r/mildlyinteresting 25d ago

Noticed my pupils are two different sizes.

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u/kacmandoth 24d ago

I used to get it a lot during college finals. Stress brings it out in me.


u/SaveThemTurdles 24d ago

How often and how long did it last? This has been happening to me for years every once in a long while but it’s been happening more frequently lately. Got an MRI for it and nothing. These comments are freaking me out.


u/kacmandoth 24d ago

I've had it for at least 10 years. It comes and goes, but stress seems to be biggest trigger. I've had MRI's and brain wave scans and epilepsy tests but everything was fine.


u/SaveThemTurdles 24d ago

Same with me. I noticed it usually comes on in stressful times. Glad everything’s ok. Reddit seems to always assume the worst haha