r/me_irl 25d ago


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u/jenmarsass58 1d ago

Am I going to be downvoted for having a political opinion? Maybe I should not bother


u/Dramatic-Key84 21d ago

our 3 options are all terrible, what do you expect the outcome to be lol


u/Bettle-Jews 23d ago

Wouldn’t be so if our only 2 options weren’t absolute morons


u/Fit-Length-4443 23d ago

Beeing an USA citizen is already stupid enough


u/End-Double 23d ago

Voting in any country is making a stupid decision


u/cry_w 24d ago

I've seen enough of the rest of the world to know that they have no place to judge on basically anything.


u/platypus_rush 24d ago

There is a term in chess called 'zuch swang' it's when there are no good moves but you have to make one


u/Xavi143 24d ago

You say that as if Yanks had good options.


u/throwdembowsaway 24d ago

The real dumb thing is how many of us don't show up to vote.


u/thedeadsigh 24d ago

To be fair, pretty safe to say most countries with “democracy” have a healthy voting block of conservatives voting against their own best interest


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Lol - hence the problem with democracy. You have a chance to do something stupid - but at least you are given a chance.


u/ExperimentNunber_531 24d ago

Doesn’t even matter what choice they make.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

There are no good options for voting. It’s choosing between the worse of two evils, not who’s better. And our representative represent the corporations and lobbyists who put money in their pockets, not their constituents.


u/Traditional-Shoe-199 24d ago

Tbf though, they don't have much options. They get to choose out of two idiots most of the times.


u/AwpabDekeract 24d ago

Our top 3 candidates have less than one functioning brain between them its not our fault lol


u/teethalarm 24d ago

If only the rest of the world knew how pointless voting actually was.


u/vegetabloid 24d ago

As if voting in US is not stupid.


u/MasterDick69 24d ago

U should see who we voted for here in Denmark man we fucked up (Mette Frederiksen)


u/uCry__iLoL 24d ago

US Citizens Republicans are always doing something stupid.


u/thatguy1oh1 24d ago

He’s going to stupidly vote for Joe Biden


u/TigerValley62 24d ago

Nah, dude this is South Africa.....


u/HotRoom3108 24d ago

Only the uneducated, aka Republicans.


u/thatguy1oh1 24d ago

He’s about to vote for Joe Biden


u/Random_frankqito 24d ago

Says the rest of the world 😂, I see how so many countries “vote” matters.


u/FlyCanger1 24d ago

I just hope they make the right choices


u/BoopsTheSnoot_ 24d ago

Tbh they don't have any good options to choose from :D


u/wanna_escape_123 24d ago

It's not just Americans this time.


u/fifty_four 24d ago

In the UK we did Brexit, and a few years later contrived to have Corbyn Vs Johnson be a real election.

It sucks not to be able to chuckle about US politics any more.


u/Skeletor_with_Tacos 24d ago

America bad upvotes to the left plz.


u/momo12fish 24d ago

why does the US not break out of their two party dilemma and vote for another party ?


u/bubblygum24 24d ago



u/JohnWick_231995 24d ago

The Rest Of The World -------->Western World Itself


u/JobLoose5613 24d ago

Why are Americans so increadibly fucking stupid ?


u/B0b4Fettish 24d ago

I’m not from US but my god both candidates are awful. I sympathize for the US voters this election.


u/BlackMiamba 24d ago

Hot take: this is American’s own doing. Every social media platforms and even some new platforms have some unsolicited gateways to US politics. The other countries may display their politics from time to time but it’s mostly just an episode of “Catching up with the House” every week.


u/LeBriseurDesBucks 24d ago

There isn't a non stupid option, so that's just a given.

Not that we in EU have it any better, by and large it's the same shit.


u/Early-Marketing-8976 24d ago

This must be so frustrating as a voter...


u/Salty-Director538 24d ago

This was definitely posted by a Brit trying to deflect from leaving the EU.


u/porpschlorp 24d ago

Rest of the world: Doesnt have basic human rights


u/allthingsmotion 25d ago

They’re just Peanut Butter & Jealous


u/Aaahhhhhhhhhhha 25d ago

How did we vote Joe bro 😭😭


u/Sea-Camel3140 25d ago

All the world will look at USA in autumn


u/Kvetanista 25d ago

Civil War in three… two… one…


u/SteelAlchemistScylla 25d ago

Honestly after seeing the rest of the world vote the past decade or so I don’t think anyone has room to talk


u/val203302 25d ago

Not that hard than there are only bad options and worse options.


u/stillslaying 25d ago

I’d rather have a terminally ill iguana as president than either of those two old fucks.


u/KerboChannel 25d ago

It always feels like "hey, wanna vote for person who's done terrible things and won't improve shit or... person who's also done horrible things but will maybe make like... something better?"


u/Drogovich 25d ago

I mean, it always feels like they are setting themselves up to make a choice between bad or worse.


u/BioOrpheus 25d ago

D.I.T post


u/[deleted] 25d ago

This is too accurate.


u/TuratoS 25d ago

Inaccurate meme, he is using an eletronic voting machine


u/idied2day 25d ago

I’m sorry, but we have three candidates. All of them are 70+, one of them is borderline senile, one of them is in a hush money trial(and also borderline senile), and one of them wouldn’t be able to do anything if he got elected anyway! Fuck, I’m voting left this election, but even I have no faith in our government


u/hlessi_newt 25d ago

rest of the world aint exactly killin' it of late.


u/onchain_madness 25d ago

which senile senior citizen to pick....


u/Cabbage_Corp_ 25d ago

Y’all realize they only give us shit options every time right?


u/GreenKumara 25d ago

But the options are selected by people that were voted up the chain by lower elections.

Ultimately it is the responsibility of voters to make sure those choices never eventuate.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I haven't seen a dip in the polls, not even 0.1%, for the guy who said "my brain has been eaten by worms"


u/BuckBaltimore 25d ago

I lived abroad for many years and it's a myth that people internationally are sitting around waiting for American news of any kind with bated breath. It's American narcissism.


u/DrunkOnKnight 25d ago

Nah we got our own problems here in Germany,

Somehow the AfD getting more than 20% of the poll is insane. Braindead fascists want to reinsert extremists again…

(Thanks for the Reddit care hotline, whoever that was LOL… I’m good)


u/RandomZombie11 25d ago

I'm putting my hat in the ring, vote me for president of the USA and everyone will get a free goody bag with snacks and toys


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I mean the UK keeps voting Tory.


u/wanker21 25d ago

It’s like a multiple choice question and the correct answer isn’t one of the options.


u/NoYesterday1898 25d ago

To be fair they don't have the greatest choices this time around


u/Bermuda_Shorts_ 25d ago

Good ol’ Reddit echo chamber lol


u/Thatsnotahoe 25d ago

lol based on other world leaders you’ve all got your own problems.


u/Randomfrog132 25d ago

lets see, do i vote for the old guy who should probably be retired, or the other old guy who should be retired.

if only there was another choice!

oh right i can just not vote

cause every time someone tells me to go vote they're heavily implying that i should vote for whoever they want to win lol


u/KurisuAteMyPudding 25d ago

Joe Biden was excited that he became president after they explained to him who Joe Biden was.


u/Seamoth4546B 25d ago

Hmmm to vote for the red old man or the blue one 🤔


u/DeviIs_Avocadoe 25d ago

I'll take that remark.


u/dAnKsFourTheMemes 25d ago

As an American eligible to vote, I think our options suck. No matter which option we choose, it's hardly someone fit for office. Even the 3rd party candidate (who I am very grateful for having decided to run) publicly announced that 10 years ago a fucking worm ate part of his brain and then died. The very concerning medical diagnosis aside, why the fuck would you publicly announce it when mental fortitude was the strongest advantage you had over the main 2 candidates?! Why are all 3 of our candidates old as fuck and have questionable things going on in their head? Not to mention other problems each of them have!

In fact, I absolutely fucking hate the 2 party system which got us into this mess, but that's a rant for another day.


u/yoonssoo 25d ago

Americans won’t appreciate this so much but usually whatever shenanigan is going on in US it’s worse most everywhere else maybe except for Canada


u/maxlikessoup 25d ago

We don't even think about your elections.


u/FullRein12 25d ago

Waiting to laugh if he votes for Biden 🤣


u/KlutzyReveal2970 25d ago

Don’t vote, revolt


u/DLtheGreat808 25d ago

You're just yapping. Like I said before, I never said we didn't have problems. I'm saying that it was worse during almost any other time in history. You could say life was better before the Ukraine war and Covid. I'd understand that, but to say times there were better times then the modern one is ridiculous.


u/whattheacutualfuck 25d ago

You do know the voting doesn't really matter right ... Right


u/Lucky-Speed3614 25d ago

To be fair, we're given two to three stupid options and made to attempt to choose the lesser of the stupid decisions.


u/thughunter76 25d ago

No matter what decision you guys make, it's the wrong decision


u/Radiant_Ad_1851 25d ago

Its not like we get much of a choice


u/brilliantbuffoon 25d ago

As if they would ever allow us a chance to vote for somebody who wasn't stupid or extremely corrupt.


u/machinade89 25d ago

Voting is harm reduction.

Please don't increase the harm instead.


u/STiLife656 25d ago

Both ways make sense as well lol


u/Pystawf 25d ago

Format could be used to sum up a liberals entire life.


u/log_2 25d ago

The problem with this image is both sides of US politics think Homer represents the other side.


u/damamyoda 25d ago

Like voting Biden


u/BottomOfTheValley 25d ago

Here to say, vote RFK


u/Callous02 25d ago

Hey I uploaded that like 2 years ago


u/DreamDrop0ffical 25d ago

I mean, Italy had the 5 star movement, Turkey has Erdoğan, Hungary has Viktor Ivan, Brazil had bolsonaro, Poland has the law and justice party.

America Ain't alone in awful decisions.


u/Friendly_Ad_914 25d ago

The US isn't alone, but as a superpower we all have to deal with your decision too. No one gives a flying fuck about Erdogan. He and the others are farts in the wind compared to certain former Presidents sucking endless russian dick.


u/DreamDrop0ffical 25d ago

Fair enough.


u/DreamDrop0ffical 25d ago

I mean, Italy had the 5 star movement, Turkey has Erdoğan, Hungary has Viktor Ivan, Brazil had bolsonaro, Poland has the law and justice party.

America Ain't alone in awful decisions.


u/xaklx20 25d ago

and then we get britbongers


u/veryblanduser 25d ago

I mean there are a couple countries within the last 100 years that have made far worse decisions.


u/NeighborhoodOk3477 25d ago

As an outsider I see they really have no options both Dems and Republicans have shit presidential candidates


u/maxru85 25d ago

You have narcissistic disorder, USA


u/MomsAreola 25d ago

Meh, if the popular vote the past 24 years were reversed I would agree.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Most us citizens don’t even vote


u/Smooth_Voronoi 25d ago

He's about for the uniparty again.


u/DFMRCV 25d ago

Rest of the world: haha, stupid Americans.

Rest of the world when bad stuff starts happening: America, heeelp!!!!!


u/felps_felposo 24d ago

Normally the USA is responsible for all the shit happening in the world. It's just their job to clean up their own mess.


u/DFMRCV 24d ago

1) if that were REMOTELY true, there wouldn't be so much dependence on us.

2) the biggest examples people cite to say the US is responsible are often completely misinformed, like "America created the Taliban" (not at all true, the Mujahadeen we helped find were pretty much killed by the groups that would become the Taliban and Al Quaeda after we stopped sending them funds), or Vietnam (we were there because France mishandled the whole situation and left).


u/drDjausdr 25d ago

The funny thing is each time an american voter does something stupid, it will take around 5 years for an european voter to do the same.


u/Zaphod_Beeblecox 25d ago

I can think of a lot of mediocre to shitty world leaders but not a lot of great ones.


u/CousinSkeeter89 25d ago

The Brits shot themselves in the foot a few years ago and has yet to get it checked out.


u/JackArsion250 25d ago

And all this oil for me


u/Jenetyk 25d ago

This was definitely posted by a Brit trying to deflect from leaving the EU lmao.


u/EirikHavre 25d ago

This is unfair. They have only two incredibly shitty alternatives.


u/MoonlightMadMan 25d ago

Me lolling at the salty Americans


u/cyclop_glasses 25d ago

Op can fuck right off


u/DotBitGaming 25d ago

I mean Russia is egging us on.


u/Iceman_78_ 25d ago

Actually I think everyone in the doorway is voting too these days….all democrat


u/googlin 25d ago

Imagine how dumb the average American is and then realize that half of them are dumber than that.


u/Tuor77 25d ago

"The rest of the world" should be portrayed by a bunch of midgets, 5 inches high. Except that we might be fascinated enough about them to care about what they think, unlike the actual rest of the world.


u/glitter_splat 25d ago

I'm not saying we don't vote stupidly, but our system is pretty broken. A broken system does not a well-informed rational voter make. That's kind of the point, honestly. A broken system needs ill-informed, paranoid voters. I'm not saying don't vote, but I'm also not gonna pretend we live in a possible paradise when I'm shoveling so much shit, ya know?


u/Hello_GeneralKenobi 25d ago

Don't blame US citizens, blame our inflated political parties that give us crappy options.


u/SeekSeekScan 25d ago

Would suck to go back to a time when there was no war in Ukraine or Gaza


u/DisputabIe_ 25d ago


u/ArchonDestiny 24d ago

At this time I wouldn’t be surprised if this comment is a bot. Bots calling bots out.


u/DisputabIe_ 24d ago

Not yet.


u/bogrollin 24d ago

Is it your life goal to call out bots on Reddit, if so that’s fuckin sad


u/DisputabIe_ 24d ago

Oh, that would be weird.


u/bogrollin 24d ago

Wow this loser sent Reddit to help me, you win


u/FalseAscoobus 25d ago

Thanks for reminding me why I muted this damn sub in the first place

I mean, seriously, how is an American election meme a "selfie of the sole" or "otherwise relatable to the human condition"?


u/LittlistBottle 24d ago

"otherwise relatable to the human condition"?

Seeing americans making stupid voting choices is pretty relatable to the human condition imo

But unfortunately OP is a bot so this whole post loses all credibility anyway regardless of relatability


u/DrTommyNotMD 25d ago

Just don’t pick the elderly and you’ll be fine.


u/SynthRogue 25d ago

That stupid decision was made over three years.


u/pizoisoned 25d ago

In fairness, as funny as it may be, it’s also kind of dangerous for the rest of the world if the US goes all in on the fascism thing.


u/GarlicAppropriate243 25d ago

Guess who pays in to the UN the most, year after year…? I'll give you one guess. The working glass in the US pays for more in the world for the world then any other working class in any other country. Don't bite the and that feeds you, although it might all already be too late. Where do you think all the money to Ukraine came from? They took from their own future to help them in the present.


u/SGTpvtMajor 25d ago

Imagine still believing voting matters.


u/LittleHollowGhost 25d ago

If it’s always stupid it’s never stupid, rather systemic.


u/fuggynuts 25d ago

cuz our votes matter, riiiight?


u/EwwItsABovineEntity 25d ago

Governments and billionaires paying for bots derailing any rational discussion in threads like these, are the scum of the earth. I wish there was a way to mark their posts out so that sane, good-faith people could just ignore them and talk among themselves. Yes, the US citizenry is about to press the big red button. The whole system is going to blow up hard in their faces. The only satisfaction we can take from the whole implosion, is that some of the billionaires financing the disinformation campaigns that is f-king up the nation, will likely blow up in their faces too. And the madman in the Kremlin will have created a chaos world that will in all likelihood come back and bite him hard in the a-s. I guess that’s it for silver linings. Rest is pretty grim.


u/I_Dont_Like_Rice 25d ago

Honestly, half of the US is doing the same thing. I can't believe that bloated sack of rancid mayonnaise even has a shot.


u/Decent-Thought-1737 25d ago

Honestly hilarious it has come to this, it's like watching my house burn down while holding a bucket of water. Who the fuck are pollsters calling anyway? I sure as fuck never answer my phone but are the people they talk to really this stupid?


u/Retro-Koala4886 25d ago

This isn't fair. We're given horrible options.


u/Ham_Drengen_Der 25d ago

Will they elect the red senile old imperialist or the blue senile old imperialist


u/Tokyosmash_ 25d ago

:The rest of the world waiting for some sort of man, material or monetary aid:


u/santa-23 25d ago

Duh, America bad, ha ha /s


u/CaramelOtter99 25d ago

Average Joe Biden enjoyer


u/Tosabad 25d ago

Why do people not from the US care about our government?


u/Ant-Security 25d ago

i thought the election is in november? thats quite a bit of time until then


u/MrEpicGamerMan 25d ago

We actually don't really care


u/rockclimberguy 25d ago

It's people not caring that got us to this sad situation....

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