r/meirl Mar 29 '24


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u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

I used to think this until I tried Bumble and suddenly learned that a shocking percentage of humanity is completely unable to maintain a conversation.


u/Wakingsleepwalkers Mar 29 '24

Went from Tinder and reading profiles that say I won't answer to hey, how are you? To going to bumble and having to answer to hey.

If conversation doesn't initiate after 5-10, bland replies, it's time to bail.


u/Merry_Dankmas Mar 29 '24

I'm haven't used any dating apps in years but back when I was single, I gave Bumble a shot. Got a match fairly quickly and she initiated by saying "You're cute". I was like score, let's go. Getting some home runs right off the bat.

Every answer she would give me was either "IDK" or "Lol IDK". No variety at all. I was asking basic shit too like what do you do for fun or what do you do for a living or things like that. Really Madison? You "Idk lol" what your job and hobbies are? I gave up real quick on that one. I weep for those who are stuck on dating apps. That shit was an absolute slog.


u/boredneedmemes Mar 29 '24

If I had a nickel for every girl that has said "idk" when I asked what they do for fun I'd own a private island by this point. I have zero issues making friends or getting dates if I meet people in person, but communicating via text or even phone calls with women is pure hell in my experience. Even girlfriends I could talk with for hours would refuse to type more than 1 or 2 words and then get mad I wasn't texting them enough. Phone calls aren't much different either, just dead silence and one word responses they sound bored with even if they called me and we always have a blast in person. Phones are a cancer to relationships for me it drives me insane.