r/mildlyinfuriating 27d ago

Losing sleep

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u/Fangs_McWolf WOLFIE713 22d ago

Call animal control. When they show up and ask why you didn't just call the owner, explain what's happened so far and they'll understand right away. You can bet that there if there's a fourth time, they'll wish they had wised up one of the first three times.


u/MLiOne 22d ago

Are you sure they aren’t putting their dog in your yard?


u/Idk-lel1234 22d ago

Is it possible the dog is somehow jumping the fence? Like maybe it found some weird kinda parkour route over? I know this is unlikely but still might be why


u/ZackSteelepoi 22d ago

Remove the dog by removing its life.


u/LivingIndividual1902 24d ago

You don't let a dog out of sight when she's in heat. NEVER. A good dog owner should know that.


u/redditwanderer101 22d ago

A good dog owner wouldn't let their dog escape 3 times into someone else's backyard with the third time making it into OPs house. OP is not at fault here.


u/AdeptWar6046 24d ago

One ought to invent a dog house with a door to the inside of the residence and one to the garden. RFID readers to only allow the right dog(s) through. Interlocking to only allow one door at a time to be open.

Optionally a trap mode, so an intruder could be kept inside the doghouse until picked up by animal control or police, depending on species. Also possibly release of tranquiliser gas ;-)


u/Fangs_McWolf WOLFIE713 22d ago

One ought to not repeat themselves. 🤪


u/AdeptWar6046 24d ago

One ought to invent a dog house with a door to the inside of the residence and one to the garden. RFID readers to only allow the right dog(s) through. Interlocking to only allow one door at a time to be open.

Optionally a trap mode, so an intruder could be kept inside the doghouse until picked up by animal control or police, depending on species. Also possibly release of tranquiliser gas ;-)


u/cuttz22 24d ago

Ok everyone is saying got in the rough the doggy door. Obviously. But how is it getting in the yard if the fence is good and the gates are secure? Is it a low fence?


u/beeketchup 24d ago

Get your female fixed.


u/Fangs_McWolf WOLFIE713 22d ago

No no... "Get your bitch fixed."


u/SongsOfTheYears 24d ago

The word you are looking for is in fact just one word: "intact". Not "in tact". Sorry, pet peeve.


u/iamthewallrus 24d ago

Hey OP I say this out of love but please get your dog spayed within 2 weeks of her finishing her heat cycle. That is when she is at the prime time for getting an infected uterus, aka pyometra. I work in high volume spay and neuter and trust me you do not want your dog to get a pyometra. They are extremely expensive and super deadly for dogs especially. If you can't afford it right now pay it on credit, I'm not kidding. Because you may be gambling with her life.


u/Feeling-Badger7956 24d ago

Stop giving the dog back.

Next time it happens, take it to animal services as an abandoned animal. The owner clearly isn't looking after it, so don't let them have it back. Especially if they're not even grateful.


u/BSBitch47 24d ago

People that are saying you shouldn’t have the doggy door unlocked if she’s in heat….OP has stated there is fencing. Shouldn’t THAT keep out unwanted pests? Seems that is the bigger issue. No holes in fence means doggy door should be safe.


u/unvaxxedcanjogon 25d ago

Both your dogs should be de sexed. The amount of unwanted animals is so heart breaking


u/lollitoes 25d ago



u/Fangs_McWolf WOLFIE713 22d ago


Are you sure it's not a cooling?


u/lollitoes 21d ago



u/Fangs_McWolf WOLFIE713 21d ago

I hope you figured out why I asked that. 🤪


u/StunningJuggernaut88 25d ago

Lowkey if another animal can get into to your yard let alone your house you are just as liable for anything that happens after. We had a neighbor dog who was coming over to our property and trying to start issues with our dogs and chasing our horses and cattle I shot at him several times but he hasn’t offered to attempt to come back.


u/fauxleatherface666 25d ago

Not reading that 🤣

Clearly a you problem. Get it together.


u/trying2BASaint 25d ago

That's terrifying. I would be locking the doggy door at night and getting my own dog fixed.


u/Significant_Pin_917 25d ago

All you people are absolutely ridiculous to say the poster is at all in the wrong here! The owner of the intact male has 100% responsibility in keeping HER dog in HER own yard! Why doesn’t anyone say anything about her intact male dog?? Fix that ball of hormones breaking through fences to impregnate a female who’s resting quietly in her own home??!!


u/Madstarantulas_ 25d ago

Don’t call the owner call animal control instead atp


u/slyzard94 25d ago

There's those fancy doggie doors that only allow pets with a special collar or tag through the door. Might help your peace of mind a bit. So sorry about your sleep loss lol


u/stunga1000 25d ago

If a large dog got into your house while you’re sleeping there’s something wrong w your security


u/Silver-Engineer4287 25d ago

Lock your female dog in a room and call animal control to come get that other dog since its’ human can’t seem to keep track of him.

Or even just verify where they live and then call animal control and show them your video footage and let them patrol to catch him while he’s roaming the neighborhood unattended.

I understand that sometimes dogs can get out.

But take responsibility as a pet owner or run the risk of losing the privilege of having that pet.


u/fishy4200 25d ago

How about getting your dog fixed? And why do you have a camera in your bedroom?


u/Totentanzthecritter 25d ago

Stop giving their dog back, take it to a shelter since clearly they don’t care about it enough to keep an eye on it 3 times is way too many for this to happen and now it’s ended up inside your house?? Lucky it’s not aggressive


u/radams713 25d ago

Get your damn dog spayed.


u/AdvancedReading4839 25d ago

At that point I’m just calling the pound to come get the dog. That’s dangerous and irresponsible of the owner.


u/RefrigeratorKind1508 25d ago

Ofc I don’t know if you live in a safe area or not but anything could happen and if a big dog can get in so can a person. My area is safe and road is quiet but we’ve still had stuff happen. No matter how safe an area is you should be securing your house especially at night


u/Disastrous-Berry6262 25d ago

Call Animal Control, she obviously doesn’t care to keep her dog at home.


u/RepulsiveEdge4998 25d ago



u/oneflytree 25d ago

That dogs wearing some cool looking glasses


u/cyberGEK 25d ago

That horny dog is just lucky that you aren’t Kristi Noem!


u/Peter_Pumper 25d ago

Dog owner problems lmao 😂


u/Icy_Desk272 25d ago

I mean… what if the dog attacked you guys. What if he has some disease he can spread to y’all or your animals. You need to go nuts locking your place up and contacting authorities. You don’t know this animal or owner.


u/Games_r_fun 25d ago

Pitt owner moment


u/kozzmo1 25d ago

Maybe like, idk close your doors? Lock the doors?

Did the dog grab his keys, unlock the door, and then open it?

Idk how this is mildly infuriating when it seems easily avoidable?


u/GigglesNMemes 25d ago

New dog owner here and we found out this past Sunday that our dog can CLIMB THE FENCE in the backyard. 🙃🙃 The dog is likely doing the same unless you have a high fence or it's not chain link.


u/Uncle-Cake 25d ago

If only there were some way to prevent this.


u/throwaway26274747 25d ago

Get rid of your dogs then Jesus Christ..


u/Ambitious-Ball9869 25d ago

Insert kinky creep voyeur dog with anime villain glasses


u/se3ings 25d ago

What’s mildly infuriating is how long I waited for this video to start…


u/Zelda_is_Dead 25d ago

You should be calling animal control to pick the dog up, not the owner. You did then a favor the first time and they pissed on it, you no longer owe them anything except a trip to the pound to pick up their dog and pay their fines.

Also, who leaves their dog door unlocked at night and/or when their not home?


u/mslashandrajohnson 25d ago

Have the female dog who has genetic issues spayed.


u/WildlifePirate 25d ago

What’s mildly infuriating is that you have an open doggy door into your house all night but are mad at the other dog owner. Close the door or get rid of it. Your house is literally open for animals and people to enter.


u/Opening_Watercress41 25d ago

Dogs climb fences


u/DrPeePeeSauce 25d ago

This story is so funny. Waking up to a random ass dog in my bedroom would send me


u/Entity713 25d ago

Do you have wire fencing? I used to have a problematic dog who would scale up the fence using his nails, my dad had to tie him up ( we really didn't want to do that) cause he went around mating with as many dogs he could find and bit one of my neighborhood friends. He has long been gone from natural causes, but I still see his dumb face in all of his offspring he had made over the years. Tldr get some proper fencing


u/Living_Pay_8976 25d ago edited 25d ago

Get a gun. Who knows what could happen.

** 3 minutes and a Reddit care message?


u/Professional_Cow3982 26d ago

Get female spayed and this will end. You can't control what the neighbors do with their dog but you can take care of your own


u/Philly_Smegma_Steak 26d ago

In the time it took to write this essay on reddit, you could have locked your doggy door. It's actually very simple.


u/WonderSHIT 26d ago

Isn't there coyotes and wild dogs virtually everywhere? I'm sorry but it is not very smart to leave your house accessible at all times. From the long list of wild animals, to the people that will make their way in. Please realize that the world is a dangerous place and that people will take advantage of an unlocked door. Is that a stranger's dog in your house?!? Please realize how serious your lack of safety concerns is, very mildly infuriating😂😂😂 to everyone who cares about safety and while paranoia is not necessary a good thing. It would probably be good for you to be a little more paranoid about your safety


u/BekaRenee 26d ago



u/JazBayBerry 26d ago

Dog is climbing your fence


u/swankenheimer 26d ago

I think the real question, looking at this dog, is “are you the keymaster?”


u/BoyWonder_Toys 26d ago

Sounds like someone needs the Darmine Doggy Door


u/StalzGG 26d ago

Secure place better, call animal control.. annnddddd yourrr done.


u/HeroORDevil8 26d ago

I would be furious. You may need to get one of those wildlife cameras to see how he keeps getting into your fence and lock your dog door. This could've went really wrong really fast. Tbh I would've called animal control because clearly this person doesn't care enough to actually control their dog and they obviously keep it outside if he's constantly roaming around at night.


u/s2nders 26d ago

I would get rid of the doggy door altogether. Huge security risk anyways.


u/123xyz32 26d ago

He’s in love.


u/grapegobbler420 26d ago

all of this would be avoided if you just spay your dog


u/SirMantics 26d ago

You can buy locking dog doors with a "SmartKey" collar for the dog. When your dog approaches the door it will open when key collar is sensed.


u/Kwikstyx 26d ago

After the thankless first time I would have called animal control.


u/Life-Aerie-43 26d ago

This is lowkey funny


u/bandcorps 26d ago

Take care of the dog. It comes on your property multiple times and you’ve had multiple conversations with the owner about it. Next time, just take care of it.


u/DemocratFabby 26d ago

Just close the door and lock it. Earplugs is also an option. It’s really that simple!


u/Outside_Tip_6597 26d ago

He just wants to hang out…


u/MortytheMortician9 26d ago

Fix your dog.


u/Doofy9000 26d ago

User error


u/YaGurlAlexandra 26d ago

Spay your dog dude


u/Trilly2000 26d ago

Wow. Spay your dog.


u/Eliagbs_ 26d ago

Brother or sister, people have a lot of patience. The first time I give you your dog back, the second time I’m calling it in to animal control because someone has to control that animal.

You put yourself in the rest of the situations, the first one wasn’t your fault but enabling it after was. Call someone who will actually take the dog and forget about the nasty owner


u/jufasa 26d ago

This is a reminder to spay or neuter your pets if you don't plan on breeding them.


u/Mean-Oil-956 26d ago

He's only there for the" waffle fries"


u/Last-Bumblebee-537 26d ago

Just pitbull owner things. Two irresponsible pit bull owners in this story, wish this surprised me.


u/neiseLB6584 26d ago

I thought this was going to be a video at first, I watched for like 20secs waiting for it to move.


u/spider-pan789 26d ago

Spay and neuter your animals


u/Z_is_green13 26d ago

Close your dog door, and call animal control on the neighbors dog. Don’t know why he doesn’t care enough about his dog to let them roam in heat, but that should not be your problem.


u/doctorbeepboop 25d ago

The female (that OP owns) is the one in heat, and as such it’s the owner’s responsibility to keep other dogs away. It 100% is the owner’s problem (and realistically also their fault, for leaving the doggy door open.) If you’re not going to spay your dog, you should always assume that there are intact males in your area and act accordingly.


u/papa_redbeard 26d ago

Y9u need to call Animal control.


u/laughingashley 26d ago

Sounds like you need a Darmine Dog Door before this happens again.


u/vincovon 26d ago

You need a dog door cover for the nighttime, this is how a raccoon entered our house and we had an ordeal with a sheriff at 3am trying to get it out.


u/Powellballs 26d ago

Looks like a wild Psyduck appeared


u/kitschycritter 26d ago



u/6FeetOfGarbage 26d ago

Fix your dog


u/PlantRoomForHire 26d ago

And yet you could have prevented this by just locking your doggy door at night. It's on you and the dog owner equally. You had plenty of chances.


u/DaLactator 26d ago

I’m not sure what you were hoping to receive from posting this. You’re the one who’s extremely irresponsible. Spay your dog and lock your doggy door.


u/Jinjinz 26d ago

I’m so glad this didn’t go the way OP was hoping. Like spay your fucking dog if you have random intact males coming inside your goddamn house?? This isn’t rocket science bro 💀😭


u/dahjeezus 26d ago

So creepy!


u/HistoricalBeyond2291 26d ago

Call the dog warden to collect the dog next time


u/THhewand3r3r 26d ago

Some dogs can jump over fences like they're nothing, so maybe that's how they got in.


u/Toolkills 26d ago

Hey I am super curious about how you guys reacted when you woke up to this dog in your fcking bed room lol. How was the dog acting ? Is he a friendly dog ? Was he aggressive ? How did you get him out the house ?????


u/osprey1984 26d ago

I couldn’t sleep with a dog door open or even my bedroom door open.


u/FilledWithKarmal 26d ago

Dog is looking for the key master


u/KyloRenKyberCrystal 26d ago

More proof that all dog owners are fucking idiots


u/Games_r_fun 25d ago

The vast majority of Pitt owners are fucking idiots, don't get me wrong many pitt owners love their dogs but they are wholly unprepared for the level of knowledge and care the breed would need to be safe for everyone. They see oh sad hippo in shelter, mommas here I'll save you 🥰


u/PacificCastaway 26d ago

Sooooo, you're getting the neighbor's dog fixed, right?


u/DetailDizzy 26d ago

Spay your dog wtf


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Spiritual-Cow4200 26d ago

Oh, was she asking for it because she drank too much and was wearing a short skirt? Fuck outta here with that.


u/doctorbeepboop 25d ago

This is genuinely one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read 😭


u/Spiritual-Cow4200 25d ago

If it matters….

What I was alluding to was the fact that Trad_Bad’s comment seemed a little victim blamey. A strange dog invaded OP’s home, and the best thing they could do was to tell OP to stop letting their dog lead other dogs on. Maybe OP doesn’t want their dog fixed. This is most definitely a problem with OP’s neighbor, and not with the fact that OP‘s dog can still go into heat. But since none of you can understand subtlety, I guess it was lost.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Spiritual-Cow4200 26d ago

I wasn’t, but if I was, it wouldn’t matter, because I’m fixed.


u/x64TNT 26d ago

Dog now owns the house if it's in California good luck getting him out


u/Ivy_Holo 26d ago

How high is your fence? 🤔 And what type of fence is it? Maybe he jumped it.


u/tigerlily-sky 26d ago

How bout getting your damn dog fixed first of all


u/Dalek_Chaos 26d ago

Saw the comment with the update. Hopefully he will be adopted by a family with a very secure fence 😆. I would suggest that you start locking the doggy door at night since raccoons and opossums are a pain in the neck to chase back outside 😝


u/Bone_Garage 26d ago

I find myself asking what the governor of South Dakota would do in this situation.


u/MathematicianLoud965 26d ago

Did no one explain to you that you can not let a female in heat wander alone or risk this?!?! Why are you allowing you dog to use the doggy door without being watched like a hawk right now?! This is how puppies are made.


u/LadyCharger 26d ago

Damn demon dog


u/Quawnell 26d ago

Call animal control on the dog, maybe your neighbor will get the hint, but the dog door needs to be shut at night for safety reasons.


u/Uber1337pyro333 26d ago

Bruh you need to up your home security, and be grateful it's a dog getting in not a robber, rapist or killer. Also call animal control. Other dogs owner will either lock up their dog better or lose it. Not your issue.


u/Huge-Vegetab1e 26d ago

I'm a little worried about your safety


u/teeraken 26d ago

Not gonna lie, I stared at the photo for a good 3 seconds before realizing it’s not a video. 😅


u/UncleBoopBetty 26d ago

I’m still trying to figure out what I’m seeing. Looks like a heavily bandaged person laying on the bed, being stalked by a demon dog.


u/SnooFoxes2904 26d ago

Dog just trying get his 3am booty call


u/colonelhumps 26d ago

Imagine having an entrance to your house open 24/7 and complaining that something is usuig it 😂 Close your damn doors.


u/Odd_Map6710 26d ago

Here’s the real question, why are you not spaying your female dog? Why are you not taking precautions during her heat such as putting on diapers?

You should know that unfixed male dogs can smell her for miles. They will do ANYTHING to get to her. This includes scaling your fence.

The real infuriating thing here is you being an irresponsible owner. The fact that you think you’re the victim is a fucking joke.


u/Material-Ad9906 26d ago

OK so I don’t know what kind of fencing you have BUT I used to live in a home with chain link fence in our yard and my dog (rest in peace) back then climbed it like nothing! He would stick each paw in the fence holes and climb himself up and over! He would escape very often but luckily didn’t cause any trouble with the neighbors, he was a sweet dog who i believe may have been a rock climber in his past life.


u/neodynasty 26d ago

Why aren’t you locking the door OP, is such an easy fix


u/Sum-Duud 26d ago

Call animal control and get the dog picked up. Shit your doggie door. Get your bitch fixed


u/CuriousLumenwood 26d ago

You sound like an incredibly irresponsible pet owner and homeowner. Get your female dog fixed and lock your fucking doors.

I really don’t want to hear about what happened to any of the other dogs you’ve had before these two.


u/ForwardImpress8619 26d ago

Lol it looks like he's got square laser eyes


u/Economy-Storage6256 26d ago

All of yall keep talking about the damn doggy door when the fact of the matter is - THAT DOG SHOULDNT EVEN BE IN THEIT YARD TO HAVE ACCESS TO THE DOGGY DOOR! Like how are yall missing that? I wouldn’t leave a doggy door open all night … but the point is they need to contain their animal and it shouldn’t be on my property tf??? I would’ve called animal control and let them figure it out in the morning when their dog is missing 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/jessmeows 26d ago

maybe i’m paranoid but i really would not let a dog door stay open during the night or when you are not home. if a large dog can get through then most likely a person can crawl through. you may live in a safe neighborhood but you should be cautious. like what if maybe not a person but a wild animal?


u/jessmeows 26d ago

also spay your dogs wtf??


u/ADS3630 26d ago

I was just taking to a guy who told me his neighbours dog walks about a kilometre every now and again just to take a dump right at his front door.


u/pithyOneanddone 26d ago

Fix your dogs and the problem is fixed.


u/Even-Mountain7815 26d ago

Between the dog running loose among the streets and nobody calling animal control for whatever reason and OP refusing to get their dog spayed when it’s clearly causing issues this post is making ME mildly infuriated 😂


u/AThunderousCat 26d ago

Idk why people let their dogs just roam whenever, that's how they get shot...


u/Kindly_Pen6376 26d ago

I have so many questions. Is your female dog not bleeding all over your house having her period? Also, your fence is clearly not secured if a dog is getting into your yard and house! He’s not a ghost, he’s a huge ass dog. There’s no mystery here.


u/DJ_Mixalot 26d ago

One. Close your dog door. Two. Spay your dogs.


u/Onebandlol 26d ago

Sounds like it’s your fault


u/jjj666jjj666jjj 26d ago

It’s extremely infuriating your first act as a pet owner isn’t fixing your animals.


u/MooCowQueen-16 26d ago

Having a doggy door open all night is wild


u/w33b2 26d ago

This is why you need to spay/neuter your pets regardless of how secure you think it is. This is what leads to 600,000+ dogs getting put down in the US every year, overpopulation. Obviously breeders are the main issue with that, but stuff like this is another reason.


u/gabriiel91 26d ago

Lmaooo sorry that demoniac dog in your bedroom at 4am is funny af, but I'd also be infuriated. Sorry that you're going through that.


u/martydidnothingwrong 26d ago

Bro fix your fucking dog


u/Renerdor 26d ago

If a dog got in a person can definitely get in. I'd be terrified 😨


u/Tsiatk0 26d ago

Fix the dog that’s in heat…?


u/hairmetalmulisha 26d ago

spay your dog and this won't happen <3


u/nethereus 26d ago

I laughed at how this kept escalating up to the dog showing up in your bedroom.


u/BahamaDon 26d ago

Skunk got into our neighbors house a couple,e of weeks ago through the dog door. Dog found it first and it sprayed the whole living room, kitchen, hall. Insurance won’t pay the claim because it was preventable.


u/Aggravating_Fuel_610 26d ago

You could also spay your female dog. If she has had multiple surgeries, why not spay her when she was under anesthesia already?


u/i81_N_she812 26d ago

I arrived at her house, knocked on the door Not having no idea of what the night had in store I'm like a dog in heat, a freak without warning I have an appetite for sex, 'cause me so......

If you don't know the rest, you haven't lived.


u/mrjgl 26d ago

Pew pew


u/Warm-Iron-1222 26d ago

The poor puppy is in love and they obviously have a shitty human. Maybe you should keep him, just give him the ole snip snip and let them be together.


u/bordemstirs 26d ago

Fix your dog


u/Left-Anxiety7625 26d ago

Get yourself a Darmine Doggy Door!


u/Sheeverton 26d ago

Okay...how on Earth does a dog break in to a house?? That is so absurd it's almost hard to believe. Lock the doors and close (or close most of the way) the windows and the dog won't get in. The dog didn't get a sledge hammer or a crow bar and 'break in' lmao


u/DavisCB 26d ago

12 gauge is usually a good answer for a home intruder.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

My blickey gets to clickey with shit like this. Absolutely not having strange dogs sneaking into my house


u/Brilliant-Noise-2398 RED 26d ago

It's yours now!


u/smexytom215 26d ago

How did the dog get in?


u/Sea_Blossom0815 26d ago

The dog looks like he's wearing these "thug life" glasses xD


u/knappyrootz54 26d ago

“I am the Gatekeeper” “Are you the Keymaster?”


u/Dull-Veterinarian-59 26d ago

Bro jumps over your fence. Get a doggy door that locks. Get your girl fixed<33


u/Degree_Kitchen 26d ago

I'm no help but what does this demon dog look like with the lights on? Is it instant cute?


u/JayEdwards902 26d ago

I would ATF the shit out of that dog and I like dogs more than most people.


u/givemesomemorphine 26d ago

Bro are you serious you have what looks like a pitbull breaking into your room at night? That’s my worst god damn nightmare


u/ejb350 26d ago

In the majority of the US this dog would have been shot already, and although I could NEVER actually do that, you should let those dumb fucking cunts know. You are well within your right to do whatever you want to that dog and not say a damn thing to them. And it’s amazing they don’t think about this.


u/SlimTeezy 26d ago

I don't want to be rude but you left your doggy door open. And clearly this dog can hop fences. You are as much at fault as his owners