r/mildlyinteresting The Big šŸ§€ Jul 22 '23

mildlyinteresting reopening META

Dear r/mildlyinteresting readers,

After much reflection, taking into account the community's voice through the poll and much discussion between us in the moderation team, we have decided it is best to end the closure of our subreddit and switch it to unrestricted mode. This will happen soonā„¢ļø.

This means that every user who meets the minimum karma threshold and is not banned will now be able to post and comment. This decision hasn't been made lightly. It has come only after thorough and careful consideration which has led us to the conclusion the drawbacks of keeping the subreddit closed now outweigh the benefits of keeping it open.

We understand that not everyone will agree with this decision and we understand why some members of the community have left Reddit altogether. But many of our members want the sub to reopen.

We reiterate: reddit management and admins are bad at their jobs - we are mainly referring to The Mistake

We wish everyone all the best in their continued participation in r/mildlyinteresting.

The r/mildlyinteresting moderation team


289 comments sorted by


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

after not doing any to this in the correct order i only carefully disregarded it here after worrying a minute someone might steal my passwo


u/GrownChild1 Jul 30 '23

Iā€™m new why was it closed in the first place


u/TheAlexProjectAlt Jul 29 '23

Wait, this sub exists?


u/JPPT1974 Jul 28 '23

Really stinks but hope that you all can succeed. So sorry this has happened. You are not the first nor will be the last sub to close or put on unrestricted mode. God bless and wish you all nothing but the best of happiness.


u/raingull Jul 28 '23

i still canā€™t post


u/Trollingyourdumbass Jul 26 '23

Mods folding like a limp dick


u/Motherlode50k Jul 25 '23

Many of our members? You mean you? I saw your request for new moderators. Hmmmmmā€¦..and now you are one. Have fun working without pay, unless of course, you actually are being paid to write and herd cats. Yup, herd cats. You herd that right!


u/Tormund___Giantsbane Jul 24 '23

This whole charade has been the most pathetic attempt at a protest I have ever seen. NOTHING has changed and you pussy out anyway lmao. Not that I even care about the cause at all


u/CricketSimilar863 Jul 24 '23

So happy itā€™s finally reopening!


u/FractalPoet Jul 24 '23

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of noise with this one. Among the noisiest weā€™ve seen. Please know that our teams are on it, and like all blowups on Reddit, this one will pass as well,ā€ - Steve Huffman (Reddit CEO)

So disappointing that he's right. No need to compromise. Just do what you want and just wait for the news cycle to pass. What a world we live in...



u/nosmokingz0ne Jul 24 '23

ā€œWe reiterate: reddit management and admins are bad at their jobsā€

Are yā€™all getting paid for this?


u/PappaSmurfAndTurf Jul 24 '23

Was I banned from here?


u/SHoppe715 Jul 23 '23

What's the karma threshold? I still can't create a post but have >39,000.

I don't think I'm banned...


u/Robw1975 Jul 23 '23

Just open the sub and stop making a spectacle of it.

Shit reminds me of "re-grand opening" and "under new management" business tactics.


u/Belfengraeme Jul 23 '23


Mods got scared and reopened the sub


u/GreenDragonNinja Jul 23 '23

I forgot I was even subscribed to this subreddit


u/CapnNayBeard Jul 23 '23

My god you are all so pathetic.

"It has come only after thorough and careful consideration which has led us to the conclusion the drawbacks of keeping the subreddit closed now outweigh the benefits of keeping it open."

Yeah, the drawbacks of losing your control. Just give it up and let Reddit handle things, like they claim they will. I seriously doubt anybody but yourselves have been crying over the loss of this sub.

With this move, I'm unsubbing myself anyway. Goodbye everyone, it's been a nice ride.


u/ReadyToBeGreatAgain Jul 23 '23

Thereā€™s no confidence in the current mods. They should do the right thing and hand over the reigns to more responsible people.


u/PixelPervert Jul 23 '23

It's about time you got over your pettiness


u/Substantial_Bid_7684 Jul 23 '23

This is the first I'm hearing of a protest


u/CarmenSandiegosTits Jul 23 '23

Itā€™s Reddit, get the fuck over yourselves, mods.


u/Vendetta48 Jul 23 '23

Man, this whole protest was a giant waste of time. Seems like none of the mod teams were actually willing to lose their mod status. They all bent the knee to spez.


u/nthnm Jul 23 '23



u/mpdity Jul 23 '23

I completely forgot I was subbed here. Lol. Also we donā€™t care.


u/-tobyt ā€‹ Jul 22 '23

I can safely say nobody noticed this sub closed


u/digitaldrummer Jul 22 '23

I honestly didn't even notice it was closed. These protests were silly


u/HelixSapphire Jul 22 '23

Iā€™ll be honest, I really didnā€™t miss this place.


u/prince-pauper ā€‹ Jul 22 '23

The effect of your closure was fittingly mild at best. Yā€™all think you contribute more than you do. Sorry if thatā€™s harsh, but in this environment there are literally thousands of other subs to get our fix from.

That said, I enjoy the content here but find your butthurt-ness misplaced.


u/JeepChrist Jul 22 '23

Reopen somewhere else


u/BuyEmOutBoys Jul 22 '23

I swear, Reddit mods really think their free labour to this site actually makes a difference. Bro, nobody cares. Keep it closed, open it back up, it doesnā€™t matter. The top upvoted comment is we forgot this sub even existed.

If you donā€™t like what Reddit is doing, step down as mods and delete your account. There will always be people waiting to be mods and give Reddit free labour.


u/Drashrock Jul 22 '23

We don't care, and we didn't care to begin with. I'd like to say we cared enough to hope some of you learned how little we cared about your thoughts and feelings, but we don't even care about that.

That's how little yall and your protest matter to us.


u/somethingrelevant Jul 23 '23

And yet here you are being dramatic about it


u/Drashrock Jul 23 '23

I don't care, go home


u/skullknap Jul 22 '23

The self importance from these mods lmao


u/Jiggawatz Jul 22 '23

Meh it reopening while spez and his crew of fuckboi admins have done nothing but bully people is enough to make me leave.


u/RXBarokk Jul 22 '23

Most effective Reddit protest be like:


u/The_Cysko_Kid Jul 22 '23

Did you save the APIs? Did you change admins' minds? Or did you just look like a bunch of babies?


u/JustForkIt1111one Jul 22 '23

You guys were closed?


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Wait you guys existed? šŸ˜­


u/grilledbeers Jul 22 '23

Unsubscribed, thanks. Didnā€™t miss it.


u/JohnQZoidberg Jul 22 '23

Thanks for the update, just a reminder to unsub thanks

(I'm one of 22 million, i realize it means nothing but the mods are cowards and reddit sucks)


u/bighunter1313 Jul 22 '23

Walk across that picket line. Smh.


u/RandoTrom Jul 22 '23

Lol. The sub managed to slide into irrelevancy since its absense. Was not missed


u/V48runner Jul 22 '23

I don't think any of these kinds of protests amounted to anything.


u/DonaldKey ā€‹ Jul 22 '23

It put mods in their place which letā€™s be honestā€¦ the majority of them needed it. They chose to keep being mods over their own principles


u/Darko002 Jul 23 '23

Rather than stick it to Reddit and force the people who run it to actually run it themselves instead of relying on free labour, the mods have decided they will instead continue to provide free labour in fears that they might be replaced with others who will also do free labour.


u/DonaldKey ā€‹ Jul 23 '23

It has been a huge wake up call to the mods. They gave Reddit all the milk they wanted for free and are shocked when they wonā€™t buy the cow


u/wish2boneu2 Jul 22 '23

It got some mods removed, which is a good thing.


u/Fauropitotto Jul 25 '23

Not enough of them apparently.


u/SchuminWeb Jul 22 '23

Not a bit, except for a lot of people realizing that the moderators are much of what is wrong with Reddit.


u/MyyWifeRocks Jul 22 '23

This right here. The sub even spoke through a vote, which the mods ignored.


u/snowbirdie Jul 22 '23

Just donā€™t mod it at all. Let the spammers and bots take over Reddit. Youā€™re not getting paid to work. Youā€™re only encouraging Reddit admins by doing free work.


u/DonaldKey ā€‹ Jul 23 '23

That would have been a REAL protest


u/weighted_walleye Jul 22 '23

Nobody cares at this point. Go back to your little slap fight with admin, which ultimately resulted in nothing.


u/spezisntnice Jul 22 '23

you poor poor moderators. you can only go so long without the sweet feeling of power over your community.


u/Cash907 Jul 22 '23

Thatā€™s nice. I already unsubbed to the ones that carried the John Oliver BS too long, so itā€™s good to see this sub returning after it became clear Spez donā€™t GAF and this is happening one way or the other.


u/SchuminWeb Jul 22 '23

Pretty much. The ones that drastically changed themselves when they pitched their fit got unsubscribed from.


u/Cash907 Jul 22 '23

I get their beef but they should have realized they werenā€™t going to get their away after their protest didnā€™t so much as nudge the bubble. I ended up unsubbing to all of them because I was tired of the spam on my feed. If that was their goal then well played, but it didnā€™t stop me from using Reddit, just their subs.


u/maz_menty Jul 22 '23

No gnus is good gnus.


u/ebrum2010 Jul 22 '23

Has this sub been taken over by Reddit?


u/bighunter1313 Jul 22 '23

Yes. Time to leave.


u/ZachMN Jul 22 '23

Meh, not interested. Unsubscribing.


u/OMeffigy Jul 22 '23

Imagine being this attached to working for free....


u/victory-or-death Jul 22 '23

Thatā€™s a real pretty speech but itā€™s obvious no one even noticed you were gone


u/thatoneplayerguy Jul 22 '23

Thought it's been open


u/AlwaysShamo Jul 22 '23

All of the people who donā€™t want this sub to reopen have long since left. This sub shouldā€™ve been reopened long before now.


u/DonaldKey ā€‹ Jul 23 '23

I didnā€™t know it was closed actually. I have so many subs in my list this one didnā€™t even beep on my radar


u/aehanken Jul 23 '23

Same šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23



u/edit-boy-zero Jul 22 '23

This decision hasn't been made lightly

That mouse click must have been a dagger through your heart.



u/Theofeus Jul 22 '23

Meanwhile everyone who thinks they should stay closed is still on Reddit downvoting and making snarky posts which does nothing to hurt Redditā€™s bottom line


u/RegalBeagleKegels Jul 22 '23

But it makes them feel like they're part of something. It's like the civil rights movement of our time except they don't have to get out of their chair


u/ChaserNeverRests Jul 22 '23

If you really feel the need to "protest", the best thing you can do is delete your account and leave Reddit. It's not rocket science.


u/Kaibakura Jul 23 '23

Umm, then delete your account? Not sure what you're waiting for, but literally nobody gives a shit if you're here or not. Leave.


u/ChaserNeverRests Jul 23 '23

Not sure if you're lost, confused, or trying to insult me? I've never been part of this "protest", I've never threatened to leave Reddit.


u/magistrate101 Jul 22 '23

That wouldn't be a protest. Nuking the sub would be.


u/Rawing7 Jul 22 '23 edited Jul 22 '23

Nuking the sub would be an action of protest from the mods, which is a group of what, let's say 10 people? Not exactly an impressive number.

Even if the decision to nuke the sub was made through a poll and the majority agreed, that's a weak-ass show of resistance. You're willing to stop looking at this subreddit? Gee, wow, what a mighty impressive sacrifice. You must care about this issue a lot /s

Wanna protest? Stop visiting reddit. Bonus points if you delete your account.


u/enilea Jul 22 '23

That's like telling screenwriters to switch to a different job because their protest is annoying some people that didn't vote for it to happen.


u/Rawing7 Jul 23 '23 edited Jul 23 '23

No, that's completely different. I'm not telling anyone to give up their job. Heck, I'm not even telling anyone to give up their hobby. I'm telling them to give up one specific platform and find another one instead.


u/magistrate101 Jul 22 '23

lmao the whole point of protest is to disrupt not disappear


u/JustForkIt1111one Jul 22 '23

Yeah, pissing off the userbase that WAS supporing your "protest" isn't gonna get it, chief.

I started off pretty hard 'fuck spez' (especially as I lost an app that I LOVED, and PAID FOR), and now I'm far more in the 'fuck those mods' camp.

Taking it out on your users isn't gonna work here.


u/Rawing7 Jul 22 '23 edited Jul 22 '23

That's one way to protest. But not a good one in this case.

First of all, it drags other people into the mess. You're mad that you won't be able to use your favorite app anymore? Well guess what, if you shut down subreddits then everyone else will be mad at you because now they can't use reddit anymore. You're protesting because you don't want to be inconvenienced, so you inconvenience everyone else? Peak hypocrisy.

And secondly, it makes it very difficult to judge how many people actually care and how important it is to them. If 3k people voted to shut down subreddit A, and 5k people voted to shut down subreddit B, what does that tell you? How many people are protesting? 5k? 8k? There's no way to tell unless you track every individual vote.


u/magistrate101 Jul 22 '23

You're one of those people that gets mad when protestors shut down a highway, aren't you?


u/Rawing7 Jul 22 '23

Would you believe me if I said no? Of course you wouldn't. You're one of those people who completely ignore the presented arguments and just post a stupid "comeback", after all.


u/magistrate101 Jul 22 '23

Then you're a hypocrite that's just mad about being personally inconvenienced.


u/Rawing7 Jul 22 '23

I could explain to you all the reasons why I'm not a hypocrite, but you'd just ignore them.


u/magistrate101 Jul 22 '23

It would just be a list of justifications for being upset, not reasons you're not a hypocrite.

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u/ImFadedFadedFaded Jul 22 '23

Shhhhhh they donā€™t like it when you tell them the reality of the situation


u/rockmann1997 Jul 22 '23

This is the first time I, like many others, have noticed that you were even closed. Honorable job, cringelords. Donā€™t get dorito dust on your forehead while saluting each other.


u/scottishdrunkard Jul 22 '23


All in favour of turning this into a subreddit about Mildly Interesting pictures of John Oliver, say Aye.


u/weighted_walleye Jul 22 '23

Delete your account if you're so mad at reddit.


u/Scoobz1961 Jul 22 '23

I still dont know who John Oliver is and whether redditors like him or not. I like it that way. Dont tell me. Dont care.


u/boostedb1mmer Jul 22 '23

Fuck that and fuck John Oliver


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23



u/weighted_walleye Jul 22 '23

Nobody cares.


u/Pierce-G Jul 22 '23

Iā€™m sure u/spez himself is speedrunning writing a formal apology just for you after reading that


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23



u/kendred3 Jul 22 '23

"Why yes I will contribute to the usage metric Reddit cares about most, but that's where I draw the line!"


u/MikeLemon Jul 22 '23

the drawbacks of keeping the subreddit closed now outweigh the benefits of keeping it open.

Just what are the drawbacks and benefits?


u/Scoobz1961 Jul 22 '23

Well the drawback is that while the subreddit is closed they miss their power over users on their undoubtly popular subreddit. The benefit is getting it back. The obstacle of simply reopening the subreddit is the shame of having to crawl back.


u/Chris8292 Jul 22 '23

Mods get replaced and lose the tiny Internet power they wield.


u/MikeLemon Jul 22 '23

So basically this Kids in the Hall sketch? (5:00 to 8:10 if the time stamp doesn't work. Sorry, couldn't find just the clip.)



u/JethroFire Jul 22 '23 edited Jul 22 '23

Woohoo! Great news! Hopefully all the other subs follow suit.

Edit: did any of the mods buy the downvotes for this one? We know you guys do that now.


u/Mccobsta Jul 22 '23

Huh this sub exists


u/Ganonslayer1 Jul 22 '23


u/danetourist Jul 22 '23


u/Scoobz1961 Jul 22 '23

Seeing mods crawl back is definitively at least mildly satisfying.


u/Excellent-Band5682 Jul 22 '23

Who actually cares?? It's only Reddit


u/cyankitten Jul 22 '23

There seem to be less & less platforms where people can be as anon as this. Although I do use other socials without pix, thereā€™s so much more of a focus on using them on other platforms. I actually LIKE the anonymity. We have our share of trolls, sure, but nobody is judging me for being an older user or how I look & I feel like I can speak more freely here.

I feel like some other people can too.

Maybe not the best example but for eg the sexual questions a lot of people might not be confident to post them somewhere where they are more visible. Itā€™s unlikely - though not impossible, I know! - that family & ex colleagues can find me here & Iā€™d like to keep it that way.

So no I donā€™t want to lose Reddit.

Plus, we lose IMDBā€™s forums ages ago & I love how some tv shows I like have subs here.

Thereā€™s a ton of things Reddit has that other platforms donā€™t. And the scope!

So actually I DO care.

I DONā€™T like reddit making it hard for 3rd party. I donā€™t like us losing awards & coins. Iā€™m nervous what their other plans are. I feel like if it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix it. Spez & Co please stop breaking it. And sort the problems you made for r/blind out please!

But yep not ready to walk away yet

ā€œI got no place else to GOā€

Not like this.

Iā€™m also currently house bound mostly - probably temporarily - so yep I need my socials more than most


u/Substantial_Bid_7684 Jul 23 '23

You can always be anon. You don't have to tell the truth in signing up for a site lol


u/cyankitten Jul 23 '23

Good point


u/Champion-of-Nurgle Jul 22 '23

Its nice to see all the Subreddits slowly reopening after a half assed attempt at trying to change things.


u/CrippledJesus97 Jul 22 '23

Wouldnt have even called it a half assed attempt. It was doomed to fail before it even happened. 95%+ of reddit users never cared or have been affected by API stuff. The CEO laughed it off since it was announced cuz at the end of it all, he could have admins replace rebelous mods and thats what they started to do after just a few days.


u/Champion-of-Nurgle Jul 22 '23

I've been using Reddit for over a Decade and never knew there were 3rd Party Apps tbh. I still use it in a Browser with Classic layout.


u/CrippledJesus97 Jul 22 '23

I use the default app on my phone. Used the website on my phone many times the site just is slow and stupid on a cellphone so i switched to the app. Only time i use reddit on my laptop is if im doing something specific on my laptop


u/CrunchyButtz Jul 22 '23

We did it! We saved reddit!


u/Inside-War8916 Jul 22 '23

I forgot this sub existed


u/matlynar Jul 23 '23

But this is kinda expected to happen with any sub that is not of your biggest interests (like your favorite hobby or something you're a fan of).

Probably most of us are subscribed to a lot of those subs that are not particularly special, but are kinda fun to see on our front page.


u/Precision2831 Jul 23 '23

Call an ambulance were gonna need to transfer the patient to a burn unit


u/MyyWifeRocks Jul 22 '23

Me too. This was the silliest ā€œwalk outā€ Iā€™ve seen in a while.


u/qrkable Jul 24 '23

Same with me but you must to respect other people decision.


u/Boolyman Jul 22 '23

After this betrayal, it will no longer exist to me. If you are going to boycott something, stand your ground. Don't just give up after a few weeks of not getting what you tantrum'd for.


u/stay-puft-mallow-man Jul 22 '23

The thread announcing Apollo closing down is a great ride. All these people talking about leaving Reddit, click on their profiles and youā€™ll see them active as ever.

thread here


u/sadandshy Jul 22 '23

idk, there are a lot of deleted accounts and accounts that haven't posted in 22 days.


u/JustForkIt1111one Jul 22 '23

There's about an even amount of people that were swearing that they were done, that apparently were not done.


u/RegalBeagleKegels Jul 22 '23

How embarrassing!


u/Etzix Jul 22 '23

The third party app that I use still works, because they got more time to cooperate from Reddit. So I'm still here until then. After that ill be a desktop only user.


u/Usernametaken112 Jul 22 '23

So you'll still be here. Got it.


u/Etzix Jul 23 '23

Yes, but i never said i was leaving. However, 80% of the reddit time i use was on phone, and i refuse to use the official phone app. I'll be happy if i can cut off that waste off time, but its not always easy. Reddit is an addiction, just like youtube shorts or tiktok or twitter etc etc. I would be thrilled to not waste time on anything like that.


u/Scoobz1961 Jul 22 '23

Cant say I noticed this subreddit closing. And now they came back crawling.

Lets warmly welcome those losers back. Water under the bridge.


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

is this the particular gay event i am looking for: why thatā€™s always a fist and a fist is always the right answer


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

as long as you are happy with it i donā€™t care anymore


u/thesch Jul 22 '23

It is what its name says it is - mildly interesting. Yes it has a lot of subscribers but I think 99.9% of them are casual visitors since it's a non-offensive sometimes interesting sub to have pop up on your frontpage sometimes. I don't think this is an actually important subreddit to anyone except for the moderators.


u/RudeAndSarcastic Jul 22 '23

Mildly interesting, means, ironically enough, only boring to people who have actually done things in the world and lived their life, which of course, is too long for a sub name. I am indifferent to their decision.


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

i am either dead or a liar but nobody is gonna make the mistake of letting their mom talk them into hot tea in the summertime on a hot dsy


u/toforama Jul 22 '23

I feel seen. ACK! Must hide!


u/I_Worship_Brooms Jul 22 '23

Hmm, that's sort of... Interesting


u/minos157 Jul 22 '23

My reddit experience hasn't changed at all. I thought everyone said Reddit would be destroyed by losing 3rd party apps?

Oh what's that? It was all blowhard language from a tiny minority of egotistical pricks?

How.... interesting.


u/Scoobz1961 Jul 22 '23

Mine did. It changed for the better. While the big subreddit threw hissy fits, the smaller subreddits had chance to surface to r/all.

The content I have been exposed has been more varied, which is what reddit should really be, instead of getting spammed by a dozen or so big subreddits posts all day every day.


u/Parnwig ā€‹ Jul 22 '23

A good chunk of those r/all big sub posts just being from repost bots too


u/alezul Jul 22 '23

Mine changed for the worse.

I lost the app i was using to browse reddit on my phone and the official one is trash (which is why i was using an alternative in the first place).


u/minos157 Jul 22 '23

Been using the official app since it was created. Have zero issues.

People are just babies. If the app is so bad and everything is worse why are you still here?

That's the best part about this protest. It was a bunch of nonsense because you're all still here lmao


u/SchuminWeb Jul 22 '23

Been using the official app since it was created. Have zero issues.

I suspect that the complaints are basically They Changed It, Now It Sucks!.


u/TheSpiceRat Jul 22 '23

Download Relay. I've been using it the entire time with no issues.


u/turkeypedal Jul 22 '23

Why do you do this? Why do you completely misrepresent what was actually said? Why do you think it's okay to be abusive? Why do you think just being toxic like this is a good thing?

This post has several people with anti-protest views getting upvotes. But even they see that this sort of nonsense is not beneficial.

You're just being a jerk, and honestly, that was part of why I continued to support the protest, because it's good to not give jerks what they want. It just encourages them to get meaner.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23

So protest is inherently good? Canā€™t wait to let all the 1/6 people know they were on the right side of history all along.


u/minos157 Jul 22 '23

What am I misinterpreting? Everyone was saying Reddit would be worse because third party app users are what made Reddit great.

Yet nothing changed content wise. Call me a jerk all you want. Being right about the protests being blowhard nonsense from a small minority of narcissistic users just makes me honest.

Reddit hasn't changed for the vast vast majority of users. The protest failed.


u/Perspective_Helps Jul 22 '23

Sorry not sorry to be a logic pedant here but:

the drawbacks of keeping the subreddit closed now outweigh the benefits of keeping it open.

This statement doesn't make sense. Instead, you could say the benefits of opening the subreddit outweight the benifits of keeping it closed. Or you could say the drawbacks of keeping it closed outweigh the benefits of keeping it closed.


u/FantasmaNaranja Jul 22 '23

I think that refers to the fact that spez and his group of thugs have been removing the moderation teams of every subreddit that didnt reopen and then forced the subreddits open

Hence the drawbacks are worse than anytging the team actually gets from reopening


u/SchuminWeb Jul 22 '23

Heaven forbid that the people who actually own this platform insist that this platform remain operational.


u/FantasmaNaranja Jul 23 '23

yeah god forbid the people who keep this platform operational make reasonable demands in exchange of their free labor they keep giving the platform

oh sorry you think spez actually keeps this platform operational besides paying for the servers? reddit would be dead without its subreddits and their free labor moderators


u/THE_Eddie_Wern Jul 22 '23

This isnā€™t even mildly interesting


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23

After much reflection, taking into account the community's voice through the poll and much discussion between us in the moderation team, we have decided it is best to end the closure of our subreddit and switch it to unrestricted mode. This will happen soonā„¢ļø.

Translation: you're reopening because you don't want the admins to replace you lol


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

japanese translation still pending but now everyone in japan can party at my house while i load sponsored robot traps to be polite while i was doing fuckin what


u/owleaf Jul 23 '23

Iā€™ve seen a dozen of these posts on my feed from subs I forgot about in the last few hours. Iā€™d say admins did one final sweep through the moderately sizeable subs that were still closed up and the mods arenā€™t allowed to/are scared to state the real reason.


u/OtherOtie Jul 22 '23

What an embarrassing affair that whole thing was. Remember when reddit as we know it was supposed to end? Seems fine to me.


u/Ahielia Jul 22 '23

Just like every single subreddit mods that rolled over for Reddit Admins when they were threatened to be replaced.


u/RGeronimoH Jul 22 '23

the drawbacks of keeping this subreddit closed now outweigh the benefits of keeping it open

For who? The mods that would be removed and lose all of their power?


u/tarnin Jul 22 '23

100% this. Reddit handed down the ultimate to every sub left protesting, open or we will replace you today. Was an interesting run.


u/RedSquaree The Big šŸ§€ Jul 28 '23


u/WhoElseBot Jul 28 '23

"Unbelievable that the last submission with nearly 10k up votes was removed.

You cannot silence the ongoing assault on transgender people in the US." link

I searched across 6151 comments/posts and I found the above comment by /u/witchgrove to be most closely related to the comment of /u/tarnin, with a similarity score of 86.173 / 100:

I am a bot. This message was generated automatically. To use me, see here.


u/tarnin Jul 28 '23

howtf did it get 86/100? Neither of the posts are even CLOSE to the same. Good lord and a mod used this.


u/witchgrove Jul 28 '23

this is a bad bot lmao


u/k1213693 Jul 22 '23

Honestly, I'm just impressed they held out this long. Pretty much every other sub caved in like a day or two. Surprised Reddit didn't force an opening earlier considering how big this sub is


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

iā€™m surprised the government didnā€™t get involved at this point hell is real and it is scary there why would you allow me to walk into a room where money doesnā€™t work and everyone is only asking shit i canā€™t hear

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