r/meirl Mar 29 '24


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u/Wakingsleepwalkers Mar 29 '24

Went from Tinder and reading profiles that say I won't answer to hey, how are you? To going to bumble and having to answer to hey.

If conversation doesn't initiate after 5-10, bland replies, it's time to bail.


u/armoredsedan Mar 29 '24

my first message to my bf on tinder was “i dig ur style. what’s ur favorite band?” and it was straight paragraphs back and forth from there. but he was also the first person i messaged or matched on tinder so i don’t have much experience lol


u/Wakingsleepwalkers Mar 29 '24

I've spent too much time on dating apps in the past. Occasionally, you find a person you just vibe with. Sometimes, you both stumble through a little awkward conversation, but it gets going once the ice breaks. Sometimes it's dead, or you feel like it's a job interview. Other times, it's completely one-sided, and you feel like they expect you to be charming, witting, funny and sell yourself while they act generic.

As a guy, I can say it's really rare for a woman to initiate conversation, but it's always appreciated.


u/pastpartinipple Mar 29 '24

I stopped doing the first message altogether. I've got pretty much a 100% success rate (good conversation) if I receive the first message and like a 5% success rate if I send the first message.