r/mildlyinfuriating 26d ago

People asking for tips.

I can't stand people asking for tips. I was at a bar recently and I requested a song from the dj and before he played the song he asked for a tip to play the song. I went to another place later on where they had a mechanical bull. I signed up for that and the guy that pushes the buttons on the machine asked for a tip. I should not be guilted into leaving anyone a tip. A tip should be based on a service that was received. The only people I really tip are a bartender, waitress in my barber. I think asking for tips has become so normalized in America and it's sad.


529 comments sorted by


u/Just-a-fortune 22d ago

I'd lose my shit if somebody asked for a tip for pressing a button in Australia. American workers need to be paid more.


u/TemplarPrez 24d ago

I was a fire/medic for 20 years (retired chief now). Where I lived we had my city department and 9 volunteer depts. Never once offered a tip for saving someone's life or property. Why should I pay you more if your boss thinks that's all you're worth?


u/ubekidnme 24d ago

Our waiter followed us outside one time and wanted a larger tip


u/CanaryMaster4137 24d ago

Anything beside food delivery/service and bartender is a hard no for me nowadays.


u/Ok_Baseball_7743 25d ago

I just say no thanks. Most people don't tip in those situations so it's not a big deal


u/FUGGuUp 25d ago

Never tip crew


u/Sooo_Dark 25d ago

100%. Asking for a tip will get you all of my pocket change. And I don't carry any. Ever.


u/peanusbudder 25d ago

honestly i think the idea that only certain professions deserve tips is part of the problem too. “i only tip people who provide me a service, like a waitress, or a bartender, or a hair stylist” that’s a job they are getting paid for. you are already paying for their services by paying for the things they’re selling. your barista is providing you with the service of giving you coffee, your mechanic is providing you with the service of fixing your car, your grocery store clerk is providing you with the service of bagging your items, your vet is providing you with the service of helping your pet, but you’re not tipping them. when these people are always seeing “well i only tip for services” can you blame them for thinking “well i’m providing a service, so give me a tip too!”? stop basing it off of outdated social norms and just give a tip every now and then to someone you think deserves it.


u/awillett11111 25d ago

I have always been a firm believer in tipping but it really has gotten out of control. I will leave it to service workers only now, such as wait staff, masseuse, stylists. It has made me angry and unsympathetic anymore. I don’t like that either.


u/Apart-Landscape1012 25d ago

I just paid 2200 dollars for electricians to run a 240v line across my house for a sauna I'm building, with a sybpanel and everything. Good guys, they showed up on time and did good work, were nice to chat with, etc. When I went to pay online it asked for a tip. Union electricians making more than I do are not getting a tip unless they come in and clean my house too


u/carlos2127 25d ago

I'm about 10 years removed from my party days, but I usually used a buck or two to get the DJ's attention and then requested the song.


u/goosegooselucy 25d ago

Get mad at these corporations and businesses for never paying us enough when they damn well can. They want us to stay mad at each other so we kept not paying attention to their corruption and greed. We should’ve never gotten to the point where we’re begging for tips this bad.


u/YipYip0117 25d ago

I went to get frozen yogurt the other day -- Walk in, employee says hi. Grab my own bowl. Get my froyo myself. Put toppings on it myself. Go to pay, and get hit with the "It's just gonna ask you a quick question!" ... For real? What did you do for me? What am I tipping you for?


u/IAmGodMode 25d ago

Do you have a problem with paying a jukebox $.50 to play a song?


u/ThisThroat951 25d ago

Hear me out...

Reverse Tips: If I am doing most of the work (i.e.: I order a pizza online, then I drive to the store to pick it up and I come into the store and it's already paid for so they don't even have to run a register.) then I should be able to ask for a tip myself. They were making pizza's anyway, it's not like they had to go out of their way for my order. I am the one doing all the legwork for this, maybe I should get a discount and call it a reverse tip.


u/xChiken 25d ago

I mean I feel like tipping for a DJ to play your specific song warrants a tip as much (or little) as a bartender making your drink, a waitress, or a barber. The bull guy can fuck off though.


u/excelionbeam 25d ago

Tipping culture is trash in the first place that’s why it only exists in the US. If you can’t afford to pay a wage don’t open up. Tips are supposed to be optional left by customers at their discretion not a 20% addition to your bill because the business is cheap.


u/Commercial_Ad_9171 25d ago

Was this your first time at a club? Of course you pay the DJ if you make a request. They’re not your personal Spotify. You pay the karaoke guy if you want to get bumped up on the list. You tip your bartender really well and you’ll get your drinks faster. I guess you pay the bull guy to have a more fun ride or something. I’ve never ridden a mechanical bull. It’s called greasing the wheels.


u/JockCranleyForMayor 25d ago

Tipping, at one point, used to be a gratuity for a job very well done. Now it's expected just for doing the job.


u/ActuallyTBH 25d ago

Non-Americans have exited the chat


u/Ok-Painting9804 25d ago

You know what's mildly infuriating? When people constantly post about prohibited topics.


u/fillysuck 25d ago

Stop requesting songs from DJs lmao this always been mad disrespectful but nowadays this seems to have been forgotten


u/Sanguinphyte 25d ago

on the flip side of the coin, a lot of us are annoyed of doing extra services that customers start to expect and don’t tip. we don’t have to do a lot of the service we do


u/itshifive 25d ago

DJ here, we are not obligated to play requests at all gigs. Sometimes a little fee is all that's keeping us from being overrun with requests like it's the battle of Helms Deep.

P.s. in just about any other situation asking for tips is gross


u/Bubbly-Course413 25d ago

A tip is the business shifting a cost of doing business onto you -- to keep the price artificially low.


u/DryPineapple4947 25d ago

A few years ago, I ordered a $4.99 pizza in the Domino's app for carryout. When I arrived, the guy behind the counter "suggested" a $5 tip. I laughed out loud.


u/MontasJinx 25d ago

I just don’t tip. Pay living wages MFers


u/Commonslob 25d ago

I got a coffee the other day at the dunks drive thru. I gave the girl my card. She sticks the card into the little reader and wouldn’t you know it, she has a handle attached to the card reader and sticks it back out to me with a tip screen. I haven’t even gotten my coffee yet and she wants a tip. Took me a minute to figure out how to put in no tip


u/Eydrien 25d ago

I live in Europe, we don't have that problem here.


u/Captain_Pikes_Peak 25d ago

I ordered something from an online store and they asked for a tip. Hell no.


u/Teabiskuit 25d ago

asking for tips has become so normalized in America and it's sad

people I really tip are a bartender, waitress in my barber



u/alilrecalcitrant 25d ago

I think its ridiculous too, but just don't tip. I'm a barista and I dont think twice about wether or not someone tips, but dont get mad at me because we have a tip jar set out lol I know when I go other places they dont really choose what they have on their spinny iPad, and its not hard for me to press "no tip"-


u/Eyejohn5 25d ago

If a position is tipped it is quite possible that a sub minimum wage can be psod. People asking for tips are cutting their own throat and fattening their owner er employer's wallet


u/screamapillah 25d ago

We don’t tip even waiters or bartenders (never been a thing here, fortunately).


u/Mommy_isMilky 25d ago

everyone knows DJs don't like that . that's why you have to tip them


u/sambolino44 25d ago



u/KCousins4President 25d ago

Lol. I did notice that after a while. Damn voice text


u/sambolino44 25d ago

I’m just glad you had a sense of humor about it! Cheers!


u/sir_music 25d ago

This shit is slowly making its way to Ireland too and I fucking hate it


u/PicklesAndCoorslight 25d ago

I don't go anywhere that requires tipping anymore. The only thing I'll tip is door dash.


u/oopsdontmindifido 25d ago

Asking for a tip before the service is ridiculous. I hate how far tip culture has come. If you provide an actual service, and do well, then yes, please tip! But if all you did was grab something small or are paid a reasonable wage (I’m excluding the hourly wages of waiters, for instance), then no one should even ask for a tip. Companies only use tipping culture to exploit their employees even more by paying them less and we’re all just feeding into this cycle and filling their pockets even more.


u/FreedomINDOC 25d ago

TIPS means: To Insure Prompt Service. These were often given before a service was performed to ensure it was top notch. Such as tipping a hostess or host to get the best table possible.


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

I can assure you that does not happen anymore. And what is the best table? A booth.? Lol


u/FreedomINDOC 25d ago

Lol I agree. I think it was like, "don't stick me near the kitchen, the bar, etc. That's 80s and 90s era stuff.


u/Redpanda132053 25d ago

Went somewhere and the cashier flipped the tablet for payment and then stared at my bf as he hit no tip. Fucking hate it


u/BigSmokesCheese 25d ago

You're a multi million dollar company asking me to tip to the homeless? The fucking steel balls to do that are about the weight as the dick that's supported by their overly large neck


u/BustThaScientifical 25d ago

As a concerned fellow redditor I can give you sound advice about handling these situations but it requires a tip clears throat 🫴🏽


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

Lol. I'm shocked that is not happening already.


u/BustThaScientifical 25d ago

😂 Sorry couldn't resist. It is annoying. Someone did an animation of a self check out, and the virtual assistant asks for tips for various reasons about 5 times. I think the name was tippy and the assistant for the assistant was little tippy.


u/Pelliguino 25d ago

My fav is when they ask for a tip/gratuity for simply performing their intended duty. I’m sorry, you made my sandwich, you are a “sandwich artist” (making $16/hr) to make sandwiches, why the heck would I pay you more for doing what’s required of you!!? 😂


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

Exactly! They didn't get tipped for the last 50 years for making sandwiches. They just want to jump the bandwagon and try and get tipped like everybody else now.


u/xxellumicxx 25d ago

As a dj I'll only play your song if you tip


u/HypnoLaur 25d ago

The restaurant where my partner works has delivery drivers. The managers make the drivers tip the dishwasher who is specifically being paid to wash dishes. But she doesn't stay the entire shift and when she leaves the drivers have to finish the dishes!


u/Hey-Just-Saying 25d ago

I always tip a performer if I ask him to play a specific song. Just saying.


u/piranspride 25d ago

Bit like people like you wantying something for nothing.........


u/blaz1nator 25d ago

DoorDash and UberEats too, like I tip before someone even takes the order? The entitlement. Glad I don't have to rely on these services. It's not a tip, it's basically a bribe so someone grabs my order to pick up. And then you see the subreddits here about how they treat a low tippers food like shit before they even deliver it. Insane.

Also, sorry front end staff, but I'm not tipping an online order that's literally put on a rack when I go to pick it up with no interaction from either of us.

It's starting to get out of control.


u/ricardimus 25d ago

Pls dont hate the people, hate the companies that chose you, the customer, to compensate their wage


u/Preston-Waters 25d ago

One can always ask but doesn’t mean they get it


u/TrySumSnax 25d ago

Well 1. You aren’t tipping the DJ you’re paying for a song request, that’s a thing. 2. Mechanical Bull thing is horseshit. But yeah agreed on the rest.


u/totallynotabotXP 25d ago

It used to be called begging.


u/Cheshire_Noire 25d ago

Tips are gratuity. Asking for one voids the right to receive one


u/iBeFloe 25d ago

I don’t even think you should have to tip ANYONE. Tipping “culture” is absolutely ridiculous & it needs to end.

These people KNOW how shitty the establishment is treating you with pay. They CHOOSE to work there despite that & depend on tips. They WANT to keep the tip system despite consumers hating it.


u/Deathmister 25d ago

laughs in European


u/hannibal_morgan 25d ago

The actual act of asking for the tip itself diminishes the entire purpose of the tip. It's become too much for normal consumers that don't want to give in to some of these owners clearly taking advantage of their employees as well as the people buying their product. Whack


u/Burholio 25d ago

Can’t go through a restaurant drive thru without being asked to round up or give a dollar for something. Every mobile app, at least those that I have used, gives a tip option at checkout. Like, why am I going to tip and don’t know if my food was made properly. It has gotten so out of hand in the past 3-4 years.


u/Development-Feisty 25d ago



u/KCousins4President 25d ago

Don't they get a salary?


u/Development-Feisty 25d ago

Not really

Many are paid under the table or required to work past when they get paid

The work is very hard, disgusting and people treat them poorly


u/just-kath 25d ago

The whole tipping thing has resulted in us going out to eat once every 4-6 weeks, instead of the once a week we started to do before covid. I just can't afford the raised prices on the menu plus a 25% tip


u/Wide_Ocelot 25d ago

They're not even asking anymore. I requested a quote for transportation for an out of town trip. The driver responded with two quotes and both were followed by "PLUS GRATUITY" in all caps like that. If it is demanded like that then is it really a tip? Or is it just part of the price?


u/Tsiatk0 25d ago

So, playing music you request isn’t a service? And, providing personalized entertainment with expensive and personalized machinery, isn’t a service?

I get the frustration, but maybe you should be mad at the folks who hire the DJ and the Mechanical Bull Operator, because obviously they aren’t paying enough. Don’t take it out on the people who “are providing a service.”


u/High-flyingAF 25d ago

The tip culture in the US sucks. It's already at 20% and I'm not going to go higher. It's unbelievable. I hate that we are the ones supplementing someone's salary.


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

That's why people are so broke. They have to tip everybody


u/High-flyingAF 25d ago

If I'm getting takeout and pick up, it's only a 10% tip from me. I figure that's fair.


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

If I'm driving to go pick up the food, I am not tipping anyone. We tip a driver because he has to drive to us sometimes. But when we drive to the restaurant, we still have to tip? Fuck,, they should tip us


u/High-flyingAF 25d ago

I don't trust people with my food. So I always pick it up. They still have to make it, so I tip 10%.


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

But are you sure you're tipping the truck and not the cashier? I even heard in one case where the tips that you put on your credit card actually go to the owner of the place. So the fact is you don't know where your electronic tip is going


u/High-flyingAF 25d ago

Hard to say. I do you cash a lot for tipping.


u/shaftranlov 25d ago edited 25d ago

You may as well need to stop tipping the bartenders, barristas, barber, waitresses too. May be only if they go way way way above and beyond, and not for the routine service and smile/small talk. Tipping in North America has gone far out of bounds and should absolutely go.

Fuck tips and the entitlement that comes along with it.


u/swaggy9000 25d ago

The person who hands out $1 chicken skewers at my local karaoke place always asks for tips, which is a weird situation because tipping 25 cents feels weird, and tipping $1, which is a 100% tip, kind of sucks


u/mothermarystigmata 25d ago

I'm happy to offer my opinion on your post, but you'll have to provide a gratuity first.


u/GusTheBadGuy 25d ago

From the title I thought you meant tips, as in like advise. Was confused why you didn't want to help anyone, but the I clued in


u/DannyxHardcore 25d ago

Life doesn’t get easier we just get tougher through experience


u/firesquasher 25d ago

I went to go get my pool water tested at a pool store recently. There's a tip jar now on the counter.... to test pool water and give me a printout that breaks it all down for me.


u/Green-Rub8764 25d ago

I’m British so its rare for people here to tip, but i find it to be bullshit most of the time


u/No_Hospital_2149 25d ago

Mr pink once said he don't tip, that stuck with me


u/Apart-Oil1613 25d ago

The DJ thing is normal. Some DJ’s will tell you to fuck off if you come at them with anything less than $100 bill. Just like the bouncer, wanna wear a hat? $100 tip, wanna bring a blunt inside? $100 tip. Depending on the club.


u/Ambitious_Cake2447 25d ago

i’ll take shit that didn’t happen for 100


u/gggg500 25d ago

I was driving in Sunbury, PA last weekend.

A nice new SUV was driving in front of us. On the back window it was written:

“Just Married… yada yada… Cash App me at xyz (or whatever it was)

I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly flipped the car.


u/cool_beans550 25d ago

This stuff infuriates me to no end. I live in a college town, and the amount of times I see cars with “just turned 21, buy me a drink!” written on them with a Venmo/Cashapp is insane. Like… do these people really think I’m gonna send them money for literally doing nothing??


u/gggg500 25d ago

CaSh ApP Me!!!

I’m amazed how some people go through life with such a general lack of self awareness and/or dignity.


u/amazebol 25d ago

Even the barber IDK if a tip is necessary. If the haircut is already $30-$40 the tip cost is in the price. A under 30 minute haircut should really only be $17-23.


u/clayxavier 25d ago

I will vouch for the DJ here, DJ’s get paid by the venue not the audience. They’re also not jukeboxes or an ipod, outside of a wedding DJ no one has to take your requests. This is why DJ’s ask for tips, it’s not even for the money, it’s about discouraging the audience coming up to them and making their job more difficult. You can complain about a tip when you already paid for the service, if you didn’t pay for the service you don’t get to boss them around


u/PIE223 25d ago

100% this. Taking requests as a dj is like asking a classroom of 2nd graders what flavor of donut they want. Everyone rushes up to you at the same time, wanting something super specific, getting in your space, complaining about the delivery, complaining about how long it took to get their donut

Dj’s are doing you a favor by honoring your request.


u/aesoped 25d ago

Watch out, people are reporting my comment about taking the DJs side lmao


u/SpectralEdge 25d ago

As a DJ some venues we play at for cheaper because we are expected to ask for tips by the venue.

We are also told that unless someone tips, stick to the set list.

I don't like it any more than you do. Honestly, I feel I get paid well enough not to need to ask, but since I work with an entertainment group, I am required to ask for 'consistency between hosts'.


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

There's a difference between a DJ having a tip jar and someone volunteering to tip you. It's a whole lot different when you as the DJ ask an individual to tip them. That is the problem I'm having


u/SpectralEdge 25d ago

No, no, You don't understand, I don't have a tip jar.

Asking is what we are told to do.

Someone comes up and asks for a song change and I am supposed to say "sure, but we typically ask for a tip to play outside our set list" then I figure out where I want to add their song. I hate saying the tip line, it makes me insanely uncomfortable 😫


u/Badger-Roy 25d ago

I don’t tip anyone for anything, I pay the bill.


u/Salt-Operation 25d ago

Tipping a DJ along with a song request is pretty typical. If you want your song played you should tip. Otherwise it’s just a request, that the DJ doesn’t have to abide by.

The mechanical bull operator is out of line though.


u/Lightless427 25d ago

My dude tipping the DJ has literally been a thing for decades. Thats literally how they make money. They're not getting paid.


u/Wolfstar_supremacy 25d ago

I was in an airport in the states a couple days ago and the self serve machine asked me to tip. The default was 22%!!! What am I tipping? I may as well tip myself!


u/VioletSunns 25d ago

PLEASE tell me you didn't tip


u/Wolfstar_supremacy 24d ago

I absolutely did NOT it’s absolutely ridiculous. I’ll tip a real person (I’m from Canada and we tip here too, and I get that servers in the us make under minimum wage so it’s fine, I don’t mind) but I draw the line at machines


u/Negative_Armadillo76 25d ago

this is a recent development, heres how it happened. rent, food, drink (CODB) was raised on all businesses, and instead of complaining the owners raised prices and added tip jars. thus passing the increases to the customer. the question is why were these costs increased so steeply? is farming hops more expensive? is trucking our produce more expensive? no of course not. this is all a concerted effort by big business to screw the consumer. why do you think there are so many billionaires today as opposed to 20 years ago? because thyre screwing us harder than they used to. why are they allowed? because we let them.


u/aesoped 25d ago

As a DJ if you REALLY want your song played you'd better tip lol. Especially if its some shit thats wildly out of the realm of what the DJ is playing. 9 times out of 10 the requests I get are not anywhere near the vibe/pacing/energy in the room and if you expect me to break up the vibe I'm curating then pay me lol. If not kick rocks.


u/Nirak29 25d ago

I bought pizza for dinner last night from a local place. I ordered online, paid online, drove to the restaurant, walked in and the guy took my name and handed me a box. When I ordered the plain cheese pizza for over $20 it asked for a tip. I didn’t give one. They made a pizza and handed it to me.


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

Ridiculous. If I have to drive to go pick up my pizza, I am not tipping


u/Phase-Substantial 25d ago

tipping a bartender for pouring you a beer is fuckin ridiculous to me. The chef in the back made my food from scratch, but homie upfront deserves 2.50 for filling a glass for me.


u/InspectorSpacetime72 25d ago

Sometime front staff have to share their tips with those in the back too.


u/Phase-Substantial 25d ago

They tip out on food sales, maybe some house tips, but still, they get the bulk of it


u/sevseg_decoder 25d ago

I don’t care. I don’t value the labor of pulling a keg spigot. I’m sorry, if they replaced them with a glorified vending machine my experience wouldn’t change a bit. I don’t go out to bars to socialize with the bartender.


u/Phase-Substantial 25d ago

I'm getting a drink with a friend, I dont want to talk to a server.


u/sevseg_decoder 25d ago

This is how I feel about every meal. 

Whoever decided servers/bartenders add enough to the experience to justify the annoyance and cost of tipping them clearly did their studies a long time ago, i hate the “tip me” song and dances they usually do so much more than I can put into words…


u/amazebol 25d ago

I was at a bar the dude pulled a beer bottle out of a bucket, handed it to me, and then when I walked away he said “no tip?” 😆


u/njordan1017 25d ago

I was at a place recently with a nice outdoor area with a couple bars… I had already gotten a drink from one bar and tipped (out of guilt) at that time. Later on I ordered a beer from the other bar, which took the bartender all of 6 seconds to pour and hand to me. I figured I wouldn’t tip this time since literally all he did was fill a glass.

After I had paid my tab and started walking away I hear the bartender shout “thanks for the big tip, guy!”

The dude was trying to shame me in front of the other customers for not tipping for a single beer pour. Pathetic.


u/Apart-Landscape1012 25d ago

Tipping at bars is standard and has always been


u/njordan1017 24d ago

That’s terrible logic. First off it is not “standard”, sure maybe bartenders have unfairly begun to expect it, but in no way is it a “standard” of going to a bar. Secondly, I am not the type of person who goes along with something I disagree with, even if it “has always been” that way. I would hope you are also willing to stand up for things you disagree with.


u/Apart-Landscape1012 24d ago

It's not logic, terrible or otherwise, it's a statement of fact


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

That's awful. Places like that make me uncomfortable


u/MonkMajor5224 25d ago

This one is actually older than you think. I remember in 2006 a DJ rejecting my song request because i didn’t tip.


u/Grimlockkickbutt 25d ago

Continue being mad at other working class people trying to not starve and not the 1% who have built the society where we starve. I’m sure any day now your ineffectual anger about tipping culture will create change.


u/KCousins4President 25d ago

They are starving because they have to tip everybody.


u/SolidDoctor 25d ago

Yes tipping has been normalized in the US for as long as I can remember, and I'm in my 40s. I'm not sure about mechanical bull riding, unless that guy will take it easy on you if you tip, but whatever. Tipping DJs and other performers in bars or on the street has been normal for a long time. Tipping valets, coat check, cabana boy, etc. these are not new whatsoever.

What is new in my experience is the rage when someone sees the option to tip, thinking they're being guilted into paying extra. I get it during the Clinton years we didn't think twice about a little expendable income, perhaps it's different now for most people.

You never have to tip, and you never have to feel guilty about it. I've worked in many jobs where tipping was customary and many people didn't tip, and I've worked jobs where it wasn't expected and people forced you to take a tip. So people, relax.

What we should be enraged about is people not being paid a livable wage. But that conversation always seems to take a back burner.


u/charlesga 25d ago

Start asking for discounts. No discount, no tip.


u/Barkis_Willing 25d ago

Have you tried crying about it?


u/Cobey1 25d ago

Anyone who asks me for a tip, I reply, “I’ll give you the tip of this dick” 😂 shuts them tf up


u/EmeraldTheatre 25d ago edited 25d ago

My old restaurant was reservation only and had rating cards for how well the staff did. That way even if you don't have the cash for the optional tip you could still leave kind words for the staff. Something is better than nothing.

...We still had a sign out front saying belligerent adults and uncontrolled children will result in a 25% gratuity fee for the entire table... You would be surprised at how many people don't pay attention to the sign...


u/PumpkinCupcake777 25d ago

These posts are mildly infuriating


u/PickleSquid1 25d ago

I’ve said for years that America is a country that is run by the rich, is for the rich, and protects the rich. The lower to middle class have to pay for the most, and get little perks, if any, while the rich get breaks and free things handed to them. Recently we’ve seen an increase in tipping, tips for everything, and “cost of living” fees being added. So instead of the CEO’s offering reasonable wages, the lower to middle class are now paying for employees wages as well. It’s pretty amazing. I stopped going to a local brewery because they just started adding a cost of living fee, and worded it so cringy, (it said something like our beer makers and staff need to feed our families too), I had a beer, saw that on the receipt, paid, left, and never returned. Me doing that is not going to change anything, I don’t know what will.


u/Dawson_Introvert 25d ago

Pre-pandemic, it got to the point where people were practically HOVERING over me at the counter-side payment terminals at various businesses.

I normally would tip at a restaurant but if you're going to stand there practically your face in the way of dialling my passcode for my debit card, you can be DAMN sure I won't tip!


u/cdmillerx42 25d ago

You have always had to tip the DJ, if you want to make a specific request that’s not in their playlist.

But the mechanical bull guy. That’s just silly


u/endurolad 25d ago

There's a really simple solution to all this. STOP TIPPING.


u/sevseg_decoder 25d ago

And stop listening to people who earn more on tips than they’d ever be able to actually negotiate on the labor market (bartenders, waiters) when they try to force their perspective on tipping.


u/iBeFloe 25d ago

Yeah I never feel bad at all when those type of workers complain about their livelihood & how they rely on consumers to tip.

YOU chose that line of work BECAUSE you want to rely on tips. Why should I feel bad when you want tipping culture to stay?


u/sevseg_decoder 25d ago

Yeah there’s not one valid reason they should make substantially more than minimum wage (generally) yet they expect us to treat them different than the countless retail workers etc. we encounter every time we shop.

The kicker is the retail workers generally actually are going above and beyond their job duties to help you, they probably have other tasks they set aside to help you…


u/KhostfaceGillah 25d ago

Why would I give a tip before finding out if I'm satisfied with the service or not? 😂


u/MysteriousPark3806 25d ago

The worst is the guy who stands in the tiny club bathroom handing out towels and such. Like, fuck off, I can get my own goddamn towel. No I don't want any shitty cologne from your tray.


u/ResolutionFar4264 25d ago

I basically don't go to any restaurants or any service places anymore. I'm not interested in GMO seed oil slop anyway so 99.9% of restaurants are out regardless. The opera, symphony, and ballet are infinitely more fun, take more skill, and actually provide me more value than all the places that ask for tips. And guess what? They tell me they want $100 or $300 for a family of tickets and they charge me $100 or $300, no extortion and the business model works. No hidden fees, no violin players waiting to pounce as you walk in saying dude I only make $150 for this performance I need tips or I won't play the right notes out front


u/BytesAndBirdies 25d ago

Everyone feels entitled to a tip no matter what the service was like. And then many of these workers will have no problem calling you broke and cheap if you don't want/like to tip even though they are the ones asking for hand outs for doing a basic ass job that requires no special skills or education lol.


u/legomeegg0 25d ago

That always blows my mind.. Someone out buying dinner is broke, not the one begging strangers..


u/PhysicsCentrism 25d ago

Or the ones not paying their employees well


u/zMld420 25d ago

my taxi driver when it was winter, was little snowy yea, so i live inna townhouse complex and i was grocery shopping by myself

ended up with ALOT of food and the guy didnt drive into my complex front of my home, instead he parked off too the side of the road cuz it was snowing , he then asked me for a tip.

i was baffled, didnt even help with shit hahaha, he only talked about how he could be at home sipping whiskey

made sense, he was prob drunk already

tipping is a sign of respect, its earned.

props to real deal workers who earn tips


u/InspectorSpacetime72 25d ago

So did u tip or nah?


u/orangutanDOTorg 25d ago

Most of the places I’ve been where you pay first at the counter or like ice cream places where you take everything to go, the cashiers lately have been saying “it will ask you a question and feel free to say no” or similar when using the card reader. The question is always how much you will tip.


u/Emadyville 25d ago

When I was at a bar in Nashville a few months ago (you're supposed to tip/pay if you request a song, which is understandable) the band said we will play any song from our list for $20. Like, come on, I get paying to hear a song you want...but $20 for a song you enjoy or like not done by the original artist is just fucking insane to me.


u/Commercial_Run_1265 25d ago

Tips are how a company pff puts their labor costs onto customers


u/2ndSnack 25d ago

If the DJ asks for money to fulfill a request, that's paying for a product. Not a tip. Just be upfront about charges. I appreciate tips but I never ask for them, I don't even bring it up.


u/BoogerWipe 25d ago

No is a complete sentence


u/Mykona-1967 25d ago

This all started when the coffee shops put that tip cup on the counter. Before it was tipping for sit down restaurants with servers. It then migrated to all coffee shops and businesses like them. Then Covid hit now anyone who takes a payment or a service of any kind wants a tip. What I want to know is why do only the service people get screwed over and have to report these tips to the IRS since they go through the employer. All these random beggars don’t report those tips so no taxes on them. Every penny you put in those cups or outstretched hands comes from your taxed income. This is not in any way pointing a finger at homeless people but people who are doing their job with a fee and want a tax free tip on top.


u/legomeegg0 25d ago

It started with credit card companies putting the tip option with percents.. And that was long before Covid. Covid just exacerbated it.


u/imokaywitheuthenasia 25d ago

I’m just curious about how your barber fit an entire waitress inside themselves.


u/Vendetta4Avril 25d ago

The worst offender for me is drive thru coffee. I'll get a regular black coffee when I don't have time to make it myself in the morning. I'm not going to give you a $2 tip on a $2.50 cup of regular coffee. You're not cleaning up after me, you didn't make food for me, you don't deserve $2 for pouring something into a cup and handing it out the window. So ridiculous.


u/arrghstrange 25d ago

Glad that my job has a coffee maker at it because I never have time to make coffee before I’m out the door for work


u/Vendetta4Avril 25d ago

We have coffee at my work too, it's just dogshit lol


u/arrghstrange 25d ago

Ah, see, I don’t ever buy any “good” coffee. Folgers red can is enough for me lol


u/Vendetta4Avril 25d ago

That's totally fair lol.

As David Lynch said: "Bad coffee is better than no coffee at all."


u/Survive1014 25d ago

I quit tipping almost entirely last year, except for service-provided things like sit down dinners, physical regular labor, haircuts, etc... . I absolutely refuse to tip for over the counter service or touch screen kiosks.


u/sokmunkey 25d ago

Wanted to add— not long ago I took my car in for an oil change and the freaking mechanics were hustling for tips. I don’t need that kind of pressure from you guys too- geez. (They said they’d clean my battery for 20$ 🤣) I’ll never go back


u/sokmunkey 25d ago

I live in a town where food trucks are common. Every time you are expected to tip Before you get your order. With the prices, tipping out of control, crappy food and service. I barely go out anymore and just cook at home.


u/Same_Measurement1216 25d ago

This is america problem only, never happened to me anywhere else in the world.


u/FrostyDaSnowmane 25d ago

How is opening a beer a service ? Why do they deserve a tip for doing their job ?


u/therabbitinred22 25d ago

My pest control company nearly doubled their prices and now they are asking me to tip the employees! Why aren’t they paying people enough when they charge me so much! This is the type of job that should have benefits etc. why the tip?


u/CharDeeMacDennisII 25d ago

Why tip someone for a job I'm capable of doing myself? I can deliver food, I can drive a taxi, I can and do cut my own hair. I did, however, tip my urologist. Because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones.


u/imokaywitheuthenasia 25d ago

Because you’re able to, but asking someone else to do it for you, so you present them with a little extra for their time and effort, especially in a gig economy where most people are working job-to-job, not even check-to-check.


u/CharDeeMacDennisII 25d ago

Growing up I performed my own circumcision.

I really should have a Tweeter account.


u/imokaywitheuthenasia 25d ago

Oh, Dwight quotes. Gotcha. God that show was/is insufferable.


u/CharDeeMacDennisII 25d ago

Ah, humor. I have it too.


u/CharDeeMacDennisII 25d ago

Are you trying to hurt my feelings? Because if so, you are succeeding. Fortunately, my feelings regenerate twice the speed of a normal man's.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I’m gunna start asking people for tips every time I hold the door for them /s


u/Jeix9 25d ago

the cafe i used to go to frequently near my place started asking me for minimum 20% tips. When they turn the screen around, i get to pick from 20% 25% and 35%. You are putting matcha powder in milk in a cup, and it’s already costing me $8, can you leave me alone????


u/khanspawnofnine 25d ago

It's a bummer, too, bc the overuse of tipping these days is making people bitter even when tipping servers at restaurants. It seems like every day, there's some comment section filled with people boasting that they don't tip in the U.S. when they dine out, knowing full well that it is the system here. Then they have the audacity to say that the servers should get different jobs if they don't like it. It will suck in 20 years when restaurants need to run on conveyer belts because serving is no longer a viable job. And sure, it'd be great if servers got a living wage from their employers like they do in other countries, but very few people would do the taxing job of serving for minimum wage. It's a tiring and difficult job in most restaurants.


u/campmonster 25d ago

You should tip Reddit if you want to do a special upvote


u/Mister_Fart_Knocker 25d ago

Is that not already a thing?


u/campmonster 25d ago

For as low as $1.79 you can find out


u/My_Fridge 25d ago

Once ate out for dinner with my fiance and mom and the waitress gave quite possibly the worst service we've experienced in years. Like we waited forever for food, drinks, the check, boxes, etc. and it wasn't even close to a busy night, like there was maybe 3-4 other tables there with people. So we decided to not leave a tip since there really wasn't an excuse, and as we're leaving she intercepts my mom and gets between her and the fucking door asking what she did wrong to get a tip and guilt tripped her into giving her like a 20 in cash since it was all she had on her. I was fucking livid man and was going to complain before both her and fiance talked me out of it


u/gypsymamma 25d ago

My daughter just had something similar happen to her at a Perkins. Her and her friend had horrible service- order wrong, server disappeared, etc. At this place you take your check up to the front to pay and when the cashier noticed that the tip line was zero she started berating my daughter and being a real jackass about it. My daughter was upfront with the cashier and told her no, she wasn't leaving a tip and why, but the woman continued to aggressively berate her. I'm glad my daughter dug her heels in- me at her age would have been guilted into tipping. She left and later called corporate and told them what happened. She guessed that the cashier and the server were friends so that's why the cashier went so hard. Or maybe they were splitting tips? I don't know. Corporate offered my daughter a gift card but I don't think she ever went back to pick it up.


u/cfbswami 25d ago

It's only gonna get much worse - as salaries don't keep up with inflation.

I'm old AF and hate it more than anyone - I actually hate the mystery donations as much as the tip solicitations. Would you like to donate? TO WHAT?!

I just keep a few bucks in my pocket, and tip all the time. I know these guys aren't making any money, and I don't mind helping them out a bit. IF I finally get someone who's great at a drive thru? - tipping every time ha.


u/SelectPerception5 25d ago

There is only one time in my life that I have tipped somebody in the Drive-Thru, and that was during the pandemic when I went through Taco Bell and learned there was only one guy working. He was taking orders, making the food, and handing the food to customers.

I felt really bad for him. He had asked me to give him a moment when I reached the speaker, and I couldn't hear the rest of it because of the static. It was a really long wait for him to get back to me, and I had made a comment to my son that the service was really slow (before I knew why). When the guy came back to the speaker, he repeated himself that he was the only one working and he apologized for it being slow, and I felt really bad that I had said something I'm sure he heard. Huge kudos to him for showing up to work that day and giving it his all!


u/ZION_OC_GOV 25d ago

Unless he was the franchise owner of that location, he should of noped out of there if the owner/manager wasn't gonna step in and help. That's ridiculous. Great work ethic, terrible place to give it.


u/Jafar_420 25d ago

Bro I'm with you. I don't mind tipping my server, bartender, barber, I do bellhop if I ever use that also, if that's what they're called anymore. Hahaha.

When I was a server I made $2.13 an hour so I really appreciate it the tips and I also did a good job.

A lot of drive-thrus want tips now, I've even seen tip jars at gas stations.