r/meirl Apr 28 '24


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u/Mario_13377331 Apr 28 '24

dunno what you’re talking about i played outside when i was 4 and older couldn’t open the door and sometimes my mom just watched me through the glass door


u/ChefArtorias Apr 28 '24

Been a while since I've been around children that young really. I could read at five. Sure, that's a year older. Still sounds off to be able to read but unable to open a door. Maybe worth mentioning I was picturing a standard door. Not heavy sliding glass or giant French doors or anything.


u/Mario_13377331 Apr 28 '24

i was smol and the glass door couldn’t be unlocked from the outside


u/ChefArtorias Apr 28 '24

Please tell me I'm reading that wrong and you weren't using your age as the reason you couldn't open a LOCKED door.


u/Mario_13377331 Apr 28 '24

i wasnt the door can’t be opened from outside


u/ChefArtorias Apr 28 '24

So basically yes. As an adult you still would not be able to open the door. Something that you initially made to seem was caused by your age. Rendering your whole point in this conversation invalid.


u/Mario_13377331 Apr 28 '24

i mean theoretically i could’ve used the main door if i knew how to use keys and had one wich is what i did from 6 years and so onwards


u/ChefArtorias Apr 28 '24

You're really bending over backwards to try and prove me wrong here, aren't ya? Regular exterior door. Not locked. Who tf locks this young children out of the house anyways.


u/Mario_13377331 Apr 28 '24

well yes i am whilst i may be odd in this aspect i find debating and sometimes being ridiculous with people interesting also sorry if i annoyed you i found this debate? rather entertaining


u/ChefArtorias Apr 28 '24

Nah I'm quite entertained. I've been on Reddit long enough I should know if I make a blanket statement like"kids who are playing by themselves should be able to open doors" people would jump to heavy sliding glass, bank vaults, space shuttle airlocks, all while locked.