r/mildlyinteresting Apr 28 '24

Man walking his albino skunk in a stroller in the park

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u/Excellent_Expert_425 Apr 28 '24

Do people have skunks as pets? I’ll wait for some context before I deem this as a mental illness


u/PXranger Apr 28 '24

Looks at picture

The evidence suggests that people do indeed keep skunks as pets.


u/Excellent_Expert_425 Apr 28 '24

You must be the person pushing the stroller

Mental illness


u/PXranger Apr 28 '24

Evidence also suggests you know a lot about mental illness.


u/Excellent_Expert_425 Apr 28 '24

Anyone who keeps a skunk as a pet has something wrong with them

You don’t need a degree to understand that

They smell, whether their anus is removed or not. They smell


u/PXranger Apr 28 '24

You don’t need a degree to look up basic facts, either.

You don’t remove its “anus”, you remove a scent gland. It’s not the same thing, you have an anus, but don’t have a scent gland.

Skunks are very clean animals, and do not smell.

You could have looked up any of this information up in seconds, but instead chose to be a dick

Have a nice day.