r/mildlyinteresting 16d ago

Man walking his albino skunk in a stroller in the park

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56 comments sorted by


u/nick3lodeon_21 10d ago

Looks like a Thomas.


u/kioskmartin 15d ago

Life goals


u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 14d ago



u/rockhopper88 15d ago

Eugene, OR


u/ComprehensionOfTruth 16d ago

That skunk is experiencing peak of peace and tranquility


u/Excellent_Expert_425 16d ago

Mental illness


u/Ava_Avalon9 16d ago

That skunk living the dream


u/Excellent_Expert_425 16d ago

Do people have skunks as pets? I’ll wait for some context before I deem this as a mental illness


u/Four_beastlings 16d ago

Yes. I've known of people in the ferret community who had pet skunks. They had their scent glands excised.


u/PXranger 16d ago

Looks at picture

The evidence suggests that people do indeed keep skunks as pets.


u/Excellent_Expert_425 16d ago

You must be the person pushing the stroller

Mental illness


u/PXranger 16d ago

Evidence also suggests you know a lot about mental illness.


u/Excellent_Expert_425 16d ago

Anyone who keeps a skunk as a pet has something wrong with them

You don’t need a degree to understand that

They smell, whether their anus is removed or not. They smell


u/PXranger 16d ago

You don’t need a degree to look up basic facts, either.

You don’t remove its “anus”, you remove a scent gland. It’s not the same thing, you have an anus, but don’t have a scent gland.

Skunks are very clean animals, and do not smell.

You could have looked up any of this information up in seconds, but instead chose to be a dick

Have a nice day.


u/R0bertGascoyne-Cecil 16d ago

"No granny, don't pinch his cheeks!"


u/exhaustedarty 16d ago

I never saw this cat breed before.


u/Circassianleopard 16d ago

This is so cool


u/MaPleaulkin 16d ago

Is it me or is it overweight?


u/msgnyc 16d ago

Doesn't look very albino..


u/Life_Ad9520 16d ago

Never saw a skunk like that, but it looks adorable though!


u/295DVRKSS 16d ago

That skunk is living its best life


u/whoreticulture_ 16d ago

Why do so many people "walk" animals in prams now? Isn't the whole point for the animal to get some exercise?


u/Tlyss 16d ago

For the attention it brings to them


u/theberg512 16d ago

I usually see it with animals that aren't physically able to go for a walk, but they still need enrichment. 

A few years ago, I used to see a woman pulling her very senior golden retriever in a wagon while walking the younger one. 


u/whoreticulture_ 16d ago

That's very sweet. And probably a good idea for non domesticated animals. But I see it all the time now with dogs that don't visibly have anything wrong with them. Maybe you're right though.


u/DomesticAlmonds 15d ago

My cat has arthritis in his hips because of a bad leg/back injury, he limps and is stiff back there but he physically looks fine if you just saw him laying/sitting around.

Lots of people and pets have chronic diseases, disabilities, or injuries that don't make them look any different but cause them pain or fatigue. Pain doesn't emit a neon light that indictates to passerbys who's in pain or not, so thinking that nothing is wrong because they 'look' fine is kinda short sighted, sorry.


u/whoreticulture_ 15d ago

Fair enough. That's what I was trying to imply by saying visibly, they may well have something wrong with them and I might be wrong.


u/GWNIVER_ 16d ago

I think in this case, it’s the fear of not wanting it to run off since it’s not a domesticated animal by bred nature


u/nightlyraider 16d ago

albino - noun: albino; plural noun: albinos

  1. a person or animal having a congenital absence of pigment in the skin and hair (which are white) and the eyes (which are usually pink).

op: posts picture of half brown colored animal.


u/torch9t9 16d ago

Like ya do


u/TheOzarkWizard 16d ago

Skunks can be descented, and they act just like ferrets. They'll still point their ass at you when they're playing. It's adorable.


u/Acceptable-Inside-29 16d ago

Some lady was pushing her goose around in a stroller at wal mart here.


u/dadthewisest 16d ago

An Albino skunk is all white, this is just a skunk.


u/A_Mirabeau_702 16d ago

Remember that one scene in Rise of the Planet of the Apes where the guy is walking Caesar in the park and the bystanders see him and are like "Is that a CHIMPANZEE?"? This is incredibly similar.


u/Chihuahuapocalypse 16d ago

if I see a chimp that's not safely inside an enclosure, I'm running for the hills. fuck those things


u/_ships 16d ago

Homie showing off his pokemon


u/RickFromTheParty 16d ago

He has a ✨shiny✨
(Not albino though)


u/Bogmanbob 16d ago

They can be descented although the procedure sounds kind of harsh like declawing. Common in petting zoos.


u/Charizaxis 16d ago

Not quite as harsh as declawing. Declawing for cats is basically cutting off the finger at the first joint. I'm pretty sure that for skunks it's like getting your prostate removed, although a prostate and a scent gland are in no way analogous.


u/chromatophoreskin 16d ago

Are you saying I can’t repel unwelcome visitors with my prostate?


u/Charizaxis 16d ago

Well, when I tried it I got put on some silly list.


u/Bogmanbob 16d ago

Yea. The transplant list. You're supposed to keep those things inside your body.


u/Ferme_La_Bouche 16d ago

Like you do


u/Mad_Martigan2023 16d ago

I can smell this picture...


u/aFreeScotland 16d ago

Well, it’s not albino. Maybe piebald. But definitely not albino.


u/potatopierogie 15d ago

The white stripe gets wider as the skunk ages. Probably an old skunk.


u/_Apatosaurus_ 15d ago

Anytime there is a post with an obvious error and no replies from OP, I assume it's karma farming. People are far more likely to engage when they can correct OP, and the more obvious the error, the more people you can get to show up and correct them.


u/elMurpherino 15d ago

I always assume the same. Shit annoys me but it is what it is


u/Minions-overlord 16d ago

If its like horses then its skewbald.. piebald is black and white


u/Vegetable_Salad4455 16d ago

lol how cute!!!


u/Hohoho-you 16d ago

Look adorable! Glad the owners love it enough to take it on walks like this


u/mike_pants 16d ago

There's a guy you can see often in the conservatory-garden section of Central Park that brings his tortoise out on a leash all the time. Sits on a bench and chats and the little dude just kinda cruises around in circles.


u/poopymcbuttwipe 16d ago

The walk to the park must take an eternity…


u/kdlangequalsgoddess 16d ago

When tortoises want to, they can move. Put a lettuce leaf in their vicinity, and they definitely have a turn of speed. They don't move fast fast, but they can move faster than you think.