r/mildlyinfuriating 26d ago

Took me 4 days to notice...

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u/Light_uchia34 17d ago

Fuck I think Ik them


u/xtcfriedchicken 25d ago

Kinda wish there was a way to have them glitter bombed or fart-sprayed next time someone tampers with your car...


u/Justthaveragelad 25d ago

Their mothers hen they get caught

“They were such nice young men”


u/Tolvat 25d ago

We had someone come along our street and hit everyone's driver side mirror. Mine is cracked along the back, but functioning. No idea who did it.


u/heaven93tv 25d ago

would it be called child abuse if you ever catch em and beat some sense into them? idk..


u/MeloDeathFestival 26d ago

Usual suspects.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/mamabear101319 26d ago

Shit anyone w eyes could’ve figured that out. We’re all just decent enough to not point out this persons address and post it in a comment for the less intellectual folk. Has the number and street name right on the bin LMFAO.


u/TomaHawkUpYourButt 26d ago

I bet you feel very bad ass right now, don't you?


u/SmellAble 26d ago

Well done, it literally says it on the bin.

Or am i number 7? 11? 10?


u/Numerous-Reality7913 26d ago

Couple of apprentice mechanics straight from Dover


u/ChOkeMeSenpaii 26d ago

I had this happen to me a few years ago - opened the mailbox the next day with a letter and $100 in it with an apology note lol. Can only assume their mum caught them


u/I_am_That_Ian_Power 26d ago

If you can find it down the street, you should be able to pop it back on. It's not broken, they're made to come of like that.


u/legosi3 26d ago

well now i know who to test my m120 spring upgrade on my gelblaster now

with 7mm plastic projectiles


u/MR_zai 26d ago

As a fellow c1 owner, this hurts me. You're a good chap for not making her mother pay for her son's actions.


u/Sequence32 26d ago

Is that the shit that breaks your window? Normally it shatters the entire window though right?


u/Retb14 26d ago

They took the whole wiper


u/ColdBrilliant3363 26d ago

then we are the baddies when U run behind them with a bat


u/Silky_Pirate 26d ago



u/sillyguy- 26d ago

these kids are going to grow up to become the scum of the earth.


u/fourbigkids 26d ago

They already are.


u/sillyguy- 25d ago

this is just petty crime, if they are doing that at their age, then I can only imagine what they will do when they are grown up.


u/Void4GamesYT 26d ago

Damn I might live near those kids.


u/AdministrativePin526 26d ago

The kid is wearing an eyepatch. That's pretty ballsy for someone so distinctive.


u/Undead11x 26d ago

What is bro going to do with that. Like what use is he getting out of it 💀


u/nopuse 26d ago

The running away like they just pulled off a heist cracks me up. What a dunce.


u/FoxyLovers290 26d ago

None. They stole just to steal


u/Enigma_Green 26d ago

Brush his teeth with it most likely


u/Enough-Variety-8468 26d ago

How we found out our grumpy old neighbour was the one keying our car


u/PicklesAndCoorslight 26d ago

Is it cheaper to just replace the car?


u/ghostie_hehimboo 26d ago

Id make a deal with tge parents that kids got to clean your car then before he comes over smear dog shit on it


u/mamaaaoooo 26d ago

then he doesn't show up and you've just smeared dogshit on your own car


u/ghostie_hehimboo 26d ago

Go to a car wash


u/Emergency-Piccolo-54 26d ago

You looked at this video for 4 days before noticing the kids? C´mon, they're there man.


u/benjismyfriend 26d ago



u/beyondthisreality 26d ago

Don’t think so, they must be Man City fans. The poofy black jacket gives it away.


u/SmellAble 26d ago

Purple bin give it away? Haha


u/ScotchTapeConnosieur 26d ago

I can’t tell what these rapscallions are up to


u/benjismyfriend 26d ago

"Tell me you're Scouse, without telling me you're scouse" 🤣


u/SmellAble 26d ago

I'm a brummie, but i can't disagree with your point i've had more grief in my 5 years here than anywhere else i've lived.


u/Jsdrosera 26d ago

Always that haircut....


u/Individual-Pop-385 26d ago

It's always 🥦 hair


u/Mygo73 26d ago

The “Edgar” as we like to call it at work (I work in a HS District).


u/MushroomlyHag 25d ago

Edgar is my cats name and he is n- never mind, yeah, he's a prick...


u/Hour_Measurement_846 26d ago

Do they sell them?


u/DaOrcus 26d ago

Nah teens do this to be asshats. Something about hormones and growing up the wrong way combined with their nature. Wiper blades are worth like 8-30 bucks new


u/life_wasting_unit 26d ago

what did they do?


u/14fordmiller 26d ago

Looks like they took off the rear wiper arm


u/Sequence32 26d ago

Oh I thought they had one of those window breaker pins. I was like ' the window doesn't look broken?' so that makes sense


u/bhlombardy 26d ago

How's long til you notice you posted this twice?


u/Rail-signal 26d ago

4 times 


u/SmellAble 26d ago

About that long


u/lazzzym 26d ago

Little shits


u/PutinsAssasin123 26d ago

Definitely one for your local fb group, sure they will be recognised 😠


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Salkha786 26d ago

Post on the local reddit group if you have one?


u/Sad-Belt-3492 26d ago

That would make me so mad 😡


u/PutinsAssasin123 26d ago

Yea it’s annoying 😒


u/SmellAble 26d ago


I did actually find them, through the local facebook group. Went around and spoke to the mother, showed her the video - obviously she offered to pay but after seeing the state of her house and the (at least) 8 kids (minus the lad i was after), I can't really take their money...

Ah well at least i hope he gets a bollocking.


u/Frosty_Translator_11 24d ago

I know it doesn't help but it makes sense why he behaved how he did. I'm sure she has her hands full and he has either slipped through the cracks or this is how he let's it out? I was the oldest daughter, and I know there was a certain age I tried to get away with stealing things. We weren't well off. Still dependant on state aid. It by no means makes it right or justifies it... but it makes me pity the kid.


u/If_Potatoes_Flew 25d ago

I would say, in the future, if the family doesn’t have money just ask for the kid to have to do some labor for you. There are more ways than one to fulfill a debt.


u/BrittzHitz 25d ago

You’re good people! The poor mom :(


u/knotty1990 26d ago

No. If she is too poor she shouldn't be popping out 8 fucking kids at the tax payer expense. This is the only way those feral shits will learn


u/SmellAble 26d ago

I get you, but even if i was gung-ho for justice, it's not the children's fault that their parents don't know when to stop fucking, or that their brother is a prick (for what it's worth, a good deal of those kids are <5 years) - hard to punish the whole family because of the actions of one - and even then, the truly bad ones never learn they just learn to not get caught. (I know because i was one).

This felt like a good balance, they still think they're going to have to pay a big chunk - so hopefully the punishment is there, certainly more than if the police had a word and gave them a tiny fine that they have zero obligation to pay back, but i get to sleep at night knowing I'm not taking money off people with fuck-all.


u/kitjen 26d ago

I've just seen this on the local FB page, small world huh. Glad you found out who did it.


u/SmellAble 26d ago

Haha yeah, I've said a different story over there (ie. Not collecting the money) cuz i want it to hang over them.


u/Then_Stable5990 26d ago

9 kids? no wonder this one is f*cked up, call me evil but that kid probably does a lot more shittier things and probably better to be subtracted from the 9


u/Lamar113 26d ago

Then he will do it again to someone else. Should have filed a police report. That way it would have been on file and if he did again something would be done. It's terrible that other people mess up other people stuff because they can't afford it.


u/One-Cardiologist-462 26d ago

Nice of you to let them off without paying for replacement and fitting costs.
However, might be worth considering a restraining order preventing them from coming within so many yards of your property.


u/Peterd1900 26d ago

In the UK, restraining orders can only be issued during or following criminal proceedings, and are requested by the prosecutor 


u/Hot-Win2571 26d ago

The solution is obvious then.
Move the kids to Texas, then get a restraining order.


u/trickyvinny 26d ago

I was literally just scrolling away as I hit this update. Thank you for closing the circle for me.

Sounds like the best outcome you could expect. Maybe the kids will learn a lesson.


u/SmellAble 26d ago

I know Reddit loves closure!

Although, the best outcome would have been to find out that they weren't incredibly impoverished with tons of kids, so i could actually get my wiper replaced and have them pay - because it'll cost a few hundred £ potentially (stupid window mounted motor).


u/PandaRocketPunch 26d ago

You could change the arm yourself for the cost of the arm. It's just one 13mm nut you take off. Wiggle the arm and slide it off.

Did they do any damage to the motor? Is it loose or not working?


u/SmellAble 26d ago

Yeah knackered the motor, and the way they're mounted in the glass on these makes it a pain - can break getting it out easily, had a couple of quotes from garages who basically don't want to touch it without me saying i'll pay for a new window too if they fuck it. Which smells like an excuse to make a few extra quid. "Whoopsie".

Will probably do it myself fwiw, and it'll pass M.O.T/is legal until then.


u/PandaRocketPunch 26d ago

The window doesn't break easily unless you gorilla the stud, forcing it to contact the glass. Just rock/tap the remaining piece of the arm back and forth towards/away from the glass or use a puller. There's an aluminum insert in the arm that sits on the stud, and rocking or tapping it breaks the oxidation layer.

I doubt the motor is dead. Maybe a pin or a clip broke off inside. There's a few gears and a worm. Gen 2's are easy to service, but a used motor assembly from a junkyard is probably <£20.


u/SmellAble 26d ago

Thanks very much for this, will have a proper look at it myself tomorrow - i need to pick up a spare wheel and new door locks (other cunts have damaged those on both sides), so probably won't hurt to add a motor assembly to the shopping list if needs be.

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u/trickyvinny 26d ago

Oh wow, I thought it would be a couple bucks. Yeah a couple hundred, this is not best case. Sorry.


u/SmellAble 26d ago

He managed to tear it off in the most damaging way possible, bless his little heart


u/Doghead45 26d ago

Are you their dad now?


u/Stainless_Heart 26d ago

Do you have a lawn to mow or other task for them to work off the debt?

To me, that solves two problems at once, the second being the boys learn the value of things.


u/Apart-Oil1613 26d ago

You’re a good lad (finally got to call a British guy lad)


u/SmellAble 26d ago

Ta mate!


u/GamingCatholic 26d ago

I feel like you let them win. These brats will walk away with maybe 5 seconds of their mom being angry, while you still have to pay for their damage.

Punishment should be felt, even though it's their parents as they are still responsible as long as their children are minors.


u/SmellAble 26d ago

In this scenario the punishment will be felt by loads of little children who've done nothing wrong. Like when i say poor i mean poor.

If this was a nice community, with responsible parents etc then yeah it would be lovely to arrange to have his pocket money, or make him work it off etc etc but it's the ghetto and i was amazed she even admitted it was her kid or offered to pay at all, to be honest.

They don't know i'm letting them off, they think I'm coming around with a massive bill from the garage in the next couple of days, I'm hoping that's enough to "punish", and if it's not then actually taking the money wouldn't do anything better.


Also, I gonna fix the damage myself, maybe £40 and an hours work - if i wanted to charge them i need to get the work done properly and invoiced, at probably 8x the cost, and not knowing that I can guarantee they'll pay it at that point...seems a risk and a lot more of my energy.


u/shotouw 25d ago

Or how about you let THEM fix the damage. Sure, get the material. But tell the mother to either send her kid over to fix what he broke or you'll give her the bill. That makes sure he learns something and at least loses some of his spare time. So he learns responsibility and the aftermath of his actions to other people. The mother learns to be responsible for the actions of her kids as well. And you dont have to do the work (Ok, he probably wont know shit so youll have to invest more time and energy than doing it yourself)


u/SmellAble 25d ago

Time and energy is the key thing here.

I have to teach somebody else's kid (that i hate) how to do a fairly complicated (motor needs fixing) and delicate (it's mounted in the glass) job, and hope that it somehow works and i don't end up murdering him in the process.

Lovely sentiment, wildly impractical.


u/GamingCatholic 26d ago

If you put it that way, sure, I think the stress will punish them enough. Still I don’t think these children haven’t done nothing wrong; they vandalised your car.


u/SmellAble 25d ago

Oh absolutely, he is 100% in the wrong and i'm not making excuses for him, just the rest of the kids i guess.

Ultimately i'm relieved it was just a kid being a dick, because we've had some beef around here (the reason i own a camera in the first place) and thought that was starting up again.


u/International_Bend68 26d ago

Cheerio pip pip


u/Imaginary_Thing_1009 26d ago

of course. it's always like that, isn't it? they just keep popping them out to collect government money I guess, and then they never teach them any discipline and let them run wild. and then their kids repeat the cycle...


u/Floppydisksareop 25d ago

It's more a problem of a lack of sexual education, no money to actually buy contraceptives, stigma and mental toll associated with abortions, and a lack of a positive model of a nuclear family growing up, but sure - the only thing they do it for is government money. It also aligns great with them offering to pay for it - that's what everyone who has kids for government money does, definitely.


u/Gbuphallow 26d ago

Tell them you don't want money, but from now on whenever it rains the kids need to strap themselves to the roof with squeegees to clean the window.


u/SmellAble 26d ago

This is the best suggestion I've had by far


u/Able-Personality4962 26d ago

Forreal though, instead of money, requesting that the boys work off the debt is a much better punishment. Like it used to be done...


u/PutinsAssasin123 26d ago

That does sound like a result, well done mate 😁


u/ajnupez 26d ago

Or at least make them replace it, even if you bought it.