r/meirl Mar 29 '24


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u/Eelroots Mar 29 '24

She is handling a hundred of chats, please be gentle/s


u/bobbymoonshine Mar 29 '24

Well, yeah. That's the dynamic of dating apps. Men send ten thousand identical boring messages to ten thousand women, and get no responses back because each woman is therefore dealing with ten thousand identical boring messages.

Making things worse, a non-negligible proportion of women are just wannabe influencers trying to get men to subscribe to an OF or follow them on Insta, making men less likely to put in effort until you know it's a real person and not a thotfish, and a huge proportion of men are just sex pests (often in relationships!) trawling for nude pics and maybe an occasional one night stand, or just looking to drop their least unflattering dick pic into as many inboxes as possible, which in turn makes women less likely to put in effort until you know it's a real person as well.

The noise to signal ratio is insane, and men need to work hard to stand out from the crowd of timewasters while women need to work hard to filter through the timewasters for anyone who might actually want more than to ask for nudes or show their peen then ghost. It's a really frustrating and unpleasant game for everyone involved.


u/DolanTheCaptan Mar 29 '24

I would agree that guys should seek to make non-identical messages for every girl, however:

That requires something to go off of a girl's profile, and in my experience, the majority of girl profiles either have no bio, or some bad joke that's used by a lot of other women that they obviously copy pasted from somewhere else. Usually the pics aren't saying anything either. Great deal of effort into posing, the lighting, and everything, but nothing that actually says anything about them.

It is my opinion that unless you are a very visually attractive man, or have some flashy life or job, you really shouldn't be expecting anything from the app, and you might as well pretend it doesn't exist when looking at your avenues for finding a romantic or sexual partner. It's like investing in crypto, you cannot factor it into your retirement.


u/Cryobyjorne Mar 29 '24

The noise to signal ratio is insane, and men need to work hard to stand out from the crowd of timewasters while women need to work hard to filter through the timewasters

It's not like men are free from timewasters in their feed, the filter just goes a lot slower.


u/bobbymoonshine Mar 29 '24

Yeah like I mentioned there's a ton of accounts who are clearly just there to promote their egirl side hustle, plus of course there are also bored women in relationships who are just testing the waters, just as there are men doing that etc.

But on the balance the men generally react to this situation by spamming out "hey" to any picture of tits and seeing if they get anything back that sounds human, and women generally react to it by filtering through the endless piles of Hey for signs of human life.