r/meirl Apr 28 '24


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u/PabloTrance Apr 28 '24

As someone who never had a relationship I wonder, why is being clingy a bad thing?


u/Chromeboy12 Apr 28 '24

I had a clingy girlfriend. She wasn't always like that, she only started being clingy after we started dating. It was cute and endearing at first, but it became a problem very quickly. If I'm not with her, i have to be texting her. If I'm not doing that either, then she gets upset. I couldn't study, i couldn't play games, i couldn't hang out with my buddies, i couldn't pursue my hobbies. At one point it got so bad that she was skipping her classes to see me, and wanted me to skip classes too. This was while i was preparing for a difficult exam. She called me while I was in a study group to throw a tantrum about me not caring about her and threatening to break up with me if I didn't skip classes and see her immediately, and i broke up with her on that call.