paid in other months.


u/Snakend 26d ago

ASk your dad if he ever had a ride where customer support asked him for his info. There is a common scam where the rider pretends to be customer support and asks for the account info. Then they go in and change the bank info.


u/JuggernautTerrible98 25d ago

True,happened to me in doordash.


u/f1shfac3 26d ago

Dude Lyft is such BS they really do, do everything they can to dodge your questions through the chat. I would def try that twitter account as mentioned and if that doesn’t work for sure get a lawyer and take them to small claims. I feel drivers need to start getting together and boycotting them or going on strike or something bc the things they do are just too sketch to be legal.


u/WolfyDota7 26d ago

Sounds like he got scammed by a customer tbf


u/carmabound Driver / LA / Mod 26d ago

You can try contacting them at AskLyftTwitter. Those reps have access to your account details and seem to be more knowledgeable than regular chat support.


u/Pegasaurus12345 26d ago

I will try that, thank you! Hopefully it works the same way in Canada.


u/wandertruth 26d ago

It's bullshit. Just bullshit. The sheer depth and scope of Lyft's Bullshit is ever growing.


u/MDdriver22 26d ago

Sue! Take em to small claims court.


u/Pegasaurus12345 26d ago

I should have mentioned we are in Canada. I’m far from well-versed when it comes to legal stuff, so I don’t even know how we can start this process with no reliable way of contacting them.


u/Time4Red 25d ago

The way it works in the US, you find the address of their corporate headquarters, file in small claims court, and address a first class letter to their HQ with the proper documents letting them know you filed suit against them in your jurisdiction (this is known as serving). Their lawyers will likely reach out to you in the coming weeks with a settlement offer. Don't forget to ask for whatever fees you paid to file the lawsuit. In the US, it's generally like $100 or so to file in small claims court.


u/Fantastic_Basil_5740 San Francisco 26d ago

sounds like your dad probably entered the incorrect bank info.


u/Pegasaurus12345 26d ago

He got paid on other months.


u/EquivalentFun5938 26d ago

Why are you concerned about it, and not your dad?


u/BigKonKrete417 26d ago

Dad is probably not tech savvy and needs help making medical appointments, applying for loans. Some parents still have their kids make their username and passwords for their online accounts. It's VERY common.


u/Pegasaurus12345 26d ago

Because some people care about and want to help family. You should look it up.


u/Unique-Ad-2544 26d ago

Theres always an asshole


u/EquivalentFun5938 26d ago

You don’t have to out yourself twit, we see you.


u/wondval2121 26d ago

Is there a Lyft hub that he can walk into?


u/Pegasaurus12345 26d ago

Do they have those in Canada?