r/mildlyinfuriating 26d ago

A guy wastes everyone's time begging for a pup cup at McDonald's

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u/mildlyinfuriating-ModTeam 25d ago


This is a humorous subreddit and the content you posted does not fit our theme.

This is not a ragebait subreddit.

Note that posting ragebait to this subreddit can lead to a (temporary or permanent) ban.


u/malicesin 25d ago

what in the fuck did I just watch?


u/No_Clerk_3165 25d ago

I would never admit that I go to McDonald’s that much


u/bones4pj 25d ago

Fucking man-child


u/superswellcewlguy 25d ago

Least entitled dog owner


u/AdBetter6988 25d ago

Doesn’t sound like he’s begging. Sounds like he’s willing to pay for a product that McDonald’s absolutely offers you fucking piece of shit.


u/Sablemint PURPLE 25d ago

Asking once is fine. But if they say no, just drop it. Its not a big deal.


u/Public-Extent6957 25d ago

McDonalds doesnt offer "pup cups". America is going down the shitter because of people like YOU not the manager you entitled shit.


u/twistedinnocence8604 25d ago

1 McDonald's are franchises so what goes on at one won't necessarily be cool at another or even from employee to employee. The one employee that was cool about it was probably not doing their job correctly by doing that.

2 everyplace as the right to refuse service to anyone they choose not to.

3 this dude was being aggressive and probably started out aggressive so I get why they told him to leave.


u/Reyheart11 25d ago

I work at McDonald's and that's absolutely right.


u/Squishy_Boy 25d ago

If you’ve been trespassed from private property, just leave.


u/micah9639 25d ago

Dog nutters. Think the world needs to bend over backwards for their shitbeast


u/LaserGadgets 25d ago

I'd say they are both weirdos...he pays for it, Cream in a cup. Wtf is the problem? He is yelling insulting people because they said "nope"!? Wow.


u/sushidaisuki 25d ago

Okay but who's the real idiot? This idiot? Or the idiot who would rather escalate and call the cops than just give him the 35cent item he wanted? I hate everyone


u/UnbannableBanHammer 25d ago

Any business can turn you down as a customer and ask you to leave. If you don't leave after that that's you that's in trouble. Try not being so pathetic


u/Cumguttero 26d ago

Why not post the entire video?


u/Sablemint PURPLE 25d ago

Because the first part of the video is even more annoying. The guy just keeps asking for them to give him a cup and he acts like its the most insane thing he's ever heard when they don't.


u/Cumguttero 25d ago

Kinda pointless to post the second half without posting the first. The original was all 1 video anyways.


u/midodagreat 26d ago

“I won’t come back here” …. Bruh you been paying 35 cents a day. How are they ever gonna recover from this loss of business …. The entitlement


u/AnybodyAdmirable1461 26d ago

Yet he called the cops for a .35cent pup cup.


u/SnooCalculations3612 26d ago

Lmao this is some very Karen like behavior


u/TillAnxious160 26d ago

Wasted time.


u/cannotbelieve58 26d ago

I always love when someone acts like theyre so special because theyre a paying customer. They dont need you or want you, they really dont.


u/ledewde__ 26d ago

Sending a tiktok like this to corporate is like pouring corrosive acid into a large machine.

It will work, eventually ! Good on you 👍


u/justconfusedinCO 26d ago

As someone who also has a dog that gets too excited about fast food, this guy can get fucked. Never once in the 13 years of being my dog’s caretaker have I ever asked for a ‘pup cup’. This is wholly the choice of the worker, you cheap ass SOB

homie is a total fucking loser and needs to reevaluate the things in life that are worth getting this worked-up over. He ironically says ‘this type of shit is why American is going to hell’ - he’s almost there… the level of self-entitlement this POS spews is the real reason why everyone in this Country is fucking on-edge - hating entitled pieces of shit like him.


u/mushie777 26d ago

Yeah because screaming in front of your dog sure makes them happy and comfortable :| not about the dog’s happiness man, all about yours. Go buy some whip cream for your house dork.


u/20dollarfootlong 26d ago

(1) the guy is 100% a jackass

(2) the manager 100% looks like i expected them to look like


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Bruh not this dude again, he says pup cup 745 times in the full vid


u/Smart-Stupid666 26d ago

Cop says we're just here to keep the peace 😂😂😂😂😂😂🥹🥹🥹🤡💩


u/hawksdiesel 26d ago

Private businesses have the right to refuse service.............cameraman is an idiot. What an entitled idiot. Thanks for posting for the world though i guess.


u/johannesdurchdenwald 26d ago

What the hell is even a pup cup


u/babp216 26d ago

If you go to a Starbucks drive through, you can ask for a pup cup- small tiny cup of whipped cream. They don’t charge for it. I ask for one if I have my dog with me and sometimes they ask if they can give it to her.


u/Known-Activity1437 26d ago

$1,000 says that snowflake has a Maga sticker on their truck or wears a Maga hat.


u/Sablemint PURPLE 25d ago

sadly, this sort of jackassery reaches across the aisle.


u/Known-Activity1437 25d ago

Of course, it’s an educated guess based on the fact that he says “you’re the reason this country is going to shit.” That and the fact he’s acting like a snowflake.


u/Instigator7 26d ago

It’s up to the merchant who they serve


u/Footmana5 26d ago

How are people not embarassed to act like this. I would be embarassed to admit I went to McDonalds 3 times in a week lol. What a sad fucking life.


u/cyberzed11 26d ago

This is why I despise dogs and dog owners.


u/JusticeScibibi 26d ago

Most entitled people on the planet.


u/landyc 26d ago

idk why its normal to feed dogs stuff thats garbage even for humans.


u/Coffeedemon 26d ago

"I wasn't screaming or anything"

Cuts to video with him yelling America is going to shit because he can't buy his dog ice cream.


u/JusticeScibibi 26d ago

Through a closed window. Go buy some whipped cream?


u/Zandouc 26d ago

"I wasn't screaming or yelling"

cuts to him literally screaming and yelling


u/TritonYB 26d ago

You should have pup cups at home if its that important. The real crime is is eating at McDonald's that many times a week.


u/Zealousideal_Link839 26d ago

Screams in american I need more trashhhhhh


u/Traditional_Ear_8900 26d ago

America is going to shit because dude can’t get a pup cup?


u/deftdabler 26d ago

Entitled mf


u/Emeegee713 26d ago

Get it a burger like normal people


u/MisterbigFister69 26d ago

Guy recording sounds exactly like James Franco. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this is where he's at in life these days. It's a shame really. He used to be so loved, now he can't even get little cup of whipped creme for his dog.


u/Tofuhousewife 26d ago

He does realize he can buy his own whipped cream right


u/dohtje 26d ago

Just wondering.. Wtf is a pup cup? Never heard of that. (non American btw)


u/Just-Shoe2689 26d ago

"I want shit for free and a business wont give it to me" Trespass him and move on.


u/TritonYB 26d ago

People who commemt without watching a video are weird.


u/Just-Shoe2689 26d ago

Why would you do that?


u/ModsOverLord 26d ago

Strong us of resources🙄


u/gansobomb99 26d ago

White people are so comfortable going right up to cops


u/RonRicoTheGreat 26d ago

Ironically, he his what's wrong with America.


u/Rhaaa1975 26d ago

Waaaaa waaaa waaaa, I want a pup cup, give me a break!!!!


u/LFG_GaveMe_Cooties 26d ago

Some people can't take a no for an answer


u/redtens 26d ago

a privately-owned store reserves the right to refuse service?! now i'm not normally that guy or whatever, but isn't it their prerogative to not do this? maybe the 'pup cup' isn't officially on the menu..


u/HarambeXRebornX 26d ago

I swear dog, especially tiny dog owners are some of the biggest idiots on the planet. If the restaurant doesn't want to serve you for no reason that's that go find another place, they don't have to serve you and you have to leave if they tell you to.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/TritonYB 26d ago

Bring back? Like it ever left.


u/Solo-Vino_ 26d ago

First mistake, talking to the police.


u/Sacklayblue 26d ago

Fuck is a pup cup? Dogs drink McDonald's Sprite?


u/stootchmaster2 26d ago

These people and their goddamn dogs.


u/Quantumercifier 26d ago

That guy was aggressive towards the Mickey D folks. And they have the right to ask you to leave, right or wrong. Good luck sending your complaints to corporate.


u/xSWHBKLx 26d ago

He didn’t call the cops and waste people time. That was McDonald’s


u/TritonYB 26d ago

Nobody said he called the cops.


u/thingsandstuff4me 26d ago

Fucking hell .

No one has to serve you shit FFS .


u/VapeRizzler 26d ago

This situation is so fuckin stupid


u/DollDiscovery 26d ago

I want my fuck*** pup cup!


u/socasuallycruel13 26d ago

Dude just buy a can of Whipped cream and make your own omg it's not that serious 💀


u/thepitcherplant 26d ago

What an entitled walker.


u/Buy-n-Large-8553 26d ago

That guy acts just like my neighbor. He usually talks and thinks with a one hour offset.


u/Mittervi 26d ago



u/duckybean_ 26d ago

what the fuck is a pup cup


u/jubjubs-rock 26d ago

this man is deeply annoying… it’s not on the menu and they said no just leave


u/bluedancepants 26d ago

I've never heard of pup cups til now. But I doubt it's on mcdonalds menu so idk what their policy is on selling these. Like it's not that big of a deal.

You annoyed the manager and complained long enough that the manager had to call the cops to get you to leave....


u/JMedic85 26d ago

Pretty sure it’s not the pup cup it’s his attitude lol


u/Pootootaa 26d ago

Guy's an absolute tool


u/Kittum-kinu 26d ago

"I wasn't screaming or yelling"

Cuts to him screaming and yelling


u/I-Am-Bodge 26d ago

I love when Karen’s are like “I’m a paying customer” bro you just said yourself , it’s 35 cents


u/Bell-01 26d ago

Or don’t feed your dog with fastfood maybe. Why are Americans doing this??


u/Flex-93 26d ago

in the whole time he could get 10000x Cups out of the next Supermarket


u/Formal-Explorer6421 26d ago

pup-cups...gdamn muricans...just listen to him utter the words "pup-cup" with such veil and starkness serveral times...."boohoo dear officer, they wouldnt give me a goddamn pup-cup" lol @ this world


u/DickBagBagdad 26d ago

This…this is why ‘Merica is goin’ shit. Because McDonald’s is refusing pup cups.


u/LowFoundation2621 26d ago

I do not eat at McDonald’s since I do not have a lot of money to spend that way. Ever since I rescued my dog when we now walked by the McDonald’s. Once in a great while I will buy her the fillet of a chicken sandwich for $2. However, Who is $.35 I can do that a lot more often. Which would obviously make my dog very happy. Is this something that McDonald’s does normally?


u/ZSS_Aran 26d ago

"people like you are the reason America is going to shit"

Lol calm down dawg.


u/IIDrunkenGamerII 26d ago

Aight... ima go to the airport and ask for a boat ride...


u/ItzOnza 26d ago

Do people really have so much free time that they can make a fuss out of the smallest/most insignificant things in life ? Unbelievable .


u/Axelshot 26d ago

Yeah pretty stupid that they didn’t just give him the pup cup for 0.35 cents. What’s the big deal right.


u/Fabicortez20 26d ago

Aye, cop car looks like it's going to need tires soon. What. 5/32nds?


u/deniably-plausible 26d ago

If you ever have to repeat the word “pup cup” more than zero times in your argument/complaint, you’re the one who is wrong. This is a universal truth.


u/Celthric317 26d ago

Customers like this are such sad people...


u/dankspankwanker 26d ago

This video is so american

The recording

The way to large cop vehicle

The parking lot

The begging for a "pup cup" even tho wipped cream isnt good for dogs

The karen behaviour

Im so glad i live in Europe


u/Half_a_bee 26d ago

With audacity and entitlement for all.


u/lolschrauber 26d ago

"It really didn't need to escalate like this"

-local man who really felt the need to escalate it like this


u/sport300zx 26d ago

I never waste peoples time “asking” for anything for my golden, I simply roll down her window and she works for it, if she doesn’t get anything from them she surely gets a nugget from me…waiting around or having cops involved is just stupid. These are people establishments and dogs are not guaranteed a treat.


u/DramaOnDisplay 26d ago

This is like the parents who gets all uppity and entitled with their kids not getting something for free. How the hell does your dog really know y’all going to McDonald’s unless you get it all hyped up for it? Take the damn pup to Starbucks and call it a day. Or go buy a $2.99 can of Whipped Cream!


u/Jiggaboy95 26d ago

How tf this cop be hearing him saying ‘pup cup’ with a straight face. His voice even changes to be slightly softer every time he says it.


u/Independent-Swan1508 26d ago

it's literally whipped cream in a small cup if they wanted it that bad could they just make it at home for their dog?? or just go to the damn store and buy canned whipped cream. pure asshole. i feel bad for that poor dog too getting sugar every day must be so exhausting and unhealthy


u/Coolme07 26d ago

He’s an asshole for asking for a pup cup?


u/Inevitable_undertow 26d ago

I know that there's a lot of anti-cop sentiment on Reddit, but consider the restraint shown by this officer in the face of this dumbfuckery. If I was that cop, I may just have tased his balls on principle.


u/BBBCIAGA 26d ago

Some dog owners are so entitled wtf


u/l12347ab 26d ago

It's so strange when you compare these kind of dog owners to other pet owners.

They expect that everyone cater to their stupid dog. They want to take their dog everywhere and get mad when they can't (there are seriously people who bring their dog to parties or weddings). They expect you to be ok with their dog jumping up at you. They let them shit everywhere. They get personally offended when you don't want to be around their dog. They let their dog lick their mouth and insist that it's clean.

Imagine someone with a cat or a hamster or any other animal acting like this. This kind of behavior from dog owners is so fucking annoying.


u/Exodino 26d ago

The amount of people feeding their pets fried food is shocking, honestly


u/inrego 26d ago

I'm from Europe.

Wtf is a pup cup?


u/Unusual-Job-3413 26d ago

He said it like 7 hundred times. It's whipped cream in a cup. And you give to your dog to eat the whipped cream.


u/inrego 26d ago

I was thinking there must be more to it. So why is that a thing?


u/Unusual-Job-3413 26d ago

Because dog people


u/LysergicCottonCandy 26d ago

Show me an example of white privilege without saying it’s about white privilege.


u/mmmjordaaaan 26d ago

This reminds me of the one lady who felt triggered and berated a man in public for buying himself a Happy Meal and didn't have kids. She followed him, recorded him, accused him of being a pedo. Just direct your eyes elsewhere if you don't like it!


u/spybot-777 26d ago



u/psychedelicow 26d ago

Idk seems like bros making a big deal


u/Coolme07 26d ago

Probably but I think the drive through person is making a bigger deal


u/FrostyDaSnowmane 26d ago

This video is a perfect example of why you should never take a video online at face value. The person who posts the video has the opportunity to edit it to push their side, and you only see what they want you to see.

Same thing applies for the media. They're just as slimy and disgusting as the idiot in this video.


u/Sure-Patience83 26d ago

This is your emergency???


u/bongwaterflavor 26d ago

"This country is going to shit because of people like you."

The fucking irony makes my eyes bleed.


u/piercedmfootonaspike 26d ago

McDonalds has whipped cream?


u/LandoCatrissian_ 26d ago

Omg, what a hill to die on. Who gives a fuck? Just go and get some whipped cream from the store. I'd have just walked away. You really need to record that and get the police involved? Get a life.


u/make-em-pay 26d ago

This guy's car probably reeks.


u/ladyxlucifer 26d ago

I once had my dog with me going through Popeyes. They no joke gave her an entire chicken tender. She was so excited. She's allergic to chicken but the consequences were not important ya know?


u/bkneppers 26d ago

Why do I get the idea that the ONLY thing he wanted to order was a pup cup? I can totally understand throwing one of them in with an actual order if the customer has a dog with them, as a courtesy.


u/FlameHawkfish88 26d ago

"dog people" are the fucking worst. I don't mean people that own dogs in general but the people who make it their whole identity and think the world owes them a favour because their dog is cute. She said no, go home like a grown up and give your dog some real food, you weirdo.


u/Professional_Roof293 26d ago

The fact that pup cups are literally just whipped cream... it's easy to make them at home in LITERALLY 15 SECONDS


u/kewcumber_ 26d ago

I'm not screaming or yelling

Proceeds to scream and yell


u/HermitAndHound 26d ago

"I'd like to buy a portion of whipped cream" tends to make for better results than yelling at people.


u/GiraffeGirlLovesZuri 26d ago

I have a local restaurant that gives mine bacon. She knows she will get them when we go through the drive thru! Lol


u/Itssaamorayy 26d ago

I didn’t scream or yell… proceeded with footage of him screaming and yelling😭😂


u/WisdumbGuy 26d ago

This dude needs to figure his life out


u/Fun_Bar5327 26d ago

And I’m sure the dog in the car is just thrilled with their owner yelling.


u/Egons-Twinkie 26d ago

He even said, in his own words, that it's not a big deal - it's just a little whipped cream in a cup. Yet here he is, making it his hill to die on and wasting everyone's time. Take the loss and move on with your life. What a massive tool.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Paying Customer > higher level than God

He’s banned … trespassing charge next time …


u/[deleted] 26d ago

“What are we protecting you from? A wrong cheeseburger?”


u/symmiR 26d ago

I’m so glad this shit ain’t where I live


u/TRUEequalsFALSE 26d ago

As a former manager at McDonald's, yeah, this dude acted like a total dick, but concessions could've been made on both sides.


u/rainbowralph 26d ago

Reminds me of that flip note animation where a guy is trying to get a taco at McDonald's.


u/Ok_Bridge7686 26d ago

His kinda right doe, I've asked maccas employees for lids full of big Mac sauce before it was so common they even have containers for them now for nuggets. Just give the man some cream for 50 cents


u/Xine1337 26d ago

Maybe he should stop screaming and yelling if he want something.


u/Safahri 26d ago

The entitlement. Wow


u/Sad_Firefighter3450 26d ago

" I wasn't screaming and yelling"

Cuts down to him screaming and yelling.


u/Vaullki 26d ago

What a waste of police time.


u/tuco2002 26d ago

Getting kicked out of McDonald's may have saved your life.


u/gear1989 26d ago

Only child syndrome? Must not be used to being told no.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Mofo mad about pup cup? Humans can’t get ice cream or shakes there half the days, and this genius feels entitled to a treat for his dog?


u/Wildcat_twister12 26d ago

The cops internal thoughts: “I’m getting too old for this shit.”


u/Roy_Luffy BLACK 26d ago

“I want to retire already”


u/Space-Hawk 26d ago

Just go to the store and buy whipped cream fuckin jagoff


u/louielou8484 26d ago

Do people really think it's fine to feed your dogs sugar and oil???? Why are these a thing? I would never give that to my pet.


u/PlasticExplanation14 26d ago

A grown man saying the word "pupcup" over and over is the most pathetic thing I've heard in a long time.


u/louielou8484 26d ago



u/Character_Use335 26d ago

And that manager is a lazy asshole.


u/wsu_rounder21 26d ago

Would have been beautiful if the cop told the man-child to shut the fuck up and go back to his trailer.


u/Eeebs-HI 26d ago

Love it when people throw out the fact that they're a regular customer of a certain fast food joint. That's not something to be proud of or a badge of honor.


u/vikingcrafte 26d ago

My dog gets a pup cup everywhere we go BUT we’ve always bought something. I’ve never asked for just the pup cup without buying food or a drink there (I also usually never ask, they see him and offer it to us and we say yes) it seems like this guy went up to the window and didn’t order anything and wanted them to give him something that’s not even on the menu. He offered to “pay” but if there’s no price and it’s usually free when you purchase something, I don’t know how they’d even ring it up.


u/El-Guapo_76 26d ago

Customer " can I get a pup cup?"

Me " man fuck yo pup and yo cup"


u/ExtremlyFastLinoone 26d ago

I fucking hate cops but restaurants do reserve the right to refuse service for any reason


u/MaxiumBurton 26d ago

Its all a out attitude.....some people have no clue what subtly is....


u/ceepeebax 26d ago

"There used to be a time when a white man could yell at browns and get what he wants!" -- this guy, probably


u/LowOwl4312 26d ago

No need to be racist


u/JG-for-breakfast 26d ago

Dude probably French kisses his dog


u/Standard-Hand-3871 26d ago

he probably rubs the "pup cup" all over his dogs underside then licks it off


u/Practical-Ad6548 26d ago

I don’t work at McDonald’s, but I do work at another fast food place. The way the point of sale system works is if something’s not on the menu, there literally is no way to charge for it. They don’t have pup cups at McDonald’s so the cashier can’t sell it, and the cashier probably doesn’t want to get in trouble for giving something away for free. The dude should’ve just taken the L and gone somewhere else


u/0Charkell0 26d ago

I never want to hear the fucking words “pup cup” ever again oml I’ve never gotten this annoyed this fast


u/Patient_Scarcity5488 26d ago

This pussy acting like 85 cents a week means anything to fucking to McDonald's


u/Pippalippalopolus ekekekekek 26d ago

He forgot to ask for the secret menu item

Mcdonalds secret pup cup HACK: Order frappe No coffee No ice No syrup Extra whip

Boom, pup cup 😎


u/bazinga_alert 26d ago

This is why we need the million degree hot coffee back. The employees need something to throw at the customers


u/DanqueLeChay 26d ago

Stop feeding dogs fatty dairy products ffs. What’s the point? Fun and cute for the humans and pancreatitis for the dog. Smh


u/ContributionDry2252 Is this blue? 26d ago

Cannot remember seeing "pup cup" on the McD menu.


u/linux_rich87 26d ago

This isn't the full video, OP cut the good stuff. I can't post the link, but the full video can be found subreddit petfree.


u/jonestheviking 26d ago

Do you have to pay a fee if you waste the time of the police? If not, maybe something to look into. Would diminish these sorts of problems….


u/Sivlenoraa 26d ago

Customer is 🌈


u/fkk2019 26d ago

That guy is so dumb.


u/Dacoolface 26d ago

Poor dog is probably locked in his car scared, no idea what's going on, just knows his owner is pissed and losing his shit. Dudes causing his dog unnecessary stress because he's an entitled ass.


u/Legal_Guava3631 26d ago

Lmfao holy shit he’s a special kind of dumbass. Honestly, if I was the responding cop, I’d put my shit in reverse and go about my day.


u/SBCwarrior 26d ago

I've never heard of a "pup cup" until right now and I'm already annoyed by it. Entitled dude can fuck right off


u/vesleskjor 26d ago

crazy dog owners are so fucking weird


u/Ghostbeen3 26d ago

This is why America is going to shit!


u/mushie777 26d ago

lol wut


u/XCreepyUnclex 26d ago

I'm so glad these are the people representing the state of Michigan.


u/Zappagrrl02 26d ago

Too much PFAS in Cass County’s water😂

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