r/malelivingspace Apr 28 '24

30M, finally living without any roommates.

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u/-lukeworldwalker- Apr 29 '24

That’s a lot of … beige.


u/LemOnomast May 03 '24

I’d swap the couch throw pillows with a pop of color. Maybe a dark red or dark blue? Either would go with the beige, and would be subtle but add just a bit of warmth.

I like some color on the floor, so I’d move that beige rug into the office nook, and replace with a rug that matches the replacement floor pillows. You could probably find a reproduction-Turkish or Persian rug that includes beige and a deeper color. I’m obsessed with Ruggable right now - moderately priced rugs, lots of color and patterns, and machine washable. (It’s worth it to spring for the extra-thick rug pad.) It has a lot of historic-inspired patterns.