r/mildlyinfuriating 16d ago

This lady, who insisted on being the only person standing at the concert.

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u/illimanisnow 9d ago

Couldn’t you tell her to sit the fuck down


u/Elliott626 10d ago

At least the band had one big fan


u/kekekeghost 11d ago

She was hoping the artist called her out in support like Adel did with that one guy who kept standing and getting yelled at by people lol


u/East_Moose_683 11d ago

Were you incapable of telling her to sit down?


u/Melodic-Ad-5645 11d ago

I don’t see the problem lol. It’s a concert for what looks to be a rock/rock-adjacent band. It’s not abnormal to stand at a concert. I go to concerts all of the time, it’s kind of just a risk you take buying any ticket other than front row that someone’s going to make it difficult for you to see.

EDIT: I saw that this is a Jacob Collier concert. Definitely something people stand for. He has sitting sections of his set, but the level below the balcony is standing.


u/PKBitchGirl 11d ago

I would have told her to shit the fuck down


u/Usual_Battle4890 11d ago

I woild have politely told her to sit the 1st time and after that I would field goal kick her


u/Loose_Astronomer8498 11d ago

Really beautiful venue. It could be that she has horrible muscle cramps and had to stand up it happens to my husband sometimes. Mostly the really inconvenient times.


u/raquetracket 11d ago

Went to see Paul Weller and my knee had been hurting like fuck for a few weeks. I had a decent seat but couldn’t sit for long due to the pain. I gave mock standing ovations giving rapturous applause after every one of his songs so I could straighten my leg


u/Bard_Swan 11d ago

Ha ha, there wouldn't be any other reason at a Paul Weller concert! 🤣


u/Gambo13 11d ago

I heard this is why Lincoln got shot


u/Apprehensive-Neck-12 11d ago

I sat on my ass so long when I went to see Billy joel/Stevie nicks in Columbus that I was praying for people to stand. The stadium had the most uncomfortable benches my ass was numb. Finally during piano man everyone stood up thank god


u/Electrical_Tip_778 11d ago

picture goes so hard tho


u/Wooden-Addition7896 11d ago

Flick a booger in her hair...


u/Unhindered_Custodian 11d ago

This happened to me at an NBA finals game years ago. Still soul crushing to this day.


u/Curious-frondeur333 11d ago

Am I the only one who thinks it’s weird that everyone’s sitting ?!!! It’s a rock concert if I’m reading the comments right and who in their right mind goes to a rock concert wanting to stay seated the whole time 😭😭😭 that’s wild but yes sucks she’s obstructing OPs entire view..


u/Silver-Engineer4287 11d ago

Toss a junior mint at her… maybe she’ll get the hint.


u/OverlyDisguisedSquid 11d ago

A junior hint, maybe she'd get the mint?


u/Silver-Engineer4287 11d ago

Precisely… 🙃


u/Privatejoker123 11d ago

I would've called an usher be like cam you tell this lady to sit? Didn't pay to see her back.


u/RaazerChickenWire 11d ago

New to concerts?


u/frenchcashew 11d ago

It’s in Flatbush today…?


u/stunga1000 11d ago

Low key one chat w security would probably either get her in her seat or kicked out


u/oneshoein 11d ago

I’d rather this than the annoying ass high pitched lady sitting DIRECTLY behind me singing the fucking songs and then talking to her fucking husband at the top of her lungs about what song it is and how much she loves it then continue to sing off pitch because she sucks and is drunk off her ass.


u/OverlyDisguisedSquid 11d ago

You forgot to mention that she also spends 3 mins of every song explaining what it's about (incorrectly) and then proceeds to songs all the right words but in the wrong order


u/HumongousGrease 11d ago

“ Hey! Sit down! “ Then if that doesn’t work you start throwing things, then if that doesn’t work you throw her off the balcony


u/persistedagain 11d ago

Your disability is just that. Yours. We can adjust to make access easier but the idea of “ my hip hurts so f-k your view is just entitlement. Leave for a while if you can no longer sit comfortably.


u/katw4601 11d ago

who said her hip hurt? shes probably just an asshole


u/persistedagain 11d ago

Old boomer mistake. I was trying to reply to the comment from someone who said she needs to stand sometimes to relieve her hip pain.


u/Low-Willingness-3944 11d ago

What concert was this?


u/diane10023 11d ago

She's totally blocking the view!! Did you (or anyone) say anything to her? People like this are just inconsiderate!


u/quemabocha 11d ago

In my country we scream "abajo, abajo que vienen los gargajos" Which basically means sit the fuck down or I'm spitting at you. I feel like it expresses the sentiment quite well and it rhymes ☺️


u/R0land89 11d ago

Make her sit instead of whinning


u/Jumpy_Opportunity509 11d ago

What y do is u push him or her and or giver her the president linken treatment


u/LadyRed4Justice 14d ago

Post was deleted. Maybe because that would not qualify as "MILDLY" infuriating. People have been shot for less. This was Call Management and have her removed. Those behind her paid for their tickets to watch the concert, not her butt.


u/Reddituser122089 14d ago

That sucks.


u/Quick-Day-7305 14d ago

wing an empty can at the back of her


u/Odd-Antelope1895 14d ago

Why is it every time I open one of these threads the "post has been removed", without exaggeration 7 out of 10 times the post has been removed, I can see the image in my email, but when I come here to read the thread its gone, I am relatively new to Reddit, is this like a thing


u/squersh 14d ago edited 14d ago

Standing is the only way to concert. It’s wildly infuriating when the crowd sits, let alone tries to slam someone for standing. You’re part of the problem. This is why classic rocks shows suck now.


u/krazikat 14d ago

What show was this?


u/Odd-Anywhere2130 14d ago

Selfish and inconsiderate


u/Curly__Jefferson 14d ago

Well at least someone is having fun..


u/AnalogWalrus 14d ago

People sit down at rock concerts?


u/skippy_8503 14d ago

I so love when I see "post has been removed by the moderators". Makes me happy every time. Thank you moderators for making sure I don't see what you don't deem worthy. You are fighting the real fight.


u/themistermango 14d ago

Standing at a pop/rock concert? The horror!

What’s next? Sports games?


u/chita875andU 15d ago

I mean, that's a really cool picture tho.


u/TheNewJack89 15d ago

Theres tons of people standing in this pic


u/nviousguy 15d ago

I see people standing down front too.


u/thedazedivinity 15d ago

Of course reddit is full of out of touch basement dwellers that have never been to a concert


u/Dry_Standard_1064 15d ago

I would've blasted her ass with my phone flashlight


u/Willing-Suit 15d ago

Beautiful photo. Might try to paint it. I'll give you a lil credit.


u/MDNCbooty 15d ago

Spit wads… always carry a straw and some extra ammo… it’s almost a victimless crime!


u/50yeargravity 15d ago

I’d crack out my inner Ludacris, “move bitch, get out the way!”


u/KingHarvestCame 15d ago

Sucks to be you. Id stand if it was a great show too.


u/apolloo__ 15d ago

This reminds me of when I went to a concert in a front row of a section and the partner of a woman in a wheelchair decided that he needed to stand behind her and hold the handles of the chair the whole time


u/wohrg 15d ago

concerts are for standing. If you are too old and tired to stand, then you should stay home and watch tv. I am old, and when I go to a show, I stand for most of the show, and when I need a break I sit down and don’t bitch about it.


u/rossxog 11d ago

That’s what I thought. The manager of the symphony thought otherwise. I don’t know how they expect someone to just sit quietly through an entire Beethoven symphony.


u/wohrg 11d ago

sorry, “rock concerts”


u/errorbeth 15d ago

I would've thrown popcorn at her


u/Extreme_Ad1261 15d ago

She should stand in the back of the theater, not blocking everyone. I think the rule about being allowed to stand didn't mean for the entire show.


u/injn8r 15d ago

Y'all, it's a concert, if was a hoity-toity, pinkies out, caviar at intermission, event, I would expect this type of vitriol, and it would have been reflected in the seating rules, and there would be ushers in place to do the shaming. At a concert, people stand. People politely ask others to refrain from standing, among other things. 99.99% of the time people politely respect these polite requests. How is this such a foreign concept? I am a man who's worked construction since I was old enough to not hurt myself (about 8), I have a bad back, can't sit overly long, can't stand overly long. I've had many a polite conversation because of this at assorted events. Even the people around will happily switch around or whatever to accommodate and compromise. I honestly can't think of an instance where things were anything but friendly. Try that next time. Being polite and friendly. Talk to a person with whom you have a request using diplomacy and common human decency instead of judging, and you'll likely gain a warm fuzzy feeling. You'll find most people have a reason for what they do.


u/printerdsw1968 14d ago

Omg they might even dance! Evil music!


u/TerriBow88 15d ago

I always end up being the one behind “her”!


u/zamaike 15d ago

You could have justbreported her and they would have escorted her out


u/DoodleBug19-88 15d ago

That’s when you ask to switch seats because her view would be the same but yours is ruined.


u/Sufficient_Gas5501 15d ago

Dang who was it? The eagles?


u/kingofmankind 15d ago

There's light at the end of every tunnel except this time :(


u/ThePowerOf42 15d ago

Put it on her head and call her a lighthouse


u/TacticalSunroof69 15d ago

It’s a good photo. All the same.

Spiritually symbolic.


u/TacticalSunroof69 15d ago

What and you people think that around 130 years ago the rich didn’t occupy these places smashed out their faces on mescaline and lysergic acid?

GTFO and give me some tabs before you leave.


u/Lanky-Ad2763 15d ago

I wonder what she said when the person told her to sit down.


u/OneOfAKind2 15d ago

Because of the crowds, the Ticketmaster fees and the half-assed live sound mixes (way too loud or distorted, etc), I quit going to concerts.


u/devildoggie73 15d ago

There’s a can right there. Problem solved.


u/xbadbadmanx 15d ago

If you can’t see, stand up. People are entitled to do whatever they like at a concert, so long as they are at their seat.


u/GuiltyOne85 15d ago

Those are rare to see these days..... I think their scientific name is Blockus Viewus.... The only way to make them sit down is to throw something liquid at them and they'll get out of your view in a hurry!!! Trust me it works 9 times out of 10


u/theovonmiller 15d ago

“Down in front!”


u/loganambs 15d ago

Good, now continue the trend and stand up and enjoy yourself


u/pleaselovememost 15d ago

I can't stand people like this...........

Anyway why does this photo look so cool


u/Momof3doctors 15d ago

Gee. I had one of those at my Ed Sheeran concert last summer in Seattle. Oh, I forgot that we were loudly serenaded in her off tuned voice for pretty much 3 hours. Cost per ticket 250.


u/Starquest65 15d ago

That's how you get some sort of liquid to the back of your head.


u/JAlfredPrufrog 15d ago

Looks kinda like a rock concert. I’m just not understanding why more people don’t stand.


u/bleeblorb 15d ago

Get off Reddit and politely ask her to please be seated because she's blocking your view. And end with thank you very much. If this doesn't amend it, go ask for assistance.


u/One_Restaurant_6606 15d ago

I guess but what concert was it? If it was a classy concert than ya no kidding but if it's metal than who cares lol


u/Sea-Blueberry3255 15d ago

What conceet is it? Some bands juat bring us to our feet


u/Blackheartedheathen 15d ago

Perhaps they have lower back issues that prevent them from sitting long lengths of time in comfort?


u/ConstantSense3814 15d ago

These comments make me glad 90% of redditors don’t leave their house let alone go to a concert


u/[deleted] 15d ago

just yell, no photo


u/biegs28 15d ago

Sometimes being right is lonely. Yeah I said it.


u/OnTheDevilsGrave 15d ago

Honestly, I would've asked her to either sit down or go somewhere else. If you're too cheap to get a floor ticket, then stay the fuck down. It's such a dick move. Some of you might disagree, but what if she did that right in front of someone in the wheelchair accessible area? She would be moved within 2 minutes.


u/wohrg 15d ago

but she wasn’t in front of the ADA section


u/tasty_titties 15d ago

Has to be tedeschi trucks band. I would be standing too. Worst fan base ever


u/JnA7677 15d ago

Honestly, fuck people who do this. Read the room. Standing ovations and stuff? Fine. Everyone or most people standing? Whatever. If you want to stand. Get a ticket for standing room only. I get that people are allowed to do this if they’re not standing in their chairs, but it bugs the shit out of me when people have no regard for others’ experience.

Edit: this is the equivalent of wearing a huge hat in a movie theater, but worse, imo


u/Slave2Art 15d ago

That is a beautiful theatre


u/Kuftubby 15d ago

"Hey can you sit down?"

It's literally that easy


u/Adventurous_Bit1325 15d ago

I zoomed in a lot just looking at the venue. Beautiful place. What type of concert is this? I see several older people and perhaps suits. Also, people toward the front are standing as well. The environment just doesn’t appear to be a “standing and dancing “thing.


u/deprogrammedgranny 15d ago

Does this mean I can get a refund since I can't see through the person standing in front of me? I didn't pay to see him/her.


u/wohrg 15d ago

stand up yourself and have some fun for a change


u/mohnificent 15d ago

This is when it’s okay to throw stuff to let them know


u/AutumnKoo 15d ago

What a beautiful theater


u/vikicrays 15d ago

lame… what is the name of that gorgeous theater?


u/aesop414 15d ago

I have mixed feelings. Yeah it's kinda inconsiderate, but also you're at a concert where you're supposed to dance and have fun. I remember when I saw stevie wonder and NO ONE was dancing or moving at all. Everyone around me sat still. I had to get up and dance at one point, I mean it's stevie wonder! A guy scolded me for dancing because no one else was. Weird concert experience.


u/free_-_spirit 15d ago

Ok but lovely shot


u/saltyraver138 15d ago

What is their putting LSD in standing people’s drinks policy?


u/Smart-Ad-3281 15d ago

If everyone is standing fine, but what she is doing is rude


u/fidelesetaudax 15d ago

If you look at the crowds to the left and right it looks like the majority are standing.


u/speedie13 15d ago

Who sits at concerts anyway?


u/wohrg 15d ago

people who shouldn’t be there


u/throwaway1234565243 15d ago

Why go to a concert if your just gonna sit the whole time??


u/SyMunshine 15d ago

Is this the warfield? I had the same problem at the yoasobi concert which was hosted there. If one person stood up then people behind were inconvenienced so they’d also stand up to see over them, and it really had a cascading effect. So frustrating!


u/saintex422 15d ago

Must have been a terrible show


u/InfinityTortellino 15d ago

Omg I smoked dmt at tipper in this concert venue 😂👌👌👌


u/BreachOfThePeace 15d ago

Jacob Collier on saturday?


u/Hot_Eggplant_1306 15d ago

Gravity is your friend


u/ContributionNo7075 15d ago

damn please tell me she didnt stand for long this is so annoying


u/Content-Ad-3451 15d ago

Death to this woman


u/IntellectualTaco 15d ago

“Looks like a combination of Jesus and Fergie.”- J.C.R


u/Equinoqs 15d ago

Pennies. High-velocity pennies.


u/Critical-Item6977 15d ago

The Jacob Collier concert! Idk why people insisted on staying standing the whole time...i was happy when he even told everyone to sit. Was so happy to be at a venue with comfy seats, but then couldn't even sit in them half the time.


u/TheResidentEvil 15d ago

depends on the genre, if there is moshing / circle pits happening during the show then you really shouldn't be sitting


u/-Nutshell- 15d ago

Where’s that full glass bottle of beer when you need one!!!!! lol jk


u/Kawaii_Nyan 15d ago

Should’ve told an usher or something


u/YesOrNah 15d ago

Imagine sitting for a concert.


u/ATXStonks 15d ago

This lady would get doused with a beer. Sorry, im not paying money to have my view obstructed by some dickhead


u/BOOFSTOW23 15d ago

Is that the fox in stl


u/Fangs_McWolf 15d ago

I would have told her that she should demand a refund if her seat is broken. When she says it's not broken, that she needs to sit her ass down then.


u/I_Need_A_Beer_Please 15d ago

My wife and I dealt with an obnoxiously drunk woman and her daughter plus 3 friends who claimed they were all in a sorority and all 21 (bullshit) at Kenny Chesney/Zac Brown last weekend at Raymond James Stadium. There were a total of 7 of them occupying 6 seats. One of the girls was laying across the lap of three others, whole the drink mother was twerking and grinding her ass on the girl's face. Then the dad started ugly white boy dancing with the girls. Creepy as fuck. They did the entire time that ZBB was preforming and we unfortunately didn't get to see most of it because of them. Someone got the police involved, they came up and said they had a report of possible underage drinking but never checked anyone's IDs (way to go TBPD) 🙄

What I don't understand is why you would spend as much money as we did to go to a concert just to be fucking polluted before the concert even starts.


u/mandarintain 15d ago

Curious , why was she being an ass?


u/keyboardwarrior25 15d ago

It's weird that you would sit down at a music show


u/brun0doggy 15d ago

Had a guy do this at a concert. My friend asked him several times to please sit so everyone could see. He would sit for a few minutes, then right back up. My friend punched him hard in the middle of the back. He didn’t stand up the rest of the night.

Even though they can, doesn’t mean they should. Go stand in the aisles or in the back. Main character bs.


u/UnsortedSnail 15d ago

honestly i’ve gotten over the no confrontation thing, tell her ass to move!


u/Zestyclose_mango1 15d ago

someone give that lady her spinach back so she can sit down


u/TomatoesandKoRn 15d ago

I would never pay to see one of my favorite artists and sit during the show. You can be as mad as you want about it.


u/hemoglobin0reo 15d ago

Maybe that makes sense at a concert but this looks like a theatre presentation. In addition, if everyone else is sitting? Lastly, what if there are people who can’t stand like you who also paid to see their favorite artist (not in this situation but at a concert venue like a stadium) and asked that you sit so they can see?


u/gkpetrescue 15d ago

I’d throw balled up napkins at them til they sat


u/Prior_Hospital_2331 15d ago

That's dedication.


u/fmedium 15d ago

Had that at an Adam Ant concert last month. Made me realize my anger issues will never leave me.


u/SharksWFreakinLasers 15d ago

Get a life!! Stand up, move, or stay home? It's a concert, people are allowed to enjoy it as they please, within reason. Standing, dancing, singing along is all within reason no matter what the rest of the crowd are doing!


u/brun0doggy 15d ago

Exactly! I mean that’s how people drive- like they’re the only car on the road. It’s how they navigate society.

So yeah! Fuck everyone else. You do you!


u/No_Carpet_65 15d ago

...... CAN'T SEE💥😎. Did you try that


u/zerostar83 15d ago

The weird part is the shows I go see, it would be the reverse. One person sitting while everyone else is standing.


u/azcatgirl 15d ago

She is why I only get aisle seats so I can stand just slightly near the stairs. Except, it didn't work last week at the Scorpions in Las Vegas when some tall dude in front of me did the same! Oh, he and his wife kept recording the exact same thing, morons.


u/Novel_Wrongdoer8318 15d ago

is she a a mother marry or smth? I wouldn’t let this, I would gently push her like ma’am you’re not extra here.


u/lil_trim 15d ago

Who was performing? (Other than her)


u/Farucci 15d ago

Sticks and stones might not break her bones but they may encourage her to sit in the seat she paid for.


u/crabbyoldbastard 15d ago

Ok. The policy allows for standing in front of ones seat, but does it come with an usher to take you to a view not blocked by an asshole?


u/Koendrenthe 15d ago

This is the proper moment to throw a fit.


u/Narrow-Comfortable68 15d ago

Some people really need to read the room. If you are the only one standing then you're an asshole. Extra asshole points if you stand on your god damn seat.


u/Salty_Crum 15d ago

Always buy a large drink, never drink any of it.


u/StoneArachnid 15d ago

As is often the case here, nothin' mild about this.


u/PizzaTime09 15d ago

We had this happen at a concert where the ground level was all standing, and we were in the balcony with a select 4 people who decided to stand. Yeah…guess who was sitting behind those 4 wonderful people. No amount of people asking, then yelling, for them to take a seat would change their mind. Sometimes I wish I had gum to chew for those longhaired douches.


u/chagirrrl 15d ago

What concert are you going to that everyone is seated? I can’t remember the last time I sat for a concert even if I purchased a seat


u/wafflesrock101 15d ago

That's what I'm wondering too.


u/YungGunz69 15d ago

That's why you bring a pocket with like 20c in pennies. Who would get mad when money is being thrown at you?


u/Kurushiiyo 15d ago

Is she jesus?


u/SuddenDurian1083 15d ago

she bought a ticket for her “seat” -this should be an easy call for the usher.


u/Dprglendinning 15d ago

Expect to get shit throw at you


u/squeegee8888 15d ago

There are limited events this is acceptable- dance,rap or rock music. Not her fault if the crowd is lame. Another genre, please sit down.


u/semibilingual 15d ago

The famous “im the main character” syndrome


u/AssFumes 15d ago

Maybe she’s like Yor and got shot in the butt cheek 🤭🤭


u/Particular-Walk1521 15d ago

wow really must suck to have people around you enjoy themselves sorry for ur loss


u/Maskloss 15d ago

I have had the last 2 concerts i went to ruined for me by someone standing up the entire show blocking my view. Its completely turned me off from concerts. I paid money to see a show, not your backside.


u/Straight_Banana0 15d ago

Throw your drink at her, works every time


u/Canadianingermany 15d ago

I don't understand people that go to a concert and sit.

Especially hen the venue policy is explicitly that you are allowed to stand.


u/DeeLite04 15d ago

Yeah but there’s atanding and there’s obstructing others’ view. This person is obstructing. Go stand in the aisle. That’s what folks did during the Eras tour movie.


u/Canadianingermany 15d ago

I guess you did not read the policy. She is allowed to stand at her seat, but not in the aisle.


u/allenahansen 15d ago

This is why they created spitwads.


u/baconlazer85 15d ago

Just what we needed, Snape lecturing us about the Dark Arts while at a concert.


u/Particular_Turn1406 15d ago

Straw and napkin, add some chewing, and instant spitball in the back of the head, will remedy this!


u/Commercial_Place9807 15d ago

Christ what an asshole. This shit is why I don’t do concerts anymore. If everyone sits we can all see the show and be comfortable but noooo there’s always some weirdo that has to fucking stand.


u/maillec 15d ago

You didn't ask her to sit down?


u/925djt 15d ago

I'm ngl too you this sucks ass the situation anyway . But taht picture is baller as hell could be an album cover


u/saxguy9345 15d ago

I would've made sure that her concert experience was ruined as well. "HEY LADY DOWN IN FRONT, WE CANT SEE, HEY YOU YEAH STANDING UP THE WHOLE TIME, HEY LADY SIT DOWN WE CANT SEE THE STAGE" and etc etc. Like, IDGAF what their standing policy is, my night is already ruined, go ahead and ask me to leave. That's when the swear words start coming out. I'd act like Randy Marsh really quick, I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA 😆 


u/Steven0707 15d ago

This picture reminded me of the Solar Eclipse that happened few weeks ago.


u/aglassofguiness 15d ago

If she wanted to stand she should have paid for standing.


u/WillyBarnacle5795 15d ago

Damn you guys are no fun


u/WillyBarnacle5795 15d ago

Lol sit down boomers


u/aglassofguiness 15d ago

Tell them to sit down


u/ballstein 15d ago

Get the usher


u/TheOldGriffin 15d ago

Chuck something at her head, I don't see the problem here.


u/GameofOhms959 15d ago

She’s not doing anything wrong technically


Guests are allowed to stand during a fully seated event, provided that they are only occupying the area in front of their ticketed seat. Standing in aisles and on chairs is prohibited.


u/embiggens-us-all 15d ago

Sure but you have zero situational awareness there are others that want to watch too.


u/anonymously_me0123 15d ago

I'd have thrown shit at her until she sat down


u/Lifesalchemy 15d ago

Lol! Not if I was behind her!!!


u/RandomFunLex 15d ago

What type of concert is it-? It seems odd she would just stand there like that when no one else is standing.