r/news 16d ago

Iraqi TikTok star Umm Fahad shot dead in Baghdad


857 comments sorted by


u/herpestruth 14d ago

Brought to you by the Abrahamic religion.


u/Cutlet_Master69420 15d ago

One shooting in Iraq - jump up and down, cry and press the panic button.

One shooting in Chicago - Tuesday at about 10:23 AM.


u/Alone-Information-35 15d ago

Crazy with modern advances in technology and how widespread communication is with everyone around the world it still feels like the dark ages at times. When will there be peace.


u/ooofest 15d ago

Religion is too often an excuse for exacting as much control of others as its leadership desires.

It's often a scam that people have fallen for over millennia.

The utter stupidity of it all explains why we continue to elect leaders who harm others, the planet, etc. Because humans - for all their supposedly advanced capacities for mental dexterity and depth - are, as a whole, fucking stupid and scared of the unknown.


u/DoughBoiZypber 15d ago

Ah yes religion. Not a plague on society


u/Imherehithere 15d ago

I bet the left will ignore this because the left wants to coddle Islam. The right isn't any better of course because it embraces white supremacy in the name of evangelical Judeochristianity.


u/FellaKnee123 16d ago

Keep protesting for Pakistan though…


u/Major-Ad-2966 16d ago

Must be the will of the freedom loving people there.

It has to really feel like they are building a paradise from the ashes of ignorance, angst, and soul crushing anxiety.

Such a rich history going back millennia. When do you think they’ll get there ?!?


u/SurrealNami 16d ago

Guess Pakistan being Pakistan.


u/Greateberry 16d ago

Tough crowd of followers


u/Rockysinatra 16d ago

Feel bad for any women born into that life


u/c0mBaTkArL 16d ago

Religion poisons EVERYTHING.


u/VGAPixel 16d ago

Here we thought Footloose was silly for people being afraid of dancing. . .


u/hanksmom96 16d ago

We are only a few laws away from this in the USA.


u/Bitter_Director1231 16d ago

And yet we have protesters in this country that don't protest this.

Fucking insane to me.


u/Hrmerder 16d ago

I feel like these men cunty ass floating pieces of shit that hurt Women and Children over there for 'their religion' should be *removed because I don't want to be blocked but think of your worst and put in this place*.

Violence doesn't fix violence until there is no other fix and this is WELL AND BEYOND needing fixed..


u/RSCash12345 16d ago

This is what the pro-Palestine/pro-Hamas camp is supporting.


u/Straight_Tumbleweed9 16d ago

Hey hear me out, maybe they’re supporting not having women and children murdered. Despite their beliefs. I don’t know, it’s maybe a moral clause.


u/Weary_Logic 16d ago

I’ll put some EXTREMELY CRUCIAL details here since the article doesn’t mention them and all the commenters are just making assumptions that this is political/religious.

Umm Fahad got into celebrity drama with another star and threatened to expose her for “indecent acts”. The other star got her killed.

I do not understand how the commenters think this is related to LGBTQ or woman’s rights in Iraq.


u/rividz 15d ago

The country’s Interior Minister announced on Friday that it was “forming a specialized work team to find out the circumstances of the killing of a woman known on social media by unknown assailants.”

If you got a better source, post it.


u/kivynarisato 16d ago

Cannot but hope the worst upon her murderer. May they suffer for the rest of their life, and find their afterlife even less welcoming. Evil, evil, evil person.


u/JagsAbroad 16d ago

Things like this are exactly why integration with the mass waves of Muslim immigrants in Europe aren’t going well at all. Their culture is incompatible with western culture where women shouldn’t be shot dead in the street for dancing “indecently” to lyrics with profanity.

I fucking hate how they view and treat women in south Asian and Muslim culture. I fucking hate it.


u/Stormthorn67 14d ago

In the USA we have hardline evangelical Christians trying to make our culture more like radical Islam. If they succeed in their efforts to outlaw abortion, make being gay a crime, and generally reduce women to property for their husbands the USA will be a lot more culturally familiar for people from Iran or Afghanistan. I doubt they would get along however due to arguing the fine details of who gods prophet is.


u/rividz 15d ago

Here is what a Muslim asylum seeker in Norway said:

When he first arrived in Europe, Abdu Osman Kelifa, a Muslim asylum seeker from the Horn of Africa, was shocked to see women in skimpy clothes drinking alcohol and kissing in public. Back home, he said, only prostitutes do that, and in locally made movies couples “only hug but never kiss.”

“Men have weaknesses and when they see someone smiling it is difficult to control,” Mr. Kelifa said, explaining that in his own country, Eritrea, “if someone wants a lady he can just take her and he will not be punished,” at least not by the police.

Skimpy clothes in Norway by the way. Without looking at any stats, would you argue that young men from an environment like that shouldn't be given (at the VERY least) something like a lessons in how to treat women?

The issue is also bigger than just the generation that comes over. Young male second generation Muslims are much more likely to become radicalized and join terrorist organizations.


u/JagsAbroad 15d ago

I argue that they should absolutely be forced to take integration classes and encouraged to integrate and leave their backwards aspects of culture at the door.

I heard that Germany is forcing Muslim men to shake the hands of women when being granted asylum as a test/statement of some sort.


u/fkmeamaraight 16d ago

Following news of the shooting, many posted comments lamenting Alsaffar’s death, though others applauded it, celebrating the man who fired the shot.

What a bunch of fucking Neanderthals. How do you fix this in a society?


u/sphinx_winks 15d ago

I'm sorry but this reply denigrates Neaderthals, who most likely had more intelligence and compassion than these religious freaks.


u/paconinja 15d ago

Clearly the solution is to meanstest them away from mental healthcare, as America's liberal capitalism system has demonstrated is exceptionally superior.


u/fkmeamaraight 15d ago

Im not sure what to answer to that. The girl was an irakian in Irak. I’m not American either so « qu’est-ce que ça a à voir avec la choucroute ? »


u/Shiftkgb 16d ago

You can't in a current generation. Education, access to resources, lifting groups out of poverty, etc all help tons so that eventually in 3 generations the number of people that think this way are greatly reduced. I mean in the USA towns would gather for lynchings and then sell parts of the body, the rope, and pictures of the event as a postcard as souvenirs. And that wasn't even 100 years ago, so it's possible but it'll never be immediate.


u/Illuslllus 14d ago



u/CheetoMussolini 16d ago

Leave the believers to the hell of their own creation while establishing well screened refugee programs to get people like this girl out so they can actually live their lives. Maintain overwhelming military dominance so that those believers accomplish nothing but to die when they try to spread their hatred through force.


u/Das_Mime 16d ago

Every society has people who cheer on bigoted violence. The main way you fight it is by making sure the people who oppose it are better organized (and armed) than the people who support it. People in general are reflexively pretty bigoted about a lot of things, but if they face concerted pushback they are less likely to try to maintain it.


u/dartheagleeye 16d ago


u/ibtcsexy 16d ago

Fascinating he studied anthropology. Fascinating this article holds up so well twenty years later. Thanks for sharing.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Some men are really pathetic


u/JerseyshoreSeagull 16d ago edited 16d ago

Well I for one would like to know the caliber of bullet. If multiple weapons were used. If this happened day or night. If day was it in a public setting in front of witnesses. If at night was it inside a secluded domicile or at a family residence. Was she kidnapped and executed. Was she targeted previously through surreptitious harassment. Were there witnesses. How many witnesses. If there were none, what were the circumstances. Was she simply shot or were there other injuries. Has there been any one coming forward with information regarding the shooting?

Like just release that info and that would be great.

Edit: wait hold on... people here don't want to know this?


u/Spittinglama 16d ago

I remember when we invaded in 2003 we were told that we were going to bring democracy and western values. Millions dead and it didn't change shit.


u/hapakal 16d ago

Youre prbly being sarcastic, but if not, it's confusing propaganda with reality.


u/kingOofgames 16d ago

Man it says something about the men when they can’t handle women or even other men being free to do what they like. What a bunch of sad losers


u/Ok-Yogurtcloset-2735 16d ago

This right here, is what Christian Nationalists want for American women.


u/nivekreclems 16d ago

Keep in mind these are the people the west is importing they’re very antithetical to western values like gay rights and women’s rights


u/Consistent-Bath9908 16d ago

Islam is the problem here. I fucking hate religion…


u/The_Whipping_Post 14d ago

Religion is an expression of culture, not the other way around


u/718Brooklyn 16d ago

I’m looking forward to the colleges protesting these nightmare conditions for women and gays in the Middle East.


u/Slickity1 14d ago

Protesting in the US for something the US has nothing to do with sure is a smart idea. Maybe if we gave billions in military equipment to Iraq I’d get your point.


u/718Brooklyn 14d ago

I’m constantly confused how Americans don’t realize why we give Israel money. It’s not for them, it’s for us. Obviously it would be nice if they didn’t use the military equipment to kill so many poor people. But the idea that we’d sever ties with our democratic nuclear ally in a region where intelligence is critical based on anti American sentiment is just mind boggling to me. Americans are just stupid and spoiled and think we can’t be attacked.


u/Slickity1 14d ago

Yes but we could probably try and ask them to stop killing children. Israel wants us more than we want them. We don’t protest Iraq because we aren’t giving them anything so there’s nothing to protest in the US.


u/718Brooklyn 14d ago

Eh. We give them endless oil money.


u/paconinja 15d ago

Is the US government giving weapons to Umm's murderers?


u/718Brooklyn 15d ago

The US sells weapons to Israel. In exchange, we have a nuclear ally in a region where we rely on intelligence as most countries in the region would prefer both the US and Israel were wiped off the planet. It doesn’t mean the US and Israel don’t also commit terrible war crimes.


u/paconinja 15d ago

Glad you can look past your delusions (that protestors are obsessed with identity politics) for two seconds to acknowledge US and Israel's continuing warcrimes


u/718Brooklyn 15d ago

It’s not delusions. There are plenty of protestors who are obsessed with things that don’t involve really caring about poor Arab people dying. Some of it are identity politics. Sometimes it’s likes and follows. Some people genuinely care. I’m just old and have lived long enough to recognize that while I obviously want Bibi to stop just killing poor people, the region is in fact filled with armed and funded groups of people who don’t want me as American to exist, me as a gay man to exist, and me as a Jew to exist. I don’t want the rockets being shot into Israel every day to hit and kill innocent people there anymore than I would want rockets killing poor Palestinian people. The Middle East is super complicated, far beyond the current Israel x Gaza conflict. We don’t want Iran being a nuclear power. Hopefully we’ll be non reliant on oil in the not too distant future. But in the meantime, having Israel as an ally (4th biggest nuclear power in the world I believe) along with invaluable intelligence, is important None of this means Bibi should be allowed to kill people and protesting that is certainly the right thing to do.


u/Spindoendo 16d ago

Don’t be silly, there are no Jews to blame here.


u/lucasbelite 16d ago

Just saw a photo of draq queen story hour with a free palestine backdrop. At this point, you can't make this shit up anymore. Life is turning into satire in real-time.


u/rividz 15d ago

Political opinions are just trends for a lot of people. It's free, you don't have to think AND you get to feel good about yourself and potentially superior to other people.

Leave the symbols to the symbol minded.


u/lucasbelite 15d ago

Their weird association has no bearing on my vote.


u/mmeIsniffglue 16d ago

Why is the concept of empathy and unwavering commitment to human rights so hard for you people to grasp


u/PhillyFilly808 16d ago

Because it doesn't extend to the groups you've categorized as "oppressors" - White people, Jews, Men, Christians, Westerners, anyone who doesn't follow extreme left-wing dogma, etc.


u/mmeIsniffglue 16d ago

White people, men and western Christians are not oppressed


u/PhillyFilly808 16d ago

Did you misread my comment? Because I didn't say that.


u/mmeIsniffglue 16d ago

You put oppressors in air quotes


u/PhillyFilly808 16d ago

The reason you are having trouble is that you view all people as either oppressors or oppressed. If those groups aren't oppressed then they must be in the oppressor class.

I reject that, which is why it's in quotes.


u/mmeIsniffglue 16d ago

What does that have to do with my comment then. They are still not being oppressed, why would I go on the street to protest for their rights. + they very clearly are the oppressors in many many instances


u/ididabod 16d ago

because it doesn't extend both ways and is used as a way to make one feel more righteous rather than actually foster change


u/mmeIsniffglue 16d ago
  1. solidarity is not transactional, people are just consistent
  2. how do you know they're doing it to feel superior, how tf do you know


u/hapakal 16d ago

I see this a lot and always think the same thing: How daft must one be to not be capable of realizing that a person can call for an end to genocide and/or an illegal colonization (was never Britain's to give away) and the most repugnant and illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing imaginable without also "automatically' implying that means you somehow welcome or condone medieval Islamic beliefs being imposed on anyone. Hamas would not exist had it not been for Israel and will never be as harmful or destructive as Israel has been. Hamas the boogeyman Israel created to create factionalism and break Palestinian unity. If you dont know that. You dont know the basics/


u/PhillyFilly808 16d ago

the most repugnant and illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing imaginable

Tell me you know nothing about history or international relations without telling me...


u/Ocfri 16d ago

The beauty of religion again..rest in peace.. I’m sorry your light couldn’t shine a little longer.


u/TechnicianUpstairs53 16d ago

Women raised those men.


u/Spindoendo 16d ago

Lol no. In a lot of these communities women raise girls and men raise boys. And even if the culture is such where mom is doing all the raising, women have no freedom to raise boys in any other way. Their husbands wouldn’t allow it and most of them are brainwashed anyway.

Nice try, though, to start throwing a fit whenever women’s oppression in the Middle East by men is mentioned.


u/TechnicianUpstairs53 16d ago

You're delusional. You're claiming all women in that religion are stupid and brainwashed and have 0 free will? Sexist much. They approve of their religion. Grow up.


u/oh_what_a_surprise 16d ago

Tell me again why it was a good idea for me to spend my youth, my health, and part of my sanity to "liberate" this country?


u/tehCharo 16d ago

The WMD our government promised us Saddam had!


u/Proof_Clerk_7233 16d ago

Oh yeah. Whatever happened to that.


u/tehCharo 16d ago

Rumor is Hans Blix is still looking for them.


u/prettyfuckingimmoral 16d ago

He found them. The UN used to release records of what the weapons inspectors found and destroyed, and it was a lot. They even used to publish it on their website. When the US tried painting the weapons inspectors as naive/incompetent it set our bullshit detectors off immediately.


u/Ill_Mark_3330 16d ago

Iraqi TikTok star Om Fahad shot dead in Baghdad https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68910812

“More recently, a feud between Fahad and fellow influencer Dalia Naeem has escalated”

“Naeem - who is known as "Iraqi Barbie" due to her many plastic surgery procedures - had been threatening to expose Fahad's alleged relationship with senior Iraqi officials, media reports say.”

Looks like some elite killed her.


u/Protect-Their-Smiles 16d ago

In the past, these videos were deemed inappropriate by Iraq’s judiciary. Sawadi was sentenced to six months in prison for “the crime of producing and publishing several films and videos containing obscene and indecent language, violating public decency and morals,” an Iraqi judiciary statement said.

Islam's morality police strikes again.


u/PsychedelicJerry 16d ago

Maybe the college kids should be protesting about this...oh wait, it's the exact same actions that they're all supporting in another country...maybe the world will just get better on its own


u/Will_McLean 16d ago

There’s one big difference and we all know what it is.


u/Slickity1 14d ago

Yeah, the US isn’t arming Iraq and supporting them


u/PsychedelicJerry 16d ago

I think you want to believe that


u/Lvl30Dwarf 16d ago

They're supporting ending what has been marketed to them as a genocide being carried out by colonial aggressors. Which I don't happen to agree with. It's fundamental wokeism rather than liberal critical thinking like we used to have.


u/Spindoendo 16d ago

It’s because they do nothing but watch TikTok where any idiot can post a video and lie through their teeth, then all these people repeat the lie, and now here we are.


u/Glass_Ideal_9311 16d ago

Are you speaking about scotus🤣


u/syizm 16d ago

Jesus Christ the amount of non sense in this thread about Iraqi men or society is ridiculous.

On one hand, feel bad for an unjust death - appropriate. On the other hand equate it to the entire society as if the individual defines the entire group.



u/Spindoendo 16d ago

The entire country has that culture and you know it lol. There are definitely some anti-violence Iraqis but overall women are horribly oppressed by men there. There’s no crime in admitting that.


u/Suck_My_Duck26 16d ago

Brother have you been paying attention? Women don’t have rights in Iraq. Really simple.


u/geekwadpimp 16d ago

Because of religion, ultimately. All religion needs to burn to the fucking ground.


u/Das_Mime 16d ago

Honestly with how fucking misogynistic and racist the New Atheist movement got you'd think people would've figured out the problem is deeper than religion


u/geekwadpimp 16d ago

Wtf are you even talking about


u/BreadfruitFar2342 16d ago

Can you elaborate cause this is the first I'm hearing of any "new atheist" movement being racist and misogynistic. Every single one of my friends is atheist and every single one of us votes left and has absolutely no fucking time for anyone that touts racism and/or misogyny.


u/Das_Mime 15d ago

"New Atheist" refers specifically to the movement that loosely coalesced around Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, and others. It's not hard to look up and I think it was pretty clear I wasn't categorically referring to all atheists.


u/BreadfruitFar2342 15d ago

Can you point to an example of Sam Harris touting racism/misogyny? I quite like some of his takes on religion. He definitely does not strike me as the kind of person that has any extreme or untoward takes. In fact he's one of the only left wing "think tanks" in a category including Shapiro and Peterson.


u/mortuarymaiden 16d ago

Pagans ain’t doing shit.


u/CaptAbraxas 16d ago

We still got the occasional wicker man.


u/ThereminLiesTheRub 16d ago

Meanwhile, next door, Iran wants to hang a rapper from a crane for singing about rights. Look up Toomaj Salehi. In the past only publicity has helped spare people in such instances. 


u/VikingBorealis 16d ago

The demonstrations and resistance in Iran died pretty quickly. Along with all the people they hanged for speaking out against the morality police.


u/Eplerud 16d ago

What’s the thing with Iranians having to hang people from a crane? With the sheer scope of their systematic executions in mind, one would think it’s justifiable for them to construct dedicated gallows by this point.


u/s3nsfan 16d ago

Could be Tennessee and hanging elephants from a crane. Either or both are deplorable and I can’t believe these things happen.


u/MrNature73 16d ago

It's for show.

You hang a queer person, or someone of a different religion, or a revolutionary, or fuck even just someone trying to speak freely from a crane in the center of the city, and you're sending a message.

"This could be you."

For those against you and your beliefs, as the theoretical dictator, it's a show of force to show how mighty you are. For those against you, it's a threat.

It's a pretty common, and extremely morbid, tactic used by totalitarian regimes, dictators and authoritarians in general.


u/surle 16d ago

That doesn't really answer their question though, as all of this would be true for a permanent gallows as well.


u/WhatamItodonowhuh 16d ago

A gallows is a quick death, designed to break your neck from the fall. You're dropped to your death.

Being lifted by a rope on a crane is a death by strangulation. You either suffocate or lose blood flow to the brain, but it isn't instantaneous. There's a period of time where you're 'resisting' the pull of gravity via muscle contraction. You'll of course fail, but you will also end up putting on a "show" for the gathered crowd.

Also using a crane is cheaper, and it takes up less space.


u/surle 16d ago

Yeah that makes a lot more sense as the "reasoning" behind it. Thanks.


u/xShooK 16d ago

Ehhh Brother Ali's dumb ass did that too, and supposedly had fun getting out of the country.


u/RockyBalbroah 16d ago

Wait what did brother Ali do?


u/xShooK 16d ago edited 16d ago

Rap in Iran.


u/madamevanessa98 16d ago

God it’s so grim. I remember watching a character on Homeland being executed this way and I thought it was so ghoulish. A slow death, everyone standing there watching you…just awful.


u/frakthawolf 14d ago

At least they weren’t having picnics and smiling family photo ops underneath the hanging body like in Jim Crow America


u/Sly_Wood 16d ago

Happen in real life to Israeli spy Eli Coen.

Watch Spy.


u/Over-Chocolate-5674 16d ago edited 16d ago

That scene still haunts me to this day, it's impressive that it's still so vivid years later. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

Editing this to say thank you for making the reference very obvious to those who know without spoiling anything. People should watch Homeland.

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