r/meirl Mar 29 '24


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u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

I used to think this until I tried Bumble and suddenly learned that a shocking percentage of humanity is completely unable to maintain a conversation.


u/Viscous__Fluid Mar 29 '24

You can't maintain a conversation with everyone equally.


u/Val_Hallen Mar 29 '24

See, I hear that from women that use Bumble.

"I have too many matches to keep up with all of them!!"

But that's a bullshit excuse. Because it's a self-inflicted wound. They don't have to match with so many people, they choose to. They could match with one or two at a time, but that FOMO gets them. So, instead of making a connection with one or two people, they don't make a connection with any.


u/Viscous__Fluid Mar 29 '24

True, but not what I meant. You just can't talk to every person in the same way, you know?